Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

アイテム (23)
【崩坏3rd】 恒霜之斯卡蒂(替换消防斧)\ [Honkai Impact 3] Sickle (replace the fire axe)
作成者 洛兮
用了冰箱的专属镰刀替换消防斧! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植...
安洁莉娜Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI)
Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI) 洁哥vector替换乌兹冲锋枪 Angelina skin for kriss super vector Arknights character:Angelina 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/10216990366923...
明日方舟阿米娅Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar)夜光
Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar) 阿米娅Arknights character:Amiya 下次会做阿米娅主题的其他枪械 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1021700064570496993/B26BF92AB2122ADBCEC44EFC3FA34F648724A8C2/ https://st...
8 Player Lobby
作成者 R󠀡F
How to use: 1 - Choose "8 Player Lobby" Mutation from mutation list and make a lobby. 2 - Goto Lobby settings after creating it. 3 - Use "CHANGE MODE" button to choose gamemode you want. (Step 3 is essential if you want other people to find your lobby with...
AK12 Miku (ak47)
作成者 蒜蓉炒面
第三次更新.......总算是真正意义上的完美了 修改了枪声,换弹音效,调整了部分色区和发光区域 “【真】儿童节礼物已经呈现在主人大人的面前了,不打算把人家抱走吗” 求订阅,求点赞,求收藏,求包养.........(说怪话的瞬间) 注意了!注意了!出了一个bug,那就是装备上AK之后.......角色的裙底会出现一个柱状物体......没错,这就是我女装大佬蒜蓉炒面的自带buff!!! 重复一遍以前的老话:转载请写上我STEAM的ID 原模:杀地板2 AK12.......模型 LT. ROCKY...
CrossFire gatlinggun_in(M60)
作成者 涅盘重生
Gatlinggun_in come from CrossFire repalce the M60....
CSO Choiji-Yoon (Louis)
作成者 徒手开根号
Choiji-Yoon from CSOL. secret agent. Height: 167 centimeters Weight: 46 kg huge boobs tattoo Suspender socks glasses High-heeled shoes Lace underwear Office lady Suite Domineering lady Peerless ChoijiYoon(bill) http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedet...
Evie: Succubus Queen [Francis]
作成者 Dark Star
Evie in Succubus Queen outfit. Voice: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1435874838 Credits: Skeletal Rig: InnerQuiet https://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198284005249 Models/Textures: Nexon/Devcat Model Ports/Rigging/Vgui images/Ji...
Glock 18 Neo Noir CS:GO
作成者 E._V_.A
Replace Pistols on Glock 18 Neo Noir from CS:GO with Valve anim and sounds....
Hiiro&Waka S890(M1014 replacer)
Hirro &waka skin for S890 hirro和waka 主题的S890 Anmation:HKG41 Model: Interactive Sound: Interactive, far cry New skin:me https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764817747377976715/2759392D40A45A33D4B48AADA9FC51194B04B0CF/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun鹿乃主题木喷
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun 花寄女子寮vtuber:鹿乃 主题木喷。 只替换了贴图 Only texture have been replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于花寄鹿乃自我介绍歌:https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW The picture comes from vtuber Kano's self introduction song: https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW 感谢...
NieR:Automata 2B [V2.2] {Rochelle}
You guys should really try this Halloween theme 2B made by Fαтєѕ! ╰→性感火爆小姐姐在綫試玩,比真人荷官在綫發牌還要刺激,點我立馬挺直鶏兒! Have Fun! Replaces Rochelle. 替换二代人物 Rochelle Models and textures:Mikey,TFA Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me First person arms |第一人称手臂 HUD Icons ...
作成者 Dark Star
Succubus Selren is a boss fight. I've remodeled her to have a more modern appearance for Left 4 Dead making her a survivor. Normal appearance is the artwork. Appearance folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17m_mRgIkq-t0zPrVe-ISowxPcWxf8yGj?usp=sh...
Siete (Ellis)
作成者 Dark Star
Siete is a new boss character, so I've ported her over. Includes: Jiggle Physics Hair Physics Zoey Anim https://i.imgur.com/g2C6jUN.png Credits ========================== Main character model and textures: Nexon / DevCat Model Port / Rigging / Face Anim / ...
Vampire Bride
作成者 Dark Star
Vella outfit upon her 2nd weapon release (Chainblades) known as, Vampire Bride. This is one of her iconic appearances and was originally for her only. Replaces Zoey. I remade this to now have better hair physics Paler Skin Long Black Nails Blinking Animati...
Viper {Sudden Attack 2} COACH.VERSION
作成者 cass
ZOEY VERSION : http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1281967727 BILL VERSION : http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1281972545 Another beautiful brown haired woman from the game sudden attack 2 -First person Arms -Bile Text...
[原神] 刻晴 30发连狙 Insurgency FAL Marksman
作成者 Azhe
修复了瞄准镜在第三人称下的错误 Fixed "Sniper mirror" error in third person ——2021.7.11 替换30发连狙 Replace military sniper 拥有夜光效果 With luminous effect 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UU4y1a7iD 为AK-47制作了去除瞄准镜的版本 A version of the AK-47 with the sight removed was made 替换...
[HONKAI3][崩坏3]ICE KATANA-寒狱冰天 NO.2
作成者 梦宫.思宜
Replace the katana&anims 替换武士刀为寒狱冰天 此作品为等不及某位大佬的mod临时起意学习制作而成 学艺不精,敬请谅解。(第二次嘛) 在上次的基础上加了源氏拔刀的动作 格挡的动作自己改了一下 刀身上面反光有些小瑕疵,不过不影响使用(技术力过低不会修...) 希望你们喜欢...