Dota 2
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7.31d (Support) Tomahawk Series | 4th Position.
By X-35
Marci is a great offlaner/support. New hero that really should be used as support.

Strong hero that suits very well as 4th support aswell as offlaner. This guide is for 4th support, but it includes items that can make you a front hero in battles.

After seen this hero and played it i think this guide includes the most you need under a game.

I put the heart in the guide becuase its a great item for mid/lategame when you and your team need more time in teamfights to survive and win.

Remember that this is not a recipe for wins, its simply a guide that helps you see how it affects the enemy and help you make choices
fast with what items you might need.

Pls let me know if my guide needs update.

Good luck and enjoy.

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