Nightmare of Decay

Nightmare of Decay

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Dungeon: Tips and Tricks (with video) V 1.04
By Whiteagle
Hello Gamerz, I wrote this guide in my free time, I saw the low achievement %
I hope that can help if you have trouble in the dungeon

This guide contains spoilers of enemies and weapons.
Made during version 1.02

Version 1.02: adding critical chance, errors rectification for zombie, dog and ghoul. Demon -> Imp. Floor 1 added, tips for rocket launcher, minor text change.
Version 1.03: points reward added, more text for skeleton section
Version 1.04: adjustment to the v1.10 update (knife/zomb/points), adding clip for "how to reload vs bosses", minor text change

Tips on weapons + run
Here is the winning run I did for you, heavily edited, got good heal drop and 0 mimics. If you struggle against an ennemi or boss.

Here is the firsts run I did, you can see how I dealt with bad heal drop and lots of mimics


For convenience I will use P for pistol or pistol ammo, SG for shotgun, MG for machine gun and M for magnum :)


2 Knife stab ≈ 1 Pistol shot
Pistol (10% crit) and Machine gun (10% crit ?) deal the same if not really close damage.
1 shotgun (30% crit x 8 pellet) ≈ 7 pistol
1 magnum (100% crit + pierce) ≈ 15 pistol ≈ 2 shotgun
1 rocket ≈ 2 shotgun ≈ 1 magnum
1 dynamite ≈ a little less then 1 rocket
Rocket and dynamite have really close area of effect.


There is a minimum of 2 secret caches per floor
Whenever you have enough ammo, always clear a floor (reward: went from 200 to 400 points in patch v1.03
heal > ammo, use ammo whenever you can ! heal cost 80 points, its 16 zomb !


This first section resume how you should manage the run, don't forget to have fun, don't follow it blindly if you don't like something.

_Floor 1, Pray the RNG god that you have pistol ammo and heal to not use the knife too much,
with 10% crit chance, you have 47% chance to head crit on 6 shot, it will be the average number of bullets used (if you beat knife only challenge, this floor is a piece of 🍰).
knife att.speed has been buff in v1.05

_At the floor 1 shop, buy a machete, the crit chance is 85% on charge attack, 25% on "quick"
Don't buy any ammo and clear floor 2 (open doors with dynamite or P for possible ghouls)

_At floor 2 shop, buy the magnum and 1 set of ammo for it, save it for the boss. You can buy healing with the rest, you have enough P ammo to deal with potential dogs and ghouls.

_Floor 3 mimics start to appear, if you use the pistol be ready to run when they charge.

_For the floor 4 you can stay with the pistol/machete if you need to buy healing, as there is only imps and skeletons that appear and even agains 2 of them you can P shot them without being hit, but you should have enough for SG or MG, spare ammo and healing if you only bought M and machete.

_At floor 5 spiders and satyrs spawn, you need more dps, machine gun is perfect for it, I don't recommand the shotgun as it's slow att.speed will leave you open against 2+ quick enemies.
Pistol is risky against them, you can use it for the spearman if solo.

_At floor 6 armor skeleton appear, in group use the magnum to 1 shot them, in solo pistol can do the trick if you feel confortable enough.

_Floor 7 or 8 shop: you got lots of heal and ammo ? buy the rocket launcher so you will have some ammo spawning ready for the regeneradores and the final boss.

_Floor 8 cultist and knight appear, use pistol against solo cultist by huging a wall , or hide behind a corner to blow them up with SG/MG.
For knight 2 M head shot of 1 and pistol/machinegun will do.

_Floor 9, regeneradores, aim for legs and kill it with whatever you got, or just use everything on his torso to not miss any shots, he can grab you if he got his arms.

_Floor 10, boss, go to corresponding section.

Infos on Basic Enemies and resistance
_Zombies and dogs
    - Zombie (5points): Can be killed in 6/7 P head shot 8/9 for other parts, they have good crit resistance
      - Burning head (10points) just has more speed hothothot!
        - Dogs (5points): Die in 4 P, 3 with a head shot. They can easily be crit
      _ Ghouls (?) (5pts) begin appearing at floor 2
        - Can be killed in 5 quick P, body or head, staggered they can't fight back if you shot quickly at close range. Be carreful of their ability to dodge and little height if you use a SG, they can more easily than zombies be crit
      _Mimics (30pts) start appearing at floor 3
        - Take 3 well aimed SG or 19 P or 1 M + 3/4 P, they have a fast running attack
      _Imps and skeletons (5pts) appear at floor 4
        - Imps: Can be killed in 5 P, they cannot dodge, have medium crit resist
        - 1 handed Skeleton: Can't be crit, they die in 5 P have saber/axe that swing quickly,
          - Shield bearer Skeleton (10pts) that you can partially destroy with 2 P
            - 2 handed Skeleton (10pts): carry long swords that you must be really carefull with thanks to their high reach, or hammer that deal more damage ?
          _Spiders and satyrs (10pts) appear in floor 5
            - Spiders (10pts): They can't be crit, die in 10 P or 1 SG + 3 P (to save ammo) Have a really quick attack when they lift their front paws you have to run away or kill them. Their venom range attack can deal a big amount of damage
            - Spearman satyrs: have a wind up medium damage throw , die in 8 P
              - Axe wearer satyrs: high damage and have a charged attack, they can be crit for medium chance, die with 1 M or 1 good SG head shot or 17/18 P.
            _Armoured skeletons may appear instead of regular skeleton starting at floor 6
              1 handed: 10pts. 2 handed/shield bearer: 15pts
              Double the hp, 10 P or 2 SG or 1 M to deal with the shield bearer

            _Cultists and knights appear in floor 8
              - Cultists (10pts): Only the pistol wearers are here, 5 P or 1 good SG, i'm not sure of the crit resist, low ?
              - Knights (20pts): 5 M, in the head: 3 M or 2M and 1 SG <- campaign
              They die in 2 M head shot or 1 M + 1 SG I don't know if there is difference between the 2 melee version, range are weaker (≈ 30/40%).

            _Regeneradores (30pts)
              - 9 SG, about 63 65 P, 4/5 M (i'm not sure)
              - Like zombies, without arms they can't grab you but can use a short range bite.
              - I have no idea if dismembering them impact the hp, I think like a torso shot ?
              - They can easily be dismembered even with a couple of pistol shot (you have more then 120 at this floor)

            Tips on Bosses
            _Bosses appear at level 3 6 and 10
              _The floor 3 and 6 have the same if not really close hp 11 M body shot / 5 M head shot
            -I recommand you getting a magnum for the floor 3

            - Tactic: DON'T BE EXHAUSTED EVER , aim for the head, or the torso if you use the machine gun or don't trust your aim,
            - Reload : time your reload by turning your back to the boss when he runs at you, when he stops to attack you, run for 1 s and reload

            Question: "What I don't get it ??"
            Answer: "Don't worry bro, I got you "

            - Like for the satyr spearman, you have to look to the side and run to dodge the Butcher knife
            throw, for the Demon Lord, you have to sprint back because of his large flame area of cover.

            _Last boss: around 25M head shot.
              -I recommand you M for his fast dps (30 bullets), machine gun (150) rocket laucher to deal with his spawn minion (5), and heal (8 at least), you should be good with this number. - I won't spoil what he spawn, but, hum, stock up on ammo :]

            I'm curious to know how you did and could help others on comment.
            Pablo Plissken 10 Aug, 2023 @ 10:52am 

            Just wanted to say I used your guide and managed to clear the dungeon first time! Many thanks :)
            R2-D2 14 May, 2022 @ 11:25am 
            You can tell if a chest is real or mimic by trying to move it. Mimics can be moved.
            Whiteagle  [author] 12 May, 2022 @ 5:00am 
            Hey Bronzebow, I'm really glad it helps you, yea the first run I did at floor 3 the boss was next to me with 3 mimics chest 💀. I found it refreshing when it happend (not at floor 9 💀).
            Thanks a lot again ask if you have any trouble and how you overcame hard challenges :)
            bronzebow777 12 May, 2022 @ 3:18am 
            Great videos and guide! I'm pretty new to the game and still need to beat it on hardcore to get that machete.

            Played the dungeon mode a few times and saw your guide in the community thing. One time on Floor 3 I spawned and a dog and a few other things spawned right in the beginning room haha. Is that normal or a bug?

            It's crazy how few videos of this game are on YouTube. Again great guide!