Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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MvM: How to play Engineer on 'Bavarian Botbash'
By Burrito Fingas! and 1 collaborators
This is a complete guide on how to properly play Engineer on 'Bavarian Botbash' in a very effective way; most of it related to a support-attack playstyle and focused to help provide tips and tricks for new players.
This guide includes important topics and game mechanics, such as loadouts, upgrade paths, specific building placements, list of tasks to do on each wave, dealing with Spybots, Sentry Busters and Tanks, and most importantly... sentry-blocking.

As said before, this guide primarily targets newer players to MvM itself, and to those newcomers: This is not a Bible, do not treat it as such. This is what we have learned in our time of playing the game and has been very effective for us. Adapt and play how you'd like to, and most importantly, have fun!
What you should know before playing
Before you start playing Engineer in MvM, there are some things you need to know and consider.
Engineer is a class that takes a long time to master and might not be very friendly to nearly clueless or completely inexperienced players. If you decide to main it for a certain amount of time, you'll find out that the Engie is a very easy, powerful, versatile and helpful class to play.
On the other hand, new players tend to ignore some things and usually make mistakes they should not be making. Playing Engineer isn't only about placing your buildings in only one point while you're guarding it from behind like a turtle: a proper positioning and having both optimal upgrades and wave knowledge also take good participation at the moment of playing this class... and this is very important to know.

Move your buildings if the situation demands it
This includes your Sentry, Dispenser, Teleporter exit and it's VERY important. On Rottenburg, It's very normal to see new players (and even players with considerable tour counts in Mann Up) who just keep their buildings placed on the left, even when no more robots are coming from there and now they spawn on the right. This is a very common mistake.
On certain waves, there are times when the robots only come from a specific area of ​​the map (for example, the balcony of ​​Mannhattan or the hill on the right side of Rottenburg). In this case, it's important to move your buildings and place them in a spot close to the area where the bots are spawning, so your team can have a stronger and more solid defense.
Also remember that buildings can have plenty of different placements on different spots around the map; all of them fitting with different playstyles. On this guide, we are going to cover most of the different and most effective building placements you can have on this mission.

Don't turtle with your Sentry
Don't stand behind your Sentry all the time. Be aware of your other buildings and repair them if they're about to be destroyed. You can also use the Rebuild Canteens to fix or rebuild all of them instantly.

Your Sentry can block Giants: make use of it
This is a game mechanic known as "Sentry-block" and is based on blocking giant robots (especially Giant Scouts) with the Sentry if the building is placed correctly in certain and specific spots around the map. If your team fails to keep a good blocking against Giant Scouts, try solving that issue by doing a good and reliable sentry-block.

Is this a hard mission to play?
For new players, yes, kind of a hard mission. The Giant Medic + Giant Soldier combo in the first wave poses a threat to newer players and can be a little bit complicated to beat if you don't know where to position yourself and/or if you're playing with subpar and weak teammates. Although, if we compare Bavarian with Hamlet Hostility, here you have way more credits that you can use to have more upgrades, and this makes the job of dealing with robots less risky. On later waves, the game becomes easier and shouldn't be that difficult to win. Anyways, anything can happen in this gamemode, so be prepared.
Also and like its other Rottenburg Advanced counterpart, Bavarian Botbash is a good mission to prove how effective you are by means of doing multiple tasks at the same time as well. Examples being: Tank damaging while your Sentry is performing a solid crowd control, changing the placements of your buildings quickly when the robots are changing their spawn point in order to not lose the frontline or keeping a solid and reliable sentry-block against Giant Scouts.
Weapon loadout: Options to consider
Generally and based on the classic MvM meta and regarding to weapon choices, Engineer has certain options which can be very effective to equip and use; ignore this section if you already know about what weapons can be used in this gamemode:

Primary: The Rescue Ranger
The Rescue Ranger allows players to move and place any building instantly by pressing right-click in case they want to keep them safe from enemy robots, and also can repair them by using left-click while aiming to the building that needs such fix. In terms of support-only, the Rescue Ranger is an excellent tool for the Engineer and makes the class easier to play.
It's by far, the most reliable tool for beginners.

Primary: The Widowmaker
This other option doesn't take too much action for a support-only play style but we didn't want to exclude it from this guide... at least to show players that this primary also exists and can be used properly if they're good enough.
The Widowmaker is a very reliable and good damage dealing tool. It doesn't require ammo to shoot and will use your metal instead - all the damage dealt with this primary is returned as metal, basically giving you infinite shots if you have a very good aiming. An Engineer with Widowmaker is a good choice to help destroy giant robots.

Primary: The Pomson 6000 (Only for Bavarian Botbash)
Even though the Pomson 6000 is a very rare weapon to see in MvM, its main and most notable feature shines at the moment of playing this specific mission.
The Pomson 6000 allows players to substract 10% of the ÜberCharge from enemy Medics on each hit they make on their target, including their robot versions. Some players might try to use this primary against little Über Medics in different missions like Empire Escalation or Hamlet Hostility, but this can be completely avoived when you have better and less risky alternatives for Medic picking (Sticky Demoman, Explosive Headshot Sniper, Crit Soldier and Gas Passer Pyro, as some examples), but the best situation in which you can apply using the Pomson is against Giant Medics.
On this mission, there are a total of 13 Giant Medics and some of them can activate their charges at low health, and this is very annoying, since it's normal to see some teammates (especially those who are inexperienced) getting killed by the Medic's pocket shortly afterwards. You can avoid this whole drama by using the Pomson or having someone that can one-shot the Giant Medics; on this guide we'll teach you how to properly use this weapon in case you want to give it a try.

Secondary: The Wrangler
The Wrangler allows players to control the Sentry manually, featuring an extended range when using this secondary, this being very effective in case you need to kill Sniperbots or leaving the Über Medics to the Demoman or Sniper of your team. Also and as important as the other features we mentioned, a wrangled Sentry gains a shield that protects the building and reduces damage by 66%, this working perfectly as a good tanking method against giant robots. This secondary also allows players to Sentry jump in case they want to go to certain places faster (especially when they're leaving the upgrade station) and/or help a teammate Medic to build an Übercharge faster by shooting themselves.

Secondary: The Short Circuit
A good counter to explosive spam from robots because the electricity orbs that can be fired by pressing right-click will destroy any kind of enemy projectiles.
On this mission, this secondary can be used in practically any wave. It's an excellent counter against blast damage spam coming from the robots on early waves.

Melee: Default Wrench

Using the default Wrench is a good melee option because it doesn't have any downside that can affect your gameplay. It's good enough to keep your buildings working.

Melee: The Jag

Unlike the default Wrench, using The Jag will increase the building deploying time with each hit you give to it. Otherwise, it will slow down by 20%.
You'll also have to hit 3 times to a building to take out the sapper from a Spybot, making your job "harder" in some cases.
Know the map
A little chapter made for new players about map knowledge. This is a must when you're playing Engineer and any class that demands certain and specific positioning.


The frontline is the place where all the teams start playing at the start of a mission and can be divided into 3 places: Left side, Right side and the Left side tunnel
  • The Left side is the place where most part of the robots are going to spawn on the mission
  • On the other hand, the Right side, also known as "the hill" or "cliff", is the secondary robot spawn point, used by Sniperbots and some hordes during all waves
  • The Left side tunnel is the Tank spawn point

Town square

Once the team has lost the frontline, it's very common to see players defending from the tunnel that connects the Rottenburg town with the frontline. The town square surrounds a tall tower that divides the Bomb and Tank path in two: Left and Right (In this case, the screenshot shows the right one)

When the robots take the left bomb path, they'll surround the tower in the middle of the town square, going through the dirt path underneath it. This place tends to be a choke point when the team fails to keep a defense on the town tunnel. Dispenser and Teleporter exit can go next to the pitfall down below the tall tower and the Sentry can be placed on the corner next to the pit, covering the dirt path and also working as a good sentry-blocking spot.

In case the robots are following the right bomb path, they'll go through the bridge next to the tall tower in the middle. This is another choke point when the team fails to keep the town tunnel clear. Dispenser and Teleporter exit can go close to the two barrels showed on the image above, next to the corner of the dirth path in the middle. Sentry usually goes on a similar spot with the Dispenser; as long as it's bomb guarding, it's acceptable.

Outer hatch Tank gates
This is in case the players taking the role of Tank Busters are taking too long to destroy a Tank. Exclusively for the left bomb path. Both entrance and exit gates for the Tank are part of the outer hatch area.

Entrance. The door opens when the Tank is close to it and once it's on the inside it will close. At this point, the Tank Busters will have to move to the exit gate to continue attacking the Tank.

Exit, connected to the bomb hatch. Tank Busters won't have a lot of time to destroy the Tank, so using Crits canteens are an option to consider.
Building placements

Standard Teleporter entrance with 2-Way, always pointing at the nearest upgrade station. In this guide, Teleporter placements are only focused if the player buys the 2-Way upgrade.

Standard Teleporter exit with 2-Way, always placed close to the frontline. The robots DON'T attack the teleporter exit unless someone is standing on it, so an exposed position is much better than a distant one in most cases. The 2-Way Teleporter placed close to the frontline can be used by players who tend to upgrade or buy canteens midwave (Instakill Demoman, Canteen sharing Medic or Damage Scout as some examples). If you're the Engineer, you can also use your teleporter in case you need more canteens or just to buy additional upgrades during a wave.

Another variation for the Tele exit, commonly used on teams with very experienced players. Not really recommended to use at early waves if you're with subpar or inexperienced players.

By far, this is the most common placement for the Teleporter exit in Rottenburg, in most cases without the 2-Way upgrade.
Anyways, if you have such upgrade, you can place it here if you have a good and effective Sniper on your team. Some players picking this class tend to do the same thing of upgrading midwave and might ask you to place the Tele exit close to them; this is for their convenience only.

Teleporter exit in case you lost the frontline and the team is forced to defend close to the Tank barricade.

Another Tele exit placement on the right side of the town tunnel. Can be used if the team lost both frontline and the Tank barricade area.


Standard placement behind the left side rock. Very reliable and effective spot as long as the team has a solid crowd control. Spot only focused when the robots are spawning on the left.

Standard Dispenser placement when the robots are coming from the right.

Another variation when it comes to defend the right side. Very aggressive placement and can be used if you have two or three teammates standing on the hill. The Teleporter exit also shares this spot close to the Dispenser for those who like to spam canteens or upgrading midwave.

If the team is losing the frontline, a Dispenser behind the right side rock next to the Tank barricade is also a good placement if you have to fall back.

Dispenser placement if you have teammates defending on the town tunnel.

Passive Dispenser next to the town tunnel. Can be used if there's a lot of spam from the robots and you can't keep a solid Dispenser on the tunnel.


Some kind of aggressive Sentry placement when the robots come from the left. It's a solid and wise choice if you want your Sentry to take less damage from the robots, as they'll already be targeting your teammates instead of your buildings.

Standard Sentry placement when the robots come from the right. It's exposed, but offers a solid crowd control if your teammates are helping you. Having this placement is kind of tricky at the beginning for new players because demands you to place the Sentry on a very specific point on the rock. We decided to include an extra screenshot of how you can place the Sentry on this spot.

Another placement for the Sentry in case you lost the frontline and the robots are starting to drop from the hill. If the team is losing the frontline, a Sentry behind the right side rock next to the Tank barricade is also a good placement if you're stuck on that point.

Sentry spot placed close to the town tunnel in case you lost the entire frontline. If you decide to use this one, we suggest you to equip and use The Wrangler to counter possible high spam from the robots.

Only a good spot for the Sentry when it comes to attack Tanks. Otherwise, it can be very vulnerable on early waves, since the robots will start shooting it very quckly, forcing you to use Building Canteens or move the building to a safer spot.
Wave 1
The first wave of Bavarian is very simple. It has 2 Giant Scouts spawning practically at the start of the game, so to those who are already familiar with Engineer's tasks on MvM, will know that sentry-blocking is required on this wave. Then, the rest of the wave continues with little robots coming from both left and right sides and almost at the end you'll have a Giant Soldier + Giant Medic combo spawning on the right; we're going to explain to you how to deal with these giants at the end of this chapter.

On wave 1, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Sentry-block the 2 Giant Scouts spawning on the left side
  • 2) Use the Sentry to kill the groups of Heavybots coming from the right side spawn
  • 3) Use the Pomson 6000 to reduce the Giant Medic's ÜberCharge meter so it can't pop its charge
  • 4) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back

Upgrades at the start
From the Wave 1 to Wave 7 chapter, all of the upgrades shown will be cumulative and can be bought without any issue; there's no need to do refunds on each wave.

  • Buy 3 points of +100% of Dispenser Range: A bigger Dispenser range will give ammo, health and metal to players without requiring them to touch or "hug" the building. If the Dispenser doesn't have this upgrade, players will be forced to hug it and stay very close to the building, making it weak against splash damage
  • Get 2-way Teleporters: An excellent option in case you want to buy additional upgrades and canteens midwave or at the end of the wave. This upgrade allows everyone to get back to the base very quickly without having to walk all the way back to the spawn or using a killbind, and can also be used during a wave to get more upgrades and canteens. Usually, a canteen sharing Medic or players with aggressive playstyles tend to do this thing very frequently, so a 2-way tele should do the trick
  • Then, you can buy 1 point of +100% of Building Health if you want to make your buildings more tanky or you can try getting 1 tick of +10% of Sentry Firing Speed if you want your Sentry to kill the robots faster. On the first wave, 1 tick of this upgrade will also increase the Sentry's firing speed while using the Wrangler, but then on wave 2 it will require you to buy the second tick if you want to use such secondary to have an increased firing speed too
  • Buy 3 Building Canteens and use them to keep your buildings working or insta-deploy a new one if it got destroyed

How to play
- Wave 1 starts with 4 groups of Soldierbots spawning on the left, followed by a Giant Scout and the last group of Soldiers. Your main objective here is to sentry-block the Giant Scout, which can be done with no major issues as long as you know how to. Depending on where the bomb is located, you’ll have to place your Sentry in a blocking spot so it can do it properly.

Sentry-blocking the first Giant Scout while using The Wrangler. There’s a little distance between the Sentry and the rock, approximately 1 sentry-width. Otherwise and if your Sentry is flush with the rock or corner, the Giants will move to the other side of the building to get around and of course, the sentry-block will fail.

- Once the first Giant Scout is destroyed, you’ll have 20 Demoknights coming from the right side, so it’s recommended to warn your teammates so they can kill them before they get close to you. When you hear the Demoknights charging their shields, you’ll have the last Giant Scout coming from the left. Apply a sentry-block and use the Wrangler to destroy it.

- Following the last Giant Scout, you’ll have 50 Scoutbots coming from the left and 20 Heavybots spawning on the right. You can place your Sentry on the right side rock because it can cover both spawn areas: it will quickly kill the Scouts as long as it has ammo and your teammates can take care of the Heavies on the right.

- And then, the final stage of this first wave features a Giant Soldier + Giant Medic combo spawning on the right side and 16 Demomanbots coming from the left. It’s important to know that this Giant Medic can pop its charge if it has low health, but there’s a little trick to avoid it: Equip the Pomson- 6000 and shoot the Giant Medic so it loses its charge and makes your teammates' job easier.

It’s simple: Once all of the Heavybots are gone, temporarily switch your primary to the Pomson. Then, you can kill yourself (use a killbind to do it instantly) and ask your teammate Medic to revive you so you can have your Pomson ready quickly.
Then, tell your teammates Heavy or Soldier to focus on the Giants and leave the Demos from the left to your Sentry Gun.
Next, go the hill and wait for the giants to drop. Make sure to stay not too close to their spawn, so the Giant Soldier doesn't target you and wait for it to start shooting your teammates. Then, start shooting the Giant Medic with the Pomson. If you have a decent aiming, all of your hits will practically make the robot Medic useless and it will be easier for your team to kill the giants.

Once all robots are gone, you’ll pass the wave.
Wave 2
A simpler wave compared to the first one, but has its ‘tough’ moment nearly at the end.
As you can see, you have plenty of giants on wave 2, all of them coming from the left, so try telling your teammates to stay on the frontline all the time and don’t let the giants move forward.
On the other hand, you also have a Tank, but as we already explained on the previous Two Cities guides we made, one single player can solo the Tank on their own (classes like a Beggar’s Bazooka Soldier with damage upgrades+Crits/Ammo canteens, Phlogistinator Pyro, Damage Scout, Cleaner’s Carbine+Bushwacka Sniper and a Widowmaker Engineer do a perfect job by means of Tank busting). We suggest considering the use of The Widowmaker with full Firing Speed in case you want to help destroy the Tank fast or if you don’t trust your teammates.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Help your team by attacking the Giant Pyros and the groups of Flare Gun Pyros and Scoutbots by using your Sentry and/or the Widowmaker
  • 2) Follow the Tank once it spawns and use the Widowmaker to attack and destroy it
  • 3) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • You can buy the second point of +100% of Building Health to make your buildings even more tanky, or you can also buy one tick of such upgrade and then combine it with one point of +10% of Sentry Firing Speed
  • Equip the Widowmaker and get full +10% of Firing Speed. This will be used to follow and destroy the Tank
  • Buy 3 Crit Canteens and use them at the moment of shooting the Tank with the Widowmaker. This is optional though, but it really makes a difference and makes you able to destroy it very quickly

How to play
Wave 2 starts with 5 groups of Giant Crit Pyros, Flare Gun Pyrobots and 20 Scoutbots. They’re very easy to kill, so it shouldn’t be a problem. You can use your Sentry and your Widowmaker to attack them too.

- When the last group of Pyros and Scouts is destroyed, a Tank will spawn in the left side tunnel. Depending if you’re using the Widowmaker or not, start shooting the Tank and tell some of your teammates (Heavy most likely) to stay on the frontline. Some players need to stay at the front due to the groups of Soldiers that will start to come from the left side spawn and you need at least one player defending that area.

It’s important to leave and keep the Dispenser on the frontline; don’t destroy it and replace it close to the Tank Busters because they won’t need as much as the people staying on front.

Once the Tank is destroyed, the rest of the wave is pretty much over. The rest of it continues with more groups or Soldierbots and it ends with 3 Giant Soldiers using Concheror, Battalion’s Backup and Buff Banner. Once they’re destroyed, you’ll win the wave.
Additional tip: If you were using The Widowmaker on this wave, you can also use it and shoot the Giant Soldiers in order to do some extra damage. If you have a Medic, try staying behind their shield and take some cover so you can avoid the rockets and don't get yourself killed so easily. Another smart move you can do here is to equip and use the Short Circuit to destroy the enemy rockets.
Wave 3
This one can be a little bit tricky wave for inexperienced players.
The biggest threat is featured on Wave 3 are the Giant Crit Heavy pocketed by a Giant Medic due to obvious reasons. This Giant Medic can activate its Quick Fix ÜberCharge if it has low health, so the best thing you can do is to kill the Giant Medics as fast as possible. Otherwise, you’ll see at least one teammate getting killed instantly if they’re not careful and smart.
You can see players using Crits canteens (like a Heavy, Soldier, Pyro or Demoman) in order to shred the giants, but sometimes the Giant Medic will pop its charge anyways. If you want to guarantee that the Giant Medic won’t pop at all, using The Pomson 6000 with this robot is almost mandatory. Another tip, If you have a Soldier on your team, ask them to equip the Battalion's Backup for this wave!

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Place your Sentry on the right side rock so it can kill the groups of Hyper League Scouts (baseball icon) coming from the hill
  • 2) Use the Pomson 6000 to reduce the ÜberCharge meter of the 2 Giant Medics so they can't pop they charges
  • 3) Use the Sentry to kill the groups of Heavies and Scoutbots coming from the right side once the Giant Heavy is gone
  • 4) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • At this point of the game and if your teammate Scout didn't lose lots of credits, you'll be able to buy the last tick of Building Health and make your buildings as tanky as possible
  • In case you didn't get Sentry Firing Speed on wave 2, you can do it now, since you'll have enough credits for this upgrade
  • Buy 3 Building Canteens and use them as a backup plan if your buildings get destroyed

How to play
- Wave 3 starts with 40 Shotgun Heavybots spawning on the left followed by 3 Giant Scouts. Meanwhile, on the right side you’ll have 30 Hyper League Scoutbots.
Your task here is to place the Sentry on the right side rock so it can kill all the Scoutbots coming from the hill while the rest of the team is taking care of the left. Simple.

- Once the last of the 3 Giant Scouts on the left is destroyed, take the 2-way Teleporter back to the base and switch your primary back to the Pomson 6000. Go back to the frontline and you’ll probably see the Giants Heavy and Medic coming. Try sneaking behind them (don’t run in front of them) and wait until they fall and then shoot the Giant Medic with the Pomson. 4 shots are enough to reduce a considerable amount of its charge and (hopefully…) your team will do the rest with the Giant Heavy. It’s important to warn you about the Spybots spawning behind the team once the giants fall, so watch out and don’t get yourself backstabbed. Once you see the Giant Medic is destroyed, you’re free to switch your primary back to the main weapon you were using.

You can hide behind this fence and wait for the Giant Heavy to drop and start targeting the rest of your team.

Then, start shooting both Giant Medics so they lose their charges.

- Once the giants are gone, you’ll have groups of Heavies and Scoutbots coming from the right, so place both Sentry and Dispenser close to the hill. These robots are very easy to kill so they shouldn’t be a big deal for the team.

- The wave ends with the last 3 Giant Scouts coming from the left, so make sure to place your Sentry close to the right side rock so you can block the giants if your teammates fail to kill them quickly.

Wave 4
This wave is simpler compared to the previous one: You’ll have a Tank and little robots coming from the left, and giants on the right.
The key here is to have one or two teammates (with proper weapons and upgrades) following and attacking the Tank, while the rest is staying in front and killing the rest of the robots. Otherwise, if the entire team follows the tank (something that is very unnecessary), it’s practically guaranteed that you’ll lose the entire frontline very quickly, and this is a very common thing to witness in games with inexperienced players.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Follow the Tank while attacking it with the Widowmaker
  • 2) Once the Tank is destroyed, help your team on the frontline and use both your Sentry and Widowmaker to kill the Giant Crit Demos spawning on the right
  • 3) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • Having one tick of +50% of Max Metal Capacity allows you to build a Sentry, Dispenser and Teleporter exit without having to search for metal around the map, and this is quite helpful if the team lost the frontline and somehow the robots destroyed your teleporter exit
  • Buy 3 points of +30% of Crit Resistance to be less vulnerable against the crit pipe spam from the Giant Demos and have more chances to survive if you're attacking or leaving their line of sight
  • You can also get Projectile Penetration for the Widowmaker if you're willing to use the weapon with the Giant Demos too, especially if you're trying to shoot behind their backs while they're targeting the rest of your team. This upgrade is optional, so it's up to you
  • Get 3 Crit Canteens and use them while you're attacking the Tank with the Widowmaker

How to play
First, you have groups of Demoknights and Cow Mangler Soldierbots spawning on the left.

Then, you’ll see a Tank coming from the tunnel and simultaneously, Giant Crit Demos will spawn on the right side. At this point, tell your teammate Heavy or Soldier to focus on the Giant Demos so they can keep a solid control on the frontline.
*insert image*

Once the Tank is destroyed, most part of the wave is practically finished. Since you'll be using the Widowmaker, we suggest you to help your team by attacking the Giant Demos.

You’ll have more Demoknights and Cow Mangler Soldierbots on the left and more Giant Crit Demos on the right. Kill the remaining robots to win the wave.
Wave 5
Another wave with Giant Medics, so you can try applying the “Pomson strat” again.
Just like wave 4, you’ll have robots coming from both spawn areas, so tell your teammates to defend both left and right sides as you’re using your Sentry for bomb guarding and extra defense too.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Use the Pomson 6000 to reduce the ÜberCharge meter of the 2 Giant Medics so they can't pop their charges
  • 3) Use the Sentry to kill the groups of Heavies, Demomen, Engineers and Soldierbots coming from the right side once the first Giant Heavy is destroyed
  • 4) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • At this point, you'll already have all the upgrades that are needed for a decent game. Of course, having Building Canteens is recommended in any situation. If you're having an A+ rating, you'll have some extra credits with you. If you don't know what additional upgrades you can buy, you have some extra options: Buying one or two points of +25% of Bullet Resistance to be safer against the support Sniperbots or the groups of Heavybots or +25% of Blast Resistance if you feel that you'll be exposed against the hordes of Demomanbots, or even buying additional Metal Capacity or Attack Speed on your Wrench/Jag

How to play
- Wave 5 starts with 40 Crit Scoutbots on the left, followed by a Giant Heater Heavy + Giant Medic combo and Spybots spawning close to the team.

Watch out for the Spies and try sneaking behind the giants and as soon as they fall, use the Pomson and shoot the Giant Medic so it loses their charge and hope for the best for your team to kill the giants quickly.
*insert image*

- Once the giants are gone, you’ll have the rest of Scoutbots coming from the left and 20 Heavybots spawning on the right side. Since it’s very normal to see teammates already defending the left area, we suggest you place your Sentry looking and covering the right side hill so it can kill the Heavies quickly. As well, don’t forget to ask at least one teammate to help you defend the right side if your Sentry gets destroyed; if you have someone with you, pick and place the Dispenser on the right so they won’t run out of ammo.

- Once the Scouts and Heavybots are destroyed, 40 Demomen followed by Engiebots will come from the hill as well; at this point, all teammates should be playing on the right side, no exceptions.
*insert image*

- When all Demomanbots are gone, the last Giant Huo-Long Heater Heavy + Giant Medic combo will come from the left and simultaneously, you’ll have 20 Crit Soldierbots and 15 Huntsmen spawning on the right. The giants are a bigger priority compared to the rest, so you can help your team by using the Pomson once again and take most part of the Giant Medic’s charge.

Meanwhile, your Sentry should stay on the right to kill some of the Crit Soldierbots until your teammates kill the giants and help you kill the rest of the robots.

In this case, the Crit Soldiers killed most of the team but the Sentry managed to kill all of them close to the Tank barricade.

Once the giants get destroyed, the wave is practically done. Just kill the remaining robots and that’s it.
Wave 6
Despite the fact that this wave has 8 Giant Medics, it’s important to know that these ones don’t pop their charges when they have low health, so using the Pomson won’t be necessary. The thing that is important on this wave is to keep a solid crowd control in order to not lose ground and time.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Use the Widowmaker to kill the Giant Demo pocketed by 2 Giant Medics and then follow and destroy the Tank
  • 2) Once task 1) is completed, place your Dispenser and Sentry on the right to help your team handle the right side and kill the robots spawning from that area
  • 3) Optional: If you decide to use the Widowmaker for the entire wave, use it to attack and help your team destroy the Giant Soldier and Heavies pocketed by Giant Medics that will come from the right
  • 4) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • Having full Blast Resistance really comes in handy for this wave, specially at the start of it, when you have to deal with the groups of little Demos and a giant one pocketed by Giant Medics on the left, and also nearly at the end, when you have Concheror Soldiers and a giant one with Giant Meds, followed by groups of little Crit Demos on the right. Almost at the end of the wave you can get full Bullet Resistance too, due to the 2 Giant Heavies coming from the right robot spawn
  • Buy 3 Crit Canteens and use them if you're attacking the Tank with the Widowmaker

How to play
- Wave 6 starts with 20 Crit Scouts and Crit Huntsman Sniperbots coming from the left, followed by 30 Demomen. Place and keep your Sentry gun on the left so it can help with the crowd control.

As soon as they’re gone, you’ll have a Giant Demo pocketed by 2 Giant Medics coming from the left as well and a Tank. If you decide to equip The Widowmaker with its full firing speed upgrade, you can shoot the giants or just stay and follow the Tank.

In this case, (Burrito) decided to focus on the giants in the first place and then follow the Tank. Same strat as with the Giant Heavy and Medics; hiding on the fences and wait for the robots to drop and then using the Sentry and the Widowmaker with Crit canteens to kill the Medics.

And then, using the last Crit Canteen on the Tank.

Once the Giant Demo, Giant Quick-Fix Medics and the Tank are destroyed, most of the wave is spent on the right side, so move and place your buildings close to that area. If the robots managed to carry and drop the bomb close to the town tunnel, then we suggest you to place the Sentry close to it so you can do a safe and reliable bomb guarding.

Now, you’ll have 20 Crit Scoutbots on the left and 20 Crit Huntsman Sniperbots on the right. Once the left side Scouts are destroyed, the entire wave takes place on the right. Following the 20 Huntsmen, you’ll have 30 Concheror Soldiers and a Giant Soldier with 2 Giant Quick-Fix Medics.

At this point, using The Widowmaker is an excellent option to help kill the giants quickly, just like an additional tip. As usual, waiting for the Giant Soldier to drop and start shooting at your teammates and then attacking the Giant Medics from their backs is recommended if you don't want to get killed.

Then, the wave goes the same way: More groups of Crit Scouts and Huntsman Sniperbots, followed by 20 Crit Demomanbots. Once all of them are gone, the wave ends with 2 Giant Deflector Heavies pocketed by 4 Giant Medics, divided in 2 groups.

Here it shows most of the wave until the end of it. In this case, Dispenser was placed on the hill to allow the rest of the teammates to play aggressively and they were able to completely handle the right side with no deaths.
Wave 7
This wave has only giant robots with crits. The key to decently complete this mission is to be as tanky and smart as you can.
Also, Giant Heavies are "smarter" and have a better tracking on players and the Giant Crit Soldiers do more damage (one single crocket will instantly kill you, ignoring if you have full crit resistances or not), so it's strongly recommended to have both full Crits and Blast Resistances if you have enough money because they also work at the moment of being tanky against these giants. You can buy full Bullet Resistance if you don't want to be vulnerable against the Support Sniperbots.

And lastly, on this wave everything will be explained as if you’re using the Widowmaker with its proper upgrades because it’s one of the waves in which you can use this primary with no big issues and make great contributions to your team.

In this wave, your main objectives will be:
  • 1) Follow and destroy the Tank while using the Widowmaker
  • 2) Kill the 8 Giant Crit Demos that will come from the right side once the Tank is destroyed
  • 4) General task: Use the Sentry to provide a safe bomb guarding if the team lost the frontline and has to fall back


  • We already explained this thing above. If you have the money, then buying full resistances (except the fire one) is a good choice to tank better with giants. Anyways, remember that Engineer is a class with not too much health. You can be tanky, but not immortal; learn to dodge projectiles in order to survive.
  • Buy 3 Crit Canteens and use them to attack the Giant Demos on the right

How to play
- Last wave starts with a Tank on the left, so it’s a good moment to use the Widowmaker and shoot until you take it out.

Then, the rest of the wave has 4 Giant Crit Deflector Heavies with 4 Giant Crit Soldiers and support Über-Quick Fix Medicbots on the left and 8 Giant Crit Demomen on the right.

- In most cases, you’ll see the whole team exclusively staying close to the Dispenser while defending the left side, so if you want to defend the right robot spawn and kill the Giant Demos before they try to kill you or your mates, you can use your Sentry and your primary: Place it in the middle of the edge that the robots use to fall and leave the hill, and then use The Wrangler...

- ... Wait until the Demos fall from their spawn and they’ll be blocked by the Sentry gun. In that moment, use the Widowmaker and shoot the giants while using Crits canteens.

If you’re fast enough, you’ll kill both giants before your Sentry gets destroyed and you’ll be able to fix it and get more metal so you can keep dealing with the rest of the giants.

Watch out for the groups of 3 support Sniperbots that will continually spawn on the hill. If you want to do the task of dealing with the Giant Demos and kill them quickly, then using Crits canteens is strongly recommended; that’s why we decided to include them in the upgrades section above.
It’s worth mentioning that this task can be avoided if you see that a teammate Soldier is already killing the giants on the hill or if you have a Demo placing crit sticky traps up there; they work as an insta-kill method.

And that completes the mission in a simple and efficient way.
Engineer Bot spawn/deploying points
Engineerbots spawn in plenty of places around the map depending on where the bomb is located. In case you want to prevent Engiebots to deploy their Sentries and Teleporter exits that can be a problem for your team and the progress of the wave, you'll have to know where they can spawn.

These are their spawn points showed in order:

Sentry Busters: How to deal with them
Engineer's most common enemy in MvM.
There are plenty of ways to "trigger" (detonate) Sentry Busters and here you'll learn all of them, so you can have different options to take in case you need to deal with these robots.

Passive triggering
Passive triggering refers to a way to detonate Busters without having to attack them. It can be done by 3 possible ways:
  • Using the Rescue Ranger: The most simple method. If the Buster is about to explode next to your Sentry by using the detonation animation with its beeping sound, point at your main building with the Rescue Ranger and press right-click so you can pick it up away from the robot and the big explosion it will make. Rescue Ranger's alt-firing costs 100 of metal, so make sure you have enough of it before trying to rescue your building.

  • Detonation baiting: Another variation of passive triggering but this time it doesn't require the use of the Rescue Ranger. In case you want to trigger a Buster quickly, just pick your Sentry and walk towards the robot or you can wait for it to come to you. Once the Buster collides with you, it will make the animation to detonate itself, so you'll have to walk away from it in order to avoid the explosion.
    This can be very obvious but in case you're asking, do this baiting away from your team and the rest of your buildings.

  • Destroy-Rebuild: Another possibility in case you don't like to deal with multiple Busters if your Sentry is doing a considerable amount of damage. Some players will find easier and more simple to just let the Buster destroy the Sentry and then rebuild another one instantly by using a Building canteen.

Aggressive triggering (Damage farming)
Attacking the Buster before it reaches the Engineer's Sentry is also another way to deal with this robot. Stickybomb traps, blast and bullet damage and also assisting by milking and slowing the Buster (only if the Scout has the -35% Speed on Target upgrade of The Mad Milk), all of them can be applied if teammates want to give the Engineer a little break from these enemies. Attacking Busters is also a good way to farm damage.
One important thing to follow here is that attacking and killing Busters is ok as long as you don't destroy them close to any building, so make sure that your Dispenser and Teleporter exit are in safe spots from detonations. Buildings can resist rockets, bullets and pipes but one single explosion from a Buster will instantly destroy them.

Special trick: Sentry Buster glitch
It's possible to insta-detonate the Sentry Buster before it reaches the Sentry and it's also possible to lock it into one place without triggering, working as a helpful "Übercharge "dispenser" in case you're playing with a teammate Medic.
If you want to learn more about this special trick, check this guide. All credits go to its creator:
Dealing with Spybots
There's not really a special way to kill Spies, just be aware from where they're spawning and take them out quickly before they try to backstab you.
On this mission, Spybots spawn on waves 3, 4, 5 and 7.
  • On wave 3, 12 Spybots will spawn behind and in front of the team once the first Giant Heavy + Giant Medic combo are about to drop from their spawn. If you're trying to use the Pomson with the Giant Med and you're hiding on the fences close to the left robot spawn, you'll see some Spybots behind you, so try to stay away from them while shooting the Giant Meds with your primary
  • On waves 4, 5 and 7, 2 spybots will constinuosly spawn in groups of 2 until the waves are over, normally behind the team or in front of it.
Spybots can spawn behind or in front of the team, and if for some reason there are players on the base (being AFK or buying upgrades midwave), they'll also spawn close to the bomb hatch.
Try asking for a teammate (we suggest a Soldier or Pyro) to kill the Spybots quickly when they spawn so they won't be a problem for the rest of the team.
Additional tips?
Don't be scared of using multiple canteens on a single wave
Especially if you're using Building canteens. They only cost 50 credits each and are an excellent option to insta-repair deploy your buildings in case they're getting a lot of damage or got destroyed.

Move your buildings!
Use the Sentry to watch and secure the bomb if the robots dropped it far away from the frontline.
Place the Dispenser on the area where the team is defending; you have plenty of possible placements around the map.
Be reactive to building relocation requests, especially when they come from experienced players; don't be unteachable

Use the Pomson 6000
As we already explained, this is practically the only mission in which you can use this weapon optimally, only speaking in the case of the waves with Giant Medics.

Don't ignore Spybots
They can be very annoying for you and the whole team if you don't kill them quickly. When you hear the Spybot alert by the Administrator, watch your back and be aware.
If the team has a Soldier or Pyro, try asking them for help to deal with Spies because they're good classes for this task in particular, or you can also do it by yourself by playing aggressively (hitting them with your primary or your wrench).
In conclusion
  • Learning how to properly play this and any mission as Engineer will require map knowledge and wave memorization
  • Know which robots will and won't be your priorities on each wave. Having or not having a good Demoman or Sniper on your team can make a big difference at the time of playing
  • The Rescue Ranger is the best primary for new players. If you're good enough, try using the Widowmaker for a different game experience
  • Know how to Sentry-block; this shows the difference between a good and a bad Engineer
  • Try applying aggressive or passive building placements according to your teammates playstyles
  • If you want a solid and easy-going game, buy and make use of the 2-Way Teleporters
  • Know how to deal with Sentry Busters
  • Request your teammates to kill Spybots when they spawn or try doing it by yourself; don't ignore them
  • Be aware when you get the Engiebot alert from the Administrator and try to take them out before they place their Sentries. It's important to know their spawn points
  • Compared to Hamlet Hostlity, this mission is easier to complete, but this isn't excuse to avoid doing most of your tasks.
    You don't have Über Medics on this mission. Instead, you'll have the giant ones, which are practically the same but less annoying; but at least you won't have lots of them.
    Bavarian Botbash is a very good mission to practice crowd control while doing Tank busting too.
    In addition, this is the only mission where using the Pomson 6000 is considered as a very viable and smart option to make the Giant Medics practically useless

    We hope this guide can benefit the plethora of beginner Engineer players in MvM, and we hope to see you using our tips and tricks in a future game!
    If you have questions related to this mission we'll be more than happy to answer them on the comment section down below, cheers.
More guides available
For those who are interested in maining Engineer in the Two Cities operation, check the rest of our guides:
-- We appreciate any kind of feedback or comments related to the guide. Off-topic comments will be ignored/deleted/blocked. --
Burrito Fingas!  [author] 11 Jan, 2023 @ 8:36pm 
Muy pronto. :steamhappy:
Lord StarKill 11 Jan, 2023 @ 7:26pm 
Spanish translation for those who do not know English :c
Burrito Fingas!  [author] 16 Dec, 2022 @ 9:59pm 
Thanks for the comment.
At the moment of writing this, I have no plans of doing more guides because my main goal was to cover the entire Two Cities operation and only focused to the Engineer.
how aim 16 Dec, 2022 @ 8:38pm 
And DANG that is long.
how aim 16 Dec, 2022 @ 8:38pm 
We need more high-effort guides like this.
☆Abbie☆ 15 Dec, 2022 @ 9:45am 
engineer gameing.
Burrito Fingas!  [author] 13 Dec, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
Thank you for leaving your point of view. I'm always trying to improve my playing style and it's always good to take advice and opinions from more experienced players.
I'm not currently thinking of making Gear Grinder guides, since that's not my main operation and I don't really remember its missions properly. Anyways, I'm thinking of grinding some tours there soon and maybe I'll try to do proper guides once I get enough experience.
7AMINTN 13 Dec, 2022 @ 9:52am 
yeah I mean, like I've said is not a mistake or something objectivly wrong, I just think that is not necessary at all to spend that amount of cash so early but it's jsut my point of view, for example even if you don't use crits you can get the tank pretty fast if your pyro/soldier/scout/ecc helps you damaging the tank, anyway you did a great job with this 2 cities guides, keep up and if one day you want I suggest you to make this type of content even for Gear Grinder ;)
Burrito Fingas!  [author] 13 Dec, 2022 @ 6:39am 
Thank you for the comment amigo. I appreciate the feedback.
I added Crit Canteens on wave 2 out of habit more than anything else, as I've always use them since I learned how to use the Widow for Tank busting, just to do such task faster.
Using Crits Canteens on Tanks is optional by the way, so if some players want to avoid them, no problems. I personally don't feel the need of saving more credits for wave 3, unless the Scout misses 200 credits or more during the game, but I'll consider your tip.
7AMINTN 13 Dec, 2022 @ 5:51am 
good guide overall but, even if your point of view is respectable, in my opinion, crit boosts on W2 are completelly unneccessary (like for the rest of the mission but not as much as wave 2 as by saving those 300 you can do more upgrades on wave 3) also i would go for 1 firing speed instead of the second building health but it's a detail.