Blackwell Epiphany
Оценок: 57
Gamezebo Walkthrough by @tomscott90
От Tom
Gamezebo presents the full walkthrough of the final chapter in the Blackwell game series, Blackwell Epiphany!
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Blackwell Epiphany Walkthrough
The full guide is available on Gamezebo[].

The following are sample portions from the full walkthrough.

Helping The First Ghost
Detective Durkin sends Rosa to investigate some "dump" downtown for unknown reasons. He fails to show up so Rosa and Joey must investigate without him.

Send Joey through the locked door and into the building. Once inside head through the open door on the right, which leads into a portion of the building where the wall has crumbled away. Upon entering the room, a ghost of a woman appears up in the balcony. Because the balcony is too far from Rosa, Joey can't make it up there on his own. Head back outside and talk to Rosa.

As Rosa, head to the bricks to the right of the doorway, the "Revolt" brick is hollow but the ice around it is holding it in place. Use Rosa's warm coffee to melt the ice, remove the brick, and retrieve the key. Use the key to unlock the door, and enter the building.

Head back into the room the lady ghost was seen in, and use Joey to ascend to the balcony and enter the room the lady ghost went into.

Approach the lady ghost and chat with her. Turns out she was expecting someone, and that her name is Mary. She won't leave. Go back to Rosa. Since Rosa can't climb through the clogged and collapsed stairwell to the balcony, head into the room on the left. Pickup and read the newspaper to reveal that Mary was a drug addict who resided, and died, within the building. Head back out to the stairwell and grab an old fuse from the bottom of the cardboard box, and use it to fix the broken elevator, back in the lobby.

Here's the first complicated puzzle of the game. Insert the fuse into the Floor 3 slot, and send Joey back up to the room Mary is in. You'll notice the elevator door is now open. Using Joey's "blow" ability, blow the small plastic object on the floor through the open elevator doors, and down to the shaft. Use Tab to switch back to Rosa and switch the fuse from Floor 3 to Floor 2. Then leave the fuse box and head back up to the room you found the newspaper in (the room with the toilet) and retrieve what turns out to be a memory stick, which Rosa uses with her phone to find a photo of Mary stored on it, a glamour shot for the Gotham Collective, a theater group.

Use Rosa's phone to search for "Gotham Collective". The search results provide a text file of associated names, which Rosa holds onto to cross reference at a later point. Pull open her notes and combine "Mary" with the list of Cast Members. Rosa finds a match for the play "The River Wall". Search for The River Wall in Rosa's phone to reveal a less-than-flattering review.

Questioning Mary about the review triggers a scene where Mary emerges from the room to come into direct contact with Rosa in the stairwell. Mary leaves the stairwell and head down into the lobby, follow her there. In the lobby use Joey's ties to release Mary's spirit and send her to peace.

Read the full walkthrough on Gamezebo[].
Комментариев: 5
Charmanter Iltis 5 авг. 2020 г. в 22:01 
brishizzle 23 ноя. 2019 г. в 14:31 
broken link
Blackpot 25 дек. 2017 г. в 11:45 
vividvim 8 апр. 2015 г. в 15:21 
thanks for this walkthrough. it was helpful.