Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Made for the CupCakes.
Vật phẩm (183)
HD Ammo Cans (+RNG)
Tạo bởi Ellie
Hello everyone =), let me introduce you to another mod that uses the new RNG techniques. With this mod, you'll first get new HD Textures for the Ammo Tin Cans, but you'll also get a 1/2 chance of getting a "special" Tin Can every map (special = rusty or wi...
Enhanced Water Reflections
Tạo bởi Theuaredead`
This is an official reupload of this addon, I've gotten permission from the original creator to reupload this. This mod is in an AS-IS State, and will not be updated, be aware of bugs. Original Description: Enables a good unused feature of the Source engin...
Legacy Particles Support ( muzzle effects )
Tạo bởi Urik
to everyone asking about FOV slider: it's from this or this mods Important: for modders. Previous conflicts now have been resolved by changing material paths, but still, if you want to reuse some of the effects here, please, do make effort to completely re...
The Particles Manifest
Tạo bởi Urik_shared
Disclaimer: this is a new experiment of mine. I don't know how it will go - please don't immediately bash it if it doesn't work out because of conflicts & complexity; in my view, it could solve some issues I had with earlier system. The new proposed manife...
Distant survivors fight sounds
Tạo bởi Ramm.asmiette
Tired of playing in maps with the feeling of beeing alone in the city without distant fights / explosions / voices ? Wants some The Division vibes ? This mod is for you, it changes the zombie choir for some realistic distant sounds happening around you ! H...
HD Skyline
Tạo bởi Ellie
Update 30 of July 2016 I added more buildings because the city looked empty (how come all tall buildings are just around the hospital) and added some rare light beams effects (cop cars + regular cars) in the city streets Have you ever been bored of the "al...
Brighter Alarm Cars
Tạo bởi Jarey_
"Don't shoot that car!" Created for a partially colorblind friend who had trouble seeing the alarm cars at night, worse still trying to see them in the daylight. If you still have trouble seeing cars in the daylight. Aside from firing your gun you can also...
Phasmophobia Car Alarm
Tạo bởi Oxxy (Real)
The car alarm sound from the multiplayer ghost hunting game Phasmophobia. NOTE: The alarm sound itself I made louder to work better in l4d, if this recieves backlash I will revert the change. ...
Barricade Flashing Lights
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
Working animated flashers. When seen together example Hard Rain, flashes are slightly overlapped. So they give a more realism feel. Great in Daylight or Night also flash in water! http://imgur.com/uV7WZ5S.jpg Traffic Barrel 16 Frames - seen in Dark Carniva...
National Guard for Military Common Infected (TLS Updated)
Tạo bởi Vinnie
This mod was not created by me, this was created by Dr. Gordon Freeman PhD and belongs to him. The assests used also go to their respected authors This is the National Guard CI made by Dr. Gordon Freeman PhD that replaces the Military CI. This mod was arou...
Call of Duty: Ghosts Station Wagon for 84 Sedan
This model reminds me of Flight of the Navigator. These are not my models / materials, all credit goes to the developer artists who made these assets as well as the developers of the tools used to make this mod. Hi guys. This addon replaces the '84 Sedan w...
Tạo bởi Flagg
Walking Dead Negan Lucille This mod Replaces the Baseball bat from L4D2. It adds models and textures. No new sounds or scripts. ...
Extended Common Infected
Tạo bởi Skessler
This addon aims to add new common infected variants, for both map creators, and population mods. Featured: - Roadcrew workers w/o ear protection (rain variant too) - Firefighters - L4D2 Military Soldiers - L4D2 Police officers - L4D2 Workers - Inmates - Sa...
Red Junkjard Crane
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
Wasn't a fan of the low quality crane. Especially since i know exactly which "Substance Painer" (texture making software) prefab material was used without any changes whatsoever. The lights were also not dirty at all. Strange, considering the thing was rus...
Refractive Puddles
Tạo bởi Lt. Rocky
A simple mod that modifies the puddles seen throughout maps to use a refract shader, utilizing two separate normal maps, one being animated....
HD Soda Vending Machines
Tạo bởi Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/JHaCHtR.png This mod synergises with the Soda Pills Mod. If you use both, the brand on the vending machine will be the same as the Soda Can. This mod replaces the vending machines by ones with Soda "Ads". You'll get 9 different designs f...
E3 Charger (Animations)
Tạo bởi Theuaredead`
These are the animations for the Charger during the development of Left 4 Dead 2. However, the Charger behaved differently when it had these animations. His charge attack used to just fling the Survivors around instead of latching onto them and pounding th...
Patrol Boats 5 RNG
Tạo bởi gray
- Replaces Virgil's Boat - 5 RNG (Police, Navy, Coast Guard, Pilot, Search and Rescue) - 2K textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
RNG Cola Bottles
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
6 Pack of my prior released textures of the Cola Bottles http://imgur.com/j4B37gW.jpg https://imgur.com/nXM8vJJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Howitzer Retexture 4K
Tạo bởi gray
This mod replaces old textures with new 4k ones, adds normal mapping and good shading. Credits Textures - gray ...
Reanimated Howitzer
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
The howitzer looked pathetic without any recoil, so i animated some onto it. I also fixed the LOD. The TLS update fixed the wheel, but removed something else. kekw. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account nam...
Real Life Ads (Bus Stop + Subway + Mall)
Tạo bởi NightFrenzy
Replaces the original posters for real life ads in the bus stop and subway of No Mercy, and also in the mall of Dead Center. PD: This mod is based on the add-on made by Lunatix: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265577947&searchtext=re...
RNG News Vans
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
4 Pack of my prior released HD News Vans will be Random. http://imgur.com/gGZc1DU.jpg http://imgur.com/LpxS1F6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg ...
4K Real Blood w/ Improved Blood Textures' Body Wounds
Tạo bởi CryoStrider
I found Ellie's 4K Real Blood Mod to be better overall compared to Improved Blood Textures, but I still preferred the way flesh wounds looked in IBT. So here's a mod that I made for personal use that has the best of both worlds, the textures from 4K Real B...
2D Real Mall Signs
Tạo bởi Ellie
This small and simple addon replaces the 2D stores names in Liberty Mall by real ones that you can find in a typical US Mall. Enjoy ;). Note : These are not HD, I couldn't find out the way to improve the texture size without messing up the signs...
WaW M1919 (for .50 cal)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
Browning M1919A4 from Call of Duty: World at War Scientist #1: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Scientist #2: Didn't you just ask me that? several obligatory-for-some-anime-mods quotes out of nowhere An American medium machine gun of choice in WWII, whi...
Shell Fuel Truck
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
This is an old mod i made, so don't expect the quality to be the best. This is a reupload from gamemaps. I had to upload it here because people kept stealing my mods without permission and got away with it ______ This item is not authorized for posting on ...
Gerber Parang "Bear Grylls" (Machete)
Tạo bởi Yog
A Gerber Parang machete with the Bear Grylls logo. This mod Replaces the Machete from L4D. It adds models and textures. No new sounds or scripts. No hud because it would conflict with other mods. 3D realtime preview available here If you like it don't forg...
KFC restaurant replaces Burger tank.
Tạo bởi Shimadasama
KFC restaurant replaces Burger tank restaurant in No mercy and Hard rain campaigns. Also changes some textures like table and floor. If you like my mod. Rate up pls. Thanks you....
HD Doors/HD Puertas
Tạo bởi Grey
English: Pack 15 doors completely in HD! Español: Pack de 15 puerta completamente en HD! Special Thanks: Andy Agradecimientos especiales: Andy http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Lynched Witch and Spitter
Tạo bởi gray
Hanged witcher and spitter corpses replace the lynched and hanged charger (Swamp Campaign, 1st Chapter)...
Sign STOP(Shovel)
Tạo bởi Xenecrite
Sign STOP replace Shovel Models and Textures:Valve Animations:Lt. Rocky,Splinks Sound:Xenocide,Lt. Rocky,Splinks PS:It is possible to change the STOP logo for a personalized image...
Professional Scope
Tạo bởi Red Schism
Replaces the Sniper Scope sights with a highly detailed alternative featuring an Optical "V Dot" sight for easier targeting in the dark. ______________________________________________________________________________ :::Tutorials for removing crosshair whil...
Military Crate 4K
Tạo bởi gray
- Replaces 3 old footlockers with a modern military crate. - 4K textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
Military Radio 4K
Tạo bởi gray
Replaces hamradio and box radio 4K textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
HD Sewage
Tạo bởi Savantir
This is HD Sewage....
AC-130 2K
Tạo bởi gray
- AC-130 replaces C-130 - 2K Textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
Oscar (for G3)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
FN Mk.17 SCAR-H LB with a scope and a Tango Down grip from CoD: Modern Warfare 2. This Belgian weapon system has participated in numerous US competitions (SCAR, IAR, etc.) and is used by military units across the globe. It is highly modular and offered in ...
Ghosts AK-12 Custom (for SCAR)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
Kalashnikov AK-12 (2013 prototype) with an EOLAD-1V and a folding five-position foregrip from Call of Duty: Ghosts. It was conceived as a rifle of the "future soldier" of Russia; its opponents were the A-545 (a descendant of the AEK-971 rifle with "balance...
Silent Hills Siren Replacing Zombies Horde Alert Sound Call
Tạo bởi addbue
(NEW VIDEO AVAILABLE) "Every Town has secrets...Some are just darker then others" This is the Silent Hills siren sounds replacing the Zombie alerts. PLEASE TELL ME IF THERE IS ANY BUGS/GLITCHES I WILL FIX THEM. TO DOWNLOAD PRESS THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON....
Rustic Night Death Toll Color Correction
Tạo bởi Olde
This is a color correction for Death Toll. I wanted to do something different here. As we all know, this campaign is already really blue, and there are a number of great color corrections to make it even more blue. But instead of doing the same thing as ev...
Serene Lazuli - Crash Course Color Correction
Tạo bởi Olde
This is a deep blue color correction for Crash Course. I made this of course to bring out the campaign's natural blues while not making it overbearing. It diminishes the greys, makes the campaign feel a bit more vibrant, and in my opinion makes it look sim...
Brisk Morning - Cold Stream Color Correction
Tạo bởi Olde
This is a light blue color correction for all four maps of Cold Steam. This was made possible by the February 18, 2021 update which allowed color corrections to work for all four maps of Cold Stream instead of simply the first and third. This mod is simila...
MW2 TAR-21 MARS (for SIG)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
IMI Tavor Assault Rifle of the XXI century from CoD: Modern Warfare 2 This original Israeli rifle had some ergonomic issues, such as accidentally pressable magazine catch, and was intended to mount the SNICKERS sight by default. The BOUNTY sight could be t...
V22 Osprey Fix Pilot cabin and Smashed Model
Tạo bởi emrah
https://i.ibb.co/g4Hp9P6/test.png • This mod is the smashed model of the V22 Osprey helicopter model in the l4d2 workshop and the workshop item with certain regulations added. Mod have. • V22 Osprey Helicopter. (CH-53 Sea Stallion) • V22 Osprey smashed wor...
School Bus
Tạo bởi Ellie
Formerly, the "Church Bus" in L4D2 was meant to be a School Bus, but during development, it was replaced because the implied image that children died during the apocalypse could be controversial. Although, you, who are reading this, maybe think that all th...
Fireworks Pack 1
Tạo bởi Methadone Kitty
Changes the colours of the stage fireworks on the Concert map and the boxed fireworks explosives on any map. The individual mods (Will conflict if you install both seperately) : Concert Fireworks only Bluey Greeny Fireworks only http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf....
RE Resistance Nail 2x4 Plank (Cricket Bat)
Tạo bởi 8sianDude
A 2x4 filled with nails is a melee weapon available in Resident Evil Resistance for the survivors. - Replaces the Cricket Bat Features: - Blood decals Credits: - 2x4 model: Capcom - Animations: Valve - Asset rip, port, rigging, materials, and compiling: 8s...
Alternative Scar Sounds
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the Scar. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the St...
Classic Ambulance
Tạo bởi Belphi
This is my Classic Ambulance, replacement for the default ambulance, hope you like it and have fun! DON'T FORGET TO RATE, SUBSCRIBE AND FAVORITE IF YOU LIKE IT http://oi59.tinypic.com/2b5swl.jpg http://oi61.tinypic.com/2e4zpmf.jpg ...
Optimus Prime Truck (Transformers)
Tạo bởi Floh
Replaces the Longnose (L4D2)- and Semi3 (L4D1)-Truck with the Optimus Prime-Truck. The blue lights glowing in the dark. other Transformers-Mods: Truck-Replacement Part 2: Megatron-Truck Truck-Trailer-Replacement and special Trucks Tank-Trailer Replacement ...
U.S Army Chopper Pilot!
Tạo bởi BuffaloAlmond89
I haven't seen any mods that changes the model of the chopper pilot, so I made one! This puts the Chopper Pilot in a military uniform, worn by the common infected in Left 4 Dead 1. This took a while to make, but I had fun doing it. Please enjoy and have fu...
TWD Police Cars
Tạo bởi Floh
This Mod replaces all Police Cars and the L4D2-Taxis by TWD themed Police Cars: - King County Sheriff's Department Car, the Car of Rick Grimes (clean and dirty Version - instead the L4D2 Police Cars) - Linden County Sheriff's Department Car (clean and dirt...
Megatron Truck (Transformers)
Tạo bởi Floh
Replaces the Flatnose-Trucks with the Megatron-Truck (Transformers). other Transformers-Mods: Truck-Replacement Part 1: Optimus Prime-Truck Truck-Trailer-Replacement and special Trucks Tank-Trailer Replacement Credits: Megatron Truck by Goreface13 on XNALa...
Back To School (Chapter 1)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 1 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 1 - Forest Having abandoned cozy forest camp, heroes struggle out of thickets to forester house. Forester has barricaded the gorge, but infected dashed from the other side. Not much a lone sniper can do against a ...
Back To School (Chapter 2)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 2 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 2 - Railroad Station In case of a disaster, people always try to escape from it using all available ways. One of the places where poor citizens rushed to was railway station. But among the terrified angry mob ther...
Back To School (Chapter 5)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 5 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 5 - Church When the hell poured out on streets, people began to look for three things - weapons, food and safety. Our heroes found weapons in the police station, now it's time to find supplies. Looting... This fat...
Back To School (Chapter 6)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 6 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 6 - School Finale Chemistry... Very few people during an emergency thinks about such things as danger and at the same time need of water and fire.The war machine came off the rails, the fire continues. School, onc...
Back To School (Chapter 3)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 3 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 3 - Town The city is full of places where a common citizen would rather not go to. Construction sites, sewers and other utility lines. But during a zombie apocalypse the least inhabitant places are the safest ones...
Back To School (Chapter 4)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 4 out of 7 This part contain: Chapter 4 - Cinema Is there any hope? The police station is on fire, and no one knows who made a greater contribution. Was it insane infected? Or was it a mad war machine? But we must move forward. Away from the stench of...
Back To School (Models, Textures, etc.)
Tạo bởi envirozavr
Part 7 out of 7 This part is obligatory and contain: Textures, Models, Sounds, Scripts, Particles. Campaign Features: SIX absolutely new maps in both Versus and Campaign modes Ten brand new Panic Event New type of the final Non-linearity Dozens of new mode...
M1114 Hummvee
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
This Humvee replaces the low poly humvee, used in L4D1 campaigns i retextured it a bit and rebuild the bumpmaps, but it doesnt lookvery good. Credits: EA / Dice: Model (from Battlefield 3) Funreal: Porting, re-texturing This is a reupload from gamemaps. I ...
Seperated survival [Castle]
Tạo bởi Exempt ♥
The survivors have been singled out, no picking eachother back up. Cover eachother from the castle watchtowers as the infected climb their way up. Leave a comment if you enjoy this map! I like to know what people have to say :) Dont forget to check out my ...
RE8 Village Karambit (CS:S Knife)
Tạo bởi 8sianDude
A combat knife used by the Hound Wolf Squad in Resident Evil 8 Village is a Karambit, known as the "Karambit Knife" in-game. A knife fitted with a curved blade and a finger ring. The curve of the blade was designed from the shape of a Tiger's claw, allowin...
RPG-7[Grenade Launcher]
Tạo bởi ThunderKiss65
Just in case you want to take down a tank very quickly while not caring at all about splash damage. I wont change the projectile speed or drop cause that requires scripts that only work offline. Use this effectively and be the envy of your team as you show...
RE3 Remake Beretta 92FS Custom "Samurai Edge" [Jill's Model] (9mm Pistols)
Tạo bởi 8sianDude
Somewhat of an alternative to my previous RE2 Remake Samurai Edge handguns. Jill Valentine's custom issued S.T.A.R.S. handgun in Resident Evil 3 Remake is a highly modified Beretta 92FS named the "Samurai Edge". The Samurai Edge can be unlocked in the Poin...
Enhanced Audio: Fire
Tạo bởi frawzy
Improves fire sounds. Go to Collection ...
Brush Axe (RNG & Reanimated)
Tạo bởi Ellie
This mod is a replacement for the Fireaxe. It's an edited version of Prophet's Brush Axe that features RNG Skins (43% chance Red ; 43% chance Grey ; 14% chance Pale Yellow). Moreover, the First Person animations are the KF2 Pulverizer Animations, ported to...
The Dark Parish - Remastered
Tạo bởi Raiden
"Revisit Left 4 Dead 2's final campaign with a new, darkened atmosphere. Features reduced invisible walls, altered item spawns, and new dynamic elements. Includes maps for Campaign, Versus, Survival, and Scavenge! Now Remastered!" General info: First of al...
Modern Warfare Bus
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
NABI 416 from Call of Duty 4 (CoD4) onwards, used throughout the MW series in various places, most of which make little sense. Realm of the dreaded Bus B***ard from Karachi. Replaces bus01_2 (the one with fleur-de-lis insignia), a lot of these appear in Th...
Dead Center: Rebirth
Tạo bởi
A remake campaign of Dead Center (My first work) 죽음의 센터 리메이크 맵입니다. 첫작이라 부족한 부분이 많을 수도 있습니다. 버그 제보나 건의사항은 댓글이나 제 프로필 댓글에 써주시면 검토하도록 하겠습니다....
Dumpster Reskin - for grey dumpster
Tạo bởi Pete®
I made this because on our server we have a mod on the charger which will allow you to charge these dumpsters and incap survivors - They stand out a bit more but still look like they should... Filthy! If anyone knows the location of the green dumpster in t...
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
Replaces blurry yellow tape seen in No Mercy has 4 frames that will change every 50 seconds. http://imgur.com/ZU2mKN7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg ...
Real Mercy Logo
Tạo bởi Ellie
This addon replaces the "Mercy" visual idendity with the real one from St. Louis Mercy Hospital. It includes : - The main Mercy logo seen on the Hospital - The flags logo outside the hospital - The logos seen in the hospital itself...
Alternative No Mercy Helicopter Intro.
Tạo bởi TYRANT
A very small sound MOD that replaces the helicopter intro on the map No Mercy....
HD Wallpaper
Tạo bởi Savantir
This is HD Wallpaper....
Military Industrial Complex II
Tạo bởi The Thug Shaker
*I am just uploading this campaign to the Steam Workshop. All credit for the creation of this campaign goes to Garbage Boy. I have not edited any part of this campaign. This is my first upload, so if there happen to be any problems with the download/instal...
Tyrant (L4D1 Campaigns Only)
This is a re-texture of L4D1 Tank. Back at it again to pay up my crime for not having a zombified l4d1 tank skin addon, using modified sacrifice tank torso texture transplant cuz i like him bald, custom normalmaps & l4d2 ci burn included. мяFunreal's Smoot...
Highschool of The Dead ED 3 - Credits Music
Tạo bởi urinal cheesecake
This replaces the default "themonsterswithin" with Return to Destiny the third ending from Highschool of The Dead for both L4D1 and L4D2 maps. This is a high quality MP3 from the official OST, not ripped from a YouTube video....
Modernized APC with Animated Gun (10 RNG)
Tạo bởi gray
Modernized version of the APC in Blood Harvest Finale with animated gun Final Update - Added 10 RNG camouflages - DShK replaced by m2 Browning - Added a few more props Credits Model - L4D2 and gray Textures - gray Animaiton - gray Sounds - gray ...
Suicide Blitz (L4D1 port)
Tạo bởi Trunten
Left 4 Dead 1 is like 28 Days Later with a taste of humor and Left 4 Dead 2 is like Zombieland. They have a different feel. As a player, I prefer Left 4 Dead 2. It has everything the first game had. As a mapper, Left 4 Dead 2 is the winner hands down. Valv...
Suicide Blitz 2: Part 1 of 3
Tạo bởi DangerousPerson
Part 1 of 3 Visit Suicide Blitz 2 Collection Page and + Subscribe to all 3 parts! *This version will work with any other Version 4 of Suicide Blitz 2 available on the web. This version does however contain a couple of small GUI texture fixes. If you alread...
Suicide Blitz 2: Part 3 of 3
Tạo bởi DangerousPerson
Part 3 of 3 Visit Suicide Blitz 2 Collection Page and + Subscribe to all 3 parts! *This version will work with any other Version 4 of Suicide Blitz 2 available on the web. This version does however contain a couple of small GUI texture fixes. If you alread...
Suicide Blitz 2: Part 2 of 3
Tạo bởi DangerousPerson
Part 2 of 3 Visit Suicide Blitz 2 Collection Page and + Subscribe to all 3 parts! *This version will work with any other Version 4 of Suicide Blitz 2 available on the web. This version does however contain a couple of small GUI texture fixes. If you alread...
Tạo bởi Stizzix
In a part of Dead Air that wasnt in the campaign the survivors find a structure where they decide to stay the night but they have to clear the zombies out first." ...
Sacrifice Tank Variety Pack
Tạo bởi SirWololo
To give more variety to the special infected, I put together this v-pack with the original sacrifice tank model/skin plus some models/skins from workshop (and some personal ones too). IMPORTANT: If you experience crashes, try running the game with Paged Po...
RE8 Village Pipe Bomb (Pipe Bomb)
Tạo bởi 8sianDude
Homemade improvised grenades found thoughout a Romanian Village and Castle in Resident Evil 8 Village is the Pipe Bomb, known as the "Pipe Bomb" in-game as well. It can also be crafted in-game with the appropriate materials. A homemade improvised grenade u...
Bile Bomb Animation
Tạo bởi Arima
The Bile Bomb, Vomit Jar, Puke Bomb, whatever you call it has been reanimated. You want to make sure what you are holding is toxic and that you unpin it before throwing just like a traditional grenade. edit: remade the throwing animation in a more natural ...
Tank Challenge
Tạo bởi obez
v1.5 An offshoot of Tanks Playground, a little idea we had while playing Tanks Playground with friends. Survive waves of tanks with increasing difficulty until rescue. At each wave, one additional tank will spawn (ie. 6 tanks at round 6). Easy mode only sp...
Tanks Playground
Tạo bởi obez
Version 3.0 Campaign My tribute to the Tank Fever series by Lain. Survive the tanks for 10 minutes until rescue arrives! 13 to 15 tanks at most in Normal, Advanced and Expert modes (all are beatable). Less tanks in Easy. 3 possible rescue points. A player ...
Pirates of the caribbean Tank
Tạo bởi DELTA
This mod replaces the Tank theme with the Pirates of the caribbean theme....
Linkin Park concert posters + music
Tạo bởi Wolf Productions
Linkin Park concert posters + music...
Devil Mountain
Tạo bởi Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Fairfield Terror - Part 1/2
Tạo bởi Sang
Fairfield Terror is a fan-made remake of Turtle Rock Studio's original No Mercy, the game studio that owned the rights for Left 4 Dead back in 2007/2008 before Valve took over the game. The original design of No Mercy featured a much darker atmosphere, had...
Dam It Complete
Tạo bởi AkiraTea
TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, now completed to a more finished state by DGB. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. The C130 makes an emergency landing at a small rural airport and the survivors need to find a new way...
Tank Massacre (Tank training)
Tạo bởi Reveaper
Pure tank training. Survivors versus tanks, all weapons (except german ones) included. 1 room, no obstacles. Just you, weapons, friends against tanks. Pure firepower and tactics. You can do 2 things in this map: • Train your skills agains tanks • Complete ...
Tank Arena
Tạo bởi obez
Version 1.3 Another Tank Map, in a smaller arena. Enter the arena and fight tanks for 10 minutes. You will then have to find Moustachio and press the button under it to activate 1 out of 4 possible rescues (Don't take too long to reach Moustachio or he wil...
Mutation: Mob of Witches V2.0: Even More Witches Than Last Time™
Only witches. lots of witches. They attack on sight. Now with better code, more witches, and witches that will randomly spawn right behind you. IF NO WITCHES SPAWN: Please for the love of god check for the admin system addon or any mutation that uses exten...
Witch Challenge
Tạo bởi Exempt ♥
This is a survival map where you must defend the catwalks and don't disturb the Witches that wander the floor below. If you enjoy this map, or if you find any problems, be sure to leave a comment. Don't forget to check out my L4D2 content and follow me to ...
Malaysia Airlines MH370
Tạo bởi Ellie
This mod is a replacement for the plane crash in the new The Last Stand campaign. Instead of the regular turboprop plane, you will now see the world's hide and seek champion: the famous Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) that is missing since 2014. It se...
Hard Rain: Downpour
Tạo bởi Azuki
A re-make of Hard Rain. This is my first time using hammer editor, so a few of the areas of the map are unoriginal while I was just trying out random things, in the end I just went with what I had done during the map editing and improved it while I learned...
L4D1 Hunter Randomizer
Tạo bởi Phantom
Works ONLY on singleplayer/hosted local server. Features: Replaces the Hunter in L4D1 campaigns. Reskin compatible. Matching corpses. BumpMap. L4D2 CI Burn Texture. Credits: "BodyGroup Randomization" by Zetnus "Gasmask Hunter" by Sergi338 +White coloring "...
Redemption Hazmat Charger
Tạo bởi Morloc
This is a Charger in a Helix Hazmat suit to be used with the campaign RedemptionII. This was created with Splinks so full credit goes to him for the 3d modelling. I tweaked the textures. Watch out when there's lots of common hazmat suit infected about as h...
L4D1-2 Smoker + Skins (BodyGroup Randomization)
Tạo bởi SirWololo
Allows original L4D1, L4D2 smokers (+ L4D2 Red Plaid and L4D1 Concept-Style Skins) to spawn together randomly on singleplayer and local servers. I made both extra skins have its own "model", so the original L4D2 smoker its compatible with reskins, RNG skin...
K9 Unit Pickup
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
This is an old mod i made, so don't expect the quality to be the best. This is a reupload from gamemaps. I had to upload it here because people kept stealing my mods without permission and got away with it ______ This item is not authorized for posting on ...
Improved Humvee Retexture
Tạo bởi bronx287
I've always wondered why Valve decided to put a large 081 on the rear doors of the Humvee and not even UV map it correctly so that the right side wouldn't reverse the numbers. This retexture is based on Humvees I've seen in real life on the streets and one...
TC2 Touring Car Soundmod - Jimmy Gibbs
Tạo bởi мяFunreal
This mod swaps the Dodge sounds for Touring Car car sounds. They were originally recorded from the Aston Martin in the game "The Crew 2" and i made them fit into l4d2. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account ...
AH-64 Apache Airliner Crash Scene
Tạo bởi gray
AH-64 Apache shosts down the airplane real sounds version by Kedama! https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1888801227 Credits Model - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Textures - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon & gray Sound - gray Animations - gray ...
UH-60 Black Hawk 2
Tạo bởi Ellie
https://i.imgur.com/yyu2Uwa.png This mod is NOT compatible with the Helicopter with translucent glass nor with Lt. Rocky Helicopter Fix (but it includes it) http://i.imgur.com/MKWRxFb.png his mod will GLITCH (will be invisible) on 3 custom campaigns due to...
Pain Pills Reborn
Tạo bởi Yog
"Peelz Here!" https://cdn.yogensia.com/steam-workshop/headlines/description.png And here's another item remake, not as fancy as the Pipebomb Reborn, but still a significant improvement. :) Thanks to Ellie this release also includes "Mod a Mod" support, mea...
Pain Pills Reborn : RNG Addon
Tạo bởi Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/34Ud4S6.png This mod is a texture addon for Prophet's Pain Pills Reborn. It adds 13 new skins to Prophet's addon that are all random per map (and the First Person skin therefore matches the World Skin). All the "skins" are new etiquettes...
[The Parish] Random/"Anime" Perimeter Alarm Sound
Tạo bởi ๖ۣۜDomitori™
According to FindSounds.com, this sound is originally from an anime. Or an anime mech. Sounds like a goddamn lie. This is an addon replacing the perimeter alarm (perimeter_alarm.wav) from The Parish to something very cool in my opinion. If you're getting t...
U.S. Army ACU Bill
Tạo bởi Marshall1807
Bill gets a fashion update. Gives the honorable veteran a modern ACU U.S. army uniform. Blood stains, black undershirt, black beret and desert combat boots included. ...
RE3 Francis "UBCS Mercenary" ( Resident Evil 3 Remake )
Tạo bởi Majka
Hello again! Description: Francis doesn't like many things ... including his boss of UBCS Features: First Person Arms ( includes a remake ) VGUI Icons: Lobby / Ingame / Incap Light model for map "passing" Adjusting outfit to Francis body Textures adapted t...
Diamond Dogs Louis
Tạo bởi Ninya
Louis done got himself a Diamond Dogs outfit, time to fulton some things! Credits to kojima productions for the models Me for porting and rigging...
Coach Body - multicam tactical
Tạo bởi TOG | K1CHWA
coach in multicam camo and tactical vest texture/normal *this modifies body only COACH SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Delinquent Ellis - Delsin Rowe
Tạo bởi _♦ The Charmer ♦_
Delsin has Delinquent vibes sometimes, so he decided that it was time to dress as Delsin from the game Infamous Second Son, including his jacket and his cap Features: - Custom Model - Custom Textures - Facial Animations - First Person Arms - Hud Elements (...
Rochelle Suit & Tie
Tạo bởi cassie
The uniform consists of a white button up shirt with one button undone, a blue tie, and matching black slacks with suspenders, a pair of short black heels with red bottoms, a leather chest holster and black leather gloves, and a police badge with her face ...
Fairfield Terror - Part 2/2
Tạo bởi Sang
Fairfield Terror is a fan-made remake of Turtle Rock Studio's original No Mercy, the game studio that owned the rights for Left 4 Dead back in 2007/2008 before Valve took over the game. The original design of No Mercy featured a much darker atmosphere, had...
Tank-Trailer (Transformers)
Tạo bởi Floh
This mod change several special Trucks and Trailer: replaces the freestanding Semi-Trailer with the Megatron-Trailer modifies the wrecked Tanker-Trailer and the Tanker-Trailer I've done this mod on request. other Transformers-Mods: Truck-Replacement Part 1...
CEDA Emergency Alert Broadcast
Tạo bởi Pajama
Replaces the tv static with an emergency broadcast from CEDA...
Molotov Revamped
Tạo bởi Arima
This is a darker revamp of the HD/HQ Original Molotov Remake mod. My inspiration of making this is the COD.WWII molotov which look dirty, black and reflective. I know a black bottle usually reminisce us of wine but don't be bothered. Features : 1024x1024 t...
Molotov Animation
Tạo bởi Arima
The follow-up to my Molotov Revamped mod they are supposed to go together but having them separated gives more choice ;) Tell me if there is any bug. Enjoy! https://i.imgur.com/D33MCr3.gif ...
A-10 Thunderbolt
Tạo bởi Ellie
I got bored of always seeing the same "looking-like" Fighter Jets in The Parish so I decided to do a quick model replacement for them. I bring you an A-10 Thunderbolt replacement for the Fighter Jet (F16 / F18) that you can see in The Parish campaign. The ...
Day Break (Campaign)
Tạo bởi DannBo
It's been a long road since I started this project shortly before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, but I'm happy to share with you my custom campaign: Day Break! Campaign Description: The survivors must escape San Francisco before the military bombs it! After their...
Tạo bởi Cele
Today i will bring u a new release with first try on particle effects,this gun is a really cool and powerful thing but it may not give u a good performance in game due to its huge scope,i tested myself,indeed. Replacing Hunting Rifle HUD icon: http://steam...
Tạo bởi Cele
After tweaking the AW AK12 a lot,finally its tme to release it along with updated AW AK12 Credits: Model,Texture:Activision Infinity Ward Sound:Navaro Animation:Me HUD ICON: http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=457391692...
Remington 870-PumpShotgun
Tạo bởi Lt. Rocky
I did not expect that TPS to get so popular. Here I had thought I was in an utter rust with how poorly my Painkiller Francis, Fireaxe Fix and both VP70's had performed, when all it took was a shotgun mod I had put in limbo for several months to convince me...
Tạo bởi Cele
Yeah,for a long time waiting,ive picked up an old project,aslo one u may requested most and expected most,the MTS-255 revolver shotgun from COD:G which replaces the M4 Super 90/Auto shotgun in L4D2,since this game doesnt fit some magzine reloading shotguns...
MW1 Minigun (for Minigun)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
General Dynamics GAU-17/A from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Forget the minigun! We have to go NOW! (c) Gaz, 2011 US Air Force version of the M134 Minigun. The Gatling rotary gun design goes all the way back to 1860s, and today's electrically-powered vari...
Dark Carnival: Remix
Tạo bởi NF
Dark Carnival: Remix is a redesign of Dark Carnival that remakes the layout and adds new areas and events in Whispering Oaks to explore. Beta content has also been brought to life and restored throughout the maps. See the Tunnel of Love with flowing water,...
Nick Body - leather coat black
Tạo bởi TOG | K1CHWA
texture/normal coat to look like leather. * this modifies body only NICK SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Nick Head - heavier beard
Tạo bởi TOG | K1CHWA
gave nick a slightly darker/heavier beard texture *this modifies head only NICK SKIN ARCHIVE please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Facility 13
Tạo bởi raul
NOTE: Make sure your game is PRIVATE (non-joinable). The map WILL crash if someone joins mid-game. You can play this map as a CAMPAIGN (AKA helicopter escape) or as SURVIVAL (infinite hordes, infinite gas). The infection has spread beyond the confines of F...
Aurore Statue
Tạo bởi Ellie
This is my 100th mod and I wanted to make it some sort of "special", so here it is : an Aurore Statue for L4D2. For the ones who haven't checked my Profile, Aurore is in fact my character in Skyrim ; Lt. Rocky is trying (and succeeding) to port Skyrim mode...
Crosshair - Simple Dot (White)
Tạo bởi Red Schism
*CUSTOM CROSSHAIR COMPATIBLE H.U.D. REQUIRED FOR THIS MOD TO WORK. (this mod is made for use with "Schism/HUD" and is compatible with all Urik HudLayouts and Crosshair_support.vpk.) *To disable the default crosshair open the Developer Console and type "cro...
Nano Shot Black [Adrenaline]
Tạo bởi scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/Uj6M0YM.png Replaces Adrenaline with Nano Shot from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Nano Shot is a Fujiwara tactical equipment that increases health regeneration. This is a black version with alternative t...
Valve's Missing Content Fix
Tạo bởi Rayman1103
Adds missing textures and models. These files came in with the first revision of Cold Stream, and the reason they have been removed is because Valve had to remove some content that was unsourced when they released Cold Stream. The content was removed after...
The Last Of Us : Easter Eggs
Tạo bởi Ellie
This addon adds various Easter Eggs and references from the game "The Last of Us" in L4D2. All easter eggs can be found in No Mercy and Dead Center. It is possible that certain easter eggs won't appear if you have certain textures packs, but I tried to max...
HD Ladders
Tạo bởi Ellie
This mod replaces all the metal ladders in game by new HD Ones. Originals colors are kept. It features : - New High-Resolution (from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048) textures for every metal ladder - New detailled bumpmap for every ladder (procedural lighting simul...
Damascus Blade (Katana)
Tạo bởi Zaeryn
Sword made from Damascus steel, a very strong metal with unique organic patterns. Replaces the katana with new normal maps and edited textures from K1CHWA. The hilt has leather normal maps, reflective metal parts and the blade gives off a slight holy glow ...
.44 Magnum
Tạo bởi Dark Star
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered .44 Magnum Replaces Desert Eagle on Cele anim Gamebanana was down and I couldn't look for new sounds. I had some backed up on my hard drive, so if you have a better sound you would like to suggest, leave it with a lin...
M1903A3 Springfield[Scout]
Tạo bởi ThunderKiss65
REPLACES THE HIDDEN CSS SCOUT THE ONE WITH THE BOLT THAT GOES PEW CLANK CLANK NOT THE HUNTING RIFLE Here is an american made springfield rifle, a ww1-ww2 era bolt action rifle firing a powerful 30-06 cartridge and is known for being a deadly rifle in any m...
K2 Assault DPI[M16]
Tạo bởi ThunderKiss65
From protecting the 38th parallel to taking out the infected with a swift and clean punch the K2 assault version has arrived into our survivors hands. Boasting a high rate of fire and the 5.56x45mm NATO rounds at 750 RPM this thing is a sure fire way to qu...
Semi Trailer - Knight Rider
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
Going the Whole Hoff here boys! To be Hoffed - a Hoffing can lead to severe psychological trauma, temporary loss of motor function and 9 times out of 10 it will affect the Hoffee's up-chuck mechanism. http://imgur.com/Wmv7I3y.jpg Semi-Trailer UVmap Fix MrF...
Black Mesa M35 Army Truck
These are not my models/materials, all credit goes to the developer artists who made these assets as well as the developers of the tools used to make this mod. Shephard was a guy. Replaces the default M35A3 Army Truck with a much better one from you guesse...
Tạo bởi Cele
The gauss rifle from crysis2 that ive loved for a long time,now its available in L4D2,to enable hidden weapons,pls subscribe Rocky's CSS weapons unlocker on the rightside first Cell camo Credits: Crytek GmbH:Model,Texture,Sound Animation:Cele...
Nano Shot HUD Icon [Adrenaline]
Tạo bởi scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png Replaces Adrenaline HUD icon with the Nano Shot icon from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. This mod is optional and was made to be used with: ◼ Nano Shot ◼ Nano Shot Black Warning: this mod contains script that changes the ico...
Compact Slim HUD
Tạo bởi Kanon 🦋
A fusion between Freshboy5000's Slim Hud and Kimono's Clear HUD. Warning This mod is not compatible with any damage indicator or crosshair mods. If you want to use these mods, you can use the alternative version. That version has the inventory in its defau...
MW3 Striker (for SPAS)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
Armsel Striker/Protecta/Street Sweeper from CoD: Modern Warfare 3 A clockwork shotgun from South Africa built like a double-action revolver. Early versions were very slow to load and required use of an ejector rod, like a gate-loaded revolver. A rather wei...
M1903 Springfield [AWP]
Tạo bởi [ΖмBя.™] Dusty
English: Hello everyone. Today I present you with an American classic from both world wars: the M1903. This weapon was design3ed to be a successor to the outdated Norwegian-manufactured Springfield M1892, which performed terribnly against the German-made M...
Viper (Spitter)
This is a re-texture of spitter for all campaigns. "Here she arrives at this spooky season, melting your face is her only reason. " That'll do it for the description, have fun! ...
Infamous Zoey
Tạo bởi Sergi338
I grinded all the way to Infamy 50 and all I got was this stupid leather jacket. Just good ol' Zoey, now in the Terminator-inspired outfit known as "Infamy Leather" from Payday 2. Features: Jigglebones for the jacket Custom viewmodels Custom incap and lobb...
The Last of Us - Pickup
Tạo bởi Oguzhan
The Last of Us - Pickup Replaces pickup_truck_78 Models:Crazy31139 ...
Generator Reborn 4K
Tạo bởi gray
- Replaces all variants of floodlight generator. - 4K Textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
TWD Trainbox (Season 5 - Terminus)
Tạo bởi Floh
Replaces various Trainboxes (Tanktrap, Train-Boxcar etc.) with the Trainboxes at Terminus, which Rick and his Group passing by and arrested in . compatible with my mod "armored Train (Part 1)" https://s26.postimg.cc/dora2mixl/L4_D2meets_TWD_long_s.png ...
RE3 Remake Benelli M3 Super 90 with Collapsing Stock (Chrome Shotgun)
Tạo bởi 8sianDude
A 12 gauge shotgun found in a railway office caged cabinet in Resident Evil 3 Remake is the Benelli M3 Super 90 (known as the "M3" in-game). It features a 4 round magazine tube and unrealistically "upgraded" with a Benelli M4's collapsing stock that's susp...
RNG Medkits
Tạo bởi Tя!cky ツ
3 Pack of my prior released medkits they will be Random! http://imgur.com/U8N1Xjv.jpg https://imgur.com/nXM8vJJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Poison (Witch)
This is a 𝙧𝙚-𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 of witch for 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙨. She's just your neighbor's daughter without makeups, don't be an arse! Custom normalmaps and transparent alpha channel for the hair are included. 𝙃𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙖 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙪𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝'𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧, 𝙨𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙖...
Male and Female Hunters (RNG mod)
Tạo bởi Lois Griffin
This mod will spice up your game by adding a female hunter, but using the RNG method every time a hunter spawns it'll be different so you get to have both a female and a male hunter in your game!! It also supports Ellie's radar mod. It is not compatable wi...
IMI Uzi Unfolded
Tạo bởi Nebbers
Since I don't want to pigeon-hole myself with doing Insurgency ports, here's something a bit different. It's an Uzi, yet again, but this time, a full sized Uzi with its stock unfolded! What a beauty. Replaces the default Uzi on Paysus's Uzi animations, wit...
L4D2 but every infected is a witch
Tạo bởi bumbiedude
In this mod, infected can only spawn as witches (plus a few other features). How difficult is it? Subscribe to find out! Watch a video made by the creator and his friend: https://youtu.be/hyJxiGwdbPc...
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Tạo bởi xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
[xdR] Mixamo Shove Animations (Standing Only)
Tạo bởi ChapCanai
Replaces Each Survivors' Standing Bash Animations with Mixamo Motion Capture Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 029 For Standing bashes only When running, walking, crouching, or jumping, the default bash will play. So these animations would be fairly...
MW2 TMP Bling (for MAC)
Tạo bởi Alex_D #NoWar
Suppressed B&T MP9 with EOTech from CoD: Modern Warfare 2. The Austrian Steyr sold their TMP design to Brugger & Thomet, which also included the SPP semi-automatic pistol without the front grip. The Swiss company improved it by adding Picatinny rails and a...
CrazyRabbit's Tactical Flashlight
Tạo bởi CrazyRabbit
An improved looking flashlight using a combination of the original L4D2 and Half Life 2 flashlight textures together and applying a blue LED tint. Makes the flashlight seem brighter in dark areas. View comparison....
Tạo bởi Ellie
This mod is a quick mod I made and that belongs to the infamous "HD" family. It replaces the ATMs that you can see in L4D2 campaigns and custom ones by a new one with 2K textures and glowing animated parts. Enjoy ;) https://i.imgur.com/KB1etMg.png HD ATM M...
INS:S Survivor - Bill
Tạo bởi mav
that's a car, francis Bill dressed in a puffer jacket and lightweight gear, from Insurgency Sandstorm. Features remade UI elements, first person hands, and game accurate models and materials. Credits: Nickolox: Painted over portraits and character icons Po...
Animated Ambulance Lights (L4D2 Ambulance)
Tạo bởi ֆʊռ
Getting tired to see an ambulance with no flashing lights unlike police car? Well... here's my simple retexture that makes the ambulance more glance when you see it. Enjoy :D What does this addon change? - Upscaled the size from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048 - An...
Zoey - Military Style
Tạo bởi Meraru
My edit of this addon by Phaeton. Features: - Lods. - Default hairstyle. - Light/passing support. - Jiggleboned attachments. - Compatible with head retextures. - Removed custom face, eye and vgui textures. - Reskin system: materials/models/survivors/teenan...