Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Research Facility, KY
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Research Facility, KY

The Research Facility, KY is a full expansion and redesign of the secret military base that can be found to the west of Rosewood, KY. It's design is inspired by the sprawling complex of Black Mesa from the Half-Life series, as well as from the town of Eureka from the TV show Eureka (2006).

The facility conducts advanced research in the areas of high tech aerospace engineering, plant sciences and advanced biomedical research. The facility contains a several large research facilities, a satellite launch facility, a small heliport, a military outpost and a company town to house the employees of the facility.

The entire facility is surrounded by double wide, unclimbable military grade fence, and at the time of gamestart the facility has been placed on a full lockdown. This means it will be impossible to get past the main gate with a car until you have a sledgehammer (you can still climb the front gate). The zombie population are very high within the facility, but there are many valuable looting areas and many army vehicle spawns making it a much more attractive late-game looting spot compared to its vanilla counterpart.

"The Biomedical & Engineering Facilities are on full lockdown with shutters blocking off all entrance and exits, if the system worked the infection will be contained" (hint: there are ways in/out without a sledge)

You can spawn within the base, but the spawns are VERY high so it will be a very tough start in terms of numbers if playing on normal or above.

An optional addon is included that connects the Research Facility to Rosewood via a proper main road (see worldmap image for cells)

The map uses the cells 18,41 / 18,42 & 19,41 / 19,42.

Works well with...
  • Fort Redstone 2.0 - This mod was specifically designed to support the new incarnation of Fort Redstone, and does not overlap any of its cells at time of writing.
  • Raven Creek - LOAD Raven Creek AFTER THIS MOD! Tested with this mod and works fine (they come up right against each other but dont overlap)
Incompatible with...
  • Slocan Lake (Sort of works, you must put Slocan Lake (and Raven Creek etc) AFTER Research Facility.
  • Rosewood Access Road (breaks half the map) and is not needed (This map contains its own access road).
Multiplayer / Server
Make sure you go into the server settings, map, and then add this map to the list and move it up to the top of the list to ensure it prioritizes generating the new area rather than the base map (not sure why its an issue within this map).

Special Thanks
DaddyDirk for his tile mod, and his excellent YouTube series that taught me how to map!

Support Updates and More Content
Like the map and want to see more? Checkout my tabletop games company where we have recently published our first tabletop roleplaying game. We are also working on a new card game too.

Those Who Dare RPG - Founders Edition
Those Who Dare is an innovative new tabletop RPG from the creator of Fatherland allowing you to play in any era of human history from our past to far future, or mix and match your game for a fun alt history experience. If you’re a fan of tabletop, or want to try and get into the game Those Who Dare is a great choice.

Dev News / Update
- January, 2025
Hi all, i thought id give an update on the state of this mod. I am planning to update this mod to B42 as is, and then publish a V2 rework with underground stuff. I havent done PZ mapping in a while so itll take me a bit to get my head around it to. Please be patient! :) and if you'd like to help please consider a small donation (not necessary at it all it just helps with the coffee!)

Workshop ID: 2807152393
Mod ID: rbr
Mod ID: rbrA2
Mod ID: rbrA
Map Folder: researchbase
Map Folder: researchbaseroad
Map Folder: rbr_road
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (1)
11 Jan @ 4:59am
264 Komentar
Kale 16 Feb @ 9:14am 
So many different ID's and map folders. Which ones to use? Who knows. I'll just put all of them in and hope for the best. Wish there was an explanation to each one so I know what I'm adding, especially because this has an optional addon road or whatever
most locked in galaxy penis 6 Feb @ 12:33am 
Compatible with SP saves when the cells aren't loaded?
Yohanan 28 Jan @ 2:26am 
The mod just don't work with already saves in MP.
Mr.giray 21 Jan @ 3:52am 
this works with b42 ????
Maxwell 18 Jan @ 11:22pm 
dude this place is like hell, I have spent hours trying to get out after spawning in. Nice job on this:spiffo:
Sanetless 9 Jan @ 10:48am 
How well does this work with the Insurgent mod?
More Attractive Than You 6 Jan @ 5:36am 
Happy to hear about the update plans. The new underground facility the devs added is neat, but I always loved the "closed town" vibe of this one. Seeing you're planning to add underground stuff to it too is really nice.
EdgySofia666 1 Jan @ 12:23pm 
Awesome MOD
StormFather  [pembuat] 31 Des 2024 @ 6:28pm 
@Iowa_59 - Ill look into making a submod with spawns disabled.
@Dr. Qauckers - Thanks for the info
StormFather  [pembuat] 31 Des 2024 @ 6:27pm 
Hi all, i thought id give an update on the state of this mod. I am planning to update this mod to B42 as is, and then publish a V2 rework with underground stuff. I havent done PZ mapping in a while so itll take me a bit to get my head around it to. Please be patient! :) and if you'd like to help please consider a small donation (not necessary at it all it just helps with the coffee!)