For The King

For The King

185 ratings
A Guide to Farhal, All its Campaigns and Achievements
By Foozo
The guide no one asked for, but your all getting. There are handy screenshots included so you know what to keep an eye out on. I would highly suggest to read through the *any campaign* on wards so you know what mobs and other side tasks you can grind out while doing campaigns.

This is still a work in progress, im slowly starting to get burnt out from working on it so if anyone else wants to help out with gathering some screen shots, feel free to add me.

*This contains spoilers for the game

Defeat the Cultist Camp

First enemy camp you run in to

All That Glitters
Purge the Glittering Mines

Mind over matter
Defeat the mind bender

Unmissable achievement, part of the story line.
Location: The Rogue Isles
Reward: Key Piece for the Maze

Undead killer
Clear the Lich's Crypt

Unmissable achievement, part of the story line.
Location: The Burning Forest
Floors: 2
Reward: Key Piece for the Maze

Clear the forgotten cellar

Unmissable achievement, part of the story line.
Location: The Golden Plains
Reward: Key Piece for the Maze
Acid jelly will desolve your weapon or armor. Go in with a high damage character ready to win in 2 turns, or have lots of healing items ready, or wearing gear your ok with loosing.

Solve the King's maze

Once you get all 3 key pieces you will be able to enter the King's Maze. It is a long tunnel filled with enemies. Make sure to have full HP and a lot of healing potions ready for whats coming.
9 Waves of enemies and 1 boss wave at the end

No sweat
Clear both demon Caves

After finishing the King's Maze, you will unlock 2 demon caves. game suggested level for me was 8, but the mini boss at the end is level 10, be ready for a fight.

Up up and away
Fly in the hot air Balloon

Make your way back to Hasta after finishing the 2 Demon caves. They will make a hot air balloon for you.

The Mummy's Curse
Clear the Buried Temple

After getting your hot air balloon. A optional quest will appear, it will unlock the Buried temple in the Pearched Waste.

3 floors of enemies

What a view!
Reach the Top of Harazuel

This is the final dungeon of the game. Make sure you spend all your gold, stock up on anything you need, and be ready for 4 hard mini boss's and 1 end boss. Have fun!

Easy peasy
Defeat Vexor on apprentice difficulty

Hero of Fahrul
Defeat vexor on journeyman difficulty

Legend of Fahrul
Defeat Vexor on master difficulty

Beat the campaign on the above difficulty's. Vexor is the final boss.

If you want Tips/Tricks for this campaign, check out Magic Samy or Defenestratable's guide.

A really good guide to Master difficulty was made by SirImperialMike. I highly suggest you read it if your going for the Legend of Fahrul achievement.

The Morning After
Help Hildebrant retrace his steps
One of the first quests/ side quest in the campaign.

Sally Forth!
Rescue a sieged Town

After you get your boat and land on the new ice terrain, the villiages on that side of the map will be under attack. Be ready to fight off a couple waves of enemies before getting to use the town

Thumpity Thump Thump
Kill 5 Snowmen

You will come across a lot of snowmen on the icy side of the map, Fight any you see, a lot of time they are in groups.

Ice and Fire
Unlock the armory

This is a optional side quest, you need to clear out the two Ice Shrines. Then head back to the armory.

Till Death Do Us Part
Defeat the Yeti, Free his Prisoner

Enter every ice cave until you run in to this yeti, then proceed to clear out the cave and help the hostage at the end

Dragon Slayer
Kill the Dragon at the top of Frostbite Peak

Mouse over black box to see boss
This will be the ending for the campaign, be ready for 4 floors of enemies and traps. The boss will be waiting on the 5th floor.

If you want Tips/Tricks for this campaign, check out Lopovos guide.

X Marks the Spot
Find Bradach's Cabin

Just follow the main quest at the start of the game, unmissable achievement.

Just the tip
Enter Hildebrant's Cellar

After talking to Captian Bradach, he will give you a list of optional side quests to help you level up so you can take down the boss, a lot of these quests will give you achievements, Like clearing out the cellar. It will also give you a free ship to use!

Wet 'N Wild
Clear all 4 water temples

The water Temples are around the map in different zones, check the quests to see which areas you still need to explore for their temple.

Lost and Found
Find Captain Greenbeard's ship.

Defeat all the pirate dens for the optional quest. The final one will give you the deed.

Swan Song
Defeat the Songstress

When active : Sometimes when travelling by boat, you cant control your direction.

This is a Scourge that can only be found in the Into the Deep campaign.

Land Ho!
Defeat the Sea King

Mouse over black box to see boss

If you want Tips/Tricks for this campaign, check out Piżamers guide.

*Please note not all 3 of these dungeons will spawn for the 5 required to beat the campaign, so you might have to do multiple play through's.

Each dungeon has 2 floors with a hard set of enemies for the final floor, be the suggested level for the caves.

All That Glitters
Purge the Glittering Mines

Drain The Swamp
Clear the Flooded Crypt

Search the swampy tiled area until you find the crypt.

It's Getting Hot in Here
Survive the Lava Dungeon

Search the lava area until you find the dungeon.

Prison Break
Escape the Mage Dungeon

Search the fire forest area for the dungeon.

Just the tip
Enter Hildebrant's Cellar

Impossible to miss, you will get it at the start of this campaign

That's Deep
Reach the bottom of Hildebrant's Cellar

Make it to the fourth floor in this campaign (10 rooms per floor)

mouse over black box to see mini boss

be ready for a mini boss on 3-9

mouse over black box to see mini boss

be ready for another mini boss on 6-9

Double Deep
Reach the Inferno

Make it to the 7th floor in this campaign (10 rooms per floor).

Gold Digger
Win a game of Gold Rush
Lost Civilisation
havent bought dlc yet, no clue on the achievements
Any Campaign
* From this point onward, the rest of the guide will be listing achievements you can get in any campaign, Its good to read through the list once just so you know what to keep an eye out for.

Clear a cave

Pearl Diver
Clear 5 sea caves in 1 game

Critical Fail
Break a weapon

You will come across weapons that will break if you completely fail a roll, A lot are known with "Glass" in the name, or it has the little broken icon in the top left of the description.

Field Medic
Revive a party member

Put That In your Pipe
Use 100 herbs

Such a pity...
Such a pitty your whole party wiped and now you have to restart the campaign. Have fun!

*If your planning on playing through all the campaigns, these shouldn't be a issue to get, but its nice to know what enemies to keep a eye out for, so you don't end up avoiding a certain type. The only one you will have to try to get will be Boom goes the dynamite.

Not This Time
Kill a Thief after they steal something from you

Once they take a item, there next move will be to run, try and stun lock or focus the thief and you should be able to retrieve your items, and get the achievement

Boom goes the dynamite
Get Killed by a suicidal enemy

Kill 10 enemies with Firearms

You have to unlock guns from the Lore Store and they should start appearing in your game.

Defeat 100 Beastmen

They will stop spawning after your heros reach level 1

So Many Bones
Defeat 150 Skeleton enemies

Pick on someone your own size
Kill 25 Imps

Do You Ever Feel Bad?
Kill 30 Hags

I Hate Mimics
Defeat 10 Mimics

When opening a wooden chest, There is a small chance it will turn in to a mimic and attack you.

Somethings Fishy
Kill 30 Fishfolk

Rock n' roll
Defeat 15 Crag Monsters

Defeat 3 Triclops

Chosen One
Kill 1,000 enemies

Sushi Chef
Kill the Kraken

Focus on the kraken instead of his arms. He will damage your ship with certain attacks and entangle your character with others. Good luck!

Order from Chaos
Defeat the Chaos Beast
You can encounter around 4 or 5 scourge per campaign. If you encounter their base before they are awake, you can fight them. Or you can wait and level up if its a high level and take it on later when it wakes up. When it is awake it will cast a Active effect. The only way to get rid of this effect is to kill the scourge causing it. After winning, They will give you a red tier Reward, so its worth it to try and take out these camps.

Clear Skies Ahead
Defeat Disciple

When active : chance to create dark clouds on the over world

Item dropped:

End of the Rainbow
Defeat Lucky

When active :Chance to steal items dropped from enemies in battle.

Item dropped:

He's on Fire!
Defeat Coal Heart

When active: Spawns volcanos on the overworld, they cannot be walked on top of, and will cause random tiles around it to have a fire damage affect.

Item dropped:

Instant Karma
Defeat the Hangman

When active: Chance of ghost enemies appearing in battles that were not on the over world map

Item dropped:

Not so Funny Anymore
Defeat the Royal Droll

When active : Chance to mess up a slot in rolls

Item dropped:

Paying the Toll
Defeat the Bandit King

When active: Shop prices are increased

Item dropped:

Protector of the Gods
Defeat the Foul Priestess

Rock and a Hard Place
Defeat Deimos

When Active : All enemies you can see in the over world are unknown

Item dropped:

Your Time is up
Defeat the Old One

Swan Song
Defeat the Songstress (into the deep campaign only)

When active : Sometimes when travelling by boat, you cant control your direction.

Item dropped:

For more in depth info about scourges, Please check out Magic Samy's Guide
Gold / Hero Statue's / Lore / Side Quest
Payment Please
Complete 1 Side Quest

Side Business
Complete 50 Side Quests

Side quests can be obtained from any town. They get reset after a couple of days. It will range from slaying a monster to delivering a item, These are really worth it early game to stock up on gold for healing items from the shop.

Penny Save
Have 300 Gold

Have 1,500 Gold

Have 5,000 Gold

For the gold achievements, its all your gold spread out across your party, no need to horde it all to one character . . . for a thief to rob.

Pay Tribute
Honor 3 Stone Hero's

Honor The Dead
Honor 15 Stone Hero's

Lest We Forget
Honor 50 Stone Hero's

Secret Shopper
Unlock 1 item from the Lore Store

Would You Like a Receipt With That?
Unlock 20 items from the Lore Store

All Sales Are Final
Unlock 40 items from the Lore Store
Final Thoughts
Wow, i bit off more than i could chew with making this guide. It initially started as a achievement list in order of when you obtain them in the campaign. Now its spread to covering pretty much the whole thing. I really hope this guide was able to help some people, and point others in the direction of other guides to use, Best of luck conquering the land of Fahrul!
Tibochem 30 Dec, 2023 @ 4:51am 
does anyone know how find triclops pls ?

I've been looking for them for hours
AmarasSerenity 25 Feb, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
@hollywoodbr the ashfalls island quest line occurs several islands in to the Lost Civilization adventure. I want to say it's a main storyline quest but I could be wrong on that part.
HollywoodBR 7 Jan, 2023 @ 3:12am 
does anyone know how to get the achievement
[The Floor is Lava
Complete the Ashfall Islands Questline], I have all the dlc, and I finished all artificer modes at least and I didn't unlock it
Shadowhunter827 31 Dec, 2022 @ 7:22pm 
Really great guide!
Dark Bijou 30 Oct, 2022 @ 6:25pm 
this was great. thank you for all this effort!
HydraAlbatross3927 27 Apr, 2022 @ 7:00pm 
Foozo  [author] 24 Aug, 2021 @ 7:12pm 
Thanks man!
JohnnyDumps 24 Aug, 2021 @ 6:56pm 
good job bud
Foozo  [author] 10 Aug, 2021 @ 8:04pm 
Thank you for the feed back, i greatly appreciate it!
SnowChickenKing 10 Aug, 2021 @ 7:06pm 
Great guide man! Thanks for your work.
Love the format as well with some usefull pictures and info on the achievements so you know where to look.