73 ratings
Everything about First World Bank
By Seal
A comprehensive guide detailing all of First World Bank's features, from the most obscure to the blaringly obvious.
Everything about First World Bank is a highly detailed guide for the classic heist First World Bank. This guide is not a step-by-step tutorial, but rather a neatly-organised collection of information serving as the ultimate authority on every possibly conceivable detail pertaining to First World Bank.

The source of all information contained within this guide varies. The most common sources are personal experience, playtesting and the BeardLib-Editor[] mod. Other minor sources, such as the wiki[], are also used.

If you are concerned about a piece of information's accuracy, please do not hesitate to contact the guide creator.

  1. On mobile, limited areas of the guide (such as tables) may not be easily visible in its entirety. If this happens, simply use the web browser and enable desktop site.
  2. This guide is written in correct English.
  3. This guide features a lot of media (mostly images). If you're on a limited mobile data plan, it's best not to scroll any further!
  4. Due to Steam's limit of 8000 characters per section, certain pieces of information may be split up into multiple sections. In such an event, additional sections will be denoted by a number at the end of its name, such as 'Bain's quotes/Stealth2' representing the second part of Bain's stealth-specific quotes.
  5. The information contained within this guide is accurate as of game version U215.

To-do list
This is a public list of information that needs to be added, changed or removed from the guide. Items on this list are not in any particular order. A stands for 'addition', R for 'remove' and C for 'change'.
  • [A] Insider quotes.
  • [A] Pre-assault smokebomb at the bank entrance.
  • [A] Pre-assault police officers on each side of the bank.
  • [A] The ambushes in the manager's office and the adjacent office.
  • [C] Improvement of the jumping tricks video.
  • [A] Images of the remaining two Cloaker hiding locations in the basement.
  • [A] Civilian quotes at the tellers.
  • [A] Manager quotes on the phone.
  • [A] Heist's Holdout description, which has now been removed from the game.
These initialisms may be used throughout the guide.

Very Hard
Death Wish
Death Sentence

First World Bank
Work in progress
Aced [skill] (example: *High Value Target)
Basic heist information
Released on the sixth day of Crimefest 2015 on 20 October 2015, First World Bank is a one-day heist involving the PAYDAY Gang making a return to the classic First World Bank heist from PAYDAY: The Heist. This heist can be done either stealth or loud.

FBI Files description
Conducted early in the morning, this bank job carries all the hallmarks of a classic job by the Payday gang. Forcing their way through to the rear area, the gang used thermite to melt their way down to the vault interior. As police forces gathered outside the front, the gang used C4 explosives to blast through to the neighboring office, and made their escape before local commanders knew the heist was over. Inside help is suspected and we are currently investigating the backgrounds of the staff for likely collaborators.

Notes: Why the hell weren’t we watching this one? Jesus Christ, one of the biggest banks in the DC area - of course they were going to hit it. And that escape….just shows how rigid the thinking of our commanders is. Might be time to clear the decks there. Bain really caught us with our pants down, and gave us a spanking we deserved for it. details
Bain's mouse-over voice message:
  • "Time to hit the First World Bank, gang."
  • "Classic job, gang. The First World Bank."
  • "Back to where we all began: First World Bank."
Bain's voice message:
  • "We've been eyeing the First World Bank for a while. Now it's time to pull the trigger. Get down there and relieve them of their ill-gotten gains."
  • "First World Bank was one of those blood-suckers that got a fat tax payer from a big bailout deal, making healthy profits since. Let's do this for the people."
  • "We've hit a lot of banks over the years, but First World Bank has always been close to my heart. Let's get into theirs, and tear it out."
We've been eyeing the First World Bank for a while. Now it's time to pull the trigger. Get down there and relieve them of their ill-gotten gains.

>>Locate the manager
>>Get access to the server room
>>Force your way to the vault
>>Bag all the money and escape

Bain's plan
The vault is buried deep in the back of the bank. Getting through to it will be tough, but we have some help. An Inside Man is prepped and waiting for you. They're going to help us out once you're in there.

You can do this loud, or you can take it softly. Up to you.

Stealth is an option.

Offshore cost

Job payout
Base reward
Risk reward

Loot requirement

  • The soundtrack is Gun Metal Grey 2015[], a remixed version of the original Gun Metal Grey[] soundtrack.
  • The stealth bonus for completing the heist without raising the alarm is 15%.
  • First World Bank's internal name is 'red2', while its Holdout version's internal name is 'skm_red2'.
  • First World Bank's JC value is 60.
A list of the base money rewards for performing various tasks, including both the base and risk rewards.

Minimum loot

14x Money

Minimum loot, 7 ATMs

14x Money, 7 ATMs

Minimum loot, 70x Gold

14x Money, 70x Gold

Minimum loot, 70x Gold, 7 ATMs

14x Money, 70x Gold, 7 ATMs
This section lists the base experience values for performing various tasks.

Opening the server room door
Per bag of Money secured

Per electricity box rewired
Finding the code
Opening the gate
Opening the vault
Completion bonus

Disabling the magnetic lock
Drill finished
Thermite melted through the floor
Entering the Overvault
Per bag of Gold secured
Completion bonus

  • The 'Completion bonus' stealth task awards experience for touching the escape zone in stealth, not completing the heist with a stealth bonus.
This section provides more detail on the assets that can be purchased in the briefing screen.

Grenade Case
Doctor Bag
Ammo Bag
Body Bags

Spawning locations
Grenade Case
#1: In a dark room adjacent to the left office, next to a stack of cardboard boxes.

#2: Outside server room spawning location #1.

#3: Outside the conference room, next to electricty box spawning location #9.

#4: Inside security room spawning location #1.

Doctor Bag
#1: In a dark room adjacent to the left office, atop stacked filing cabinets.

#2: Outside security room spawning location #1, next to some chairs.

#3: In the conference room, under the main conference desk.

#4: Inside server room spawning location #2.

Ammo Bag
#1: In a bright room adjacent to the left office, underneath a desk.

#2: By the edge of the left bank overlook.

#3: In an office adjacent to the manager's office, in the corner.

#4: Inside server room spawning location #1.

Body Bags
#1: In the left office, underneath a desk.

#2: Outside security room spawning location #1 in the corner, next to a fire extinguisher.

#3: In an office adjacent to the manager's office, in-between a white couch and a wall.
A section providing more detail on objectives not specific to either tactic.

#1: Enter the bank
"Get inside and don't draw attention to yourselves!"

Enter the bank.

#2: Find the bank manager and get his keycard
"Find the bank manager. Look for a yellow outline once he's identified. You need his keycard to access the server room."

Locate the manager, tie him down or kill him and then take his keycard.
Manager spawning locations
#1: At the right bank overlook.

#2: Sitting in his office, with his feet kicked up.

#3: At the central bank overlook, on a call.

#4: In the corner of the conference room, on a call.

#5: Pacing between a room adjacent to the left office and the left office, on a call.

#6: Pacing by the elevators behind the wall in the lobby, on a call.

#7: In the conference room, talking to employees.

#8: By the terminals on the right side of the bank, talking to an employee. The manager can only spawn in this position if the terminals are on this side.
Manager fleeing locations
#1: By server room spawning location #1.

#2: On the red carpet near server room spawning location #1.

#3: At the central bank overlook, by manager spawning location #3.

#4: In an office adjacent to his office.

#5: In his office, by manager spawning location #2.

#6: In the conference room, next to the shutters.
  • In loud, the manager can be easily identified by the yellow outline surrounding his person, appearing 45 seconds after raising the alarm.
  • The manager will flee to any one of six possible locations after raising the alarm, listed under sub-header 'Manager fleeing locations'.
#3: Empty the vault
"Empty the vault! Get the cash!"

Bag an amount of Money equal to the loot requirement.
  • In stealth, one additional bag of Money is required to be bagged in order to trigger the next objective.
  • Upon entering the vault via the thermite hole, 2-4 (depending on difficulty; see header 'Ambushes' of section 'Enemies') Bulldozers will be waiting in the vault to ambush players.
  • Upon entering the vault via the thermite hole, a police officer may spawn alongside 2 civilians by the pile of money. The chance of this happening is 25% on Normal and Hard, and 35% on Very Hard and above, alongside the Bulldozer ambush.
#4: Drop off the loot
"Use the vent near the elevator shafts to drop the money to a safe location."

Throw the bags of Money into the vent by the elevators.
  • The amount of Money bags required to trigger the next objective is the loot requirement.
  • The vent can be either interacted with and removed (taking 2 seconds) or destroyed with melee, bullets or explosives. If interacted with, the vent can still be destroyed.
  • If a player entered the vault via the thermite hole, 4 Shields and 2 Tasers will spawn outside the vault to ambush the player as soon as the police open the vault doors. See header 'Ambushes' of section 'Enemies' for additional information.
#5: Secure the loot
"Drop the money into the truck!"

Go to the back of the garbage truck and throw the bags of Money into it.
  • If a player entered the vault via the thermite hole, 3 Shields, a Bulldozer and a Taser will ambush the player in the large office. 3 HRTs can also be seen freeing civilians. 2 Shields at the bottom of the stairwell, 3 SWATs on the stairwell (60% chance) and either a Bulldozer, Cloaker or nothing will all spawn in an attempt to ambush the player. See header 'Ambushes' of section 'Enemies' for additional information.
  • Although the garbage truck only appears when a player enters this area, the loot secure zone is always there.
#6: Escape
"Make your escape!"

Go to the escape zone in front of the garbage truck.
  • The loot requirement must be met in order to activate the escape zone.
  • Simply touching the escape zone in stealth will award the stealth experience bonus. See section 'Experience' for additional information.
A section providing more detail on objectives specific to stealth.

#1: Locate and enter the server room
"Find the server room, it's on the second floor. Unlock the door using the keycard."

Access the server room on the first floor using the manager's keycard. The server room can spawn on either side of the bank:

#2: Disable the metal detectors
"Metal detectors can instantly detect your gear. Bypass them by disabling the electricity. You are searching for electricity boxes."

Locate and rewire three electricity boxes found throughout the entirety of the first floor, appearing as metal boxes with a yellow danger symbol. Rewiring them disables power to the metal detectors guarding the gate.
Electricity box spawning locations
#1: Inside server room spawning location #1.

#2: Inside server room spawning location #2.

#3: By the bank overlook, near server room spawning location #1.

#4: By the central bank overlook, near manager spawning location #3.

#5: By the central bank overlook, on the opposite side of electricity box spawning location #4.

#6: Near security room spawning location #2.

#7: Outside the manager's office, next to a light.

#8: By the central bank overlook, near security room spawning location #2.

#9: Outside the conference room, next to a printer.

#10: Next to server room spawning location #1.
  • There are always three electricity boxes, with one guaranteed to spawn inside the server room.
  • Opening an electricity box's case takes 2 seconds.
  • Rewiring an electricity box takes 6 seconds.
#3: Find the gate's security codes
"The gate leading to the vault area is locked with a secondary security check. Hack the marked computers to find the code for the keypad that is located by the gate."

Interact with one of the 7 computers on either side of the bank to set up a hack that allows Bain to search through the computer for the gate's keypad code.
Left-sided terminals

Right-sided terminals
  • The base interaction time is 6 seconds.
  • The chance of hacking the correct computer is initially 10%, increasing with each computer hacked.
  • The code is always 1138.
#4: Meet our insider at the gates
"Our Insider is heading from the second floor to the gate. She will be ready to lead you through them. Act casual and don't draw any attention to yourselves!"

Wait for the insider to reach the gate. Once there, approach her, then input the code after a 5-second delay. The insider will then, after 8 seconds, open the gate. The gate takes 3 seconds to finish its opening animation.
Gate 1

Gate 2

#5: Gain access to the vault doors
"You need two keycards. Look out for a security area or other important areas such as office desks. Use one on the control panel to get the green light to use the second keycard by the panel down by the big gates. Timing is the key!"

Find a keycard and input it into the terminal in the security room, then input the second keycard into the key panel by the vault doors.
Keycard spawning locations
#1: On the left of the desk, near the camera terminal, in the security room. A keycard will always spawn in this location.

#2: On the side of the table nearest to the doorway, in the counting room.

#3: On the side of the table farthest from the doorway, in the counting room.

#4: On the side of the desk in the reception area, near keycard spawning location #1.

#5: In the middle of the desk, in the reception area.

#6: On the top of the desk, in the security room.
  • The second keycard must be inserted within 10 seconds of the first, or the security terminal has to be interacted with again.
  • The vault doors take 15 seconds to fully open.
#6: Follow our insider
"Our Insider will lead you to the second floor."

Wait for the insider to reach the exit door on the first floor, by server room spawning location #2. She takes 63 seconds. Then, follow her through the door.
Gate 1

Gate 2
  • If a player does not approach the insider within 30 seconds of her arrival, she will proceed to walk through the floor, down to the pre-vault corridor and make her way back upstairs to the exit door, as seen here:
A section providing more detail on objectives specific to loud.

#1: Pick up your gear from the server room
"Look out for a server room and collect your gear. It's hidden inside a copy machine."

Use the manager's keycard to gain access to the server room. Once inside, open the copy machine and pick up the thermal drill.
  • The base interaction time for picking up the thermal drill is 0.2 seconds.
  • The base interaction time for taking a can of thermite is 0.5 seconds.
#2: Start the drill
"Mount the drill on the gate outside the vault area."

Go to the gate, throw the thermal drill into the drop zone and start drilling through the gate.
Gate 1

Gate 2

#3: Drill the gate
"Keep an eye on the drill. It jams."

Wait for the drill to drill through the gate.
Gate 1

Gate 2
  • Setting up the drill has a base interaction time of 3 seconds.
  • The drill has a base drilling time of 360 seconds (6 minutes).
#4: Release the magnetic lock
"The alarm has activated a second feature on the gate. Locate the hacked computer in the managment[sic] area and use it to release the magnetic lock."

Hack the marked terminal, which can appear in one of four possible locations.
Possible terminals
#1: In the conference room.

#2: In the manager's office.

#3: In an office adjacent to the manager's office.

#4: In server room spawning location #2.
  • After informing the crew he is searching for a suitable terminal, Bain takes 60 seconds to find, and mark, the terminal.
  • The base interaction time is 5 seconds.
  • The hack will always take 100 seconds (1 minute, 40 seconds).
  • Enemies can interact with the terminal to stop the hacking process, taking 2 seconds, and restarting the hack takes 5 seconds.
  • This objective is activated shortly after setting up the drill. If the marked terminal completes its hacking process before the drill is done, the current objective will revert back to the previous one: "#3: Drill the gate".
#5: Pour out the thermite to melt the floor
"Pour out the thermite in the office above the vault. It will burn a hole through the steel floor. There are two cans of thermite hidden inside the copy machine. If both are carried to the vault, it will speed up the melting process."

Go to the counting room above the vault and place the thermite. Both cans of thermite are located inside the copy machine in the server room.
  • At least one can of thermite is required to burn a hole through the floor, although two can be placed to speed up the process. One can of thermite takes 5 minutes to burn through, while two cans take 3 minutes.
#6: Get through the lobby
"Get through the lobby and make your way to the hallway outside the server room."

Make your way through the front of the bank.
  • This objective will only be triggered if the gate is not on the administration side of the bank.
  • This objective is triggered because the upstairs area of the bank is locked down, except for the administration side of the bank, as seen here:
  • The description of this objective states that the player must go to the hallway outside the server room. However, as the server room does not always spawn on the side by the C4 wall, this description is inaccurate, provided the server room spawns in server room spawning location #1.
#7: Blow a hole in the wall
"Apply C4 to the wall next to the server room and blow a hole into the neighboring building."

Place three C4s on the wall and stand back.
  • Each C4 has a placement time of 4 seconds.
  • The explosion has a timer of 5 seconds.
  • The explosion can harm players.
  • The explosion triggers an endless assault.
Overdrill, stylised as OVERDRILL, is a hidden mechanic that can only be activated on the Death Wish difficulty or above, and only with a full team of four real players. It is activated by having each player stand in the following positions for 2 seconds, facing each other:

Once Overdrill has been activated, a red light will start flashing on the right of the desk:

In the hallway in-between the counting room and the security room, the wall becomes metallic and players can place a drill on it:
The drill has a timer of 2,000 seconds (33 minutes, 20 seconds), and is unaffected by the use of drill skills. The drill will also never jam, nor can it be stopped by enemies.

Checkered tiles floor room
When the drill has finished, a hidden room with a checkered tile floor will be revealed. 24 of these tiles can be interacted with, and pushing the correct tiles will open the Overvault. The following image clarifies which tiles should and should not be pushed:
If a player pushes the wrong tile, the half that is nearest to the Overvault will be flooded with tear gas. The gas has an infinite duration. Additionally, the Overvault itself will also be permanently locked, although players can still continue pushing tiles.

The Overvault contains 70 bags of gold, equal to a value of $41,256,250 on Death Wish and $46,287,500 on Death Sentence. Opening the Overvault will award the player with the 'OVERDRILL' achievement, as well as completion of the 'OVERDRILL' side job, if it is available.

Known bugs
  • Completing the heist with all 84 (?) bags will generate a bug that prevents players from reaching the PAYDAY screen, which appears while the game is calculating the money reward.
This section is the first part in detailing all enemy information specific to First World Bank.

Spawning locations
Outside the bank
#1: On the left side.

#2: On the right side.
Main bank area
#1: Through the left skylight.

#2: Through the right skylight.

#3: In the corridor vent.

#4: From the corridor elevator.

#5: Through the conference room windows.
Vault area
#1: From the first elevator on the left.

#2: From the second elevator on the left.

#3: From the first elevator on the right.

#4: From the second elevator on the right. This elevator will only spawn if the gate is in position 1.

#5: From the first vent on the right.

#6: From the first vent on the left.

#7: From the second vent on the right.

#8: From the second vent on the left.

#9: From the vent nearest to enemy spawning location #10.

#10: From the vent nearest to the doorways of the counting room and security room.
Large office
#1: From the windows.

#2: From the elevators.

[WIP] First responders
These enemies are, generally, the first on the scene. A police car (from any side) will pull up outside of the bank 83 seconds (1 minute, 23 seconds) after the alarm goes off, followed by another 3 police cars over the next 25 seconds:

Megaphone speech
Approximately 3 seconds after the fourth police car comes to a halt outside the bank, the police will use a megaphone to carry out any one of 4 possible speeches:

Version 1:
  • "Listen up in there!"
  • "We know you're in there."
  • "Surrender your arms and turn yourselves in."
  • "You may think you're in charge of the situation, but you're mistaken."
  • "We're sending in armed police now."

Version 2:
  • "Listen up inside!"
  • "We know you're in there."
  • "Drop your weapons and come out with your hands over your heads."
  • "You may think you're in charge of the situation, but you're mistaken."
  • "We're coming in."

Version 3:
  • "This is the police!"
  • "We know that you're in there."
  • "Come out of there unarmed, with your hands on your heads."
  • "Make no mistakes: we are in charge of the situation."
  • "I'm giving you your last warning."

Version 4:
  • "Attention!"
  • "We know that you're in there."
  • "Give up. Resistance is futile."
  • "We are in charge of the situation."
  • "We're coming in."
These are scripted spawns (meaning they usually always spawn, regardless of difficulty) from where enemies will attempt to ambush the player.

Ambush types
'Thermite hole'-type ambushes will only spawn if a player entered the vault via the thermite hole instead of the vault doors. This means that no thermite hole-type ambushes will spawn if the vault was accessed in stealth.

'Loud drop off'-type ambushes will only spawn if the loot requirement was thrown into the vent in loud. This means that no loud drop off-type ambushes will spawn if the minimum amount of loot was thrown into the vent, triggering the stealth objective 'Follow our insider'.

#1: 2-4 Bulldozers in the vault, depending on difficulty. On Very Hard, it's 2; on Overkill, it's 3; on Mayhem and above, it's 4. This is a thermite hole-type ambush. In addition to this, there is a 40% chance of a smokebomb being deployed by the gate leading to the money room, regardless of difficulty:

There are five possible Bulldozer spawning locations:

#2: 4 Shields and 2 Tasers outside the vault. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#3: A SWAT turret in the main lobby. This unit has a 70% chance of spawning when entering the lobby after activating the 'Get through the lobby' objective and before entering the office, on the Very Hard difficulty or above. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#4: 3 Shields spawning just after destroying the C4 wall. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#5: 1 Bulldozer near the window of the office. This enemy spawns upon destroying the wall. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#6: 1 Taser in the lounge area of the office. If playing on the Hard difficulty or below, this enemy may spawn instead of the office Bulldozer, upon destroying the wall. If playing on the Very Hard difficulty or above, both enemies may spawn. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#7: 3 HRT members in the office, rescuing civilians. These enemies will spawn upon destroying the wall. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#8: 3 SWAT units on the stairwell. These enemies have a 60% chance of spawning when entering the office's elevators area. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#9: 2 Shields at the bottom of the stairwell. These enemies will spawn when entering the office's elevators area. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

#10: Basement ambush, featuring either a Bulldozer or a Cloaker. The chance of this ambush spawning is 85%, if playing on the Very Hard difficulty or above. This is a loud drop off-type ambush.

Upon getting past ambush #9, the game randomly chooses either 1 of 4 Bulldozer ambush doors or a Cloaker ambush. If the former, the Bulldozer will kick down the respective door upon nearing it. If the latter, upon getting past the last Bulldozer door, the game further randomly chooses 1 of 3 ambush locations for the Cloaker to hide in (see sub-header 'Basement area hiding locations' of header 'Cloakers', under the 'Enemies2' section).

The 4 doors the Bulldozer can appear from are the first two on the left and the last two on the right:
This section is the second part in detailing all enemy information specific to First World Bank.

Cloakers will use these locations to kneel or stand, waiting in an attempt to catch players off-guard.
Left server room

Right server room

Pre-opened gate hiding locations
#1: By the terminals on the administration side of the bank.

#2: By the lobby doorway on the right side of the bank.

#3: Near manager spawning location #3, by a potted plant.

#4: Next to a doorway, outside the manager's office.

#5: By the dining area, underneath the first floor access staircase.

#6: In the lobby near the entrance, by a bin, a table and a United States flag.

#7: In the lobby near the entrance, next to a potted plant.

#8: In the lobby by a painting, next to a doorway leading to the right side of the bank.

#9: In the lobby by two ATMs, next to a doorway leading to the left side of the bank.

Vault area hiding locations
#1: Standing next to the vault corridor, by the desk.

#2: Standing by a column in the elevators area, near the right gate entrance.

#3: Standing by a column in the elevators area.

#4: Kneeling in the main vault area, by a potted plant.

#5: Kneeling in the main vault area, by a head statue.

Basement area hiding locations
#1: Kneeling behind a dumpster.

#2: Kneeling next to a dumpster.

#3: Kneeling at the top of a small set of stairs to the right of the passageway.

Snipers will use these locations to attack players from a distance.
Front of the bank
#1: Behind a black sedan.

#2: Behind a black sedan, on the edge.

#3: Next to a police car.

#4: Next to the bus stop.

Left side
Snipers will only use these locations if the gate is on the left side of the bank.

#1: At the top of a building, with a line of sight through the large window and towards the gate.

#2: Behind a set of windows, with a line of sight towards the first floor access staircase.

#3: Behind a set of windows, with a line of sight towards the gate.

#4: Behind a set of windows, with a line of sight towards the doorway of the area containing the left-sided server room and security room spawning locations.

#5: On top of a building far away from the bank, near sniper location #6, with a similar line of sight to sniper location #2.

#6: On top of a building far away from the bank, with a similar line of sight to sniper location #4.

#7: On top of a building that is somewhat lower than the building of sniper location #1, with a line of sight towards the lobby doorway.

Right side
Snipers will only use these locations if the gate is on the right side of the bank.

#1: On the bank's roof, with a line of sight towards most of the first floor's atrium and most of the gate.

#2: On the bank's roof, with a line of sight towards most of the first floor's atrium and most of the gate.

#3: By the skylight window, with a line of sight towards most of the first floor's atrium and all of the gate.

#4: By the skylight window, with a line of sight towards most of the first floor's atrium and all of the gate.
This section details all First World Bank-specific information pertaining to security guards.

All bank guards carry pagers. Alll guards are employed by Washington Security, and there are approximately 6 guard variants, including each skin colour.

On the Normal difficulty, there are a total of 7 guards in the bank:
  • 3 on the ground floor of the main bank area; 1 roamer, 2 by the gate.
  • 2 on the first floor of the main bank area; 1 roamer, 1 in the security room.
  • 2 roamers in the vault area.
On the Hard difficulty and above, there are a total of 11 guards in the bank:
  • 5 guards on the ground floor of the main bank area; 0-1 stationary by a pillar in the lobby, 2-3 roamers, 2 by the gate.
  • 3 guards on the first floor of the main bank area; 2 roamers, 1 in the security room.
  • 3 roamers in the vault area.
Patrolling locations
Guards will briefly remain in these locations as part of their patrol route.

Main bank area - Ground floor
#1: By the wall behind by the tellers, in the lobby.

#2: In the left terminals area/by the left gate.

#3: In the middle of the right side of the bank, just after the doorway.

#4: In the right terminals area/by the right gate.

#5: In the public terminals area.

Main bank area - First floor
#1: Outside the conference room.

#2: Overlooking the left side of the bank, near server room spawning location #1.

#3: Overlooking the lobby from the right side, near security room spawning location #2.

#4: In an office adjacent to the manager's office.

#5: Outside an office adjacent to the manager's office.

#6: In the manager's office.

Vault area
#1: In the middle of the reception area.

#2: Near the desk in the reception area.

#3: At the top of the stairs by the inoperable elevator, on the right (from the vault doors).

#4: At the top of the stairs by the inoperable elevator, on the left (from the vault doors).

#5: Above the vault doors.

#6: In-between the counting room and security room.

#7: By the elevator in the reception area, one which can be replaced with the pre-vault area corridor of gate 2.

#8: By an elevator in the reception area, opposite of patrolling location #7.
All civilian information specific to First World Bank is detailed below.

Groups of civilians may spawn in these locations.

#1: In the dining area.

#2: In the left office.

#3: In the conference room.

#4: By the C4 wall and security room spawning location #2. This group has a 35% chance of spawning.

#5: In the large office. These civilians will spawn after the insider opens the exit door or after the wall has been destroyed.

Additional civilians
These civilians will only spawn after the insider opens the exit door. Both will walk up the stairwell, to the office.

#1: Female civilian spawning at the base of the stairwell.

#2: Male civilian spawning at the base of the third set of stairs from the ground.

Cleaner costs
Base penalty
Sixth Sense aced
This section details everything related to the security cameras in First World Bank.

Cameras in different areas of the bank are operated by either one of two operators.

The cameras in the 'front' (pre-opened gate) are operated by a Washington Security guard, inside a security room that can spawn in one of two locations, upstairs on either side of the bank:

The cameras in the 'back' (post-opened gate) are operated by a civilian:
  • The civilian operator only spawns approximately half-way through the gate opening animation.

Spawning locations
Main bank area
#1: In the lobby, on the left of the entrance to the left side of the bank.

#2: On the left side of the lobby, near camera spawning location #17.

#3: In the lobby, on the right of the entrance to the right side of the bank.

#4: In the lobby, on the right of the wall behind the tellers.

#5: On the ground floor of the right side of the bank, in-between two wall-mounted air conditioners/near the black couches.

#6: Outside the manager's office.

#7: Outside server room spawning location #2.

#8: In a ground floor lounge area, near security room spawning location #2.

#9: By the left balcony.

#10: In the public terminals area.

#11: In the public terminals area, by manager spawning location #5.

#12: By manager spawning location #1.

#13: On the ground floor of the right side of the bank, near the doorway.

#14: In the administration corridor by the exit door.

#15: In the corner of the administration corridor, by the manager's office.

#16: In the lobby, on the right of the entrance to the left side of the bank.

#17: In the lobby, on the left of the wall behind the tellers.

#18: On the right of the lobby.

#19: In the corner of the ground floor on the right side of the bank.

#20: By the stairs on the left side of the bank.

#21: On the ground floor of the left side of the bank, near the doorway.

#22: In the manager's office.

#23: By server room spawning location #2.

#24: In the public terminals area, near the window.

#25: In the public terminals area by an adjacent office.

#26: Outside the conference room.

#27: In-between camera spawning location #12 and security room spawning location #2.

#28: By server room spawning location #1.

#29: By camera spawning location #28.

#30: By camera spawning location #28.
Vault area
#1: In the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1.

#2: From the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1, on the first pillar on the left.

#3: From the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1, on the second pillar on the left.

#4: From the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1, on the first pillar on the right.

#5: From the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1, on the second pillar on the right.

#6: On the wall in the middle of each corridor after the golden gates, on the left.

#7: On the wall in the middle of each corridor after the golden gates, on the right.

#8: By the vault doors.

#9: In the pre-vault area corridor of gate 1, near camera spawning location #1.

#10: On the left wall after the left corridor.

#11: By the window of the security room.
ATMs, or Automated Teller Machines, are objects found both outside the bank and in the bank's lobby. There are 7 ATMs in First World Bank, of which 3 are outside and 4 are inside.

ATM #1

ATM #2

ATM #3

ATM #4

ATM #5

ATM #6

ATM #7
Money bundle spawning locations
Bundles of money may spawn in these locations. Note that their base value is $1,000 each ($1,300 with Chameleon aced), and are thus not worth searching for.

Main bank area
#1: Underneath the desk in the manager's office, on top of a computer case.

#2: Underneath the desk in an office adjacent to the manager's office, on top of a computer case.

#3: On top of stacked, brown filing cabinets in a room adjacent to the left offices, next to a set of books and a small potted plant.

#4: In the manager's office, on the wall-mounted shelf holding the large television screen.

Counting room
#1: On the main conference desk.

#1: Group of 3 money bundles on the bottom of a money trolley.

#2: Group of 2 money bundles on top of a money trolley.

#3: Group of 6 money bundles on top of a money trolley.

#4: Group of 5 money bundles on top of a money trolley.

#5: Group of 5 money bundles inside a safety deposit box.

#6: Single money bundle on the corner of the money pile.

#7: Group of 4 money bundles on the corner of the money pile.

#8: Group of 3 money bundles on the corner of the money pile.

Large office
#1: Single money bundle on top of a computer case on a small desk, near Titan safe spawning location #5.

#2: Group of 4 money bundles on the main conference desk, next to Titan safe spawning location #4.
Jumping tricks
These manoeuvres can be potentially advantageous.
Other notes
  • Opening the gate in stealth and then raising the alarm will allow you to place the thermite without drilling through the gate. If you open the vault in stealth and then raise the alarm, you may escape via the C4 wall.
  • Opening the vault in stealth and then raising the alarm will cause the thermite hole to appear. (?)
  • After the insider spawns, raising the alarm will cause her to pull out a Bronco .44 revolver and proceed to flee the map in the same direction as a civilian.
  • If playing on the Hard difficulty or above, there is a 65% chance that two stationary police officers will spawn by the elevators of the large office, spawning as soon as the insider opens the door:
  • On the left side of the bank, there is a statue of a globe that can be knocked off its pedestal. Doing so turns it into a mobile physical object which can be knocked around with force:
    The globe also contains glass that can be destroyed. Doing so generates noise up to about 10 metres. The glass can also be visually detected by any NPC. (?)
  • When inputting the code to open the gate, the insider occasionally references a quote from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi[]. The specific quote is "It's an older code, but it checks out".
  • In the central overview above the main lobby, there is a 1% chance that the green statue on the left spawns upside-down:
  • The 8th ("You can't put away your guns and mask once you've masked up. Don't mask up until you're ready for action.") and 103rd ("In Casing Mode, you can still be detected, especially if you collide with guards, but the range at which guards will begin detecting you is greatly reduced.") gameplay hints displayed on the loading screen feature an unmasked Dragan entering the bank in its image.
  • The 44th ("Tasing an enemy makes them a lot easier to Dominate.") gameplay hint displayed on the loading screen features the exterior front of the bank in its image.
  • The 57th ("You can't trade a hostage during an assault, you need to wait until the assault is over.") gameplay hint displayed on the loading screen features an alerted civilian standing in the bank's lobby in its image.
  • The 98th ("The Classics. These jobs were the biggest things the gang's ever done. Let's see we see if they still have what it takes?") Payday trivia displayed on the loading screen features the exterior front of the bank in its image.
  • Upon raising the alarm, before the first assault begins, and if the security guards on the ground floor of the main bank area are eliminated, one of the Team AI bots will stand on either side of the front desk and proceed to give a speech (see section 'Team AI's speeches') in reference of the bank robbery scene from the 1995 film Heat[], as seen here at 1 minute, 50 seconds:
  • Almir's Toast can be found inside one of the dumpsters in the basement area, with partial lyrics to the popular 2009 music video Never Gonna Give You Up by English singer Rick Astley[], as seen here:
  • First World Bank takes place at 15:20 in the afternoon, as evident by clocks found throughout the bank, such as this one behind the desk in the reception area of the vault area:
  • The garbage truck is driven by an extremely luminescent entity who disappears as soon as the garbage truck comes to a full stop:
  • First World Bank is the first heist from PAYDAY: The Heist to be reintroduced into PAYDAY 2.
  • If a player enters the manager's office without him present, there is a 25% chance that the telephone will ring.
  • 'The gold' of First World Bank is mentioned by Bain in Hell's Island. As the Overvault is the only source of gold in this heist, it can be safely assumed that Overdrill is canon to the game's lore. The specific quote is: "We're gonna need... the gold... First World Bank... Mayan stuff."
  • First World Bank reuses the same police car models from PAYDAY: The Heist. As such, the police cars that respond after raising the alarm carry the insignia of the New York City Police Department[], despite the heist taking place in Washington, D.C.
  • In comparison to The Big Bank, First World Bank is referred to as a 'toy store' by The Dentist, as seen in his trailer at 3 minutes, 18 seconds. The specific lines of dialogue are:
    The Dentist: "Do you know the Benevolent Bank at 1500 Penn?"
    Dallas: *muffles in agreement*
    The Dentist: "It's a huge place. Makes the First World Bank look like a toy store."
  • The hostage in First World Bank's Holdout variant is the bank manager from the original First World Bank heist in PAYDAY: The Heist.
  • A newspaper in the conference room of the vault area of The Big Bank mentions the First World Bank and its manager, with the headlines 'Closed bank soon reopening' and '8 questions to former manager', respectively:
Glitches are unintended features of the heist that were overlooked by the developers. Because of their nature, this section will only detail past glitches (i.e. ones that have already been fixed in the current version of the game).

Note that the following YouTube videos were created by various users, none of which are the guide creator. As such, different styles of providing the relevant information are to be expected.

#1: Secondary administration office bookshelf

The secondary administration office bookshelf is undoubtedly the most well known glitch in First World Bank. As such, there are many videos on it; however, because listing them all is unnecessary, only a few videos are mentioned here in case one goes down.

#2: Manager's office potted plant

A less known glitch is the potted plant in the manager's office. Glitch #1 is also nearby.

#3: Left-sided office area potted plant

This glitch's primary use is accessing the vault sooner, although it can be used for other purposes.

#4: Ejection seat

The so-called 'ejection seat' is a chair in the right-sided pre-vault area corridor that, when done correctly, launches you far outside the map and causes you to quickly be downed due to fall damage. While this isn't a particularly useful glitch, it can be fun to experiment with.
Among other things, this video features the ejection seat.
Team AI's speeches
This section lists each AI member of the PAYDAY Gang's speeches when they stand up on the desk.
  • Dallas: "Listen up! This is a robbery. We wanna harm no one. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured by the federal government. You're not going to lose a dime. Think of your beloved ones. Don't try to be a hero. Just shut up and stay down, and this will be over in no time."
  • Wolf: "Listen up, this is a robbery. We want to harm no one. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured by the federal government. You're not gonna lose a dime. Think of your loved ones. Don't try to be a hero. Now shut up and stay the ♥♥♥♥ down, and this will soon be over."
  • Chains: "All right, hear me. This is a robbery. We ain't gonna hurt you. We be after the bank's money, not yours. Your ♥♥♥♥'s insured by the federal government, a'ight? You ain't gonna lose a dime. Just think of your family, don't try to be a hero, shut up and stay down and this will be all over." (?)
  • Houston: "Listen. This is a robbery. We're not here to hurt anyone. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured, you hear? You're not going to lose a cent. Think of your family. Don't try to be a hero now. You just shut up and stay cool, stay down and this will be over in no time."
  • John Wick: "Listen up! This is a robbery. We don't want to harm anyone. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured, all right? You're not going to lose a single dollar. Think of your families. Don't try to be a hero. Just stay quiet, stay down and this will be over quickly."
  • Hoxton: "Listen up, this is a robbery. We don't want to harm anyone. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured, all right? You're not going to lose a penny. Think of your family. Don't try and be a hero. Just shut up and stay down, and this will be over in no time."
  • Clover: "Okay, listen up here, friends. This is a robbery. We're not here to hurt anyone. We're only after the bank's money, not yours. The government insures your money, okay? You're not going to lose a dime. Think of your family and friends. They want you to come home. So stay quiet and stay down and we'll be just fine." (?)
  • Dragan: "Listen, this is a robbery. We won't hurt you. We're after bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured. You lose nothing. Think of your family. Don't be a hero. Just stay quiet and down, and this will be over. You understand? Yeah."
  • Jacket: "Please pay attention. You will be happy to know you are victims of a robbery. You will not be harmed. We will take the bank's money. Your savings are insured by the federal government. Please consider your loved ones. Remain calm and quiet, and your survival is assured."
  • Bonnie: "Listen! This is a robbery! We're not here to hurt you, right? We're only after the bank's money, not yours. All your money is ensured by your government, right? You won't lose a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ penny. Think of your families now, your wives, your friends. Just keep it shut, stay down and this will be over in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ jiffy." (?)
  • Sokol: "Listen up. This is a robbery. We don't want to kill you. We're after the bank's money, not your money. Your money is insured by the government. You're not going to lose a dime. Think of your sweet mama, don't be a hero. Just shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and stay down, and this will be over soon."
  • Jiro: "静かにせい!銀行強盗や。誰も傷つけるつもりはあらへん。狙いは銀行の銭や。お前らの銭やない。預金は政府が保護してくれる。びた一文減らへんから心配すんなよ。大事な人のことを考え。英雄ぶるな。黙ってしゃがんどけ。そしたらあっちゅう間に終わるわ!"
  • Bodhi: "Up here, everyone. This is a robbery. We're not here to harm anyone. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured by the federal government, okay? You're not going to lose a dime. Think of your loved ones. Don't try to be a hero. Just stay down and stay quiet and this will be over in no time." (?)
  • Jimmy: "Oi, up here. Now, this is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bank robbery, yeah? BUT we're not here to hurt you, no. We're after the bank's money, okay? Not yours. You're not losing ♥♥♥♥. So, please, think of your family and friends. They want you to come home, yeah? So, just stay ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ quiet and stay down and all will be good, ay? Don't test us!"
  • Sydney: "Listen up you bloody drongos, this is a robbery. We're not here to hurt ya, but that can quickly change, depending on ya ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ actions, got it? We're after this bank's money, not yours. All your bloody money's insured by the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ government, all right? You won't lose a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ penny, so think of your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ families now, your fat spouses and your ugly kids. You just keep it shut like the good tools you are, and stay down and this will be over in a bloody heartbeat." (?)
  • Rust: "Look at me, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This is a robbery. We're not here to harm anyone. We're after the bank's money, not yours. Your money is insured by the federal government, okay? You're not going to lose ♥♥♥♥. Think of your loved ones and don't try to be a hero. Stay down and stay quiet, capiche?"
  • Scarface: "Hey, yea, that's right, this is a robbery. But we don't want to hurt you, okay? We're just here to take the bank's money. Your money's insured, so you're going to be fine if you stay ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ quiet and you don't try and be a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hero. You think of your families, all right? Think about your mama. We're just going to get what we came for, and then we're all going to be free to go."
  • Sangres: "Heeey, this is a robbery. But listen up, amigos. We don't want to hurt you, if we don't have to. We want the bank's money, not your money, huh? Your money is insured by the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ government, so you won't lose a peso. Think of your families and don't try anything stupid, okay? Just stay down and be quiet and we'll be out of here soon and you can all go home. Comprendes?"
  • Joy: "Listen up. This is a robbery. But we don't want to hurt you. We're here for the bank's money, not yours. Your money's ensured, so you won't lose a dime. Think of your families. No use risking your life. Don't be a hero, be smart. We're just gonna wrap this up, and we'll be out of here, and you can get on with your lives." (?)
  • Duke: "Listen up. This is a robbery. But don't worry, we're not here to hurt you. We only want the bank's money, not your savings. Yours is ensured by the federal government. You won't lose a dime. So think of your loved ones and don't try to be a hero. Let's all get along so we can leave and you can all go home."
  • Ethan: "Okay people, this is a robbery. But don't be alarmed, it's not so bad. We just want the bank's money, not your money. Your money is insured by the federal government, so you won't lose anything. Think of your families or your dogs or whatever, but be smart. Then we'll cool and you can all go home and watch TV when it's over." (?)
  • Hila: "Listen up! This is a robbery. But we don't want to hurt you. And we want the bank's money, not your money. Your money is insured by the government, so you won't lose anything. Think of your families, be smart. Just behave and do what we say, and we won't kill you."
An uncensored version can be found here[], which also includes Microsoft Jacket's[] speech. Disclaimer: Contents may be offensive to certain audiences.

  • Jiro is the only member to give a speech in his native language: Japanese.
  • Money is referred to differently by each member, including 'dime', 'dollar', 'cent', 'penny' and 'peso'.
Bain's quotes/Any
All of Bain's non-tactic specific quotes are listed below.

Loading screen
  • "Over there. The First World Bank. Okay, get out and get to work."
  • "The First World Bank. Bunch of goddamn bloodsuckers. Go do it."
  • "If you've got shares in First World Bank, sell. Cause they're about to suffer a hostile takeover. Let's do it."
Start of heist
  • "You know your roles. Walk inside."
  • "Go inside."
  • "Just walk straight into the bank."
Raising the alarm
  • "That's the alarm. Time for plan B. Do the countdown."
  • "Time for plan B. Start the countdown."
  • "There's the alarm, gentlemen. Start the countdown."
Entering the bank
  • "Right, you're going to need the manager's keycard. Find him."
  • "We gotta find the bank manager."
  • "Okay. Find the bank manager."
Entering the basement area
  • "All right, there's the truck and there's our bags. Stash the loot into the truck, quick!"
  • "The garbage truck is waiting for the money bags, come on!"
  • "Okay, now get those bags into the truck and we can call this one."
Success screen
  • "Great work! A classic takedown of a classic heist. It was a pleasure to watch."
  • "And that's how you do it. Textbook execution, gang. Congratulations!"
  • "Outstanding, gang! I wish all trips to the bank ended so happily."
Bain's quotes/Stealth
The first part of Bain's stealth-specific quotes are listed below.

Searching for the manager
  • "The manager is our target. Middle-aged creep with a bald spot. Get his keycard."
  • "The bank manager wears a black suit. Balding. He looks like the kind of creep who spends all his day on his phone."
  • "The manager will likely be around the back. His type don't spend much time with the plebs. Black suit, balding."
  • "Look out for the manager. 40's, black suit, balding. Probably around the back offices."
  • "You're looking for the manager. Mid 40's, balding, black suit. Soulless, heartless, greedy... you know the type."
  • "He's balding, wears a black suit. Most likely busy on his phone. Looks like he's ready to hand out pink slips."
  • "Keep an eye open for the manager. Black suited creep, losing a bit up top, mid 40's. Get his keycard."
Taking the manager's keycard/Reminding the crew to access the server room
  • "Now use the keycard to get inside the server room. It's on the second floor."
  • "Good. Use the keycard to enter the server room on the second floor."
  • "Now use the keycard to get inside the server room. Second floor."
  • "Use the keycard to enter the server room on the second floor."
Disabling the front cameras
  • "Great, you've disabled all cameras in the front and upstairs. Just a few in the vault area."
  • "That's the front and upstairs dark as far as cameras are concerned. Cameras in the vault area run on a separate circuit, though."
  • "All right. They're blind in the front and upstairs. Good work. Only a few in the vault area left."
Accessing the server room/Reminding the crew to disable the electricity boxes
  • "We need to deal with the metal detectors. Best way: simply kill the power. There are electricity boxes around."
  • "You need to disable the metal detectors. Cutting their power will do the job. Look for electricity boxes."
  • "The metal detectors need to be shut down. You can do that by disabling the power. Look for circuit boxes."
Disabling the final electricity box
  • "That's the metal detectors dealt with. Great."
  • "Nice work, team. The metal detectors are disabled."
  • "That disabled the metal detectors. Good job."
Introducing the insider
  • "We got an inside man here. They'll be able to open the gates leading to the vault area. Patching them through now."
  • "I managed to get one of the employees on to our side. They're willing to open the gates leading to the vault. Let me put them through."
  • "I got an inside man there. They'll help us get through to the gates leading to the vault. Patching them through now."
Marking the terminals
  • "All right, gang. I've found some terminals that might have a suitable code. I need you to run a little hack on them."
  • "You heard her. I've done a little homework, and marked some terminals that should have the four-digit code on 'em somewhere."
  • "As the lady said, get searching these terminals I marked. One of them is bound to have the code we need."
Reminding the crew to search the terminals
  • "We need the code, crew. Get searching those terminals."
  • "Check the terminals, gang. We're looking for a code."
  • "The terminals, you see 'em? You need to check them for the code."
Searching a computer
  • "All right, let's see what we got."
  • "Now, what will we find?"
  • "This might be the one."
  • "Fingers crossed this is the one."
  • "Come on, let me see what you got..."
  • "Give me a second to check."
  • "Accessing now."
  • "Okay, searching..."
Wrong computer
  • "CD interest rate, 50%! B-but no code. Keep looking."
  • "Mortage foreclosures, revoked! No codes, though."
  • "Account reports. But no codes. Try the next one."
  • "Christ, a lot of office gossip, but no codes. Next."
  • "Credit score, 80-50! But no codes. Keep looking."
  • "Credit applications, accepted! No codes, though. Next one."
  • "Student loan, erased! Uh, but no codes. Try another."
  • "Extra zero on this transfer! But no code. Try another."
Code found
  • "Uh, here's the code. 1138."
  • "And the code is, uh... 1138."
  • "Aaand... here we go: The code is 1138."
Instructing the crew to navigate to the gates
  • "Okay, now you can meet the insider. Get to the gates."
  • "Great. Now head to the insider. She'll be able to open the gates."
  • "We got what we need to get through the gate. Now, meet with the insider."
Instructing the crew to input the code
  • "Punch in the code."
  • "Enter the code."
Opening the gates
  • "Now we need to get through the vault door. Two keycard terminals need to be activated, within a small window. Find two keycards."
  • "Next, we need to gain access to the main vault. It's controlled by two keycard terminals, and each needs activating within seconds of the other. So find two keycards."
  • "Next, the vault door. It's accessed by two keycard terminals. Swipe them both ASAP. Got it? Now find two keycards."
Disabling the vault cameras
  • "You've disabled all cameras in the vault area. They're blind back there now."
  • "That's the last camera in the vault area. Good job."
  • "You poked out their eye in the vault area. No more cameras back there."
Disabling all cameras
  • "That's all the cameras dealt with. The whole bank is blind to us now. Great!"
  • "All right! Not a single camera left to watch our shenanigans. Great work."
  • "And... the bank is dark to us. Good work, crew."
Reminding the crew to search for the keycards
  • "Search the offices, desks. Those keycards are around there somewhere."
  • "You're looking for two keycards. Look around the desks, offices."
  • "We need two keycards to open the vault. Keep looking."
  • "How are you doing tracking down those two keycards?"
  • "You need a couple of keycards. Look around."
  • "Two keycards will be around here somewhere."
  • "Two keycards. They'll be there somewhere, I know it. Keep looking."
Picking up a keycard
  • "Use one of those cards on the security terminal. Then, use the second keycard on the key panel by the vault door. There's a short window, so don't shilly-shally."
  • "Okay, now you gotta use the first card in the security room, and then you gotta be quick to swipe the second on the panel by the vault door."
  • "Now, use the first card on the terminal in the security room, then the second on the vault key panel. You got a brief window, so no lollygagging."
Inputting a keycard in/interacting with the security terminal
  • "Now, the key panel outside the vault. Hurry!"
  • "Now swipe the vault key panel! Come on!"
  • "And now the vault key panel. Hustle!"
Failing to input the second keycard/interact with the vault panel in time
  • "Too slow. Try again."
  • "Damn! Okay, just try again."
  • "You missed it. Try again."
Opening the vault
  • "And... open sesame!"
  • "And... ta-da!"
  • "And... voila!"
Bain's quotes/Stealth2
The second part of Bain's stealth-specific quotes are listed below.

Not entering the vault
  • "Come on, crew. Get in there, grab that loot."
  • "Gang, the money's there, just waiting for you. Get at it!"
  • "The vault's open and ready for you, gang. Just grab that loot."
Approaching the stack of money
  • "Crispy and neatly stacked. Oh, don't be shy, gang. Go get it."
  • "Ahhh, I can smell the wealth from here! Load the bags!"
  • "There it is. Neatly stacked. Well, you're robbers, ain't ya? Get robbing!"
Bagging the minimum loot
  • "Once you've got your fill, throw the bags through that vent by the elevators. Don't worry, you'll see 'em again soon."
  • "Now, ditch the bags into the vent by the elevators. They'll be fine, don't worry."
  • "So, when you have your fill, I need you to drop the bags into the vent here. We'll pick 'em up later."
Reminding the crew to use the vent
  • "You need to drop those bags in the vent."
  • "See that vent by the elevator? That's where you gotta stash the bags."
  • "Remember, stash the loot in the vent."
Throwing the minimum loot in the vent
  • "Great. Now, ready to bail? Just meet our insider man. She'll show you the way out."
  • "Now, you ready to call it? Find our insider. She's going to show you a way to slip out."
  • "Once you're ready to bounce, find our insider. She's going to help you slip out of there."
Reminding the crew to meet the insider
  • "Our insider can show you the way out. Find her."
  • "Meet up with the insider. She'll get you out of there."
  • "Find our insider. She'll show you out."
Entering the large office
  • "Stay low and quiet. Offices are never empty."
  • "There'll likely be workers here. Don't let them blow this."
  • "Probably people working here. Keep an eye out."
Navigating to the garage
  • "Keep it quiet, gang, but keep it moving. Get down to the garage."
  • "Keep moving. Get down to the garage."
  • "Just sneak through. Head downstairs to the garage."
[WIP] Completing the heist without raising the alarm
  • "You guys are goddamn ghosts. Considerably wealthier ghosts. Well done."
  • "Textbook execution, gang. Congratulations!"
Bain's quotes/Loud
The first part of Bain's loud-specific quotes are listed below.

Searching for the manager
  • "Find the manager. We still need his keycard!"
  • "Find the bank manager! Black suit, balding. Tie him down, get the keycard."
  • "Find and deal with the manager, crew. Gotta get that keycard!"
  • "Still need the keycard off the manager, gang. Find him, deal with it!"
  • "The manager's probably crapping his black threads somewhere. Find him. Get his keycard."
  • "He's balding and wears a black suit. You probably scared him off, so look around the offices or in the corridors."
  • "You still need to get the manager's keycard. Find him!"
Taking the manager's keycard/Reminding the crew to pick up the loud equipment
  • "The copy machine in the server room has the plan B equipment. Grab it!"
  • "Go pick up the drill and thermite. It's hidden inside the copy machine."
  • "Got a drill and some thermite hidden in the copy machine in the server room. Go get it."
  • "Now, pick up the drill and the thermite. It's hidden inside the copy machine."
Picking up a can of thermite without any teammates alive
  • "There's two cans of thermite there. Maybe you can come back later?"
  • "There's a second can of thermite there. Perhaps you can come back once the first is burning?"
  • "There's one more can of thermite in the copy machine. Maybe come back for it?"
Picking up a can of thermite with at least two players alive
  • "There's a second can of thermite there. Someone grab it."
  • "There's two cans of thermite there. One of you other guys grab it."
  • "There's one more can of thermite in the copy machine, but someone else needs to carry that one."
Instructing the crew to set up the drill
  • "Now, let's mount the drill on the gates."
  • "All right. Get that drill set up on the gates."
  • "You need to set up the drill at the gates."
Reminding the crew to set up the drill
  • "Crew, get drilling the gate. Hustle it!"
  • "Gang, we're going nowhere until that drill is working."
  • "Guys, get that drill on the gate. Hurry!"
Drill set up
  • "Let the drill get through the gate lock. Protect it."
  • "Now, let the drill do its thing. Keep the cops off it."
  • "The insider sure delivered. Now keep an eye on the drill, it'll surely jam every once in a while."
Locating the computer
  • "Okay, the alarm has kicked in a secondary lock on the gate: a magnetic seal. You need a terminal to release that. Let me find one."
  • "The alarm has activated a second feature on the gate: a magnetic seal. Drill can't touch that, so you need to access a terminal to release it."
  • "Okay guys, while the drill does the lock, we're going to deal with the gates' magnetic seal. Let me find a good terminal."
Instructing the crew to hack the computer
  • "I found a terminal. Get to it, hack in and we lower that magnetic seal."
  • "Okay, see the terminal I marked? Get over there, hack it and let's kill that magnetic seal."
  • "Access the computer I've marked out for you. Use it to drop the magnetic seal."
Disabling the magnetic lock
  • "Okay, the seal is down. Protect the drill."
  • "That's it for the seal. Now keep an eye on the drill."
  • "Good, the seal is history. Now keep watching that drill. If it jams, you need to restart it."
Gates opened
  • "Great! Now get to the counting room, right above the vault, and get that thermite to work."
  • "Nice! Go through the gate and head to the vault. Find the counting room and pour out the thermite. We're burning down to that vault!"
  • "The drill is done, the gates are opening! Go through and head down the vault corridor. Find the counting room right above the vault, and pour out the thermite."
Instructing the crew to place the thermite
  • "Go and pour out the thermite."
  • "Enter the room right above the vault and pour out the thermite."
  • "Find the counting room right above the vault and pour out the thermite."
Thermite placed
  • "Great, now just hold the fort until the thermite is done."
  • "All right. Now bunker down, gang. Hold them off until we burn through."
  • "Okay, now hold them off till the thermite finishes."
Reminding the crew to obtain the second can of thermite
  • "Did any of you grab that second can? Extra thermite means extra heat which means less time."
  • "If none of you have picked up the extra can of thermite hidden inside the copy machine, you should go get it and pour it out. More thermite means faster melting process."
  • "Who has the second thermite can? More thermite means hotter burn. Basic chemistry."
Thermite is half done
  • "All right, the thermite should be halfway done by now. Keep keepin' on, gentlemen."
  • "Reckon that thermite is half done. Just keep the pigs away."
  • "Thermite should be halfway through by now. You're doing great."
Thermite melted through the floor
  • "The thermite has melted a hole straight into the vault, just as planned. Jump down and grab the cash!"
  • "The thermite is done, about time. Now enter the vault."
  • "All right. Thermite's done. Now get down there."
Crew gaining access to the vault/Approaching the stack of money
  • "Ahhhh, look at all that cash. Okay, fill your bags, gang!"
  • "Put the money bag on the floor and grab some cash!"
  • "There's the beautiful cash. Get bagging it, crew."
Police opening the vault
  • "Damn cops are at the door. Get ready for them!"
  • "Cops are about to open the door. Give them a Payday welcome!"
  • "The cops are in control of the vault doors. They will open any second. Be ready!"
Instructing the crew to use the vent
  • "Good job! Now drop off the loot in the vent leading to the basement area."
  • "Okay, great! Now stash that loot in the vent by the elevators!"
  • "All right, now start stashing that money in the vent!"
Throwing the minimum loot in the vent
  • "You're not going to just stroll out the front. Get upstairs, and blast through into the office next door. That's the way out."
  • "Right, here's our way out: Get back upstairs, and C4 the wall into the adjourning building."
  • "Okay, escape plan: Go up to the server room, blow up the wall and escape through the basement of the neighbouring building."
Entering the lobby during the 'Get through the lobby' objective
  • "Argh, this damn lobby. You gotta get out of there!"
  • "Get out of that damn lobby!"
  • "The lobby's too hot! Get upstairs!"
Instructing the crew to get upstairs
  • "Head upstairs to the office corridors!"
  • "Get upstairs, crew! That's where you'll be blasting through!"
  • "Go to the corridor outside the server room!"
Bain's quotes/Loud2
The second part of Bain's loud-specific quotes are listed below.

Approaching the wall
  • "Blow a hole in the wall and run!"
  • "Put the C4 on the wall and stay back!"
  • "Blow a hole in the wall and get ready to run!"
  • "Apply some C4 to the wall!"
Reminding the crew to place the C4
  • "Slap some C4 on the wall, crew!"
  • "C4 that wall, gang! We're making our own escape route."
  • "We're blasting out the back door. Get C4 on that wall!"
Destroying the wall
  • "Go through the hole! Head to the neighbouring building!"
  • "Through the hole, gang! You're getting out of there!"
  • "Now, get through there! That's the way out!"
Instructing the crew to navigate to the basement area
  • "There's a garbage truck waiting in the basement garage. Get down there and stash the loot, quick!"
  • "The garbage truck is waiting in the garage for the money bags. Get down there, get it secured!"
  • "This office has a basement garage. A garbage truck is waiting for the bags. Get down there, and get them secured!"
Reminding the crew to navigate to the basement area
  • "We're almost done. Get down to the garage, secure that loot!"
  • "Just dash through and get downstairs to the garage!"
  • "Keep moving, get down to the garage!"
Package spawning locations
There are 35 possible Gage courier package spawning locations in First World Bank, listed below.

#1: Outside, next to ATM #3.

#2: In the lobby, next to a United States flag.

#3: Behind the lobby wall next to a small potted plant, by The Robot trophy spawning location #2.

#4: By package spawning location #2.

#5: In the lobby, underneath a table by the entrance.

#6: In the lobby, next to a black couch.

#7: In the lobby, underneath a table near Cloaker hiding location #8.

#8: In the lobby, underneath a table by the doorway to the left side of the bank.

#9: In the left offices, next to a bin.

#10: In a dark room adjacent to the left offices by manager spawning location #5, on top of a chair.

#11: In a bright room adjacent to the left offices, next to a small potted plant.

#12: On the left side of the bank, in-between a glass table and a set of black couches.

#13: In the left offices, underneath a desk.

#14: On the left side of the bank by the wall of the lobby, next to a power socket.

#15: On the first floor in an area just after the left stairs, by 2 chairs and a water dispenser.

#16: By the left-sided bank overlook, in the corner.

#17: By the central bank overlook next to a large potted plant, near manager spawning location #3.

#18: On the first floor in-between a white couch and a large potted plant, near package spawning location #34.

#19: In the first floor tiled floor area, on the side of a white couch.

#20: Outside the conference room, on a floating shelf.

#21: In the conference room, inside a large corporate bookcase.

#22: In the conference room, inside a small corporate bookcase.

#23: In an office adjacent to the manager's office, next to the desk.

#24: In an office adjacent to the manager's office, on the white couch.

#25: In the middle of the gate/terminals area on the right side of the bank.

#26: On the right side of the bank by the wall of the lobby, underneath a chair/desk.

#27: In the dining area, by the window.

#28: In the dining area, on top of a refrigerator.

#29: By the right-sided bank overlook next to a potted plant, near package spawning location #30 and manager spawning location #1.

#30: By the edge of the right-sided bank overlook, near manager spawning location #1 and package spawning location #29.

#31: In the manager's office, on a floating shelf.

#32: Underneath the dining area staircase.

#33: On the left edge of the central bank overlook's gap.

#34: On the first floor on top of a white desk, near package spawning location #18.

#35: In a bright room adjacent to the left offices next to a printer, near package spawning location #11.
Achievements and trophies
This section is the first part in providing a more in-depth description on each of First World Bank's 21 achievements and 1 safe house trophy.

Hidden Hostages
"Finish the First World Bank job with 6 or more hostages alive behind the wall by the elevators in the main lobby."

Explanation: The heist must be completed with at least 6 cable tied civilian hostages in the presence of the elevators in the lobby, behind the wall.

This achievement can be done in stealth, although it is not recommended due to the large amount of security present in the lobby; an ECM rush will also likely be required, due to there being more than 4 roaming guards in the main bank area on the Hard difficulty and above (see section 'Guards').

Internal name: green_1
Original Heisters
"Complete the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above using the PAYDAY: The Heist crew, Reinfeld Shotguns, and Bernetti 9 Pistols."

Explanation: The heist must be completed on the Overkill difficulty or above with the entirety of the original crew (Dallas, Chains, Wolf, Hoxton) each using the Reinfeld Shotgun and Bernetti 9 Pistol.

Internal name: green_2
"Complete the First World Bank job in stealth under 13 minutes and 37 seconds."

Explanation: The heist must be completed in 13 minutes and 37 seconds or less, with a stealth bonus.

Internal name: green_3
Cloaker Fear
"Finish the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above by securing all additional money bags while not using the loot vent bag shortcut for the additional money bags."

Explanation: After throwing the minimum loot into the vent, all additional bags of Money must be carried to the truck and secured manually, without throwing any additional bags into the vent, and then escape. This achievement can also be done in stealth.

Internal name: green_4
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Wish difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: green_5
"In the First World Bank job, solve the PAYDAY: The Heist secret on the Death Wish difficulty or above and enter the OVERVAULT."

Explanation: See section 'Overdrill'.

Internal name: green_6
Au Ticket
"In the First World Bank job, find the Titan safe and collect the special item inside."

Explanation: In the office space leading to the garage, the Titan safe (spawning in 5 locations; see section 'Achievements and trophies2') must be opened and its contents secured.

Internal name: green_7
Just Walk Straight Into the Bank
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Mayhem difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: pick_37
First World Problems
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty with the One Down mechanic activated."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: axe_37
The one that had many names
"In the Shadow Raid or the First World Bank Jobs, find and pick up the hidden Robot Trophy five times. Unlocks "The Robot" mask."

Explanation: The player must pick up the 'The Robot' trophy five times, in separate attempts. Escaping is not required.

Internal name: eng_2
I Would Like to Speak to the Manager
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Normal difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: trk_fw_0
A Sense of Déjà Vu
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Hard difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: trk_fw_1
First Robbed Bank
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Very Hard difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: trk_fw_2
Listen Up! This Is a Robbery!
"Complete the First World Bank job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: trk_fw_3
Bank on Me
"Complete the First World Bank job on the Death Sentence difficulty."

Explanation: Self-explanatory.

Internal name: ggez_41
Federal Assurance
"In the First World Bank job, kill all Bulldozers in the vault within 30 seconds after jumping down the hole."

Explanation: After the thermite has burnt a hole through the floor, all 2-4 Bulldozers in the vault must be killed within 30 seconds of jumping down the hole. See ambush #1 under the 'Ambushes' header of section 'Enemies' for additional information on these Bulldozers.

Internal name: cac_10
Down Payment
"On the First World Bank job, kill the bank manager with the Money Bundle melee weapon."

Explanation: Upon locating the manager, kill him using only the Money Bundle melee weapon.

Internal name: cac_25
Hide Them in the Vault
"Having started from wave 1, beat wave 3 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist."

Explanation: Starting from wave 1, the player must complete wave 3 of Holdout.

Internal name: skm_21
Tie Them to the Chairs
"Having started from wave 1, beat wave 5 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist."

Explanation: Starting from wave 1, the player must complete wave 5 of Holdout.

Internal name: skm_22
Would you Rather Be Robbing the Place?
"Having started from wave 1, beat wave 7 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist."

Explanation: Starting from wave 1, the player must complete wave 7 of Holdout.

Internal name: skm_23
A Different Level of Scoring
"Having started from wave 1, beat wave 9 of Holdout on the First World Bank heist."

Explanation: Starting from wave 1, the player must complete wave 9 of Holdout.

Internal name: skm_24
Achievements and trophies2
This section is the second part in providing a more in-depth description on each of First World Bank's 21 achievements and 1 safe house trophy.

The Robot trophy spawning locations
#1: In the manager's office, by a set of floating shelves.

#2: Behind the wall in the lobby, on a table.

#3: In the left office, on a desk.

Titan safe spawning locations
#1: Next to a brick wall.

#2: Next to the edge of a desk, near the glass door.

#3: By the glass door.

#4: On the main conference desk.

#5: On a desk, near Titan safe spawning location #1.

The Robot
"Machine, Mechano-man, Can-opener, Number 4. This Robot has had many names!"

  • The name of the 'Au Ticket' achievement is a reference to the ticket's golden texture, with 'Au' representing Gold on the periodic table[].
  • From 22 October 2015 to 21 November 2015, collecting the ticket inside the Titan safe would award one drill and safe of the First World collection. This could have only been done once per player.
  • The name of the 'Bank on Me' achievement is a reference to PAYDAY: The Heist's achievement 'Bank on me', awarded for completing First World Bank on Overkill 145+ difficulty.
  • First World Bank's achievements that were released alongside its addition to the game had teaser names that, when assembled, formed a popular quote from the original First World Bank heist ('He was messing around in the server room'). The specific achievements are: Hidden Hostages (He Was), 1337 (Messing), CVL+ (Around), Au Ticket (In The), Original Heisters (Server), Cloaker Fear (Room) and OVERDRILL (Boom).
  • The ticket inside the Titan safe that is part of the 'Au Ticket' achievement has a money value that scales with difficulty:
    Base value
    Chameleon aced
Guide statistics
Updates since release
YouTube video links
Soundcloud links
Wikipedia links
Civilians harmed in the making of this guide
Times and dates are in UTC[]. Dates use the day-month-year date format[], and times use the 24-hour clock[].
These individuals have contributed to the improvement of this guide in one way or another. Users on this list are in order of first contribution.
  • Seal - Created the guide.
  • Jaguartek - Completing most of the objectives in a Normal stealth run needed to open the vault, allowing the guide creator to take a high quality image of the open vault while having low FPS.
  • Pink, Antipoison, Nickexp - Activating Overdrill to allow the guide creator to verify the amount of time each player needs to remain in their positions to activate Overdrill.
  • Wek - Being in the same lobby as the guide creator so that Bain will change his thermite reminder quotes to the 2+ players version.
  • TheRetr0 - Repeatedly killing enemies over and over so that the guide creator can take images of enemies using different spawning locations, contributing to the majority of enemy spawning location images: 19 of them.
  • DeceptiveCowboy - Informing the guide creator of the existence of a driver driving the garbage truck.
Thank you for reading my guide. If you found it helpful, please remember to share it with your friends. Doing so motivates further development and helps players become more knowledgeable at First World Bank.

Suggest improvement ideas in the comments section.

My other guides
Everything about Shadow Raid

Package locations in The Ukrainian Prisoner
{-SM-}Alex 9 Dec, 2023 @ 10:50am 
I would very much agree. I enjoy being able to look for information that I personally find entertaining or useful and capturing it, practicing it etc, rather than the themed

1. Do this
2. Now this
3. Now if you missed this on 1 or this on 2.....

It just doesn't appeal as much being "min/max" pathed. Even though the XP and payout amounts have changed from patches and such, this is still an incredible setup. I'll have to look at more of your content.
Seal  [author] 8 Dec, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
I've created a few guides; they're listed at the bottom of each of my guides and on my profile. However, there is only one other guide I've released that is like this one, and it's for Shadow Raid. The next one was supposed to be The Big Bank, but I haven't been working on any of my guides, including that one, for quite some time (more like two years, plus).

Something else to note: usually when I'm about to release a new guide, I post a bunch of challenge videos in promotion of the guide, like 75 detection risk or a world record speedrun, in addition to theming my profile as relevant as possible to the new heist. There are some videos on my profile, if you're interested; the speedruns have likely since been overtaken.

I believe the way I structure my guides, being more encyclopedic (like a Wikipedia article) rather than like a step-by-step tutorial, plays a large part in easily remembering the information.
{-SM-}Alex 8 Dec, 2023 @ 8:37am 
Yeah, this took me about 10 seconds or less to get to. Although there are several guides out there, this one by far seems to have the most information overall, is as detailed as possible based on the information you can research or directly find by playing yourself, without going to 30 page twists and turns about things.

It has literally as the name implies, EVERYTHING you could want to know, stealth, loud, overdrill, tries to do an xp and loot breakdown, enemy info, civilian info, where to find packages, money, equipment. I spent two hours just trying to work through finding the keycard spawns and money packs and STILL had issues, ran down your guide and figured out exactly where i missed the cards, AND im able to get all 38 money packs 100% of the time WITHOUT coming back to the data.

Do you have guides like this for other heists?
Seal  [author] 7 Dec, 2023 @ 11:01pm 
Glad you figured it out, and that you find my guide helpful. As a side note, I'm quite proud that the first browser result from Steam when searching for "payday 2 first world bank" is this guide, even without any updates for almost two years.

{-SM-}Alex 7 Dec, 2023 @ 8:39am 
This morning we figured out the issue with the 420k penalty. We were playing with 4 very specific crew members, one of which I've gamed with for >15yrs, one I know fairly well and a newer member to our friends group. Without being excessive in detail here, we caught the newer member using a Trainer/Cheat pack, and somehow avoiding the "cheater" tag in lobby. We watched him pickup 2 bags of gold at once, which INSTANTLY dropped our contract payout.

We blocked him from the group and have had NO further issues, problem solved.

Thanks again for the guide!
Seal  [author] 7 Dec, 2023 @ 2:45am 
It seems to be taken from the "Contract" value ($7,420,000). Maybe the cut used to quiet the civilians and security involved so that the gang can escape without any reports on where they may be going. While it is less than a 1% loss from the total you've listed, I'd also like to know what happened to that $420,000.

I just completed a solo stealth run, on DSOD of course. Received a total of $9,677,800, not factoring in cleaner costs. No ATMs or loose cash, but secured all 14 bags of money. Two +3% Team Boosts active.

I don't appear to have lost $420k, so I'm unsure why that happened in your case. Could it be a mod?
{-SM-}Alex 6 Dec, 2023 @ 11:57pm 
Really appreciate the guide, it's been fantastic for running FWB DS/OD. I ran into a weird issue however and was just curious if I'm the only one (I Googled this to death and haven't come up with an answer yet) Below is a breakdown of all finances gained from the run, however as soon as we start bagging money from the vault we get a 420 000 reduction in overall payout and I haven't been able to find a viable cause within any guides, changelogs or other data assets to show why this would occur.

Contract: 7 420 000
ATM: 2 730 000 (390 000 x7)
Cash Packs: 49 400 (1 300 x38)
Req Cash: 60 000 (7 500 x8)
Add. Cash: 2 070 000 (345 000 x6)
Gold: 46 287 500 (661 250 x70)
Safe: 338 000 (338 000 x1)
Total Inst Cash: 3 117 400
Total Bag Cash: 2 130 000
Total Cash (Inst+Bag): 5 247 400
Total Bag (Cash+Gold): 48 417 500
Total Payout (Expected) 58 954 900
Actual Payout: 58 534 900
Offshore Payout: 46 827 920
Spending Cash: 11 706 980

Any/all information is appreciated and thanks in advance.
Seal  [author] 9 Nov, 2022 @ 5:11am 
While it does normally require a 4-player team to activate, you could use them just for the activating part and then finish it solo. Or activate and complete it solo with the Overdrill Activator [] mod for an extra challenge.
Fourkz 8 Nov, 2022 @ 9:03pm 
Thanks for the OVERDRILL part. I'm trying to get the secret ending, and for me one of the achievements I have to get is overdrill. Sucks, but I guess I'll have to assemble a team of friends if I ever want to get this done.
Seal  [author] 27 Dec, 2021 @ 3:45pm 
Yes, indeed.