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Extended Campfire (Build 41)
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17. feb. 2022 kl. 8:46
10. jan. kl. 12:16
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Extended Campfire (Build 41)

Imagine yourself a winter. You are running away from zombies for a long time. All that you want right now is to make a fire as quickly as possible and to cook some food, but shortly you discover that you would need 2 logs or 3 planks for that.
Well, okay, with some difficulties you find 2 logs, you craft a campfire kit, and only then you notice that campfire is empty: there is no fuel in it.

So what this mod actually does?
  • Adds 2 items: wood chips and dry grass.
    Wood chips don't spawn, you can only create it with some wood and tools.
    Dry grass can be found using a foraging system. But keep in mind that there is no dry grass when it rains. The time of year also affects the chance.
  • Replace vanilla Campfire Kit recipe. Now you need only wood chips or twigs.
  • Twigs was removed from list of items that can be used to light a fire. Their place was taken by dry grass.

  • Game version 41.69 - 41.78 (latest version of build 41). The mod uses item tags added in 41.69, so it may not work on older versions.
    I haven't figured out how to update the scripts for build 42 yet, I can't get it to work correctly. I'll wait until more information appears on this topic and when I understand how to adapt this mod according to new recipes and changes in balance.
  • Integration of other mods - recipes support all items with the "SharpKnife" or "ChopTree" tag. In simple terms, if the author of a mod has linked their item to one of these tags, it will automatically be able to be used in my mod.
  • Conflicts with other mods - there shouldn't be any errors, but it may affect the balance of mods that are dedicated to rebalancing the foraging system or campfire fuel. Most likely, the impact will be minor, but in my opinion it is worth to mention.
    Also, this mod rewrites the file "campfire.txt" to remove vanilla campfire recipes. So in some cases, it may break some functionality of mods that rely on this file and change it greatly. But these should be quite rare cases.

Allraincarry - item models
defiska33 - sprites and icons
Nightmeru - help with balancing and testing the foraging system
Salvo - added compatibility with knives and axes from other mods

Workshop ID: 2756343975
Mod ID: ExtCampfire
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10. jan. kl. 12:35
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1. feb. 2023 kl. 17:00
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32 kommentarer
Kielo  [ophavsmand] 10. jan. kl. 11:40 
Avel_Nobel, если задаться целью развести огонь только при помощи собирательства в дикой местности, то сухую траву будет сложнее найти. В остальном для розжига подойдет всё как и раньше, кроме мелких веток
Avel_Nobel 10. jan. kl. 4:37 
Я правильно понимаю- с этим модом развести костер зимой невозможно, потому что для розжига нужна сухая трава, которой из за снега не будет?
Salvo 2. dec. 2024 kl. 22:10 
Just to correct that "CutTree" part for anyone who might read this, it's actually "ChopTree" and I also have learned it won't work without a little bit of lua scripting which I am now trying to figure out how exactly to do that
Salvo 2. dec. 2024 kl. 3:44 
Kielo, I know someone suggested adding compatibility for modded knives, I've done this for my personal save, if you would like I can send you the file, just send me a friend request on steam and maybe message me and I'll send it over.

Or alternatively just replace the part of the recipes that says "huntingknife/kitchenknife" to say [Recipe.GetItemTypes.SharpKnife] (including brackets) it should pull ANY knife using just that line, so long as ther knife has "SharpKnife" in it's item tags, I'm not sure how to do it for axes/hatchets, it might just be replacing "SharpKnife" with "CutTree" if that line works the way I think it does (grabbing item tags)
Kielo  [ophavsmand] 21. okt. 2024 kl. 2:43 
stalksetcup, да, это просто аналог мелких веток. С релизом домашнего скота попробую сделать возможность конвертировать в сено или типа того, смотря как это всё будет реализовано
stalksetcup 20. okt. 2024 kl. 2:32 
А есть крафт из сухой травы? Ну просто собирать её ради костра?
Meg 4. okt. 2024 kl. 3:35 
it would be really cool to find wood chips in gardens in the yards of houses and in playgrounds through foraging! Or maybe you can demolish those tiles to make some woodchips, so it's like you picked them up to use them. Just a random thing I thought of when I found this. Really cool mod!
Kielo  [ophavsmand] 15. aug. 2024 kl. 21:00 
@TurtleShroom I apologize that there is no customization and additional options in the mod, but initially I created it for personal use and for friends to make the game more realistic.
And in our opinion, making a fire with logs is a bit strange and unrealistic.

@AstrayCuriosity I'll definitely try to do it, but honestly this is my only mod in PZ and I haven't done anything for this game for so long that I forgot how everything works there, lol.
Like, I need some time and right mood to get into it and remember.
TurtleShroom 15. aug. 2024 kl. 9:53 
Why does it have to REPLACE the Vanilla rendition's Campfire Recipe? Why not just add it as a new Recipe?
Илюха127 9. dec. 2023 kl. 22:07 
@Genom, у меня была такая же проблема! Я тоже перебирал все моды! Я не помню, какой это был мод... Либо мод на машины, либо на копья... Либо какой-то, который я даже не использовал в игре, но он был включен. Включай моды пачками по 10 штук и находи, в какой пачке мод конфликтует!