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the assault tank MK2
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26. apr. 2021 kl. 5:30
1 ændringsbemærkning ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
the assault tank MK2

hey guys this the assualt tank MK2

its a highly mobile tank tank can spin in place when standing stil and strafe let and right.
it can flip upside down and al controls wil flip automatically.

it has canons on the side witch you can point up til 90 degrees and use as artillery.
on the inside is a anti airguns for planes that think that they are safe in the air.

WS= forwards, backwards (guns up and down in anti air mode)
AD=spin left and right standing stil and turning left and right during driving.
QE= strafe left and right
SHIFT=anti air mode
CTRL=tank/artillery mode.
SPACE=firing wapons when mode are turn on