Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

71 ratings
[GrandTheftAuto5] Shopping List - New Players
By tHe eNd
This guide explains what you should buy if you are new to the game. In this way you are getting the most out of it.
To make money (in game) you will have to help others. Make a good first impression, otherwise you will not make a lot of money later, so keep that in mind. And you can always ask if you need any help, because some missions can be a bit difficult if you are new to the game.

The list
1. Kosatka ($2,200,000) - [Arrow UP > Internet > Travel and Transport > Warstock cache & carry > Kosatka].
! Before purchasing Kosatka, you will have to to visit the Music Locker VIP room (on the left side of the Casino).
! Do not forget to buy the helicopter upgrade.

2. Armored Kuruma ($698,250) - [Arrow UP > Internet > Travel and Transport > Southern Andreas SuperAutos > Armored Kurama]
! 'Armored Kuruma has a trade price (discount) after completing the Fleeca Heist'. (N)

3. Bunker (from $1,165,000 to just below $2,400,000) - [Arrow UP > Internet > Money and Services > Foreclosure > Bunker]
! Make sure that you get supplies for bunker and set everything on research, you will get weapon upgrades) ... and everyone loves powerful guns :D

4. Clubhouse Business (from $200,000 to $495,000) - [Arrow UP > Internet > Money and Services > Foreclosure > Clubhouse]

5. CEO Office/Warehouse - [Arrow UP > Internet > Money and Services > Dinasty8 Executive > CEO Office or Arrow UP > Internet > Money and Services > Foreclosure > Warehouse]

6. From here you can creating your own experience, such as maybe buying oppresor mk2?

7. As you buy the above, make sure that you upgrade them. Inside everyone (except in Armored Kuruma) you will find computers, which can be used to do these so-called upgrades.

8. Check the comment section as there are a lot of amazing useful tips.

9. Make sure to hit Rating up and mark it as Favourite.

Thank you!
Thank you for reading this guide. If you end up enjoying it, please consider reading point 9 again.

See you in game. Have fun and ... do not cheat.

'There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.' (H. Keller)

tHe eNd
tHe eNd  [author] 25 Nov, 2021 @ 3:18pm 
I am doing the same thing Shefty. Thank you for sharing.
Kolibri 15 Nov, 2021 @ 4:28am 
playing cayo perico over and over its more fun then selling cars for 80k or less (ahem ahem TGG solo guide ahem ahem)
tHe eNd  [author] 14 Nov, 2021 @ 1:04pm 
You are actually correct. On behalf of everyone I thank you shefty :steamhappy:
Kolibri 6 Nov, 2021 @ 12:49pm 
sigma male rule 25123#
save up only for the kosatka and the helicopter upgrade then buy the other useless things
tHe eNd  [author] 27 Oct, 2021 @ 3:35pm 
Thank you Nikki, didn't know that :steamhappy:
Pollyanna 27 Oct, 2021 @ 3:19pm 
Also, the armored kuruma has a trade price (discount) after completing the Fleeca Heist
Pollyanna 25 Oct, 2021 @ 7:48pm 
Probably worth noting that Kosatka is only purchasable after visiting the Music Locker VIP room for the first time
tHe eNd  [author] 24 Oct, 2021 @ 3:32am 
Thank you for the update Cat, it has been changed :)
tHe eNd  [author] 22 Oct, 2021 @ 10:55am 
Buff Cleetus Rat, you are right, that is something that should not be missed from the future 'Shopping Lists' ;)
Ratsey 21 Oct, 2021 @ 6:37am 
u should also get the opressor is very good for transport and freemode missions do not use it for the wrong thing