Carrier Command 2

Carrier Command 2

Ocen: 91
Krev's HDF Plane Modelswap
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22 czerwca 2022 o 6:15
23 czerwca 2022 o 0:23
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Krev's HDF Plane Modelswap

Swap your Albatross and Manta out for some of my planes! Hopefully!

These guys are part of a sci-fi thing I sort of do now and again over on Ravenfield's workshop - think space F16 and a space F15, I guess. The Impaler is the small one, the Talon is the big one - you'll need the script replacement for them to look a little more presentable and for the Albatross to stop being an Albatross and become a lite Manta.

I'd bundle the script edits with this mod, but that seems to make it a lot more crash-prone.


I'd wanted to give modding a shot for CC2 for some time, but I put it off at first because the mesh support didn't seem quite all there - couldn't import the files into blender, couldn't export files that the compiler would work with, only seemed to be one tutorial, on and on and on.

It has not become more approachable in the last four months, and i have spent over twelve hours in the past day trying to figure out how the hell I can swap planes, and all I can say is that it's miserable.

There's a litany of technical points about how the game apparently uses a 2014 ASCII FBX format, how the common Autodesk converter only goes up to 2013, or how the recommended Blender addon for importing/exporting is about thirty bucks itself, or how Navitato's guide to modelswappage must be set as unlisted or something - or how in the end it took copypasting hundreds of lines of code from one mesh file to the other to get the meshes to load ingame with textures - but I think it works? Maybe?

This whole thing has been kind of a pain, and half the time when I try to update the model it seems to crash the game when you launch the carrier, or are otherwise at sea.

Modelswapping these two planes in feels like the most obtuse thing I've ever had to go through in modding - or at least sits on par with trying to do mechs in RF.

I don't understand, my head hurts. Have planes.
Komentarzy: 22
Liao 17 kwietnia 2023 o 5:45 
So, I'm really not sure wether this is an issue with the game itself or with this mod but it appears that bombs, when launched from either of these planes, will basically start off on top of the plane's fuselage, get carried a bit further by it before actually falling off, resulting in points of impact being missed by a kilometer or two... :/
CEO of Social Anxiety 9 kwietnia 2023 o 4:20 
damn these do be looking like the X-02S Strike Wyvern from Ace Combat
Liao 11 marca 2023 o 13:46 
I feel the need to state that these are very very cool. :)
Darloth 1 października 2022 o 1:09 
If you make an update where the models don't touch scripts at all, then you could make a separate mod with scripts that don't touch the models at all - then people can use both of those to get your fully intended experience, or just the models, or just the scripts, without a big problem, whichever they need. Link one to the other in their descriptions, maybe make a collection, and it'll be easy for people to find them.

It's more of a fiddle to keep updated of course, but it is an option to consider.
krev  [autor] 30 września 2022 o 17:57 
pushed an update that tries to update the script half; i think it fixed the issues, but i'll probably make another version that doesn't overwrite any UI scripts so it can be slightly more update-proof and compatible with the UI enhancer

the tradeoff of that will be the extra weapon slots on the planes, but mod compatibility might be more important
DatBoi302 30 września 2022 o 16:40 
This mod breaks my logistic screen and im no longer able to order new items? Tried new save, tried only using this mod(s). Its only your plane mods along with the other flyable jet mod. Any ideas on how to fix this so it works?
KILL 29 września 2022 o 11:35 
Broken due to the new update, can no use the logistics menu to resupply the ship
Nikarus 4 września 2022 o 9:05 
Love the mod. Note on the several others who talk of the Manta lacking slots. The manta can carry the radar module, flares, and is faster. It's still the better craft for taking out shipping, air, and enemy air defenses. The larger weapons load on the Albatross makes it better for clearing islands that are already stripped of AA assets. Keeps the Albatross relevant in the late game.
AlbrechtWM 20 sierpnia 2022 o 22:59 
The Aesthetics are amazing, and I have had no problems with crashing or bugs when running it. I will say though, that the Manta is now vastly inferior to the Albatross due to the hardpoints. Any chance you can rebalance this?
Meow Meow 30 lipca 2022 o 2:22 
Love these two planes a lot!

Question: Manta seems to lack of hardpoints on the UI, making Albatros much more powerful.
And can we expect a reskin for helicopters too?