嗜血印 Bloody Spell

嗜血印 Bloody Spell

98 ratings
Achievement Guide
By SukiR
This guide will help you unlock all the achievements, hopefully.
New achievements were added in Jan 2022. Once I have time, I'll add them to the guide.
The new achievements are available in-game.

I am splitting the achievements into the same categories as found in-game.
Free Research, Fight System, Equipment and Spell and Easter Eggs.

The first part of each achievement name is the chinese name from steam. You can copy the name of those you don't have and use Ctrl+F to find it since some of the images are used for multiple achievements. I used the english in-game names of the achievements.
Change Log
I left all the old achievements blue for now, just changed the image to match and will add new ones as gold

Old achievement changes:
有种爱叫做互相伤害 Hurt Each Other - Removed from the game
无影 Shadowless - Removed from the game
腾龙 Flying Dragon - Removed from the game
魂戮 Soul Killing - Removed from the game
排除万难 Overwhelming Difficulties - Changed to 武艺超群 Master
指天 Fight Against Heaven - Changed to 盖世无双 You Are Strong
好斗者 Bulldog - Changed to 低级灵虚 Lower Void
勇猛者 Braver - Changed to 中级灵虚 Ordinary Void
遇强则强 Hard Nut - Changed to 高级灵虚 Super Void
除魔者 Exorcist - Changed to 嗜血狂魔 Boss Bloodthirsty
降妖者 Demon Killer - Changed to 灵虚护法 Boss Void
御天 Resist the Destiny - Changed to 陆听寒 Boss Tinghan Lu

You will still have the achievements for the three Voids and Bosses if you had the old achievements.
You will not have Master if you had Overcoming Difficulties or You Are Strong if you had Fight Against Heaven. All progress achievements for Blood Palace were removed and the completed achievement is replaced.

New Achievements
Free Research
  • 矿石收集者 Ore Collector √
  • 把酒临风 Drink a Toast √
  • 灭鼠先锋 Catch Mice √
  • 能工巧匠 Skilled Craftsman √
  • 圈王 Marksman √
  • 离殇 Departure √
  • 武艺超群 Master √
  • 盖世无双 You Are Strong √
  • 吃鸡 Survival √
  • 女祭司试炼 Princess Trial √
  • 过关斩将 Fight by Oneself √

Fight System
  • 小狗 Dog √
  • 飞天蝙蝠 Bat √
  • 女幽灵 Female Ghost √
  • 小魔妖 Little Demon √
  • 大魔妖 Big Demon √
  • 屠夫 Butcher √
  • 金陵城守卫 Guard √
  • 女祭司分身 Priestess Phantom √
  • 黑影 Sombra √
  • 沙尔丹 Boss Stone √
  • 小鲤 Boss XiaoLi √
  • 黑化苏夜锦 Boss SuYejin √
  • 金陵城金甲守卫 Boss Guard √
  • 女祭司 Boss Priecetess √
  • 无面 Boss Faceless √

Equipment & Spell
  • 双持大师 Master of Dual Blade √
  • 法杖大师 Master of Magic √

Easter Eggs
  • 秘密基地 Secret Base √
  • 天外来客 Visitors from Outer Space √
  • 充气玩具 Inflatable Toys √
  • 混沌的终极武器 Chaos' Ultimate Weapon √
  • 摄影达人 Photographer √
  • 无欲无求 No Desire √
Free Research
破坏大师 Mania for Destruction
Destroy 250 items in scene.

  • Starting at Chapter Three, just break all objects as you go. Crates, weapon racks etc. Should get it as you play.

明察秋毫 Novice Detective
Investigate 10 times.

  • Interact with the white lights coming off the corpses. It will give details on the story. Should get this easily as you play.

血灵使者 Blood Messenger
Collect 6 000 Blood Essence.

  • Kill enemies, open chests, break objects. Just collect Blood Essence. You don't have to have 6 000 at once, just gathered overall.

化魂使者 Soul Envoy
Collect 10 Torn Pages of the Soul Pact.

  • Torn Pages are found in small chests and sometimes as loot. You should get this just by playing the story or in the Trial of the Priestess.

深渊领主 Lord of the Pit
Fall into the pit 5 times in a row.

  • Fall in any pit in the game. There is one at the start you can fall in. You don't have to do it in a row. I fell in the first pit once and in a later pit four times to get the achievement.

宝藏猎人 Treasure Hunter
Open 15 chests.

  • Open chests as you progress with the story. Blood, health and bloodthirst chests don't count.

江湖第一大盗 The No. 1 Thief
Open 5 big treasure chests.

  • Solve the puzzles and open five of the big chests as the story goes.

目似剑光 Sharp Eyes
Guess 5 times in a guessing jar game.

  • I've found two spots where you can play the game. During the Chapter Three: In a Dungeon talk to the guy in the cell and during Chapter Five: The Mysterious Man talk to the kid. The guy in the cell needs torn pages to play and the kid needs corn. I did it with the first guy since corn is more difficult to find. If you can't seem to get that final guess. Record the screen and watch it in slow motion.

矿石收集者 Ore Collector
Collect 10 Iron Ore

  • You should find them laying around in the story.

把酒临风 Drink a Toast
Collect 5 bottles of wine

  • Small jugs found throughout the story. Just pick up 5 of them.

灭鼠先锋 Catch Mice
Destroy 9 mice in the mini-game

  • During Chapter 5: The Mysterious Man you will find a guy that let's you play the game. Don't have to kill 9 in one game, just overall.

能工巧匠 Skilled Craftsman
Successfully upgrade equipment 9 times in the mini-game

  • Find this guy and just upgrade equipment 9 times. Can be found on chapter 6 in the maze, up the ladder on the left side after passing the floor traps.

离殇 Departure
Complete the main story

武艺超群 Master
Complete the main story on Hard difficulty.

盖世无双 You Are Strong
Beat Blood Palace

  • You have to beat all 51 levels of Blood Palace. I did it in one sitting, don't know if you can continue from a specific level, but if you die you can try again. You won't have to start over or lose progress.

吃鸡 Survival
Beat Survival Mode

  • Just play through a game of survival. I didn't win and still got the achievement.

女祭司试炼 Priestess Trial
Clear the Priestess Exam (Sixth Floor)

  • Clear all four floors of the Priestess Exam.
  • I got my achievement as soon as I talked to the prestess, completed all four before update 1.0

过关斩将 Fight by Oneself
Clear Arena Mode

  • There are 5 opponents you need to defeat in the arena. Your health will reset with each fight, but not your resurrections.

圈王 Marksman
Nest 9 utensils in the ferrule mini-game

  • You need to throw the hoop around 9 pots for achievement.
  • You'll see an enemy standing next to a bunch of pots instead of attacking you. Talk to that guy to start the mini-game.
Fight System
身轻如燕 Walking Shadow
Successfully evade 20 enemy attacks.

  • Just dodge attacks. Easiest to get this achievement during Trial of the Priestess.

无声杀手 Silent Executioner
Kill 20 enemies with Blood Sniff.

  • Stealth kill enemies. Walk up behind an enemy and execute.

反击达人 Counterattack Proficient
Successfully counter 20 enemy attacks.

  • Basic counterattack. Default hit F before enemy hits.

破目达人 Darts Expert
Successfully counter 20 enemy attacks with darts.

  • In order to get this you have to throw the enemy with one of your darts (R) before the attack hits. I got it easily with Trial of the Priestess against Little Demons, the ones that have the spears. Just wait till you see they are about to throw the javelin and dart them.
    Throw this guy with a dart now. Easiest way to get this achievement.

低级灵虚 Lower Void
Kill 100 Lower Void.

  • You should get this while playing the story. If you don't just do Preistess Exam or Blood Palace till you get it.

中级灵虚 Ordinary Void
Kill 80 Ordinary Void.

  • You should get this while playing the story. If you don't just do Preistess Exam or Blood Palace till you get it.

高级灵虚 Super Void
Kill 30 Super Void.

  • You should get this while playing the story. If you don't just do Preistess Exam or Blood Palace till you get it.

嗜血狂魔 Boss Bloodthirsty
Kill a Boss Bloodthirsty.

  • You should get this while playing the story. If you don't just do Preistess Exam or Blood Palace till you get it.
  • During Chapter One: Sect Destroyed you will fight a Bloodthirsty at the end, but it won't count. You will fight one later again in Chapter Four: Escape or in Trial of the Priestess. Don't know if this changed with update 1.0

灵虚护法 Boss Void
Kill a Boss Void.

  • It should also work by killing one in the Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.
  • Boss for Chapter Three: In a Dungeon.

    They look similar to this guy, except there will be a health bar on-screen.

陆听寒 Boss Tinghan Lu
Defeat Tinghan Lu.

  • It should also work by killing one in the Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.
  • Boss for Chapter Six: Battle Between the Fellow Apprenntices.

小狗 Dog
Kill 120 Dogs

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

飞天蝙蝠 Bat
Kill 100 Bats

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

女幽灵 Female Ghost
Kill 9 Female Ghost

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

小魔妖 Little Demon
Kill 90 Little Demons

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

大魔妖 Big Demon
Kill 30 Big Demons

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

屠夫 Butcher
Kill 20 Butchers

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

金陵城守卫 Guard
Kill 20 Guards

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

女祭司分身 Priestess Phantom
Kill 20 Priestess Phantoms

  • Story/Priestess Exam or Blood Palace.

黑影 Sombra
Kill 5 Sombra

  • Shadow Enemy found in Chapter 10

沙尔丹 Boss Stone
Defeat Boss Stone

  • Kill Stone Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.

小鲤 Boss XiaoLi
Defeat Boss XiaoLi

  • Kill XiaoLi Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.

黑化苏夜锦 Boss SuYejin
Defeat Boss Yejin

  • Kill Yejin Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.

金陵城金甲守卫 Boss Guard
Defeat Boss Guard

  • Kill Guard Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.

女祭司 Boss Priestess
Defeat Boss Priestess

  • Kill Priestess Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.

无面 Boss Faceless
Defeat Boss Faceless

  • Kill the Faceless Boss, you can get the achievement through story or in the Priestess Exam.
Equipment and Spell
名门正派 Justice Martial Art
Dressed all equipment of Monastery Armor set.

  • Equip all Monastery Armor set pieces.

道高魔重 Deep Evil
Unlock all Bloody Spells

  • You unlock Blood Spells as you play with drops or buying them at altars.
  • After defeating the Faceless One you will spawn in a room with Uncle Li. Here you can pick up Transfigure 1 & 2 as well as Life Yearn.

短刀大师 Master of Blade
Unlock all Blade Weapon Skills.

  • Use a sword to get points. Spend points on skills.

枪棍大师 Master of Spearstick
Unlock all Spearstick Weapon Skills.

  • Use a Spear to get points. Spend points on skills.

大刀大师 Master of Great Sword
Unlock all Sword Weapon Skills.

  • Use a Two-Handed Sword to get points. Spend points on skills.

体术大师 Master of Kung Fu
Unlock all Knuckle Weapon Skills.

  • Use Knuckles to get points. Spend points on skills.

双持大师 Master of Dual Blade
Unlock all Dual Wield Weapon Skills

  • Use Dual Wield to get points, Spend points on skills.

法杖大师 Master of Magic
Unlock all Staff Weapon Skills

  • You need all the skills for the mage staff.
  • Sadly you have to buy the DLC skin for Sister Li. The free one you het in-game doesn't come with the staff.
Easter Eggs
木之所向 Pursuing Navigation
Found the key of Yilong Studio.

  • I found two keys, both obtainable on Chapter Four: Escape. As soon as the level starts you start with some parkour. The first key can be found in the top chest. The second key is in the chest at the top after climbing the long ladder. You only need one key. Don't know why there are two. Once you have a key head over to the dev room found behind the carts and boxes after killing the Bloodthirster. Key unlocks door to the right inside.
    Key 1
    Key 2
    Dev Room behind those carts and crates
    Talk to all the devs and get the Revive Talisman on the table at the back. In the room to the right is an eater egg weapon and the cat suit.

功德无量 Great Merit
Donate protective clothing as prompted.

  • For this achievement you need Protective Clothing which can be obtained on Chapter Eight: False Beauty, so you'll have to go there and then come back to the Dev Room.
    Entrance near the big chest on the left corridor. You have to turn into the Big Hound, summon small ones and then take their form.
    You need 3 Wine Bottles to give to this guy in order to get the Protective Gear. There are some other easter egg goodies in the room as well.

秘密基地 Secret Base
Enter YiLong Studio

  • Follow Pursuing Navigation achievement above. You just need to walk into the studio.

天外来客 Visitors from Outer Space
Find the lost anti-epidemic medical staff

  • Same guy as Great Merit. Talk to him, give him wine and make sure you have the protective gear from the studio.

混沌的终极武器 Chaos' Ultimate Weapon
Find all Chaos weapons in the main campaign.

充气玩具 Inflatable Toys
Find all inflatable weapons in the main campaign.

  • Thanks to Shadowslyph for coming up with this list.
  • From chapter 10 water entrance
  • Hammer - to the right of the stairs straight ahead is a small path, follow it around.
  • Sword - take left portal. Continue over first set of fading air platforms and take portal. Jump on beam to right and go to the end.
  • Rake - take left portal. Continue over first set of fading air platforms and take portal. Jump on beam to right and take two lefts, then go to end of beam.
  • Mace -take left portal. Continue over both sets offading air platforms. Continue down path straight. On the right is a series of three platforms with a large puzzle chest on the furthest. Drop down from the puzzle chest and follow path around.
  • Spike balls - take right portal and take the first right. Go around the portal and approach the edge of the platform.

    摄影达人 Photographer
    Take 5 photos

    • Open photo mode in the menu and just snap 5 screenshots with F12.

    No Desire

    • Push Uncle Li's chair away from his desk when in the clearance scene.
43979623 4 Dec, 2024 @ 5:40am 
Professor Knockers 23 Jun, 2024 @ 3:52pm 
F12 doesn't do anything.
Garmiir 17 May, 2024 @ 8:15am 
Your Game Is Not Bugged
There's like 5 skins that say "can use staff moves" but none of them actually has the staff.
There's only one specific Sister Li skin that actually comes with the staff. It's the one you must get on multiplayer (Not the same one you get on story mode).
It is RNG, I got it on my 2nd playthrough of Protect Sister (better play solo, host your own server and do it as many times as you need. I's easy don't worry).
This special skin has Sister Li's picture in inventory facing the other way and the description is different. When you equip it your character will completely turn into Sister Li (even if you're modded) and into it's own unique animations.
Only works in offline modes. You won't need to change anything except the skin, it will "overlay" anything you have equipped, you WILL know it's the right one. There's no mistaking it.
Gojo daddy 28 Jun, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
To get the Staff you have to play multiplayer Protect sister mode after winning you have the change getting the skin. I just got it for the second run. Good luck.
SukiR  [author] 5 Apr, 2023 @ 9:20am 
Don't remember the chapter, but it is where you fight a lot of butchers in the city streets. After beating the butcher and jumping over the roof to the new zone, just continue playing. Killing a few more butchers on the way, but eventually you'll reach one you fight in a small courtyard. Once it is dead just look around there will be a hidden alley where you will see the guy standing near the game
FLUIDMOJO 3 Apr, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
Can someone help me with the marksman achievement ? I saw where someone said towards the end but didn't see it.
Marcksvel 23 Mar, 2023 @ 2:44pm 
If i understand that correctly there is guarantied chance of getting that is You were to complete the mode
SukiR  [author] 23 Mar, 2023 @ 9:57am 
Then I guess there are two skins. One with the staff and one without, since I couldn't get it before buying the DLC. Hope for RNG in that case :)
Marcksvel 22 Mar, 2023 @ 11:33pm 
to get staff weapon there is no real need for DLC

You can get the right skin with it by completing 28 waves in 'Defend the princess' multiplayer mode, just did that... solo, apparently, cause other guy left after beginning :c
Driv3n``. 22 Feb, 2023 @ 7:09am