36 beoordelingen
Full game walkthrough + All achievements
Door Carrot Helper
Full game walkthrough + All achievements (video)
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00:00 - Auqui Pit
08:02 - Agneya Plateau
16:01 - Malaha Plain
23:55 - Sag'ya Valley
35:45 - Lake Ober
44:28 - Cavulta Canyon
55:14 - Unkh-tuur Desert
1:05:56 - Yeccaph Mesa
1:16:38 - Pulyang Heights
1:24:32 - Fluamao Cliffs
1:37:49 - Ending

Achievements & Creatures & Glyphs
00:30 - Achievement Amphibic
00:51 - Creature (1/41) [Freglets]
01:00 - Glyph
01:37 - Creature (2/41) [Maroola]
02:20 - Achievement The Initiate
02:41 - Mural
02:50 - Creature (3/41) [Waccalumps]
03:39 - Creature (4/41) [Lumibees]
03:52 - Creature (5/41) [Toordles]
06:07 - Glyph
06:23 - Creature (6/41) [Lapicrabs]
06:31 - Achievement Aggression management
06:40 - Glyph
06:41 - Achievement Pit Master

09:33 - Glyph
09:48 - Glyph
09:56 - Creature (7/41) [Shoobs]
10:05 - Glyph
10:22 - Creature (8/41) [Flooms]
11:45 - Creature (9/41) [Frummers]
12:11 - Glyph
13:13 - Achievement Plateau Master
15:01 - Creature (10/41) [Altiraxs]

16:05 - Achievement The Apprentice
16:15 - Mural
17:22 - Glyph
18:41 - Creature (11/41) [Twivellas]
18:59 - Glyph
19:39 - Creature (12/41) [Glambelas]
20:14 - Glyph
21:18 - Creature (13/41) [Kronorus]
21:29 - Achievement Plains Master

24:43 - Glyph
26:50 - Creature (14/41) [Bulbas]
27:54 - Creature (15/41) [Snillpies]
28:16 - Glyph
28:55 - Glyph
29:07 - Creature (16/41) [Bunjas]
29:21 - Creature (17/41) [Maborus]
30:34 - Glyph
31:38 - Achievement Valley Master
34:28 - Creature (18/41) [Meedjull]

35:47 - Achievement The Disciple
35:56 - Mural
36:34 - Glyph
36:40 - Creature (19/41) [Scipuins]
37:57 - Creature (20/41) [Uctulus]
38:12 - Creature (21/41) [Fremobulis]
38:38 - Achievement Likeminded
40:54 - Glyph
41:25 - Creature (22/41) [Medujalls]
42:14 - Creature (23/41) [Stalixis]
42:49 - Glyph
42:50 - Achievement Lake Master

45:16 - Glyph
46:58 - Creature (24/41) [Caloobs]
47:06 - Achievement Herder
47:41 - Glyph
47:57 - Creature (25/41) [Nugions]
48:11 - Creature (26/41) [Strubs]
50:55 - Creature (27/41) [Caclutas]
51:00 - Creature (28/41) [Caclutulus]
51:38 - Glyph
51:55 - Glyph
51:56 - Achievement Canyon Master
53:58 - Creature (29/41) [Pulvukas]

55:16 - Achievement The Adept
55:26 - Mural
56:55 - Glyph
57:07 - Glyph
57:18 - Creature (30/41) [Molakus]
57:46 - Creature (31/41) [Tajeeras]
1:00:04 - Glyph
1:00:24 - Mural
1:02:28 - Achievement Desert Master

1:06:53 - Glyph
1:08:15 - Creature (32/41) [Flobbs]
1:09:13 - Creature (33/41) [Astendeons] - The description can be seen on 1:36:45
1:09:14 - Achievement Ground is lava
1:09:28 - Creature (34/41) [Petouris]
1:09:37 - Glyph
1:10:30 - Creature (35/41) [Bloonties]
1:11:02 - Glyph
1:12:33 - Glyph
1:13:24 - Achievement Mesa Master

1:17:02- Creature (36/41) [Lumotaris]
1:17:11 - Glyph
1:17:20 - Creature (37/41) [Bluvaris]
1:17:42 - Glyph
1:20:24 - Glyph
1:21:00 - Achievement Heights Master
1:23:05 - Creature (38/41) [Dokaloor]

1:24:35 - Achievement The Exalted
1:24:47 - Mural
1:25:37 - Creature (39/41) [Podrakors]
1:26:42 - Glyph
1:27:06 - Creature (40/41) [Tripulids]
1:28:25 - Glyph
1:28:45 - Creature (41/41) [Sagryphs]
1:30:50 - Glyph
1:30:52 - Achievement Cliff Master

1:35:46 - Glyph
1:36:05 - Glyph
1:37:26 - Achievement The Ascendant
2 opmerkingen
CindyK_JA 24 dec 2021 om 9:57 
Your videos have been a lifesaver. There are some nuances to some of the desert jumping/teleporting sequences that totally escaped me until I watched portions of your video. Thanks so much!
-Damn! 29 nov 2021 om 17:25 
Thanks! Very helpful :winter2019surprisedyul: