Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

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Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Definitive Edition - Part 2
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Tags: Alyx Addon
1.259 GB
18. juni 2021 kl. 21:13
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Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Definitive Edition - Part 2

I 1 samling af MDDBULLDOGG
Half-Life 2: Remade Assets Collection
5 genstande

Our Goal

As long-time members of the community, we’re excited to give something back!

Built from scratch by die-hard Half-Life fans, Half-Life 2: Remade Assets aims to provide the Source 2 community with a variety of high-quality assets. Our assets and prefabs are built from the ground-up for VR gameplay, and contain assets that are both direct remasters of those found in the Half-Life 2 trilogy, and entirely original assets themed around Half-Life’s world, all designed to provide variety and further flesh out the setting.

As a tight-knit group of talented individuals from a number of unique backgrounds, we always strive for perfection and aim to perfect our craft. Half-Life 2: Remade Assets represents an enormous undertaking for everybody involved, and we continue to improve every day. With each pack that’s released, we look forward to raising the bar ourselves, and seeing what the community creates with what we’re able to give.


Half-Life 2: Remade Assets is designed in a way that’s intended to make it as easy as possible to use, while providing the highest quality assets. Features include:

  • Matching file paths from Half-Life 2, allowing for easier porting of Source 1 .vmfs
  • Assets designed with VR gameplay in mind, including:
  • Handposes for assets where we expect player interaction
  • Interactive prefabs for assets such as cabinets and drawers, desktop items, and other machinery
  • Additional original assets themed around the Half-Life world
  • Including assets that were originally brushwork or textures in Source 1, given new life and made VR-ready in current-gen Source 2

A full asset list for all assets contained in this particular pack can be found here.[docs.google.com]

Setup Guide

  1. Subscribe to this pack and allow Steam to download it fully
  2. Locate the VPK file named "2520366277" in "steamapps\workshop\content\546560\2520366277"
  3. Extract it using a tool such as VRF[vrf.steamdb.info]
  4. Place materials and models folders in "steamapps\common\Half-Life Alyx\game\hlvr_addons\[your_addon]"
  5. Place all other folders in "steamapps\common\Half-Life Alyx\content\hlvr_addons\[your_addon]"
  6. If this pack contains soundevents, add the appropriate soundevent files to a .vrman file in your addon's directory. A guide to this process can be found here.
  7. Open your addon in Half-Life: Alyx's workshop tools.

That's it! At this point, all assets should be visible from the asset browser, and usable in your addon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve found a bug I’d like to report, or I’d like to provide feedback. Where is the best place to post a report?
A: We highly value any feedback we can get! Our devs are most active on our Discord Discord[discord.gg] server, so we encourage you to post any feedback or bug reports there, where they’re most likely to be seen.

Q: Can I use these assets in my addon for Half-Life: Alyx or even on a different engine?
A: If your project is not monetized, yes! However, please keep in mind that our assets will be officially supported only for the Half-Life: Alyx branch of Source 2. If you’re interested in seeking additional support for other engines, or have questions about monetization, please reach out to us at project17dev@gmail.com.

Q: If you’re remaking models from Half-Life 2, are you remaking levels as well?
A: Half-Life 2: Remade Assets is not remaking any environments itself. However, we’re developing a sister project, Project 17, in tandem with Half-Life 2: Remade Assets. If you’re interested in following that project, we encourage you to join our Discord[discord.gg] and follow us on Twitter!

Terms of Use

This asset pack is distributed under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC. In simple terms, that means you can share and redistribute this pack as part of your addons freely, so long as you credit the Half-Life 2: Remade Assets team, and your project is non-commercial. If you wish to read the Creative Commons license description in full, it can be found here.[creativecommons.org]

Half-Life, the Half-Life logo, and the Lambda logo, are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. The Half-Life 2: Remade Assets team and Project 17 team hold no copyright or trademark over Half-Life or any of Valve Corporation’s properties

3 kommentarer
*Hunter* 21. juli 2021 kl. 8:44 
I don't fully get the soundevent walkthrough. that guide is a bit confusing ^^;
dayflare 19. juni 2021 kl. 22:12 
Someone port these to HL2 pleaseeeeee
Retro Boy  [ophavsmand] 18. juni 2021 kl. 22:49 
épico 2