AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

Оцінок: 29
Mini-Walkthrough, Gameplay Tips & FAQS
Автор: happynaru
I will be covering gameplay basics, random tips, unlockables and secrets in this game. Since I created a guide for 2 (Undead & Undressed), I thought about creating a guide for this 1 remaster as well.
До улюбленого
В улюблених
I will be covering gameplay basics, random tips, unlockables and secrets in this game. Since I created a guide for 2 (Undead & Undressed), I thought about creating a guide for this 1 remaster as well.

If you are wondering why my Steam in-game hours is quite little, I played the Japanese version on the Nintendo Switch.

This guide may contain light spoilers

Also, this game is a remaster of 1. So if you think the mechanics was dated in Undead and Undressed, you are going to feel that this game is much more sluggish and difficult to control. Also, this is a direct 1:1 remaster, so there is no new content. And all brands that was featured in the original PSP game has had their names changed (possibly due to expiring licenses).

I was informed by a user that someone has copied my guide onto some other website. I did not give permission for that website to use my guide. Please do not copy my guide to somewhere else without permission. Thank you
Default PC Menu Controls
Decided to create this section because I realised the default controls for keyboard is... well... very different. Especially to navigate the main menu.


  • WASD for Up, Left, Down, Right
  • . for Confirm (as in full stop)
  • / for Back
Difficulty Settings
Difficulty Settings are similar to Undead and Undressed

  • Easy - You do more damage and you can deal all low, middle and high damage with any hit. Clothes will take more hits before shredding.
  • Casual - You do more damage. But this time, Low hits low, middle hits middle and so on. Clothes will take more hits before shredding.
  • Gamer - You do normal damage. NPCs attack more frequently. Drop rates for upgraded weapons are increased
  • Otaku - You do less damage and NPCs seems to attack much more frequently. Clothes also shred much faster after the clothes flash red visually (about 2-3 hits). in this mode. Drop rates for upgraded weapons are significantly increased. Unlocks only when you clear Casual or above.
  • ??? - Super hard mode. I haven't played it but I heard it's difficult. Unlocks only when you clear Otaku.
Battle System
Works similarly to Undead and Undressed, Continually dealing damage to the clothes will lower the clothes HP. When the clothes HP reaches 0, the clothes will flash red visually, it means they are vulnerable to stripping. Enemies are also vulnerable to stripping if the clothes HP is low but not 0 yet.

Do take note that the low hits will only deal to their bottoms. Same applies to middle hits and high hits respectively unless you are playing on Easy, which any hit will deal damage to all 3 parts.

Attempting a Strip on low HP clothes, will trigger a button mash.

Attempting a Strip on 0 HP clothes will directly strip them or tear them if you do not have the respective Skill book required to steal their clothes.

Counter-Attacking is possible. But you can only counter-attack if you countered the right stance. For example, if the enemy hits low, you can only counter-hit a low. If the enemy hits middle, you can only counter-hit middle. If the enemy's clothes HP is low, counter-strip automatically occurs if the counter-attack is successful.
Stripping and Stealing Clothes
This game has a different mechanic when it comes to stealing their clothes after stripping the enemies. In Undead and Undressed, all you have to do is keep stripping them and you will eventually learn how to steal them. However, in Hellbound & Debriefed, you will need to buy skill items from stores located around Akihabara or learn it from the Master as part of the Story.

I refer stripping as holding the attack button respectively to strip. If you lack the skill book to steal their clothes, this will tear the clothes instead of stealing them. If you constantly hit a clothes with no HP left, it will eventually shred (which is similar to tear).

LAMMTORRA at NE Main Street for example, sells 'Gotcha! - 24-Hour Cop-' Skill for 100,000 Yen which allows you to steal the clothes of officers.
The Skill 'High School Charm', for example, is learnt through the Master.

There are also a lot of costumes that only appear once in the whole playthrough (such as the Shrine Maiden costume). These characters only appear during Sub Missions. So if you want to collect them all, take care not to shred the costumes by accident or you would have to re-load your save. If you did overwrite your save, you can always get them again in New Game Plus mode.
The Vintage Clothing Shop AKA Clothing Pawn Shop
This shop initially is empty. You will need to sell him clothes for him to have stock. Selling clothes to other stores do not count in stocking up this shop.

This is really useful for rare clothing, especially those that you can only get once per playthrough. Selling the clothing to him will allow you to re-buy them from this store in the future.
When you first start the game, you realise you only have 1 type of normal attack for low, middle and high. New moves such as moving and heavy attacks can be unlocked by purchasing moveset books from stores around Akihabara. You will have to purchase each moveset book separately for each weapon class (Bare-Handed, One-handed, Two-Handed).

  • Bare-Handed Additional Movesets (Moving and Heavy Attacks): Can be found at LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • One-Handed Additional Movesets (Moving and Heavy Attacks): Can be found at Software Shop on NW Main Street
  • Two-Handed Additional Movesets (Moving and Heavy Attacks): Can be found at Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Third Hit Combo Moveset (Attack Lvl 3): Can be found at TOWANIMUSEN on Akiba Station Front
  • AOE Attack Moveset: All Fist, One-Handed, Two-Handed can be purchased at third-rabbit on Junk Street

Additional Movesets/Skills:
  • High-Speed Tackle - Auto learn at Level 12
  • Kamehame Ho - Auto learn at Level 14
  • My Figure - Auto learn at Level 18
  • Close Quarters - Auto learn at Level 23
  • Bat - Auto learn at Level 28
  • Vampire - Auto learn at Level 35

  • Low Angle Camera (While taking pictures with the camera, you are able to crouch) - Learn after clearing Master Angler's Bait Sub Mission (Steps to accept this mission is at a later section of the guide)
  • Foreign Language Dictionary (To Understand English) - Purchase from YADAMA DENKI on Akiba Station Front. This will also help you understand Stall Vendors
  • Cross Dress Ability - Clear the Sub Mission 'Another World' (You will need to clear it again if you choose to use a female protagonist for your second run)
List of all Stripping Secrets and Where to Obtain them
To make it easier for you to track which is missing, I have listed them in order of their ID.

  • Rui's Secret - Main Story
  • Mother Souls's Secret - Main Story
  • Suzu's Secret - Main Story
  • DBP's Secret - Main Story
  • 's Secret - Main Story
  • Sejima's Secret - Main Story
  • Satoko's Secret - Main Story
  • Yu's Secret - Main Story
  • Sara's Secret - Get 200 MP or more at the Maid Cafe
  • Rider's Fashion - Learn from Master
  • Mobile Mechanisms - Learn from Master
  • Culture of Noh Play - Learn from Master
  • Idol Fan Connections - Learn from Master
  • Conquering Maid Cafes Entry Level - Learn from Master
  • Skimpy Akiba Fashion - TOWANIMUSEN Akihabara Station Front
  • Basics of Stripping - Learn from Master
  • The Otaku's Dignity - third-rabbit on Junk Street
  • High School Charm - Learn from Master
  • Gotcha 24 Hour Cop - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • The Ecology of Bears - LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • Business Etiquette Course - LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • Sneak In! The State of the Art Market - TOWANIMUSEN Akihabara Station Front
  • Free-Living Lifestyle Experience Report - Software Shop on NW Main Street
  • AneSan - TSUMOMO on Back Street
  • The Truth About Booth Girls - Clear 'Low-Lens Lowlife' Sub Mission
  • Gothic Lolita Revelations - Clear 'Low-Lens Lowlives' Sub Mission
  • Flyer-Pass - third-rabbit on Junk Street
  • Let's Start a Band Vol 1 - TOWANIMUSEN Akihabara Station Front
  • Eighteen - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • Akihabara Tourism Today - Software Shop on NW Main Street
  • Street Stalls Secrets - TSUMOMO on Back Street
  • Escaping the Friend Zone - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • CABAJOU - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Akiba-2 Full Collection - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • Beginner's Guide to Akiba Otaku Acts - TSUMOMO on Back Street
  • Akipedia - third-rabbit on Junk Street
  • Military Maniac - Learn from Master
  • AneSan Extra Issue - TSUMOMO on Back Street
  • Fashionista Vol.1 - TSUMOMO on Back Street
  • Fashionista Vol.2 - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Fashionista Vol.3 - Software Shop on NW Main Street
  • Fashionista Vol.4 - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Fashionista Vol.5 - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Fashionista Vol.6 - Software Shop on NW Main Street
  • Fashionista Vol.7 - LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • Schoolgirl JK - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Frontline of the Akiba Blood Donors - TOWANIMUSEN Akihabara Station Front
  • Cosplay Bible - Learn from Master
  • NIRO Grunt Manual - Reward for defeating 100 Shadow Souls from Agent at Back Street
  • Backroom Deals - Clear 'Forgive Us Our Debts' Sub Mission (Refer to Getting Into Debt Section)
  • Successful Business Strategies - LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • Memoirs of a Fundraiser - LAMMTORRA on SE Main Street
  • Conquering Maid Cafes Practical Level - Get 100 MP or more at the Maid Cafe
  • Samurai Blue - Learn from Master
  • Gotcha 25 Hour Cop - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • Gotcha 26 Hour Cop - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • Men's Eggie - Software Shop on SW Main Street
  • Let's Start a Band Vol 2 - LAMMTORRA on NE Main Street
  • Sales Techniques From All Across Asia - TSUMOMO on Back Street
Signature Weapons (Weapons with special animations or abilities):
  • Sister's Fighting Spirit -> Beat your little sister in her room.
  • Master's Fighting Spirit -> Beat the Master in the Sub Mission 'Cherry Strikes Back' (appears during the Shadow Soul route only) and remember to pick it up from the ground.
  • Mido's Fighting Spirit -> Beat Mido in Shadow Soul route
  • Darkside of a Maiden -> Beat SGV
  • DBP Boombox -> Beat Kitada Sena in 'Stop DBP's Plans'
  • DBP Microphone -> Beat Kitada Mana 'Stop DBP's Plans'
  • Night Stinger -> Beat Yu Abeno in Coexistence Route and finish him off if prompted. Remember to pick it up before leaving the area.
  • Eclipse -> Beat Rei Anekoji in Coexistence Route and remember to pick it up during Sejima's fight directly after.
  • Sejima's Rod -> Beat Sejima Ryuji in Coexistence or Shadow Soul endings

No special animation but high base damage (one for each category):

  • Forbidden Book of Akiba -> When friendship with NIRO, Shadow Soul, Akiba Citizens is maxed before the mission 'Mother Soul Arrives', then collect from Yatabe during the Coexistence Route. If you did most of the Sub Missions, this will not be an issue.
  • Excawibur -> Beat the Battle Arena X Rank Fight
  • Master's Bare-Handed Weapon (Name Unknown) -> Defeat 300 Shadow Souls in one playthrough to gain the right to fight the Master.

Thanks @Algester for confirming that the three above weapons are in fact the three treasures for a certain achievement completion.
Hidden Relationship Status/Palm-reading
This game features a hidden relationship stats in your character. You can roughly find out what each group feel about you by interacting with the palm reader (who can be found at Akihabara Station Front).

You will know it is Positive when: 'These lines show great affection. The people of Akiba must love you.', 'Oh, this is a trust line! Someone named "NIRO" trusts you implicitly', 'A friendship line! With... Who are the Shadow Souls?'

If you strip too many innocent bystanders/civilians, you will notice that some civilians run away from you when they see you.

If you strip too many Shadow Souls, some Shadow Souls will instantly aggro when you get close.
People that rubs their hands and come and talk to you
I don't know what to call this sub-header, but there basically exist a few NPCs that will walk towards you and talk to you the moment they see you. They are:
  • Palm-readers: Neutral. They will help analyse what your relationship status with the various groups in the game.
  • Youngsters: Bad. They appear at Back Street and If they manage to talk to you, you are given 3 options. If you choose to not give them money, you instantly get into a fight. However, if your relationship status with Akihabara Citizens are high, they would still come talk to you but they no longer will attack you.
  • Maids: Neutral. They will invite you to the Maid Cafe. That is about it.
  • Charity Workers: Neutral. They will ask you to donate money. If you donate 1 million yen to the Charity Workers in a single playthrough, Suzuna will recover and will spawn at the park in that playthrough for you to fight and obtain her clothes.
  • Artlien: Please don't talk to her lol. Unless you want to purposely go into debt, which in this case, is the easiest way. More on debt at a later section.
Stripping each individual clothes award XP and defeating a Shadow Soul will also award XP
If you defeat an enemy by shredding their clothes (continually hitting them without stripping them), you actually gain less EXP points.

Shredding clothes will not award any EXP and there is no defeat bonus for defeating civilians.

There is a chance of a Lost Maid/Lost Otaku spawning whenever you load into a map. They will run the moment they see you. They drop incredibly high EXP (similar to how Metal Slimes in Dragon Quest work) when you strip them. The defeat experience bonus (strip all headgear, top and bottom) is even higher and can easily go above thousands.

If you do initiate battle with them, they do not escape unless

1. All 3 of their clothing is blinking red or
2. 2 of their clothing is stripped/shredded
Upgrading and Items
Tungsten and Synthetic Fiber can be used to raise attack power and durability, respectively by 1 and is permanent.

Temporary buff items exists too, such as Tauramine X or Can of Ramen, but they only last until you leave the area.

Always carry some UV Cut Sunscreen as they provide 30 seconds of 'immortality'. It will not prevent your clothes from being shredded or stripped but it allows you to survive without clothes for 30 seconds. You must use it before all your clothes is gone. If the opponent attempts to strip your 0 HP clothing, quickly pause the game and use the UV Cut Sunscreen. When you finish the battle, a portion of your clothes will return back to you. If you don't think you can finish your opponent off, running out of the map is an option.
Fighting Sister
You can only trigger a battle with her if you equip 1 out of 3 of your clothes (which means you are severely underequipped and your sister hits really hard). For reference, at Level 46, with 144 DEF equipment on Casual difficulty, her one hit will cause your clothes to blink red.

The Sister is one of the more difficult fights in the whole of Akiba's Trip, I feel.
FIghting Sara
Get 200 Maid Points at the Maid Cafe (1,000 yen = 1 Maid Point, 10,000 yen = 10 Maid Points) in a single playthrough.

This will get you the license to fight Sara and obtain the ability to steal her clothes.

Defeating her will get you the Nickname 'Charismatic Maid'. She will only use her signature weapon on Gamer difficulty and onwards.
Fighting Suzuna
If you donate 1 million yen to the Charity Workers in a single playthrough, Suzuna will recover and will spawn at the park in that playthrough for you to fight and obtain her clothes.
The Sister's Room Dialogue Options and what they do
Let's Talk:
  • Random Questions you can ask her
  • (Praise me) You can give her money and she can directly increase your EXP by cheering you up.
  • (Shame me) You can give her money and she can improve the durability of the costume that you gave her to wear up to +99
  • (Change) You can give her money to wear any costume of your choosing
  • (Look something up for me) Give hints to where items in the category of your choosing can be found

I'll give you an allowance: Increase affection with sister temporarily and possibly give you a discount when changing her clothes
Getting into debt
It's unlikely you will get into debt unless you plan ahead. There is one Sub Mission, 'Forgive Us Our Debts' exclusively at the Shadow Soul Route that requires you to be in debt. The reward for this Sub Mission is the skill to be able to strip moneylenders, so completionists will definitely want this.

To go into debt, you must not be able to pay the amount that you are required to pay. This can happen such as during 'Rui's Date' where you cannot afford to pay the crane machines that she spent or when you 'unwillingly' spend at an Artlien.

But because 'Forgive Us Our Debts' Sub Mission is nearly at the endgame, Artlien no longer spawns at this point and there is no way to spend money that you do not have other than to get arrested and pay the fine. However, getting arrested is permanently recorded in Record. If you want to avoid this, the only way is to get into debt is to do so before 'Mother Soul Arrives'

Akiba Martial Arts Tournament
After beating the Battle Arena very early in your current playthrough (Before the mission, 'The Master's Teachings'), a hidden arena will unlock at the Info Broker.

These arena missions are much more tougher than the others (On the second round on Gamer difficulty, their 1-2 hits are enough to make my player character's costume blink red). Since these fights are also required to be attempted at early points of the playthrough, you may be underleveled as well, adding to the difficulty.

In this tournament mission, there is a chance that your opponent would spawn with a unique set of clothing that cannot be obtained anywhere else.
(SPOILER ALERT) Determining which Ending you will go for:
Choosing to defeat Suzu will lead you to the NIRO Route. Spare Suzu will lead you to the Shadow Soul Route or the Coexistence Route. (Below paragraph will determine which of the two you will go for)

Choosing "Stick with me, and I'll..." will lead you to the Coexistence Route. Choosing "Let's go to your mom. It's the only way" will lead you to the Shadow Soul Route. (Below paragraph will determine which of the two within Shadow Soul Route you will go for)

Choosing "NIRO sucks. I wanna be a Shadow Soul" will lead you to the Shadow Soul - DBP Route.

Choosing "To find a way to live together" will lead you to the Shadow Soul - Rui Route (This option only appears if you choose to be friendly towards Rui throughout the whole game).

Sister Ending:
Give her 1 million yen in a single playthrough. That's it.

Hidden Endings (within the Coexistence ending):

In the Coexistence route, there are two characters that you can opt to save them without killing them. This will slightly change what the characters say at the Epilogue.

1. Yu Abeno - During the prologue (the part with Sejima and Mido), if you let him go, the game would give you the option to let him go after defeating him during the final battle. Otherwise, this will result in him dying after you defeat him.

2. Mother Soul (Rei Anekoji) - You must complete the Paparazzi Sub Mission DIRECTLY before the final mission. This side quest only has a very short window and is only available during the The Siege of Akihabara and before going to UD+ for the final fights. This side quest will need you to obtain a Photo of Rui. If you do so, an additional dialogue option ("Rui's father is close by right now") will appear just as Rei is going to commit suicide. Saying that her father is nearby watching would give her the courage to continue living. Any other option will result in her death. If done successfully, the Nickname 'Hope Bringer' can be obtained.

In the Paparazzi Sub Mission, DO NOT answer 'You're no father at all' and DO NOT let Rui know that you are doing for a client or else, the mission will fail instantly and Rei will die after the final battle
Master Angler's Bait Sub Mission Guide
Thanks @Algester for detailing the exact steps to obtain Low Angle Camera:

During the sub mission, Low-Lens Lowlife or Low-Lens Lowlives, talk to the Low Angler NPC and repeatedly say "Please Teach me how to do low angle shots" four times. The NPC will then give you the quest Master Angler's Bait. You can only obtain this mission at either one of these two points.

This sub mission requires that you must at least know how to cross dress and or has access to the maid uniform (if you are playing as a female player model).

Talk to Gon at the Freedom Fighter Base and wear your Maid Uniform and talk to the photographer at Horin Park. You are then required to pay him 100,000yen or have positive relationship status with the citizens of Akiba, NIRO and Shadow Souls.
What carries over in New Game Plus Mode?
Unlike the 2nd game (Undead & Undressed), money DOES NOT carry over. Money, Levels, Maid Points all do not carry over. The only things that carries over from your old save in this game are your items, skills, the Vintage Clothing Shop stock and the model swaps you unlocked
Model Change for Subsequent Playthroughs
Generally, beating the ending will unlock models related to the ending, for example, beating the NIRO route will allow you to use NIRO-related characters as your player character. Likewise, beating the Shadow Soul route will allow you to use Shadow Soul-related characters and so forth.

You can change your Sister's model only after clearing the Sister Ending.
Achievements/Button Badges List and How to Obtain them
These are the list of Button Badges in the game:

  • ??? -
  • Strip Student - Progress through the Main Story
  • You vs. Yu - Progress through the Main Story
  • Detention! - Progress through the Main Story
  • DBP Unmasked - Progress through the Main Story
  • Those Who Gather in Akihabara - Progress through the Main Story
  • Rui's Smile - Complete the Coexistence Ending
  • ??? - Complete the NIRO Ending
  • Hand in Hand - Complete the Shadow Soul Ending
  • Sisterly Affection - Complete the Sister Ending
  • Mr Nice Guy - Obtain an Ending without Yu Abeno dying
  • Hope Bringer - Obtain an Ending without Mother Soul dying
  • Otaku Long-Legs - Save Suzuna's life (Refer to Fighting Suzuna category of this guide))
  • ??? - Clear all endings
  • Gamer - Clear the game on Gamer difficulty
  • ??? - Clear the game on Otaku difficulty
  • ??? - Clear the game on the highest difficulty
  • Strip Amateur - Remove 50 articles of clothing
  • Strip Specialist - Remove 250 articles of clothing
  • Strip Warrior - Chain-strip 12 articles of clothing (Thanks @Algester)
  • Faster than Light - Perform 250 strip combos
  • Sloppy Execution - Rip 50 pieces of clothing
  • Rookie Freedom Fighter - Clear 10 side missions
  • Veteran Freedom Fighter - Clear 30 side missions
  • Weapon Fanatic - Obtain 15 different types of weapons
  • Weapon Master - Obtain 50 different types of weapons
  • Headmaster - Obtain 15 different types of headgear
  • Hipster Novice - Obtain 25 different types of upper wear
  • Hipster Master - Obtain 75 different types of upper wear
  • Fashion Student - Obtain 25 different types of lower wear
  • Fashionista - Obtain 75 different types of lower wear
  • Accessory Collector - Collect 20 different types of accessories
  • Sacred (and Nostalgic) Treasures - Obtain the three sacred treasures (Refer to Signature Weapons category of this guide)
  • Frequent Flyer - Obtain 3 types of flyers
  • Now I'm Top Tier - Reach level 30
  • Super Saver - Save up 1 million yen
  • Heavy Metal - Use Tungsten on a weapon
  • High Fiber - Use Synthetic Fiber on an outfit
  • My Very Own Unstoppable Weapon - Raise a weapon's enhancement value to 999 (Only doable on the highest difficulty setting)
  • Now I'm Unstrippable! - Raise a clothing's enhancement value to 999 (Only doable on the highest difficulty setting)
  • My Sister Can't Be This Greedy - Progress through the Main Story (but pay for the Cindy uniform full price)
  • Clothes Make the Woman - Clear Low-Lens Lowlife
  • Mix n Match - Changes clothes on every part of your body
  • ??? - Purchase something from every shop
  • Shadow Soul Hunter - Gain Amewata's acceptance as an agent
  • Fear and Loathing in Akihabara - Become completely hated by the residents of Akiba. (Thanks @Sakagi)
  • Nickname Collector - Obtain 50 nicknames
  • Champion - Clear all of the Master's trials
  • Charismatic Maid - Battle Sara and obtain the Maid's Secret (Refer to Fighting Sara of this guide)
  • Leave Junk PCs to Me! - Have Mr Yatabe build a PC from junk parts
  • Figure Hoarder - Obtain all figures
  • UnBEARable - Wear the complete Bear Costume
  • QA Tester - Play a minigame at Studio G3
  • The Student Becomes the Master - Defeat Master in Cherry Strikes Back (Shadow Soul Route only)
  • Professional Buyer - Supply 200 types of clothing to rebuild the clothing shop (Just donate 200 types of clothing to the Vintage Clothing Shop)
Коментарів: 101
MajorBluesZ 15 січ. о 10:28 
I am stuck how do I make money? I cant buy that cindy outfit thing.
note048 5 квіт. 2023 о 8:25 
KingofMemes69 1 жовт. 2021 о 20:22 
Ok, I just tested it. Beating Master in 'Cherry Strikes Back' gives you 'Master's Fighting Spirit'. Beating master after dusting 300 shadow souls gives the 'Burning Right Arm', which is the legendary weapon.

Both count towards 'The Student Becomes the Master' achievement though.
KingofMemes69 1 жовт. 2021 о 20:00 
FYI, you don't need to just beat Cherry Strikes Back for the achievement. You're just required to beat the Master, which you can also do when you beat her in the park after dusting 300 Shadow Souls (which you need for the legendary fist weapon). However, I am not sure if it works the other way i.e. if you get the legendary fist weapon by beating Master in the side-quest, since I haven't done that quest yet.
Anoydeath 28 верес. 2021 о 2:54 
@Sakagi what endings are needed for "Akihabara Historian" because I've done them all with no pop
Algester 5 серп. 2021 о 22:50 
from further finding you need at least 2 factions to completely hate you while 1 faction hates you but not to a certain extent I was able to expose the trust values through cheat engine that seems to take a valid point (you need to end up with single digit trust points where you start with 30, which you can increase by doing jobs or just bribing through donations)
rldelancy 5 серп. 2021 о 3:53 
To get the Fear and Loathing badge you need to beat up the regular Npc's not the Shadow Souls. I figured this out when I accidentally got the nickname trying out the controls and running into NPCS triggering fights.
Algester 3 серп. 2021 о 11:05 
Also to add ironically entering NIRO route is infact harder if you are a try hard goody good shoes, the route lock will start in Meet Mr. X to Meet-up with Rui
Accept the invitation to help them will make sure your only options in the Akiba Beat is only to let Suzu go
Algester 3 серп. 2021 о 1:17 
so I tried to Plat this game but for some unknown reasons I didnt get Fear and Loathing in Akihabara I did unlock the Grizzly bear after Mother Soul arrives so I know I was on the right track... but why?
Algester 2 серп. 2021 о 20:38 
hmm now the 3 factions don't like me but I didnt unlock fear and loathing achievement.... do I need to go lower?

or do I need to not play on easy?...