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TF2 Hex - Relegated Rail Spikes
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15 juin 2021 à 17h43
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TF2 Hex - Relegated Rail Spikes

Another hex suggested by Nun With A Gun. I'd actually been working on this, but I got distracted for a while and never finished it.

Includes 4 effects:
- Boots (pyro_rocks_spikes_boots)
- Wrist cuffs (pyro_rocks_spikes_cuffs)
- Neck collar (pyro_rocks_spikes_neck)
- Tank (pyro_rocks_spikes_pack)

I did not make the original model, I simply separated the pieces.

Requests can be put in the comments, and I'll get to them when/if I can!

Requires TF2 to work.
2 commentaires
Comrade Larry 16 juin 2021 à 2h03 
Faux Manchu with moustache and goatee as separate cosmetics.
Dr. Gogglestache with goggles and moustache as separate cosmetics.
Scoper's Smoke without cigarette.
Nun with a Gun 15 juin 2021 à 20h16 
Eyyy nice!
Thanks again!