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Setup Practicemode CS Server
By ⎛ PlamAtom ⎞
Simple guide to create a CS Practicemode server. Most plugins for a server are drag and drop therefore no hassle.
Setting up a CS server for Practicemode is easier than hitting a Silver in the back with a knife. Basically download server, drag and drop files in and then copy paste some text. Practicemode is much better than a Practice Config. But you should have both, because without internet the server doesn't work. The server itself is about 26 gigabytes in size.

Shortened representation of the process.

  • Download Steam CMD (Install server)
  • Download Metamod, Sourcemod and Practicemode
  • Server "Start Batch"
  • Generate GSLT
  • Start Batch / Server.cfg / Simpleadmin.ini (Setup)
  • Start and Join

1. SteamCMD
Basically, download SteamCMD Click Here . Unzip the archive file with a program like 7zip Click Here [] and create a batch file with the following content. You can create a batch file simply by creating a text file and giving it the extension ".batch". The batch file must be in the SteamCMD folder you unpacked.

steamcmd +force_install_dir C:\csgo_servers\prac +login anonymous +app_update 740 validate

Then simply double click to run the CMD file - This will install the CS:GO server.

The batch file should be named something like "practice_update.batch" because it also updates the server and checks the file integrity.

This completes the hardest part of installing the server. Great job...
2. Metamod, Sourcemod and Practicemode
The following part could really be a bit confusing because you might think that it really can't be that simple. You simply download the files, unzip them with 7zip or a similar program and drag them into the csgo folder of the server...

Download Metamod [] Sourcemod [] Practicemode[]

Now simply unzip the files. Open your server, default path C:\csgo_servers or just your custom path. Then drag and drop first Metamod files into the folder C:\csgo_servers\replay\csgo or custom path followed by Sourcemod and Practicemode. Yes if he asks you just let him overwrite stuff. As long as you do it in the order mentioned there is no problem.

If you want more replay bots or the ability to save bot setups, you can write a comment here or message me. If you ever have any issues, visit Github or just thank the legendary creator Splewis and or some of the contributors Github []

3. Server "Start Batch"
Really you need to listen to me the following is no joke you really just need to create a batch with the following and move it to the server path. Again you can create a batch file simply by creating a text file and giving it the extension ".bat".

srcds -game csgo -console -usercon -exec server.cfg -tickrate 128 -maxplayers_override 64 +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_mirage +sv_setsteamaccount "Your Game Server Login Token <=== Here"

The batch shall not like the Metamod, Sourcemod and Practicemode files go into the "csgo" folder but the one before. Otherwise it does not work because it must be in the same directory as the "srcds.exe".

3.5 Cold Start (Mandatory)
Launch the server via the previously created batch file. Thus it configures itself briefly and installs appropriate packages (Simplified).

If the server displays the following message, you can close the server by writing "Quit" in the console you have infront of you or closing the window directly.

4. Generate GSLT
You go to the Steam Game Server Account Management page of Steam Click Here Then you enter "720" at the bottom for App ID and Memo is a note so you know which server it is. I would just call it "Practice Server". You just copy the login token which looks something like this "D09EF8XH4A906545M9EA44AF16691C87".

Copy it to a text file on your desktop because you need it for the Server.cfg and Server Start Batch.

5. Setup GSLT in "Start Batch"
Now you just have to edit your Start batch and enter your Game Server Login Token (GSLT) that you created before. Change
"Your Game Server Login Token <=== Here"
to your Login Token that should look like this

6. Server.cfg
Go to C:\csgo_servers\replay\csgo\cfg thus the "cfg" folder in "csgo". Create a text file named "server" there and give it the extension .cfg similar to a batch file only that you use .cfg instead of .batch. so the name must be "server.cfg" in its entirety.

Copy the following into Server.cfg

hostname "Practice Server" rcon_password "1234" sv_password "" sv_setsteamaccount "Your Game Server Login Token <== Here" sv_contact "" sv_lan 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_tags "" sv_region 4 log on sv_logbans 1 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 sv_hibernate_when_empty 1 sv_hibernate_ms 5 host_name_store 1 host_info_show 1 host_players_show 2 maxplayers 12 exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg writeid writeip

sv_setsteamaccount "Your Game Server Login Token <== Here"
(Line 4) with your Game Server Login Token from before so it should look like this
sv_setsteamaccount "D09EF8XH4A906545M9EA44AF16691C87"
7. Simpleadmin.ini (steamID)
For the Simpleadmin.ini you need to know your steamid. You can get it by right-clicking on your profile link on your Steam profile and pasting it into Click Here[].

Here is your steamid, for me it is "STEAM_0:0:91162824"

7.5 Simpleadmin.ini (Flags)
Now let's go to C:\csgo_servers\replay\csgo\addons\sourcemod\configs so to "csgo" then "addons" "sourcemod" and then "config" and there we are here. Just open it and enter your SteamID with admin rights.

Broken down you have the following structure "Steamid" followed by the rights, where you only need two for the Practicemode "gh" for normal players and you who uses Practicemode as admin "99:z". This "//" means comment, so you can remember who is which player in this list. It doesn't really matter if you use it alone, but in a team you don't want to dig in steamids
to remove a cheating mate.

"STEAM_0:0:91162824" "99:z" // PlamAtom

"Steamid" "99:z" // Admin name
"Steamid" "gh" // Player name

8. Start and Join
Now you can simply put your Start Batch and Update Batch on the desktop as a shortcut. Simply right click in the appropriate folders respectively gameserver and steamcmd and "create
shortcut". Would also rename them.

My Setup:

Before each server start, CS:GO must be running as a game. You can always turn on the server when the game is running but when the server is running the game is blocked. Therefore always start CS:GO first.

Just start the server with the Start Batch and with "Status" you can see the server ip. To connect to it just put connect in front of it and enter it in the console of CS. So "Connect" for example. When you are on the server just enter .prac in CHAT not CONSOLE and the exploring of Practicemode can start.