400 ratings
POSTAL 2: "The Lost Weekend" Creepypasta
By Father Andrew
based on a true story
The Brap.
I sat there; playing Postal 2 on my PC; around august last year.

I had just beaten Paradise lost on POSTAL doifficulmt in under 69 minutes; and unlocked all the achivements.

Having nothing bemmeter top do; i piss around in da settingz to find anythimng i had misseds.

i search for a whiole; eventually finding something i did not recognise.

I found a setting called "true mode"; its description only saying "the true ending".

not sure what it was; i enabled it and started a new game on average, a week in paradise mode, no enhancements.

as the game loaded; i got dis as da loamding screen:

Then; a few secomns layter the game loded.

I spawned outside my trailer; the full screen in black and white.

da Postal dudem said to himself:
"Not again, please."

Confused; I take a moment to process before continuing;

first objective; git milk.

So i b-hop backwards to da lucky gamesh; entering the sore i get da saemn lodding dscreen, weirdly enoyugh i see ZERO npcs on the way there; a bit freaky but ok.

Upon entering the store, I see nbodoy; the shelves empty except the milk.

confused by the chances; i progress, curious,

I grab the milk and head to thecounter.

I try to get a weapon out by pressing de mumber keys; only to notice something was off; all weapons were missing, i hadent picked up ANY.

Then, i noticed to my horror.
the store clerk was da GRIM REAPER!!!!

scareds ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥; i dun crappered my pants, shidding and farding violently all ocer my $69,000 pewdiepie gaming chair.

The reaper said to me:
"5 bucks; or your soul."

having no mone; I had no diea what to do.

Suddenly da reaper saiod;'
"Ok thats it, your soul it is!"

He themn started walking towards me; phasing through the walls.

terrified; I turn and run to the frotn door; only to find it locked.

cornered' I try to out manuver the reaper by qicking him and b-hopping but he was 2 fast 4 me!!!

he grabbs me and I DIEEEE!!!!!!!!

i pres sapce to reload the gaem; getting da saem loedingm screen as before.

But this time; my game loads into a hellish space.

The sky black, only hellfire in the background; postal dude lookming justa s comfused as I was.

Suddemnly; the words "RUN" appeared at da top.

so I decide to run to the right.

Out of NOWHERE; the antagonist from HATRED starts chasing me!!!!!

he shouts:

Shidding myselfph with fear; i run to the right to escape him; HATREED dude running clsoe behind me!!!

aFTER an HOURS AND A HALF of rumming; i finale reach a cave that allowed me to exit da levelm.

The same loading screen, aagin.


Then, i loadmn into the nexzt levelm.

I arrive otuside a church; the screen in black and white.

I explore for a bit, no NPCs or anything.

but eventually I find a graveyard.

Curious; i explore da gravemyard; till i find a grave for "Champ"; da postal dudes dogg.

The game asked me
"Are you sure you want to see him aagin?"

I agreed and the postal dude dug up the grave.

The scene showed a coffin; a blood stain on the lid.
it asked:
"Are you SURE this is what you want?"

I agreed.

postal dudem opened the coffin; showing CHAMPS DED BOPDDEY!!!



Suddenly ; dis text appeared on da screen.

Suddemnly; da spostal dude fell 2 his knees and stared KRYING.

he den took out a shotgun;his eyes dripping HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD; and he SHOT HISMELFG.

Da pomstel dudem layd ded on the floor; and da grim repper threw his lifeless body into the grave with champs.

"Cope hardmener; pinko" said da repper.

da grimm repepr den re-sealed the coffin, buried it and took a FAT PISS all over it!!!

he den took off his hood; revealing him to be teh guy from POSTAL 2!

only then ddi i notice the postal dude I was playing was the one from postal 3!

"See you in hell, Pinko" said postal dude; before he walked off.

Then; the agme crashed.

the error message said only one thing.

"Don't buy postal 3, its stinky poo poo piss aids."

After that, i had to clean all the poopoo off my gaming chair; my mommny was very mad at me.

Message from the writer
Hope you enjoyed this awful Postal 2 creepypasta I shidded out in less than an hour while dying of a catnip overdose.

Disclaimer for all the brain dead Pinko's out there:
This story is FICTIONAL.

Anyway; I might write an actual serious one; I migt not.

wrote this to take the piss out of dumb gaming creepy pastas writen by 5 year olds.

Likes or awards would be appreciated.

We just hit 666 unique views; thanks lads.

Edit 2:
Thanks to everyone who gave this an award/like.
NEW: Audio Version
Narrated by my friend FactualHat:
made me diarehha all over
David the Iguana 9 Jan @ 6:52pm 
i fucking love that NES Godzilla Reference
Niłah 5 Jan @ 11:05pm 
Dude i shat myself
common_male_rural01.mdl 28 Dec, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
did someone make a mod about this
el corbatas ridiculas 25 Dec, 2024 @ 4:03pm 
Zinfind 27 Nov, 2024 @ 5:42am 
amhir 25 Nov, 2024 @ 6:24pm 
true story
nbbun 18 Nov, 2024 @ 12:59pm 
just me think that it true story make crap pants
Roy Gribbleston 5 Oct, 2024 @ 10:50am 
Funny AF tho
Roy Gribbleston 5 Oct, 2024 @ 10:48am 
Bro used the Face poser from Gmod:Krotchy: