Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Translations of In-Game Language Scripts (WIP)
由 HahaHyena 制作
This Guide is here for the purpose of having translations of some of the text written in d&d scripts found in the game.

This Guide is here for the purpose of having translations of some of the text written in d&d scripts found in the game.
This guide is a work in progress.
Treasure and Treasure Chests
Small Blue Treasure Chest; Draconic script: Secrets | Within

Large Blue Chest; Draconic Script: Treasure

Gold Coin; Draconic Script: New Netheril Rholarid
Akar Kessell
This section translates the script found in the boss room of Akar Kessell. this includes the runic circle on the floor and the symbols on his crown.

Draconic Language Wiki Link: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Draconic_language

Green Circle in Akar Kessell Boss Room; Draconic script:
Horvath The Light Stealer |
Domgad The Crossed |
Gervais Tyrant Of The Red Wastes |
Mijan Stoneweaver |
Lahlou The Blood Painter |
Ojinimi Reaver of Courcelle |
Samaursa The Unsleeping Lord |

Akar Kessell's Crown; Draconic Script:
(Enslave | Conjure | Reunify | Dominate),


Obsidian and Skull Plated Circle; Draconic script:
(Obsidian point) Crossed
Ringed text is the same as the text in Arak Kessell's boss room.


Green Glowing Skull Pot; Draconic script:

Collectible Stone Tablets
The Tablets found throughout the game are written in the Giant language.

Their visible text does not seem to make any sense and is most likely just copy pasted for looks.

Link for Giant runic script

Stone Tablet (Companions of the Dale Collectable); Giant runic script:

uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn |
(next 7 words are written backwards) uven ferd kong haug venn uven haug |
kong? ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn |
(next 8 words are written backwards) haug venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven |
kong ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn |
(next 8 words are written backwards) haug venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven.

Enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend |
Enemy journey king hill friend enemy hill |
King journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend |
Hill friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy |
King journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend |
Hill friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy.


Green Tablet; Giant runic script:

Ise wyrm ild hellig |
Haug kong ferd uven venn |
(Upside down) Haug kong ferd uven |
Ise wyrm ild hellig |
Haug kong ferd uven venn |
(Upside down) Haug kong ferd uven |
Ise wyrm ild hellig |

Frost/Ice dragon fire sacred |
Hill king journey enemy friend |
Hill king journey enemy |
Frost/Ice dragon fire sacred
Hill king journey enemy friend |
Hill king journey enemy |
Frost/Ice dragon fire sacred |


Light Blue Tablet; Giant runic script:

Ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
(reverse) Venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong |
Ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
(reverse) Venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong |
Uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
(reverse) Venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong |
Ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
(reverse) Venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong |

Journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy king hill friend enemy journey king |
Journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy king hill friend enemy journey king |
Enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy king hill friend enemy journey king |
Journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy king hill friend enemy journey king |


Triangle Tablet: Giant runic script:

(Big left rune) HELLIG | (Big right rune) ILD |
Hellig ild wyrm ise |
Hellig ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
Hellig ild wyrm ise |
Hellig ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
(Bottom rune) ILD |

Sacred fire dragon ice |
Sacred journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |
Sacred fire dragon ice |
Sacred journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |


Light Brown Shield Tablet; Giant runic script:

(Both the left and right side's text)
Hellig ild wyrm ice |
Uven ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
Hellig ild wyrm ice |
Uven ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
(The center text is just the first three rows.)

Sacred fire dragon frost/ice |
Enemy journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |
Sacred fire dragon frost/ice |
Enemy journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |


Pink Tablet; Giant runic script:

Hellig ild wyrm ice |
Uven ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
Hellig ild wyrm ice |
Uven ferd kong haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug |
Hellig ild wyrm ice |

Sacred fire dragon frost/ice |
Enemy journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |
Sacred fire dragon frost/ice |
Enemy journey king hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill |
Sacred fire dragon frost/ice |


White Tablet; Giant runic script:

(Repeated six times on the bottom of the tablet)
Kong ferd uven venn haug kong |
Haug venn uven ferd kong haug |

Haug kong ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug kong |
Kong haug venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong haug |
Haug kong ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug kong |
Kong haug venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong haug |

King journey enemy friend hill king |
Hill friend enemy journey king hill |

Hill king journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill king |
King hill friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy journey king hill |
Hill king journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill king |
King hill friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy journey king hill |


Black Rectangle Tablet; Giant runic script:

Venn uven ferd kong haug venn ferd |
Kong ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
Venn uven ferd kong venn uven ferd kong |
Haug venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd |
Kong ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn haug |
Venn uven ferd kong haug venn uven ferd kong |
Ferd uven venn haug kong ferd uven venn |

Friend enemy journey king hill friend journey |
King journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy journey king friend enemy journey king |
Friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy journey |
King journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend hill |
Friend enemy journey king hill friend enemy journey king |
Journey enemy friend hill king journey enemy friend |


Stone Face Near Trophy Area; Giant runic script: Hellig (Sacred)

Blue and Red Flags in Hub; Giant runic script:
Kong (king)

Kelvin Surrounded Relief; Giant runic script:
Blod kong stig hellig ise liv
Blood king light sacred frost/ice life

Kelvin Rides the Dragons Relief; Giant runic script:
Stig hellig kong ise liv blod
Light sacred king frost/ice life blood
Collectible Tomes
This part of the guide looks into the text found on the collectible tomes located in the journal section of the menu.

Preorder Items
Lich Warhammer Preorder Item; Draconic script:


Lich Dual Blades Preorder Item; Draconic script:
Slashang |
Cut |

Fire Bomb; English:

___ lights
____ nothing
Purple sky
Light is the ___
___ ___ life


Mission Spell Circle; Draconic script: (WIP)