Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Red and Blue? More Like Purple!
"So, today I noticed that Jessy and Lunattic have red and blue... But aren't red and blue... You know what I mean?

Red may be common in anger, but that's not the case for Jessy. She's a jolly, 22-year old girl who loves dragons, pretty much everyone, and is lavish to the world she goes though.

Blue may be common in sadness... And yet Lunattic is angry, violent, but has a heart of gold deep down.

Jessy can also have a calm and collected mindset. Even in the most desperate of times, she'll do her best to keep her composure, and does it well.

Lunattic, however, can see something and have and can either be sarcastic or casual to say. Then again, she has standards, not wanting to hurt anyone she cares about, and even be sweet sometimes too."