Left 4 Dead 2
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【崩坏3rd】 恒霜之斯卡蒂(替换消防斧)\ [Honkai Impact 3] Sickle (replace the fire axe)
Создатели: 洛兮
用了冰箱的专属镰刀替换消防斧! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植...
安洁莉娜Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI)
Создатели: 比宇宙更远的地方
Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI) 洁哥vector替换乌兹冲锋枪 Angelina skin for kriss super vector Arknights character:Angelina 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/10216990366923...
明日方舟阿米娅Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar)夜光
Создатели: 比宇宙更远的地方
Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar) 阿米娅Arknights character:Amiya 下次会做阿米娅主题的其他枪械 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1021700064570496993/B26BF92AB2122ADBCEC44EFC3FA34F648724A8C2/ https://st...
8 Player Lobby
Создатели: R󠀡F
How to use: 1 - Choose "8 Player Lobby" Mutation from mutation list and make a lobby. 2 - Goto Lobby settings after creating it. 3 - Use "CHANGE MODE" button to choose gamemode you want. (Step 3 is essential if you want other people to find your lobby with...
AK12 Miku (ak47)
Создатели: 蒜蓉炒面
第三次更新.......总算是真正意义上的完美了 修改了枪声,换弹音效,调整了部分色区和发光区域 “【真】儿童节礼物已经呈现在主人大人的面前了,不打算把人家抱走吗” 求订阅,求点赞,求收藏,求包养.........(说怪话的瞬间) 注意了!注意了!出了一个bug,那就是装备上AK之后.......角色的裙底会出现一个柱状物体......没错,这就是我女装大佬蒜蓉炒面的自带buff!!! 重复一遍以前的老话:转载请写上我STEAM的ID 原模:杀地板2 AK12.......模型 LT. ROCKY...
Arcana: Normie Version [Bill Replacement]
Создатели: Dark Star
Arcana from, Vindi. Vampire Version is better. https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1385752709 Replaces Bill. Voice: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1385747599 Credits: Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamcommunit...
CrossFire gatlinggun_in(M60)
Создатели: 涅盘重生
Gatlinggun_in come from CrossFire repalce the M60....
CSO Choiji-Yoon (Louis)
Создатели: 徒手开根号
Choiji-Yoon from CSOL. secret agent. Height: 167 centimeters Weight: 46 kg huge boobs tattoo Suspender socks glasses High-heeled shoes Lace underwear Office lady Suite Domineering lady Peerless ChoijiYoon(bill) http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedet...
Evie: Succubus Queen [Francis]
Создатели: Dark Star
Evie in Succubus Queen outfit. Voice: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1435874838 Credits: Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198284005249 Models/Textures: Nexon/Devcat Model Ports/Rigging/Vgui images/Ji...
Glock 18 Neo Noir CS:GO
Создатели: E._V_.A
Replace Pistols on Glock 18 Neo Noir from CS:GO with Valve anim and sounds....
Hiiro&Waka S890(M1014 replacer)
Создатели: 比宇宙更远的地方
Hirro &waka skin for S890 hirro和waka 主题的S890 Anmation:HKG41 Model: Interactive Sound: Interactive, far cry New skin:me https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764817747377976715/2759392D40A45A33D4B48AADA9FC51194B04B0CF/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun鹿乃主题木喷
Создатели: 比宇宙更远的地方
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun 花寄女子寮vtuber:鹿乃 主题木喷。 只替换了贴图 Only texture have been replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于花寄鹿乃自我介绍歌:https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW The picture comes from vtuber Kano's self introduction song: https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW 感谢...
NieR:Automata 2B [V2.2] {Rochelle}
Создатели: 我带头冲锋 DANIAO
You guys should really try this Halloween theme 2B made by Fαтєѕ! ╰→性感火爆小姐姐在綫試玩,比真人荷官在綫發牌還要刺激,點我立馬挺直鶏兒! Have Fun! Replaces Rochelle. 替换二代人物 Rochelle Models and textures:Mikey,TFA Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons ...
Создатели: Dark Star
Succubus Selren is a boss fight. I've remodeled her to have a more modern appearance for Left 4 Dead making her a survivor. Normal appearance is the artwork. Appearance folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17m_mRgIkq-t0zPrVe-ISowxPcWxf8yGj?usp=sh...
Siete (Ellis)
Создатели: Dark Star
Siete is a new boss character, so I've ported her over. Includes: Jiggle Physics Hair Physics Zoey Anim https://i.imgur.com/g2C6jUN.png Credits ========================== Main character model and textures: Nexon / DevCat Model Port / Rigging / Face Anim / ...
Vampire Bride
Создатели: Dark Star
Vella outfit upon her 2nd weapon release (Chainblades) known as, Vampire Bride. This is one of her iconic appearances and was originally for her only. Replaces Zoey. I remade this to now have better hair physics Paler Skin Long Black Nails Blinking Animati...
Viper {Sudden Attack 2} COACH.VERSION
Создатели: cass
ZOEY VERSION : http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1281967727 BILL VERSION : http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1281972545 Another beautiful brown haired woman from the game sudden attack 2 -First person Arms -Bile Text...
[原神] 刻晴 30发连狙 Insurgency FAL Marksman
Создатели: Azhe
修复了瞄准镜在第三人称下的错误 Fixed "Sniper mirror" error in third person ——2021.7.11 替换30发连狙 Replace military sniper 拥有夜光效果 With luminous effect 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UU4y1a7iD 为AK-47制作了去除瞄准镜的版本 A version of the AK-47 with the sight removed was made 替换...
[HONKAI3][崩坏3]ICE KATANA-寒狱冰天 NO.2
Создатели: 梦宫.思宜
Replace the katana&anims 替换武士刀为寒狱冰天 此作品为等不及某位大佬的mod临时起意学习制作而成 学艺不精,敬请谅解。(第二次嘛) 在上次的基础上加了源氏拔刀的动作 格挡的动作自己改了一下 刀身上面反光有些小瑕疵,不过不影响使用(技术力过低不会修...) 希望你们喜欢...