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Grapeseed [B42 Unstable Remake]
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20. dub. 2021 v 17.58
25. úno. v 6.58
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Grapeseed [B42 Unstable Remake]

Disclaimer: This is an unstable release. For Grapeseed-related issues, please use the bug report section—do not contact Indie Stone.

A big thank you to Indie Stone for reigniting our passion for mapping,
Build 42 is truly incredible!

Grapeseed is a map mod located North West of Rosewood.

The Build 42 Update:
Expanded Cells:
From just 1 cell originally to 12 cells.
Increased Buildings:
Grew from 60+ buildings to over 200.
Transitioned from a meme-heavy, anachronistic design to a time-period-appropriate setting.
Complete Overhaul:
Entirely rebuilt from scratch, ensuring a fresh and improved experience.
New Assets:
None of the previous buildings have been reused—every structure is brand new.
Returning Brands:
Familiar favorites like Royale With Cheese and Tristan's Tools make a comeback.
Custom Tiles:
Thoughtfully designed custom tiles to avoid bloating your game or server performance.
No Additional Tile Packs:
Eliminated the need for extra tile packs, simplifying installation.
Balanced Zombie Spawns:
Carefully tuned zombie spawns for a more immersive experience—no overwhelming hordes.

Known Issues:

Grapeseed doesn’t display correctly on the start location map.
Foraging system needs adjustments.
Basements are not yet implemented.
Occasional tree clipping near fences.
Big Boulders spawning in farm / residential zones.
In-game map clips further than the space it occupies.
Note: These issues will be resolved once the official Build 42 mapping tools are released.


Cells: 21x36 22x36 23x36 24x36 21x37 22x37 23x37 24x37 21x38 22x38 23x38 24x38

B42 New Cell System: 23x43 23x44 24x43 24x44 24x45 25x42 25x43 25x44 25x45 26x42 26x43 26x44 26x45 27x42 27x43 27x44 27x45 28x42 28x43 28x44 28x45 29x42 29x43 29x44 29x45

Workshop ID: 2463499011
(Newest, most up to date version)
Mod ID: 42Grapeseed
(Build 41 Legacy Version)
Mod ID: Grapeseed
Map Folder: Grapeseed

A big thank you to all those who playtested for us!
Also, a big thank you to Melo for contributing additional tiles

Workshop ID: 2463499011
Mod ID: 42Grapeseed
Mod ID: 42Grapeseed
Map Folder: Grapeseed
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (3)
před 16 hodinami
PŘILEPENO: Bug Reports (B42 Version) / Bug Fix List
13. úno. v 9.35
Bug Reports (B41 Version)
28. kvě. 2022 v 8.24
Can I add this map halfway in my game?
Počet komentářů: 691
Dylan [Working on maps]  [autor] před 10 hodinami 
The only temporary fix for crashing is to relog a few times. It's not ideal and far from a real solution, but it's the best option we have for now. I am currently waiting on the official tools to properly address this issue.
(PlentyT)  [autor] před 16 hodinami 
@DarkMessenger @Drake Please read the below messages for the fix, not ideal but its the only thing thats working until the official tools our out
(PlentyT)  [autor] před 16 hodinami 
@Maria Renard(/x/), we use our own compiled version, which is essentially the same as the unofficial tools. These tools are pulled from the official GitHub with some additional tweaks. However, Alree, who compiled that version, prefers it to be used exclusively within the unofficial mapping Discord due to being spammed by others. As a result, Dylan compiled his own version. :cherrypie:
Drake před 18 hodinami 
Love your map and what you done but game keeps crashing with it.
DarkMessenger 24. úno. v 16.53 
The map crash when I cross the principal avenue heading to Rosewood (leaving Grapeseed, one of the last shops is bugged)
Maria Renard(/x/) 24. úno. v 10.12 
I don't know anything about mapping so maybe you already know about/used this but I saw someone on another map mod talking about unofficial mapping tools here:

Just trying to help out.
(PlentyT)  [autor] 24. úno. v 2.38 
Solution two:

For those experiencing crashes on spawn, we have set spawn points based on professions. If a spawn point is near the crash location, it will crash. If the save is still there, click "Continue" as below. If the save isn't there, choose a different profession or spawn somewhere in the vanilla map with your preferred profession and then move to Grapeseed (Rosewood is the closest to Grapeseed).

This solution isn't perfect, but it gets things working. A big thanks to the user @Zara ♡ for pointing out that reloading works. In my play-tests, I assumed the crash was final and never attempted to reload, so thank you. Once we have the official tools, this problem will likely be resolved. It may take some time for these tools, but hopefully, this solution works for most of you. :spiffo:
(PlentyT)  [autor] 24. úno. v 2.36 
Thanks to the user @Zara ♡, we have found a temporary solution for the crashing issue.

Solution one:

If your game crashes on the main street, library, or lake area, keep clicking "Continue" and loading back in until the crashing stops. During my tests, the game never crashed more than twice. If it keeps crashing, just keep loading in and move closer to the lake area. This solution isn't ideal, but it will help preserve your saves. :spiffo:
no 23. úno. v 21.06 
just got crash issues outrunning heli event in this town. i checked here and i see this conversation. im truly sorry about the mod but im slightly pissed cause i spent a whole ingame week making the perfect base out of the weird conspiracy theorists house
Ziodyne967 23. úno. v 17.02 
Hey dude, just heard the news about the mod. Too bad there's no fix, but you did all you could. I knew waiting for all my old map mods to update would take a while, so a little more waiting doesn't bother me much. I'm looking forward to seeing things iron out in the future! I wanna explore more of the town without fear of crashing.