Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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[VJ] Sentry's Global Police SNPCs
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: PNJ
Mots-clés d'addon: Jeu de rôle, Réalisme
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1.462 GB
30 sept. 2021 à 4h06
10 janv. à 1h59
101 notes de changement ( voir )

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[VJ] Sentry's Global Police SNPCs

Dans 1 collection faite par Sentryandreas
Sentry's SNPCs and Models.
26 objets
Because of the size issue, I've separated the Russian Cops into the different addon.

Heavily recommend to use it with my Gang,Insurgent and Cop SNPCs. :D

Requires VJ Base.

I brought some random fancy models around the gmod workshop to here!
- Bundespolizei (German Federal Police)
- Korean National Police
- National Police Agency (Japan Police)
- UK Police (+ Metropolitan Police)
- Australian Police
- HKPD (Hong Kong Police)
- Mexican Federal Police
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- General Directorate of Security (Turkish Police)
- Ukrainian Police
- Carabinieri (Italian Military Police)

Have fun! :3

You can find the cops in "Sentry's Cop (Global)" Category.
More than 3600 voice lines.
Randomly, Some cops can heal the others.
The voices have their own languages from the various games.
Various bodygroups for some cops.
13 Different weapons.
- Police Baton
- Standard Revolver
- Makarov Pistol
- Glock 19
- USP Pistol
- Sig P226
- MP5
- HK 416
- G36
- Pump Shotgun
- Beretta M9
- Beretta M12

SNPC List:
Located in "Sentry's Cop (Asian)".
Korean Cop
Korean Cop (Female)
Korean Cop (Detective)
Korean Traffic Cop
Korean Traffic Cop (Female)
Japanese Cop
Japanese Cop (Female)
Japanese Cop (High-Rank)
Kazakhstan Cop
Japanese SAT

Korean Cops
Japanese Cops
Kazakhstan Cops
Japanese SAT Squad

Located in "Sentry's Cop (China)".
Hong Kong Cop
Hong Kong PTU Cop
Taiwanese Cop
Chinese Cop
Chinese Cop (Detective)
Chinese Cop (Armoured)
Chinese Cop (Supervisor)
Chinese SWAT
Hong Kong PTU
Taiwanese SWAT

Hong Kong Cops
Hong Kong PTU Cops
Taiwanese Cops
Chinese Cops
Chinese Armoured Cops
Chinese SWAT Squad
Hong Kong PTU Squad
Taiwanese SWAT Squad

Located in "Sentry's Cop (Commonwealth)".
Canadian Cop
Canadian Cop (Female)
Canadian Cop (Transit)
Canadian ERT
U.K Cop
U.K Cop (Female)
U.K Cop (Chief)
U.K Cop (Armed Unit)
U.K Cop (Metropolitan)
U.K Cop (Undercover)
Australian Cop
Royal Canadian Cop
Royal Canadian Field Cop

Canadian Cops
Canadian ERT Squad
U.K Cops (Armed Unit)
U.K Cops (Metropolitan)
U.K Cops (Undercover)
Australian Cops
Royal Canadian Cops
Royal Canadian Field Cops

Located in "Sentry's Cop (European)".
German Federal Cop
German Municipal Cop
Spanish Municipal Cop
Italian Cop
Polish Cop
Irish Cop
French Cop
Hungarian Cop
Ukrainian Cop
Pridnestrovian Cop
German SEK
Spanish GEOS
Mexican GOPES
French RAID
Polish BOA
Ukrainian KORD

German Federal Cops
German Municipal Cops
Spanish Municipal Cops
Italian Cops
Polish Cops
Hungarian Cops
Ukrainian Cops
Pridnestrovian Cops
German SEK Squad
Spanish GEOS Squad
Mexican GOPES Squad
French RAID Squad
Polish BOA Squad
Ukrainian KORD Squad

Located in "Sentry's Cop (Global)".
Mexican Federal Cop
Argentine Cop
Brazilian Cop
Chilean Cop
Turkish Cop
Soviet Cop
Turkish Riot Cop
Mexican GOPES
Chilean GOPE
Argentine GEOS

Mexican Federal Cops
Argentine Cops
Brazilian Cops
Chilean Cops
Turkish Cops
Soviet Cops
Turkish Riot Cop Squad
Mexican GOPES Squad
Chilean GOPE Squad
Argentine GEOS Squad

Map used:


gm_york Remaster

Shanghai Apartment

Every update notes before august 30 are restored in change notes, Aug 29.

KERRY - Provided the Japanese Cop, Korean Cop(Female), French Cop German Cop, Kazakhstan Cop and Ukrainian Cop models. Texture designer for them. Porting the models to Gmod, Model's base, Modified some textures.
Valve - For the original models of characters, Base of the animations. Provided the voices of Korean/Spanish/Russian Police.
Rockstar Games - Models, textures.
New World Interactive - Provided the voices of British Cops, Weapon sounds of Revolver and Makarov Pistol.
Nexon - Provided the voices of Korean Cops and Japanese Cops.
Tripwire Interactive - Provided the voice of Polish Cops and German Cops.
Paradox Development Studio- Provided the voice of Turkish Cops.
Ceiling Spiders - Provided the Base model of Korean Cop. Porting the models to Gmod, Model's base, Modified some textures
?Comrade Communist? - For the Animation of the models.
Sentryandreas - Porting some voices and weapon sounds from workshop to Gmod, Coding SNPCs, Changed animations. Author of the German Cop, Korean Cop and HKPD models.
DrVrej - Vj base , Sounds, Weapons.
INCONCEIVABLE! - Provided the models of weapons.
dangerman1973 - Provided the models of weapons.
Полковник - Provided the models of weapons.
Takimara - Provided the models of weapons.
devasdevil - Provided the model of KNP SWAT.
YOKAI-KAISEE - Provided the model of Korean Cop vest.
DMCH - Provided the model of Spanish Police, GEOS.
옥슬아사랑해 - Provided the model of Japanese SAT
Voikanaa - Provided the UK Cop models.
Krazy - Provided the model of Tear gas.
TOJU, ComradeIvan - Provided the model of German Cop/GSG-9.
hhp227- Provided the face model of Female Korean Cop.
Klimann - Provided the Polish Cop textures.
Rayane Evans - Provided the Polish Cop models.
WinningRook - Exporting & rigging the models for British SWAT.
festivalmatt - Creating the British SWAT models.
Ruben27 - MatraIgnition - Provided the French RAID Units.
Humangrunt - Provided the original model of HKPD PTU.
Harry | - Provided the model of CTSFO.
spasmonkey - Provided the voice of RCMP.
RebS - Provided the model of Turkish Cop.
Patrick Grady, Reverend V92 - Provided the model of Mexican Gopes.
Los finales me pueden chupar la - Provided the model of Argentine GEOS.
PolakWojsko - Provided the textures of the Polish BOA.
𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙤 - Provided the model of SEK.
Kostov - Provided the voice of Ukrainian Cop.
БІГ УБИВ - Translator of Ukrainian voices.
Zak_Oprysko - Addon for GTA V: Ukrainian S.W.A.T. (К.О.Р.Д.).
DoctaSmitty - Texture body armor from addon for GTA V: Modernized Ukrainian Army Camo.
Reemiel - Replacement textures.
Russian J-12 - Provided the model of Pridnestrovian Cop and Soviet Cop.
Zaeryn / Doktor haus - Provided the weapon model of Beretta.
Jopesch - Provided the base model of Italian Carabinieri.
Byte - Provided the body model of Korean Agent.
Havok101, Beckmann - Provided the model of M12.
Human Grunt - Provided the Brazilian Cop model.
DOGGO_MASTER - Provided the British Cop model.
Colli White - Provided the model of Chilean cop model.
神秘人 - Provided the model of Chinese Cop model.
1 034 commentaires
aviajes.millas 27 janv. à 9h33 
You can add to the Colombian police, both the new uniform and the old uniform in addition to the special forces please
Sentryandreas  [créateur] 10 janv. à 1h58 
Thanks for your reporting! Imma fix the issue right away. :D
drshahramanvariazar 10 janv. à 1h27 
the chinese swat gun has no texture bug
Ohfiddlestickswhatnow? 4 janv. à 15h38 
oh ok!
Sentryandreas  [créateur] 4 janv. à 3h55 
Yeah, Guess VJ Base is crashed with other addons. Recommend you to check out your subscribed item list!
Ohfiddlestickswhatnow? 4 janv. à 2h40 
hey uhhh for some reason there's a duplicate NPC in an NPC i spawn from all the "Sentry's Military/Police/Gang". Is this a VJ error or a bug from here?
Bit Curious 1 janv. à 16h16 
@Sentryandreas My apologies. Thank you very much!
Sentryandreas  [créateur] 31 déc. 2024 à 18h25 
@Bit Curious
Bit Curious 31 déc. 2024 à 17h26 
What happened to the Russian police and heavy units? They're missing from the NPC menu.
Sentryandreas  [créateur] 23 nov. 2024 à 6h15 
Thanks for your suggestion.