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Some very useful CS:GO launch options that might help improving your FPS, Loading Times, or simply enhance your experience.
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How to set launch options
Thankfully, TotalCSGO did a guide about this which I am going to link here: CS:GO Launch Options Guide[]
What are launch options
CS:GO Launch options are settings and code snippets that can be added to the game's properties. These can do different things, from disabling joystick/controller services to increasing FPS or changing tickrate.
Useful launch options
Below I have listed the launch options that I use and find useful and a short description:


• novid - disables the CS:GO logo loading screen; it doesn't make it load faster but can hide the game name if your parents nearby ;) ;

• nojoy - disables the joystick and controller services, therefore making the game load faster and possibly increasing FPS as the game does not load so many files;

• high - gives the game a high priority status, same as the Task Manager does when changing the priority to high in Details;

• allow_third_party_software - Untrusted mode allows third-party files to interact with the game and is not enabled by default for all CS:GO players. IT IS REQUIRED FOR NVIDIA GAME FILTER.

• refresh 60/75/144/165/240 - this will set the game's refresh rate to the specified number; YOU MUST CHOOSE THE ONE THAT YOUR MONITOR SUPPORTS AND ALSO SET IT IN WINDOWS DISPLAY SETTINGS[];

• console - starts the console at the same time with the game; useful for the following commands, preceded by +:
• fps_max 0/60/120/etc. - sets FPS limits; 0 means unlimited, while others try to keep it constant which may enhance your experience as the FPS should not drop anymore.

• You can add any other console command that will be automatically put in console when the game starts.
1 коментара
kaam wali aunty 8 ян. 2024 в 13:52 