Destiny 2

Destiny 2

160 ratings
How to enjoy Destiny 2
By Toasty
Uninstall the game, go spend time with your family and pets, play minecraft or something better
One easy step
stop, delete the game
Simply_Soup 17 May, 2021 @ 3:38am 
Then in this case, ill have to try out warframe.
Toasty  [author] 16 May, 2021 @ 6:44pm 
if warframe can out do destiny in raids then this games in the grave
Aradar 16 May, 2021 @ 11:42am 
Warframe btw BLOWS this game OUT of the water across several land masses back into a different water and slightly boils that water and leaves this title for dead.
Aradar 16 May, 2021 @ 11:38am 
this sums up destany 2 perfectly
Simply_Soup 12 May, 2021 @ 4:22pm 
If crucible is already f$&@, then it is now.
BloodMist 12 May, 2021 @ 8:00am 
Minecraft is for idiots. :cuphead:
Funow2 10 May, 2021 @ 4:38pm 
yeah, i agree, destiny 2 is boring
Kibouッ 10 May, 2021 @ 2:35pm 
What family and what pet?
4 your eyez only 10 May, 2021 @ 10:36am 
instructions unclear my family is gone
Kyro 10 May, 2021 @ 3:19am 
Most of what you'd use premium currency (Platinum) on is similar to what you see in most mobile games. Use x amount of Platinum to speed progress up faster. The crafting times can be very long and you'd have to wait three days to get the new frame you wanted fully crafted and into your inventory if you didn't want to spend plat to rush the craft or buy the whole frame straight out at the market. That being said, making plat is relatively easy. Sell things for plat and voila, you get plat without spending real money. Nearly everything is purchasable with plat so no, it's not a money grabber. Not at all.