Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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アイテム (133)
「 粉色系列 」number.3 - 棒球棒 | 炫彩动态版 / 「 Pink series 」 Baseball Bat | Colorful dynamic
作成者 Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.3 | 近战武器第一作 | 替换了棒球棒,(replace the Baseball Bat) 自带柔和炫光,球棒的整体颜色会在粉蓝之间不断渐变 手绘添加了两颗小星星,并制作了动态特效,会动的小星星很可爱呢~ 我很喜欢哟 最后祝你们使用愉快 (^U^)ノ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.3 | Colo...
【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile
说明 · 【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : H2Cu阿相 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【协奏曲零】霁城芜响 MWR PK-PSD9 (Replaces MP5)
说明 · 【协奏曲零】霁城芜响 MWR PK-PSD9 (Replaces MP5) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:griggs · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838037836212914589/20631D3754425BE5913D8D20290414B96BD47D16/...
【原神】烟绯夜光加特林(M60) 【Genshin Impact】YanFei GatlingGun_M60 (Glow)
作成者 Chocoo
我叫烟绯,是璃月港最顶尖的律法专家,没有之一! 你四处游历,要是怕遇到麻烦处理起来棘手,最好的办法就是跟知法懂法之人同行。 而我烟绯擅长的,也不止璃月本国的律法。 呃,虽然,枫丹那边的还挺复杂… 但靠我这个聪明的脑袋,要熟记也不是什么难事!总…总之!我是绝对值得依靠的! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 学法救不了璃月人!但加特林可以! ...
【原神】M1014—甘雨(替换一代连喷) / 【Genshin Impact】M1014—GANYU
作成者 洛兮
替换一代连喷XM1014,replace autoshotgun xm1014 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap),测试发现夜光并不合适,所以没添加! 原版链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173833864 origin model:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfile...
【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 主题伤害指向器“Fervent Tempo Δ" Hit Indicator
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 主题伤害指向器“Fervent Tempo Δ" Hit Indicator · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 其他 · 伤害指向器,指的是显示伤害来源的方向,不是显示扣了多少血! · 伤害指向器,指的是显示伤害来源的方向,不是显示扣了多少血! · 伤害指向器,指的是显示伤害来源的方向,不是显示扣了多少血! · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 截图 https://steamu...
【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 语音 替换 爆炸音频 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Voice Replaces Pipebomb Explosion sound
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ 语音 替换 爆炸音频 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Voice Replaces Pipebomb Explosion sound · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 音频(Voice) :miHoyo 其他 · 语音台词为“Lucky attack!变成星星吧!” · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 狂热蓝调Δ相关 狂热蓝调Δ主题 二代连喷 狂热蓝调Δ主题 伤害...
【武器皮肤】 - APEX 阿夸 CAR
作成者 アルシー
我不是皮肤作者 我不是皮肤作者 我只是负责移植 作者人家也同意了将皮肤移植到求生里的 ...
【狐式坦克】Vtuber 白上吹雪/Shirakami Fubuki/白上 フブキ for Tank
作成者 Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 整活向MOD Features: -jiggle bones 飘动骨骼 -first person arms 第一人称手模 -world model 第三人称模型 -tank rock 狐笋替换坦克的石头 Thank you for you like.觉得不错请务必点赞,谢谢...
【voice pack】Vtuber 白上吹雪/Shirakami Fubuki/白上 フブキ Tank sound
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999179297230853541/92D2BC514FDC7522FCA6FDB1889632A3586BFE2F/ l4d2 Tank sound 整活mod 推荐搭配特感模型一起使用:https://steamproxy.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2405399828 观众姥爷们,喜欢的请务必点个赞哦, 厚颜无耻的求赞(`・ω・´) -欢迎各位DD或者单推人进群闲聊啊!~69...
【明日方舟】M590—艾雅法拉(pump shotgun) \ 【Arknights】M590—Eyjafjalla(pump shotgun)
作成者 洛兮
替换木喷 ,replace pump shotgun 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 原版链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=393334999 origin model:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=393334999 渲染图...
乌丸千岁 表情包替换小电视动画 - Karasuma Chitose TV animation
作成者 这把一定过
使用了乌丸千岁的表情包替换了游戏内小电视的花屏 烏丸 千歳(からすま ちとせ) 渡航原作、QP:flapper插画的轻小说企划《少女编号》的主人公之一,女主角。大学一年级女学生,其颜值高、外表可爱、性格人渣腹黑,所属No.1 Produce旗下的新人声优。曾是声优训练班里的第一名。自认为业界门槛很高,如果没人知道“乌丸千岁”这个声优的话,那么那不就和“乌丸千岁”这个声优根本不存在是一个意思了。虽然很容易得意忘形,但内心却十分强大,甚至被做成表情包 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
八重樱粉色场景道具Honkai Impact Sakura Pink scene props
作成者 夜空☆Twinkle
简介 猛男必备粉色场景道具 替换了汽油桶,丙烷瓶和氧气瓶的贴图 带部分夜光,不瞎眼 Replace the Gasoline, propane and oxygen cylinders With part of the night light, not very bright 其他 个人水群:669851292,欢迎进群潜水! 原模:官方 侵权即删 Deletion upon infringement PS.machine translatio 预览图 https://steamuserimages-a.a...
多娜多娜logo替换加载进度条 dohnadohna loadingbar
作成者 luckylami
多娜多娜logo替换加载进度条 dohnadohna loadingbar 用多娜的logo替换了进入关卡时右下角的加载进度条 Replaced the loading progress bar with dohna's logo 图中爱丽丝右下角的那个 Just like the lower right corner of the display 已修复一些显示的问题 Fixed some display problems...
希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 电脑显示器 - Sistine Fibel PC Monitor
作成者 这把一定过
用白猫(希丝缇)的表情包 替换了游戏内电脑显示器的动画w Replace the pc monitor anime with Sistine Fibel 希丝缇娜·菲伊贝尔 (システィーナ=フィーベル),日本轻小说《不正经的魔术讲师与禁忌教典》及其改编动画中的主要人物。阿尔扎诺帝国魔术学院二年二班的学生。祖父是伟大的魔法师,为了继承其意志而努力学习的优等生。常称呼银发的她为“白猫” 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
原版:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=905845475 本mod在基于原版的基础上进行了第一人称Hunter声音的更新(对抗党福音来了~) 实在等不及原作者更新了所以自己做了一个第一人称Hunter声音的更新,由于是基于原始版本的更新所以封面图也使用了原作者的图(其实是自己手残不会制图。。。) 有关更新的事我也尝试着联系了原mod作者,无奈没有回复。。。。。。 只好自己先私自更新了,如果侵权啥的请告知我,我会马上下架。 ...
作成者 Azhe
对原版进行了简单的汉化 也修复了原版的一个小BUG 游戏内菜单拓展 可以在游戏内暂停菜单内进行各种调节: 准星颜色与透明度或粗细的调节, 动态与静态准星切换 网络状态显示的模式以及位置,字体大小的调整 可以调节游戏声音和背景音乐的大小 调节亮度 开关字幕说明 开关游戏提示 调节手臂长度 接武器皮肤MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料 原版名称:Urik InGame Menu Supplement for Mutation Mod version 原版链接:https://steamproxy.com/s...
Apex Legends - Butterfly Knife (Machete)
作成者 Twilight Sparkle
So as i said on previous release that i would be doing a diffferent version of the butterfly knife so it can replace a different melee that way it has more swing animations that the Cs Knife, so yeah anyways, as previous this is Octane's signature weapon, ...
Apex Legends - Death Hammer (Guitar)
作成者 Twilight Sparkle
Continuing with the melee weapons, i bring you now the Death Hammer from Season 6, Caustic's signature weapon, this one will replace the ("Guitar") as it comes with its original animations and sounds, so yeah, not much to say other than i hope you guys lik...
Apex Legends - Shock Sticks
作成者 Twilight Sparkle
Continuing wit the new melee weapon from the heirloom, i bring you Lifeline's Shock Sticks, they are not really that "shocking" but you get the idea, anyways this will replace the Night Stick or Tonfa or whatever its called and it comes with its original a...
作成者 Lost my pieces
高性能战斗萝卜子 黑枪的话就会给你一个组合鱼雷拳( 喜欢的话就给个赞和收藏吧 Model:コイカツ!【恋活】 请勿反编译 source出处 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1834663171675657219/1776CFBB4C1BE2EE4430D5CE7B373D265E920966/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false...
Apex Legends Hud for - Ratio 16:10 ONLY
作成者 MeFoxly
THIS IS ONLY FOR Aspect Ratio Widescreen 16:10 Original mod can be found https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2720331563 Apex Legends Hud for L4D. First ever mod so let me know if any bugs occur. Tested only in Co op/ Single/ Survival not...
Azur Lane Bus Stop
作成者 NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Animated Bus Stop 15 advertisements replaces every 16 seconds -碧蓝航线- 动态公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15款广告每16秒改变一次...
Azur Lane Vending Machine
作成者 NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Animated Vending Machine 15 images replaces about every 18 seconds -碧蓝航线- 动态自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/... 15张图片约18秒替换一次 之前的机器面板是错位的,这一次将多数按键位置修复了 此模板同时修复了一下几款机器 / Also fixed the following vending machine : 约会大作战 / Date A Live 鲨鱼 / Gawr Gura 润羽露西娅/Uruha Rus...
cons-Girls' Frontline Blackcat loliHK416 Vending machine
This time, the vending machine cover was replaced by the beautiful picture of little 416 (with a color chart and 18X chart in it). Because the simple dynamic change chart is not meaningful, this time we made a random change chart, every time you see the gr...
BlueRosa .50CAL machine gun
作成者 Axlsandwich
Replace .50CAL machine gun with Blue-Rosa skins 使用了蓝色蔷薇的花纹,装饰了.50立地重机枪 替换了枪声,使用了不是特别吵闹的声音 感谢lulu_001m大佬的帮助 萌新第一次做mod还请多(shou)多(xia)指(liu)教(qing)...
Crescent Rose Scythe (Fire Axe)
作成者 Winter
Includes: * Blood added when killing Model designed in the 3D Custom Girl program by an "Unknown User"...
作成者 洛兮
替换狙击步枪AWP,replace the Sniper rifle AWP 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1729927067468573315/5122F9C77417506198A61F51A26D16DCAE43A473/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&imp...
CS:GO M4A1-S 沙花叉クロヱ (替换M16) / CS:GO M4A1-S 沙花叉クロヱ (replace M16A2)
作成者 洛兮
替换M16步枪 ,replace M16A2 Rifle 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap);高光贴图;夜光贴图 原版链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226648093 origin model:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=22...
Defibrillator - animated glowing red
作成者 TOG | K1CHWA
The Original! One of my early animated, glowing textures for the l4d2 defibrillator. UPDATE - decided to revisit the my animated glowing defib and try to improve it. 3X the frames of last animated, glowing defib reskin i made. remade wave patterns to be mo...
Flower Knight Girl - Sutera - Zoey
作成者 NanaNana
About this character Cause this trash game limited bones to 127, no enough bones for make sleeves jiggle, so I remove them. The original author of this model : こんにゃく...
GirlsFrontline Theme AmmoPack【AN-94、AK-15】
作成者 BurgerKeen
GirlsFrontline Theme AmmoPack(AN-94:Incendiary、AK-15:Explosive) Content:As title Unique item icons are enclosed. Materials: Model—Valve Characters —GirlsFrontline(少女前线) Waht I done: Texture re-editing and Mod compiling. GirlsFrontline official site :http://...
Honkai Impact 3 死士小僵尸
作成者 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av56461876 PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 thank:竹音 thank:大鸟 重要:本mod目前没有语音诚邀有志之士制作语音包,我会特别加上其合作者 If bl...
Honkai Impact Rosalia Fanaticism Blues Replaces Bill 崩坏3 萝萨莉娅 狂热蓝调 替换 比尔
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Rosalia Fanaticism Blues.it replaces Bill in game. 崩坏3萝萨莉娅狂热蓝调替换游戏内比尔 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Bill 替换 Bill ----------------------------Then/补充---------------...
Hunter's rainbow
作成者 fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
Ice Axe
作成者 Yog
For your climbing needs. If you like it, don't forget to rate. Thanks! :) Details: - Replaces the Crowbar from L4D2. - Modifies models and textures. - No HUD because it would conflict with other melee mods. - Includes custom blood texture. 3D Preview: 3D r...
infected damage display
作成者 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Kanna strawberry milk for pain pills
作成者 HSK
character : kanna kamui model : pain pills modified from id=1088379364 more detail in chinese 來做個康娜老婆包裝的草莓牛奶止痛藥 龍的牛乳中龍指的是公司,不要誤會(´・ω・`) 此模組只修改了皮膚 模型源自於id=1088379364,有興趣自己去查XD 如果有錯誤顯示,歡迎下方留言給我 #個人實測可用,訂閱直接套用,若有錯誤顯示先看看你的模組有沒有相衝。...
LED Flashlight (infected & survivor)
作成者 徒手开根号
Infection with Led light, Let the infected vision become clear.soft and not dazzling, replace the main line of sight of infected and survivor https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png ...
Minecraft Pipebomb
作成者 FearingGiraffe4
Changes default Pipebomb to Minecraft TNT block....
Minecraft Rocket Crossbow(Grenade Launcher)
作成者 苦黄瓜
替换榴弹发射器,替换了模型及部分音效 Replace for Grenade Launcher,models and some sound 模型是我对照mc原版的贴图和官方的宣传片制作的,音效录制于mc1.17.1 I made the model in order to original Minecraft contrast,and sound was recorded in Minecraft 1.17.1 使用我自制的动作 It uses my self-created animation 国庆节剩下...
Sakura Miku Replace Witch
作成者 Ronata
Sakura Miku in Witch Mode :D It change the Model,Sound, and Music of the Witch Model Credit to : http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126001534 Image Credit to : http://ichigimy.deviantart.com/art/Seasons-451972420...
Touhou Moriya Suwako/东方project 洩矢诹访子 Smoker
作成者 忽悠忽悠
洩矢诹访子 替换舌头 MOD制作人:似似花...
T-Virus Vial (includes custom particles)
作成者 󠀡󠀡Lachie
Replaces bilebomb Tyrant Virus, commonly abbreviated as "t-Virus", "Blue for the virus, green for the anti-virus" Enjoy the mod while I continue to work on my improved hunter model replacement and all the mods with and without sounds, this may take some ti...
Vtuber 兎田 ぺこら/兔田佩克拉/Usada Pekora replace spitter
作成者 Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Peko Peko Peko Peko Peko Peko~!🥕 哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️哈↗️🥕 推荐搭配语音包一起使用:peko语音包 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/bv1o54y1D7GM Model:td67414 制作不易,喜欢就点个赞吧~...
z45激光剑 miku
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
初音11周年纪念mod,点赞+收藏 原模:Zilla Z45 Laser Katana 模型: xDShot 这是我设计的第五个武器贴贴图了.替换了游戏内的武士刀,采用的杀地板2的武士刀动画,声音沿用了我之前的z45玩具激光剑的闸刀声. 预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av30568065/ 打算混b站了,求订阅的大佬们点击关注 ps:将手臂长度调至72食用最佳...
[崩坏3]异度黑核侵蚀(Black 19C Replace Charger)
作成者 Maryland BB-46
异度黑核侵蚀 为了针对发狂的银狼,逆熵释放了初代黑化小兔 由于没有女武神的控制,强大的崩坏力量感染了黑兔的核心 顺便推荐大佬的板鸭人物mod 替换Charger模型 替换第一人称手臂 动态骨骼的尾巴 单人游戏进不去bug:打开控制台,输入sv_consistency 0 模型:mihoyo 崩坏3一周岁啦!萌新发一个模型庆祝一下~ 第一次做成功的动态骨骼 第一次尝试渲染,大佬们觉得违和请写在评论,谢谢 感谢大佬们支持和帮助: 我江带头冲锋 DANIAO 敏酱~ ClearSkyC 御琪幽然 还有L4d2萌新...
[Arknights] La Pluma theme FMG9 replace uzi
作成者 假的蛋糕蛋糕
La Pluma theme FMG9 replace uzi La Pluma is TOO cute for me So i decided to make a Mizuki theme UZI Used Overly Cool Animation - FMG9 (UZI) made by IIopn The texture is made by myself Original Model: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2...
[CODM]AN94 joint Girls Frontline (Replace AK47)
作成者 MxDlZnB
Model: CODM Sound effects: CODOL Animation: CODOL Texture: CODM Melee Animation: MxDlZnB Material: MxDlZnB" ...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline
作成者 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline I decided to make a Hanazono Serena Adrenaline Used RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment whic...
[Honkai Impact 3]Nidhogg's Claws replaces Chainsaw
作成者 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】尼德霍格翼爪替换链锯 The saw blade is dynamic (all the time). Animations are origin ones. 锯条是可动的(一直转)。动作沿用了原版动作。...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
作成者 K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[ShunFeng] Tank
作成者 K"ashimura♦
Add a dress to tank. Clothing from China's express company. If you like this piece of work.Welcome to subscribe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这次制作是顺丰快递小哥 顺便把石...
模型来源:自己做的 模型参考图来源:百度百科 mod封面来源:萌娘百科 展示中的其余mod均为创意工坊来源(感谢大佬们) 炸虾狮(pills)链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2138604393...
【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass
说明 · 【原神】胡桃主题 玻璃门医疗箱 Original Medical Cabinet with glass · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:sheq · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1709663927...
【原神】M13—珊瑚宫心海(Desert Rifle)/ 【【Genshin Impact】M113—Kokomi (Desert Rifle)
作成者 洛兮
替换三连发SCAR步枪 ,replace Desert Rifle 之前那个有同学反应似乎贴图有点问题,所以我删除重新上传了一下!同学们可以重新订阅使用。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 原版链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1959743765 origin model:https://steamcom...
Knife ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
作成者 ✿ N A B I ✿
The hidden knife will be replaced with a new model and textures. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this knife was to make it easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/...
Magnum enhnaced mod
作成者 二手科学家
7 rounds capacity,one bullet breaks a zombie...
天使降临到我身边 演唱会 / 天使降临到我身边 Concert
作成者 PIO
替换了黑色狂欢节演唱会主题 电视动画《天使降临到我身边》、《私に天使が舞い降りた!》 演唱会使用曲 : 1. 気ままな天使たち(《天使降临到我身边》OP片头曲) 2. ハッピー・ハッピー・フレンズ(《天使降临到我身边》ED片尾曲) 替换了海报图片,舞台海报是会动的ED片段哦,自发光 【往期动漫主题曲演唱会】 邻家索菲:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596798083 Comic Girls:https://steamcommu...
Pokemon X & Y Gengar v1.3 (Boomer/Boomette)
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/870748015989539060/5AB36177ECBD318C8B765B9CE2BEE5321099D36E/ There is an alternate version of the model for those running the game on low/medium shaders. Keep in mind, Gengar's eyes will not glow. You can subscrib...
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
作成者 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
作成者 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第9个mod,人物是世界计划多彩舞台的朝比奈真冬,替换coach。 Model - / SEGA / CraftEgg / JosueMMD13 Copyright :CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Model edit by Azuki冬&树莓 Image: SEGA / CraftEgg 今后我应该还会继续产出pjsk的人物mod,为此mod点赞可以成为为支持我做下去的动力 ...
Remake Miku-shotgun(chrome shotgun)
作成者 lm
This is an improved version of my last mod. Improved some small places to make the overall color look more comfortable? For me, this is a more satisfying look in my heart? The last mod is here:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=19396811...
VTuber Usada Pekora【兎田ぺこら spitter sound】兔田佩克拉spitter语音包
兔田佩克拉 ( 兎田ぺこら / Usada Pekora) 是一名在YouTube活动的VTuber,所属业界团体hololive的成员。 容易感到寂寞的兔耳女孩子。非常喜爱胡萝卜,为了随时可以吃到而随身携带着。 声音高亢的兔耳娘,身穿厚厚毛绒服,在三股辫子插着喜爱的胡萝卜,认为是会流行起来的时尚。 喜欢偶像鉴赏、也非常喜欢观看电影、但不擅长恐怖类型的。 对于成为偶像有着很强的执着。 黑帮极道的腔调弹舌「oraaaaaaaa」 笑声极其魔性「哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗哈↗……」 喜欢说「peko~peko~pek...
Whitaker's Gun Range (Mod Test & Survival)
作成者 мяFunreal
What if Whitaker actually had a shooting range in the back of his store? What this map got: Standalone map with shooting range in the back, with targets that pop up randomly. Each target has invisible buttons, which give you a score on an overhead counter....
[Honkai 3rd]M134 Vulcan Minigun replaces minigun
作成者 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】M134火神机枪替换加特林机枪 Replace minigun with M134 Vulcan Minigun in Honkai Impact 3....
作成者 Kangai
一些东方痛车 Some TouHou painting vehicles Thanks to Tanaka for making the vehicles textures...
ice sword (Golf clubs)
作成者 ZMing
动作https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=562070011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 替换高尔夫球杆 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Gawr Gura Saferoom Signs And Blue Animated Glow Arrow
作成者 koikoko
Inspiration from : https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2382541963 Replace saferoom signs and arrows (Some custom campaigns with signs and arrows didn't work). The animation arrow material comes from the Internet....
多娜多娜CG替换副本图片(健全向) dohna background
作成者 luckylami
用多娜多娜的CG替换了进入副本的背景图片 dohna Task loading background 论找一张正常的CG有多难 no r18 ...
多娜多娜Q版人物主界面图标 dohna icon
作成者 luckylami
多娜多娜Q版人物主图标替换主菜单界面图标 展示图效果请进入合集查看开场动画替换项目的说明 这个mod只是替换了图标,需要替换背景动画的请进入合集查找 更新几个小图标...
从雨 (ムラサメ)平底锅 - Frying Pan (Murasame)
作成者 这把一定过
制作了一款平底锅的皮肤,使用的角色是小从雨 从雨(ムラサメ) 出自《千恋*万花》是日本游戏开发商柚子社于2016年7月29日发售的GALGAME,为柚子社的第9作。公开同时也宣布将被改编成同名漫画,漫画版由季月えりか作画,于Media Factory旗下的漫画杂志月刊Comic Alive连载。 实际效果根据个人画面偏好设置会略有不同。 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏? 我的幼刀P90(UZI)请点这里 你们柚子厨都没有×儿的(小声...
Megadimension Fireworks Box
Megadimension fireworks box Replace the original fireworks box skin This fireworks is from my Neptunia Uzume Concert's firworks box. http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=783812469 Some people ask me can I make only fireworks box like indiv...
Touhou boxes chartlet
作成者 小芝麻凛
Touhou boxes chartlet Adding a map to the storage rack...
The Particles Manifest
作成者 Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
The helicopter (miku)
作成者 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD changes the rescue helicopter, it is the appearance of blue MIKU,I hope you can like it,My computer technology is not very good, so the MOD is not very perfectBut I still want to thank you for your support,In addition,the MOD as a pink crashed hel...
Deep underwater, the zombie apocalypse has spread to the city of Rapture. Four survivors have teamed up in the hopes to escape and find a safe location. All credit goes to 2k games and Irrational Games for the models, textures and sounds. I will happily re...
电锯音量70%(Chainsaw volume 70%)
作成者 诚宝
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 降低音量,保护耳朵。 仅降低了电锯【攻击时的音效】和【待机时的噪音】,其他的没有修改。 兼容绝大部分电锯模型Mod。 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
作成者 //
嘛,自制,第一次做可能有点糙 两幅图的P站ID,第二幅好像是某大触改的吧。。 58724194 59144746 选择多人联机 再选喷漆图案就可以了 ...
Badwater Basin Part 3
作成者 Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well here Part1: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890949247 here Part2: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890953437 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Badwater Basin Part1
作成者 Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well Here part2: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890953437 here Part3: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890962302 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Badwater Basin Part2
作成者 Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well Here Part1: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890949247 Here Part3: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890962302 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Big Wat
作成者 Awarets
Combining levels from Wat Mania and Big Room, Big Wat is a five-chapter campaign which is playable in both co-op and versus. One chapter is also playable in Survival, and two chapters are playable in Scavenge. You play as the L4D2 Survivors in this campaig...
Build A Rocket
作成者 Nethertrium
CSGO Desert Eagle(csgo沙漠之鹰丨印花集)
作成者 染喵酱
Add reload operation to the original version Support the original author https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2331189386...
Culling of Azeroth
作成者 Fug
UNFINISHED warcraft themed campaign from 2017. I'd planned to create a full campaign which would have you journey through Azeroth in different zones but sadly due to number of problems I had to abandon the project. This first map was pretty much 100% compl...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 1 of 5
作成者 Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 2 of 5
作成者 Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 3 of 5
作成者 Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 4 of 5
作成者 Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 5 of 5
作成者 Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "Hank Kowalski" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mo...
Death Sentence (Part 1/2)
作成者 PöpThèséFøøls
Will you be able to survive through the city, the campsites, the swamps and reach the island? Creator: Neojo aka neojobabynou Original post: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2624...
Death Sentence (Part 2/2)
作成者 PöpThèséFøøls
All info in 1st part....
Deja Vu - Tactical Espionage Action
作成者 3495
Journey on a path of memories Author:iLightningFlash...
Escape the Building
作成者 s10055072
My first l4d2 map with hammer editor, just made in a few weeks, with four very short maps. Only for Coop mode, not for Versus ...
Exempt Orange
作成者 Exempt ♥
Tired of dev textured maps? Well here's a whole campaign <3 Includes: -6 coop/versus maps -4 survival maps -1 scavenge map -rescue closets compatible w/ 8 play servers Find and shoot 3 nodes in chapter 6 before the finale area for a small surprise and bonu...
Facility 13
作成者 raul
NOTE: Make sure your game is PRIVATE (non-joinable). The map WILL crash if someone joins mid-game. You can play this map as a CAMPAIGN (AKA helicopter escape) or as SURVIVAL (infinite hordes, infinite gas). The infection has spread beyond the confines of F...
Facility13 2017
作成者 Masamaru
A research/barricade based game inspired by rimrook's 'Let's Build a Rocket!' with an added twist. Players must build barricades to protect themselves, while using gas cans as fuel to unlock weapons. Original map author: raulness & dustpup. I thank raulnes...
Final Salvation Demo
作成者 Exi
This is the first map of a 5-map campaign called Final Salvation. Map 1 'The Canal' is released now as a teaser for the full campaign. The campaign is being created by aaWee, Goudvis, Exi and Doctor. Other maps are currently under development. Prefer downl...
Gawr Gura Chrome Shotgun
作成者 mmi开心
Gawr Gura替换(2代的单发散弹枪)发光不刺眼版本...
Glubtastic 2
作成者 Fug
More dumb maps for dumb people, you must stop the large glob from destroy the world! Glubtastic 2 Dev Playthrough & Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY-DeECf41g ...
Glubtastic 3
作成者 Fug
A mysterious forse threatens to tilt the balance of glub and course of the left 4 dead two history forever. You must defeat the big sis and restore order to the dark glubverse. Glubtastic 3 Dev Playthrough & Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRTF...
Glubtastic 4
作成者 Fug
The survivors thought they had destroyed the mysterious Sis, but they were wrong. After an anonymous tip, they board a zombie airbus to intercept top secret glub documents, containing the thickest plot yet. --> R E A D___B E F O R E___P L A Y I N G <-- -Th...
Glubtastic Maps
作成者 Fug
5 awful maps for awful people. Me and my buds love playing stupid left 4 dead campaigns, so I decided to make my own. Glubtastic Maps Dev Playthrough & Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbHQ4QH1H2E ...
Half-Life Unforeseen Consequences
作成者 ClipoDEL
A complete chapter of Unforeseen Consequences on one level. Глава "Непредвиденные последствия" одним большим уровнем....
HD Girls' Last Tour The Safe House Loading Screen
作成者 2000
I think everyone should prefer HD , So I modified some things to make it resolution higher and clearer . Have fun ! 少女终末旅行的高清安全屋加载界面 , 我想每个人都应该喜欢高清图片,所以我修改了一些东西,让它的分辨率更高更清晰 . 玩得开心 !( 少女終末旅行 )...
Last Baktun
作成者 flapjax
After the events of The Return of the Jockeys, our final chapter pushes the survivors to the brink of all time. A myriad of challenges await your demise as the survivors remonstrance their last encouter in this L4d2 CO-OP map, Last Baktun. ...
Left in Prypiat
作成者 SacriPan!
============================== UPDATE 1.4 has been released! ============================== Hello Survivors! Are you ready to fight your way out of Hell once again? Yes? Well, it's time to prove it! Download this big one-map campaign inspired by the Jupite...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (PART 1) / 左或右—大型剧情分支地图
※Author SHAUNMAD has uploaded the original version,which is a little different from the one I uploaded,you can download the original one at:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636057643 ※作者SHAUNMAD已经上传本地图的最新原版本,与我上传的这个有些不同,大家可以在这里下载原版本:...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (PART 2) / 左或右—大型剧情分支地图
※Author SHAUNMAD has uploaded the original version,which is a little different from the one I uploaded,you can download the original one at:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636057643 ※作者SHAUNMAD已经上传本地图的最新原版本,与我上传的这个有些不同,大家可以在这里下载原版本:...
Let's Build a Rocket 2!
作成者 Rimrook
The long awaited Let's Build a Rocket 2! Featuring an all new and powerful building system, players are pitted again hordes of zombies as they attempt to build their way to safety. This pack features 3 map: The classic Let's Build a Rocket with the new LB2...
No Parking
作成者 Lou Saffire
Bill and the crew made it to the passing , but they never mentioned they met Whitaker along the way... A Left for dead 2 community subplot. A few people have asked how to trigger the different endings so heres a rundown. After defeating Whitaker you're giv...
Orange Onslaught
作成者 RainingMetal
The Survivors find themselves in a strange world, and must find a way to get out of the danger zone. A L4D2 entry to the Orange Map phenomenon. Featuring wide-open terrain, plenty of unique quirks, and a visit from some special guests. Ideal for casual pla...
Let's Build: Deconstruction
作成者 Nanes
Players must build barricades to protect themselves, loot corpses and research weapons while looking for carparts to complete the car, fuel it and escape the madness. Make sure to turn on the "Game Instructor" in the options menu for a more smoother game e...
Let's Build: Deconstruction 2
作成者 Nanes
Let's Build: Deconstruction 2, has arrived! Thanks to Rimrook's updated 'Let's Build' system you can now experience a complete single map campaign, featuring... - New 'Let's Build' mechanics. - Lootable corpses. - Upgraded gascans mechanics. - And much mor...
Let's Build:2012
作成者 RichyVO
NOTE: IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING CRASHES TRY DISABLING ALL CAMPAIGN AND MAP ADDONS BEFORE PLAYING THIS MAP. CONSOLE MAP: lbar_future Version: 3.4 From the fantastic system Rimrook has made and given to all of those whom wish to make their own, I Richy have do...
Return of the King
作成者 Evil
Backstory The survivors have successfully escaped a burning city. Now they are just going to fly over the mountains to finally get some well deserved rest... But I think there'll be a change of plans. Background My first campaign (It was never published) w...
Wan li
作成者 CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
Survivor [cs 1.6/ css port]
作成者 much obliged
Legendary de_survivor is back! Try to survive in cold world after airplane crash, but be careful besides the cold there are plenty of dangers! It`s the port of the remake of the classic map for cs 1.6 UPDATE: Due to popular demand, I changed the zombie spa...
The Lost Island by Rudimor part 1
作成者 {aic}
The army and the CEDA are on a mission at an lost island where are symptoms of infection on the natives. The army company doesnt respond to radio calls, you are sent in a squad to discover what happened to the army. The new army squad will learn a importan...
The Lost Island by Rudimor part 2
作成者 {aic}
The army and the CEDA are on a mission at an lost island where are symptoms of infection on the natives. The army company doesnt respond to radio calls, you are sent in a squad to discover what happened to the army. The new army squad will learn a importan...
The Palace V4.0
作成者 Grippy
The Palace is a single map for Left4dead2 which take place in a cinema and around it. - 4 games modes: survival, scavenge, coop, versus - Two versions of the map: NIGHT and DAY - Multiple roof access: cinema, armory, ventilation shaft for infected... - The...
There is only one way REUPLOAD
作成者 llDarkWingll
Im reuploading this map, if the maps original Author want me to take this down I will. This is here for people who dont know how to install addons manually....
Turbine (hardcore)
The turbine Map from the game Team Fortress 2 for Left 4 dead 2! On the map turbine you have to go through a crowd of zombies, a lot of tanks, and find salvation... Best card to go with friends, it's complicated! Thank you for subscribing!...
Undead Mine
作成者 R󠀡F
Campaign made by "Chaaaaaaaalie". (I cant find any information about this author anywhere and in the original files "Valve" is written as author. Only place where this name is mentioned is the "addonauthorSteamID" section of addoninfo. Author whoever he wa...
作成者 flapjax
After the events of Space Jockeys, the end of time finds its third CO-OP chapter. Now footed on the planet Wormwood, the survivors must face off against a sea of the dead and journey through the planet's mysteries....
【崩坏 星穹铁道/Honkai Impact Star Rail】March7th 三月七 Replaces Ellis
作成者 ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 神帝宇(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Thumbnail (封面): 神帝宇 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) · Flex animation(面部表情) · ...