Оцінок: 119
Автор: legend
This guide will contain all information on how to obtain all achivements in the game HATRED. With this being my first guide please give me feedback in the comment section to how i could improve it or if i missed any important information. Also there could apear typos and bad sentence syntax bcs im stupid and english is not my primary language.
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В улюблених
SLUGGISH- beat the game on Story Mode

WUSS- beat the game on Easy

HATER- beat the game on Hard

EXTREMIST- beat the game on Extreme

MADMAN- beat the game on Insane

All of them are prety self explantory. Just beat the game on chosen difficulty to get respective achivement. Worth mentioning that finishing the game on higher difficulty will grant you previous achivements (e.g.: completing game on Hard will grant you HATER achivement as well as WUSS and SLUGGISH).








All of these achivements are unlocked by completing main story levels with all sidequests. The later are unlocked on Insane difficulty. For that i will link a guide made by Gamechamp who has done an amazing job going through all these levels on Insane difficulty, so go there and give him some love.

guide on insane all sidequests^
BAY WOULD BE PROUD- Destroy 50 explosive items
Stuff like cars, extinguishers and barrels.

GRAND THEFT HATRED- Destroy 10 cars in 10 seconds

POLICE BRUTALITY- Cause 10 people to be shot by police
Have civilians in between you and hostiles and hope they will accidentaly shoot them

JACKSON POLLOCK- Kill 10 people with one grenade explosion
This can be easily done in level 1 during funeral procession

or in level 5 by throwing granade in the crowd during election rally

TERRORIST- Kill 1,000 people

NATURAL SELECTOR- Kill 2,000 people

GENOCIDE MACHINE- Kill 3,000 people

DEATH INCARNATE- Kill 5,000 people

RAIDER OF APOCALYPSE- Kill 10,000 people

COP KILLER- Kill 200 police officers

RIOT CAUSER- Kill 500 police officers

CAN OPENER- Kill 50 SWAT Team members

LEON- Kill 100 SWAT Team members

VIETCONG- Kill 150 soldiers

OMAHA BEACH MG BUNKER- Kill 300 soldiers

MAINSTREAM GUY- Kill 50 hipsters

FEMINIST- Kill 2,000 males

MISOGYNIST- Kill 2,000 females

WINNERS DON'T USE DRUGS- Execute 20 junkies
They can be found throughout sewers in level 2, just walk up to them and put them down with execute

EDGY- Perform 500 executions

KENTUCKY FRIED PEOPLE- Set 200 people on fire

POSTAL DUDE WOULD BE PROUD- Set 500 people on fire

LIBERAL- Fire 10,000 rounds

CONSERVATIVE- Fire 25,000 rounds

"WAR IS IN MY BOOD" J. R.- Fire 50.000 rounds


YOU SHOULD SEE A SHRINK- Play for 50 hours

smash your balls with a rock
Almost all of these achivements (I think) can also be done in survival game mode.
REGURAL WHINER- Acquire Rank 5 in Survival

BRUTALITY EXPERT- Acquire Rank 10 in Survival

HATRED COMMANDO- Acquire Rank 15 in Survival

SERIAL SUICIDE- Die 10 times in Survival

I'M THE GOOD GUY- Hit the 25000 score mark as a Policeman in Survival

LIKE A COP- Reach the score of 25000 as a Policeman only using regural pistol on your victims in Survival

IT STINGS!- Hit the 25000 score mark as Widowmaker in Survival

I'M FAST- Reach the score of 25000 as a Widowmaker only using SWAT sub-machine gun on your victims in Survival

NO PLACE LIKE PRISON- Hit the 25000 score mark as a Recidivist in Survival

TOUGH GUY- Reach the score of 25000 as a Recidivist only using shotgun on your victims in Survival

GUY NEXT DOOR- Reach the score of 50000 in Survival

CHICK ACROSS THE STREET- Reach the score of 100000 in Survival

MOTHER-IN-LAW- Reach the score of 250000 in Survival

CLULESS GUY IN HIGH PLACE- Reach the score of 500000 in Survival

YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED- Reach the maximum adrenaline on 'Federal Tax Department' map in Survival

FOUND YOU!- Reach the maximum adrenaline on 'Metro Station Shelter' map in Survival

QUIT THE PICNIC ALREADY- Reach the maximum adrenaline on 'Apocalyptic Harbour' map in Survival

GOT NO INSURANCE- Don't get hit by a single bullet or explosion for 5 minutes in Survival

I'M NO MERCHANT- Reach 50000 score without spending anything in Survival

MEANT IT WHEN I SAID IT- reach 100000 score without spending anything in Survival

BE ALWAYS PREPARED- Buy all the explosives on a map in a single play in Survival
When you buy any type of explosive on a map wheter it's extinguisher, gass tanks or bigger gass tanks you will buy all explosives of that type all at once.

SORRY, HAD A BAD DAY- Reach you'r score to 50000 and don't let any civilian die in Survival
Ranking up in survival is a very tedious and boring thing to do. But the more you kill without taking damage the higher your combo count goes and the higher your combo count is the more exp you will get for kills. Keeping your combo above 150x will shorten your grind immensly. You migh think that it's not gonna be easy to just kill 100+ cans and not get shot once. Let me introduce you to 'Metro Station Shelter' map and this awesome spot.

Seriously, all you have to do is sit behind this counter and shoot hostiles because their bad AI has trouble aiming at you while your crouching in that spot witch makes it easy to cheese everyone by shooting through doors. And if you want more fool proof plan then take skill Snob that makes you loose your combo after 2 hits and Mule skill to be able to take 3 weapons. For minibosses (hostiles with red skull over their heads) take molotovs and/or Flamethrower. Normally their HP is multiplied but fire damage will still stun them and slowly wither them away making them no threat at all. Also, this spot makes the GOT NO INSURANCE achivement easy as enemies' AI can bug out and will not come to you if you stay in this place for long enough.
THEY DIDDN'T PLAY COD-MP- kill 5 poeple with one car explosion

CHEERS!- Play Hatred while drunk
All you have to do is open gameplay options and toggle the 'ARE YOU DRUNK' option

HATEFULL HISTORY X- Witness 5 executions involving the Antagonist stomp animations

TIME TRIAL- Finish any level in less than 10 minutes
1'st level is the easiest to do, just ignore sidequests, go on a spree and move to police station when close to 50 kills mark

THE WITCHER- play gwent with cops Doge 500 times
Коментарів: 21
Allen Egon Cholakian 10 груд. 2024 о 14:49 
Do kills and executions you do in survival count for achievements like Genocide or the 400 execution one?
FSMcas 7 листоп. 2024 о 18:29 
I don't understand "BE ALWAYS PREPARED". There are always about 3-5 different explosive "sets" on the map and I can buy them all (as you wrote) at once. If single ones explode, I can buy new ones cheaper.
But I never got the achievement. Do I really have to explode ALL of them manually and re-buy them? Or are there hidden ones to buy not in plain sight?
Azazel 5 черв. 2024 о 4:08 
The first achievement i beat in this list was after YOU SHOULD SEE A SHRINK. Thanks dude!
DinoFrostBoy 31 берез. 2024 о 23:37 
Players should note that for the 50 hours achievement u have to play on campaign and/or survival in any difficulty without pausing. I have 52ish hours on steam but because it's an in-game timer it didn't count as i just paused it before sleeping :( (may be wrong but dev said in a thread comment somewhere)
legend  [автор] 11 груд. 2023 о 23:53 
For a fast way to reach rank 15 in survival mode reffer to "tips for survival" section. If that exploit won't work for some reason then you will have to just play survival, use a perk "Snob" which makes you loose your combo after taking 2 shots instead of 1 and use crouch so the enemies have a harder time aiming at you. For the 50h achivement i do belive you have to be in a level to get it. But you can always just either pause the game or enable god mode, mute it and tab out. :wangtastic:
Harth 11 груд. 2023 о 17:26 
hey legend i just wanna ask about the Achievements of hatred
is there fast way to acquire Rank 15
and can i beat the Play for 50 hours achievement by just be in start menu
exojjl2 9 груд. 2023 о 13:12 
Funny I was banned from this games "discussions" by the developer for making anti-racist remarks. Seems like yelling at Steam now allows me to be able to comment here after I went off on Steam support for a few weeks.
Harth 9 груд. 2023 о 11:41 
thank u "legend"
legend  [автор] 7 груд. 2023 о 21:47 
In the middle of Federal Tax Depo there are 3 rooms that create a long corridor leading outside where hostiles are spawning in somewhat large groups. Kill them while they funnel inside that corridor and keep your eyes on the minimap, there will be just a few cops spawning at the entrance and at the sides of the building. Harbour is more difficult one since there is a lot of open space, my suggestion would be to go to the bottom of the map, there is a cargo ship that has a somewhat decent (for this map) chokehold. This map also has quite a lot of explosives laid around the map that can help you kill mutiple enemies in a short amount of time. Additionally survival maps have explosives that you can buy with points at the end of each round. They come in sets so you dont have to buy every e.g. gas tank separately. Other than that just stay focused, be in control of your surroundings and keep your finger always on the trigger until everyone stops moving :wangwithit:
Harth 7 груд. 2023 о 19:06 
Reach the maximum adrenaline on 'Federal Tax Department' map in Survival
Reach the maximum adrenaline on 'Apocalyptic Harbour' map in Survival
can u tell me how to get those achevment easly sry for my eng its dead