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Ultrawide Fix
Vytvořil: Hennesay
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Ultra widescreen Fix
Modify the game executable to fix pillarboxing and vert- scaling in the Steam version

1 Go to <path-to-game>\CodeVein\Binaries\Win64\
2 Make a backup copy of CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe.
3 Open the original CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe in a hex editor, such as HxD.
4 Search for F6 41 2C 01 4C, and replace with F6 41 2C 00 4C to remove pillarboxes.
5 Search for 35 FA 0E 3C A4, and replace with 35 FA 3E 3C A4 for ultra-widescreen or EF D4 83
3C A4 for multi-monitor resolutions to change the FOV.

When finding and replacing these hex values, make sure that the find/replace tools are using
"Hex-values" mode, and search direction (if using HxD) is set to All (Forward and Backward).


1 Follow through steps 1-4 normally.
2 Replace 35 FA 0E 3C A4 with EF D4 83 3C A4 for multi-monitor resolutions.
3 Search for 39 8E E3 3F, and replace with 39 8E 63 40 to change the FOV for 32:9.

Or Use This

About This File

*Note: Password for the archive is 'pcgw'

Turned the fix from Code Vein's PCGW's hex editing ultrawide guide into a patcher. I don't take credit for the actual hex-editing work. All I did was correct the FOV and implement the hex edits from the ultrawide guide into a patcher so it's easier to apply for those who don't want to hex edit things themselves.

In-short this patch removes the black pillars from cutscenes and corrects the field of view for 21x9 and 32x9.

Extract the archive, run the patcher and locate CodeVein-Win64-Shipping.exe then click 'Start' on the patcher.

i had to scale the image down as steam only allow 2mb