Telling Lies

Telling Lies

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Categorized Achievement Guide w/ Hints
TashuDaCashew 님이 작성
I have sorted all the achievements into categories so it is easier to see what achievements there are to do! I hope this helps you achievement hunters out there :D
즐겨찾기 해제
Telling Lies
I recommend buying it when it goes on sale for $8-$15
Time 1-5 am (5 Achievements)
Make it past 1am
automatically unlocks itself.

All work and no play
Make it past 2am
automatically unlocks itself.

Nocturnal animals
Make it past 3am
automatically unlocks itself.

You're a vampire
Make it past 4am
automatically unlocks itself.

Time is running out
Make it past 5am
automatically unlocks itself.
Uploading W/ Tips (2 Achievements)
Headed out onto the roof
Automatically earned upon uploading files.

Full Upload
Uploaded the entire data set
Watch all 170 videos in the database.

You can also watch all the videos in order by doing
steam/steamapps/common/Telling Lies/TellingLies_Data/StreamingAssets/Videos
You can play the conversations at the same time so you can hear what both are saying at sametime.

A very helpful guide by the user Scorpio helped me find all the videos with these keywords: - Accountant
- Agent
- Alba
- Anesthesiologists
- A-squared
- A**hole
- Aurora
- Ava
- Baby
- Baddie
- Barbecue
- Bark
- Bellevue
- Berry
- Black Kite
- Boat
- Boo
- Books
- Bridge
- California
- Clean
- Daniel
- Davey
- David
- Dentist
- Emma
- End
- Eric
- Fever
- Fireworks
- F**k
- F**king
- Glowy
- Green storm
- Gun
- Halloween
- Harry
- Isabella
- Jane
- Jane Dean
- Jones
- Karen
- Kink
- Knight Eighty
- Laura
- Little mermaid
- Love
- Mary
- Max
- Maxine
- Medicine
- Melissa
- Michelle
- Mike
- Miller
- Mission
- Momma
- Organizing Group
- Papa
- Paul
- Peter
- Pipeline
- Pookie
- Pregnant
- Prosperen
- Rally
- Real name
- Record
- Riordan
- Secret
- She's my
- S**t
- Simon (thank you "Messiah")
- Shot
- Smith
- Snow White
- Spell
- Star
- Steven
- Tennis
- Terrorist
- Valentine
- Water is life
Bookmark/Tagging W/ Tips (2 Achievements)
You like bookmarking
bookmark 20 videos

To bookmark a video click on bookmark icon on top right corner of watching a clip. You can check your bookmarked clips on the bookmark tab

You like tagging things
Tag videos at least 10 times.

To tag a video you need to go the book mark tab and select a clip
than click on the tag icon and add a name
Games (2 Achievements)
Animal Logic
Cats can't type

Around 3 am, the agent's cat jumps up on the desk types random letters in your search bar. Press search off what the cat wrote and you will unlock the achievement.

Pointless Game
It's the taking part that counts

In the game it is missing a king so you can't fully complete it. To get the achievement hit draw again 15 times.