Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack

Jagged Alliance 2: Gold Pack

130 ratings
How to Install the Unofficial v1.13 Patch for Jagged Alliance 2 Gold
By saugus49
This guide provides links to, and instructions for, the proper installation of the Unofficial v1.13 Patch for the game Jagged Alliance 2 Gold. The specifics in the guide refer to installations on Windows Vista, Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, and Windows 7 64-bit. Details will vary for other Windows versions.
v1.13 Step-by-Step
This process will work for Windows 7 and Vista (some details might vary for other Windows versions). It has worked flawlessly for me (including the intro and in-game videos) under Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1 on an Intel-based system with NVIDIA graphics (non-SLI). I cannot vouch for other configurations:

1. From Steam, install Jagged Alliance 2 Gold; run the game once to assure the complete installation of all modules.

2. Create a folder named "Games" (or "Modded Games", or whatever you want to call it, without the quotes) in the C:\ folder. This is done to avoid potential conflicts with UAC (User Account Control) permissions inherited from the stock Windows "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folder that may occur if you generally log in to Windows using a 'Standard User' account rather than an 'Administrator' account. (OBSOLETE -- YOU CAN NO LONGER PREVENT STEAM FROM AUTOMATICALLY UPDATING YOUR STEAM COPY OF ANY GAME! Follow all steps as directed, but see note in step 6 if you wish to access the modded game from within your Steam Library: If you wish to apply the patch directly to the game folder under Steam, you're welcome to try, but subtle game glitches are a possibity; if you do, I recommend you disable "Automatically keep this game up to date" in its Properties to avoid unwelcome surprises should Steam actually do so, and also avoid verifying the game's cache to prevent Steam from overwriting your newly patched game files).

3. COPY the folder "Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" from your C:\Program Files [or Program Files (x86)]\Steam\steamapps\common folder to your newly created C:\Games folder. If disk space is at a premium you can 'Delete Local Content...' for Jagged Alliance 2 Gold in your Steam Library from the game's right-click menu once you've verified that this patch has worked for you and you don't have (or care about) saved games that would require the standard Steam JA2 Gold v1.12 install. Note, however, that future, major, v1.13 Patch releases will likely work best on a clean, unmodified copy of the game.

4. Run the downloaded Unofficial v1.13 Patch (JA2v1.13 Build 7435, 28 August 2014)
ja2v1.13-7435en[area.xrmb2.net], directing it to unpack in your "C:\Games\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" folder, overwriting any existing files.

5. Run the downloaded Update Version for Release 7435: Build: 7609, 25 October 2014[web.archive.org], directing it to unpack in your "C:\Games\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" folder, overwriting any existing files.

6. Create a shortcut by right-clicking on the "INI Editor.exe" file in the "C:\Games\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" folder and selecting "Create shortcut"; Rename the created shortcut to "Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" or "Jagged Alliance 2 Gold 1.13", or whatever you like, and move it to your desktop or Start Menu. Alternatively: If you really want to access the patched game from your Steam Library, you can safely add it by using the Steam Client's 'Games>Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library...' drop-down menu, and you won't have to worry about Steam inadvertantly "auto-updating" your modded game.

7. Double-clicking your new shortcut should allow you to run the v1.13 game. (Display resolutions, along with many other game options, are selected by running 'INI Editor.exe' in the "C:\Games\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold" folder. It serves as the game launcher in addition to an .INI file editor.)

Note that this ONLY applies to Jagged Alliance 2 Gold from Steam (or elsewhere). It does NOT work with Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business or Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire. Also, remember that this is an unofficial patch and various bugs still exist. Any other necessary tweaks I'll leave for others to supply. As of this writing the latest "STABLE" version is the now Current official Update Version for Release 7435: Build: 7609, 25 October 2014, linked in step 5 above.) Further information and documentation including other language versions can be found at JA2 v1.13[ja2v113.pbworks.com]. If you're interested in the latest v1.13 (UNSTABLE) builds, builds for Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business, or any other v1.13 projects in the works, you can find them at v1.13 Modders (Development Discussions)[thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com].

For a solution to the lag problem under Windows 10, see the comment below by bscoms posted on Jun 1, 2016.

Good luck.

(Last edited Oct. 31, 2020: Download Links updated. Thank you @XDms for the heads-up!)
trve1337 22 Oct, 2024 @ 7:10am 
This still works for me on Windows 11. Additionally I had to disable intro in Ja2.ini and set SCREEN_RESOLUTION = 3 for it to work on 4K monitor.
HunterAlpha1 6 Oct, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
Does this work with Windows 11?
1stReaper 1 Aug, 2023 @ 4:21am 
fair enough, cheers bud.
hadn't read the guide yet, figured i'd ask questions related to it and JA2 first, before i start progress on the guide and end up asking the original questions plus extra XD.

(in my head it made sense lol!)
this way i know which mod to use and how to use it, instead of attempting to follow the guide and going about it the wrong way xD

< i.e. prob would have attempted to use the mod on wildfire instead of gold and fk'ed something up, where as now, ill just be going straight to gold with the mod, and presumingly have the content thats in wildfire added to gold + extra content :P >
saugus49  [author] 31 Jul, 2023 @ 7:09pm 

See the last major paragraph of the Guide above (beginning with the word, "Note"), paying particular attention to the first two and last two sentences. Unfortunately, Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business and Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire are beyond the scope of this Guide. I would encourage you to explore the official websites of both v1.13 and Stacciatella for their latest features.

I am not an authority on either Unfinished Business or Wildfire . My feeling is that UB maybe can be run from a JA2 Gold v1.13 installation since the UB data files and an updated ja2_ub.exe are included (though there may be some glitches). It also appears that there may be some support for Wildfire in Stacciatella. You might want to experiment with these two approaches. Good luck!
1stReaper 30 Jul, 2023 @ 4:32pm 
oh and how would you recommend playing unfinished business ?
(im under the impression that UB is a stand-alone game/story from the main JA2 line?)

ive just been putting that off because i think i remember reading somewhere that it was a bugfest.
1stReaper 30 Jul, 2023 @ 4:29pm 
ah i see, righto. :)

figured id ask first just to make sure,
seems like 1.13 would be my best bet
if it fixes the biggest amount of bugs, adds the most amount of content tweaks and so on.

somethings been playing on my mind aswell regarding wildfire.
i believe wildfire has extra mercs thhat gold doesn't?

does the 1.13 add the added content from wildfire into it or should i play wildfire with 1.13
...or does 1.13 only work for the main game (gold im presuming in this case)?

saugus49  [author] 30 Jul, 2023 @ 2:19pm 

The focus of each mod is different. V1.13 is meant to not only fix bugs, but also expand original JA2. Stracciatella is meant to make JA2 available on a wide range of platforms, improve its stability, fix bugs (while preserving the original gameplay) and provide a stable platform for mod development. My gut instinct is that the two may be mutually exclusive since each mod replaces the JA2 executable. Thus the second mod's .exe would replace the first's.

In my case, I have two JA2 game installations. If I'm looking to play as close to a "vanilla" JA2 as possible, I play Stracciatella; if I want an expanded experience (picking and choosing various features and such), then v1.13 is my choice.

If you're looking to expand JA2 Sracciatella, then I'd research mods that are specifically made for it. I have not, personally, looked into this.
1stReaper 30 Jul, 2023 @ 9:57am 
quick question,
planning on playing this again till i get paid so i can get ja3 aswell.

just managed to fix the whole blackscreen issue.

was just curious as to if i should stick to using 1.13 ? or Straciatella
can both be used or should i only use one or the other ?

im on windows 11 if that matters
Rukas Bronte 12 Jun, 2022 @ 7:14pm 
Okay, I figured it out. Turns out I accidentally skipped a step.
Rukas Bronte 12 Jun, 2022 @ 6:14pm 
I seem to have hit a snag. When I try to open INI Editor it says "Could not find a path of the path 'C:/Modded Games/Jagged Alliance 2 Gold/Profiles'. Did I do something wrong, or is something up with the process?