Empire of Sin

Empire of Sin

Ocen: 38
Upgrade Notification
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4.899 KB
30 listopada 2021 o 3:49
30 listopada 2021 o 5:27
Listy zmian: 2 ( zobacz )

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Upgrade Notification

When a racket upgrade completes and there are no further upgrades pending for that Precinct, a notification is generated that requires the player to acknowledge the notification, and provides the option to review the Precinct to schedule more upgrades if desired.
Komentarzy: 8
Moby Thicc 13 stycznia 2022 o 3:39 
Any mods to bring back rush upgrades?
Coach 23 grudnia 2021 o 9:54 
didn't I write a question/comment here a few days ago ?
ploppo 23 grudnia 2021 o 2:48 
Jochem285 14 grudnia 2021 o 23:52 
Nice work, Bolanda!
bolanda  [autor] 8 grudnia 2021 o 0:33 
Unfortunately enabling any mods will disable achievements.
MiguelCairo 7 grudnia 2021 o 11:50 
maybe this is a noob question but can you still get achievements with this on?
Le FatiKan 4 grudnia 2021 o 9:30 
ho wow ! way to go ! this has to be a must have mod from now on !
jfknut1 1 grudnia 2021 o 6:12 
Nice one mate. Good start from the modding community. This is functionality that really ought to be in the game already, so fair play to you.