Оцінок: 1,366
100% Achievement Guide: Dark Souls 3
Автор: Cynic 0055
This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help.

I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!
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Achievement Breakdown: (43)
Story Related: (18)
Covenants: (8)
Collectibles: (7)
Upgrades: (2)
Slay: (6)
Miscellaneous: (2)

To achieve 100% in Dark Souls 3 we will have to complete three full playthroughs of the game all on the same character (NG++). Certain Rings can only be found on NG+ or NG++; we also have three different Endings to receive as well. There are no missable Achievements in the game per say, however a lot of the Collectibles or Covenants are tied to completing specific events at a specific time. If you miss a Collectible or Item during one of the playthroughs, be sure to remember it for the next one.

While Class & play style do not matter (build your Character however you like), we DO in fact need at least 10 Intelligence to speak to a Merchant that sells Sorceries we will need, so be sure to keep that in mind. There is a Covenant called the Rosaria’s Fingers that will allow us to respec our Character Levels 5 times per playthrough, should you need it.

One of the Collectible types we have to find are called Infusion Gems which let us imbue our Weapons with different properties. We need to find & imbue Weapons with all 15 Infusion Gems. While we can find Gems at various points on Crystal Lizards, these enemies can be a real pain to kill. In the guide, I will only leave a description where we can find these Gems in specific locations that will not require us to kill a Lizard for. Obviously if you are able to kill the Crystal Lizards, you will collect these Gems much earlier. The other Collectible types are Gestures, Miracles, Pyromancies, Sorceries, & Rings.

Certain Spells can be bought from Merchants at our leisure so long as they remain alive. I usually farm souls & buy them once they become available, but there is no reason why you have to. You can wait until the end of the game when we reach the best farming areas for the fastest way to obtain them if you wish.

The only thing you should worry about in terms of Merchants is giving them “evil” Books or Tomes. Specifically, if you give the Merchant Irina of Carim, who sells us Miracles, the Londor & Deep Braille Divine Tomes, she will go crazy & we will not be able to purchase late game Miracles from her. Hold onto those two Braille Tomes to give to an NPC we find later. I make note of these Tomes when we find them not to give them to her as a reminder…

Unfortunately, some Rings & Spells are tied to Ranking Up in certain Covenants. We must offer specific Items to Rank Up in Covenants, typically, these are received by completing Online Summoning events associated with the Covenant. Alternatively, these Items can all be farmed off enemies Offline, but this is a very time consuming process. If you are Online inclined, this process may be a lot faster for you. Keep in mind though that Online play is Level dependant; you will have more success if your Character Level is low rather than being ludicrously high. If you are not Online inclined, do not worry, neither am I. I will explain how to accomplish both when it becomes relevant. We will try to spread out these farming sessions across our three playthroughs so we do not go insane during the process…

There are two amazing DLCs for Dark Souls 3, but they do not influence any of the Achievements. We do not need any of the Sorceries, Miracles, Pyromancies, or Rings from the DLCs to get their respective Achievements in the Base Game. While I will not cover them in the guide, I highly recommend playing through them as they are magnificently epic!

For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.

This is an Open World game; you may earn some Achievements/Items sooner or later in the guide then I did depending on how you approach areas. Just be mindful if venturing ahead of boss fights as completing these usually progresses NPC Questlines & could void them if you are not careful.

Unfortunately, this is not a 100% completion guide, only 100% Achievements guide. There are a lot of Weapons, Armor, or Questlines that this guide does not cover if it is not specifically tied to an Achievement. While this we do explore the majority of the game, there are still many secrets left uncovered. I was tempted to go all in, but even only covering the Achievements this ended up being a 100+ page guide & my largest to date.

*Guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: The Fire Fades
1. NG – Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine, High Wall of Lothric
2. Estus Shards: 1/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 0/10
4. Infusions: 1/15
5. Sorceries: 2/34
6. Pyromancies: 0/27
7. Miracles: 1/35
8. Gestures: 3/26
9. Rings: 2/107
10. Achievements: 5/43

Cemetery of Ash: Level 1-5

Achievement #1 – Enkindle: Light a Bonfire flame for the first time.
Story Related. As we make our way through the Cemetery of Ash, we will come out onto a bluff where we can find our first Bonfire. Light the Bonfire (or any Bonfire for that matter) to unlock the Achievement.

Gesture #1 – Rest: We can collect this Gesture from resting at a Bonfire for the first time. For the Master of Expression Achievement, we need to collect all 33 Gestures in the game. We already begin the game with 7 so we only need to actively locate the remaining 26.

Achievement #2 – Iudex Gundyr: Defeat Iudex Gundyr.
Story Related. Shortly after the Bonfire we can face our first boss of the game, Iudex Gundyr. Defeat him to unlock these next two Achievements. Prepare to Die!

Achievement #3 – Embrace the Flame: Become a Host of Embers for the first time.
Story Related. This Achievement will unlock as well when we defeat Iudex Gundyr & become Embered for the first time.

Firelink Shrine:

Hawkwood the Deserter #1: After lighting the Bonfire in Firelink Shrine, speak to the crestfallen knight sitting on the stairs just off your right. This is Hawkwood, ex-knight of the Undead Legion.

Gesture #2 – Collapse: Exhaust Hawkwood’s dialogue & we will receive this Gesture.

Gesture #3 – Hurrah!: Explore around inside Firelink Shrine & we will find the Blacksmith Andre of Astora in the back on a lower level. Exhaust his dialogue to receive this Gesture.

There are other Collectibles we can technically get early in Firelink Shrine using a neat trick jumping off a tree. You can run up a tree in the upper level of Firelink Shrine & angle your jump off of it to glitch yourself onto the roof. This is a difficult jump, but it will give you access to the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring as well as an Estus Shard pretty early on. To obtain these Items the “cannon” way we need to purchase the Tower Key from the Shrine Handmaiden for 20,000 souls. It is no small price, but to collect yet another Ring in Firelink Shrine we will have to do this anyways. This will be detailed more in depth later on in the guide.

If you want the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring early however, here is a quick run down of what to do from IGN Walkthroughs. Note that removing all Weapons & Armor will make you lighter which in turn helps your jump further.
When your business is concluded here approach the Bonfire & travel to the High Wall of Lothric…

High Wall of Lothric: Level 1-20

Estus Shard #1: Make your way through the level until you face our first Lothric Knight outside of a tower. Enter the tower (at the top we can find the Tower on the Wall Bonfire) & head down to the next floor. Follow the rooves along until you find a Pus of Man, a Hollow that transforms into an abomination. Head down the next ladder at the end of this roof & enter the building at the bottom of it. Fight through another Lothric Knight & make your way down to the bottom of this next room. Be warned, there are a lot of enemies in this room & it can be very difficult. Try luring the enemies away one by one to clear the room out.

We can find our first Estus Shard on a stone pedestal against one of the walls here.

Take these to Blacksmith Andre back in Firelink Shrine to increase how many Estus or Ashen Flasks we can carry.

Key – Cell Key: From the Estus Shard, turn left & we can find a small set of stairs with a corpse at the bottom of them. Loot the corpse to collect this Key. We will need it to free the following NPC.

Greirat the Thief #1: Return to the Tower on the Wall Bonfire & make your way to the floor at the very bottom of this tower. Fight through the room full of explosives & down the stairs in the next one to find a locked cell. Open it & speak to Greirat the Thief, accepting his request to give a Ring to Loretta in the Undead Settlement. He will then relocate himself to Firelink Shrine & become a Merchant.

Ring #1 – Blue Tearstone Ring: Accepting Greirat’s request will reward us with this Ring.

Ring #2 – Ring of Sacrifice: Carry on in High Wall of Lothric until you enter the courtyard where we find the Winged Knight in. After the courtyard, enter the next area & head up the stairs to our right where the Hollow Crossbowman is. At the top of the stairs, we can see more stairs leading onwards, & another set going off on our right. Take the stairs on your right & it will lead to a stone patio overlooking the courtyard. Standing at the edge, we can see a corpse on a wooden overhang to our left. Jump onto the overhang & loot the corpse for this Ring.

There are actually 3 Rings of Sacrifice in the game, but we only need to collect 1 of them to count towards the Achievement.

Achievement #4 – Covenant Way of Blue: Discover Way of Blue Covenant.
Return to the area after the courtyard we were before & head down the stairs into the area with all the Lothric Knights. Follow the stairs up into the cathedral on our left & speak to the woman sitting in the chair at the back. This is Emma, & not only will she give us the Small Lothric Banner, but she will let us join the Way of Blue Covenant. Receiving the Covenant Item will unlock the Achievement.

We do not need to Rank Up in this Covenant for any Collectibles.

Infusion #1 – Refined Gem: When you leave the cathedral, head up the stairs to your right & we can find a unique Lothric Knight garbed in blue. He will drop this Gem upon his death. Be warned, this is a very difficult enemy to fight & you should only face him if you have become proficient at dealing with Lothric Knights.

Achievement #5 – Vordt of the Boreal Valley: Defeat Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
Story Related. Take the stairs down from the cathedral into the gatehouse below. Approach the gate at the far end & the boss battle will ensue. Defeating Vordt will unlock the Achievement.

If you are Embered, we can Summon the Sword Master for the boss battle if you killed him outside of Firelink Shrine. He is not all that useful though outside of distracting Vordt for a bit…

Hold onto the Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt. We will turn it into a Ring later on in the game when we unlock Transposition.

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #1 – Heal Aid: Return to Firelink Shrine & speak with the Shrine Handmaid. We can purchase Heal Aid from her for 500 souls. It is also the starting Miracle for the Herald Class.

Sorcery #1 – Farron Dart: We can purchase this Sorcery from the Shrine Handmaid for 1000 souls.

Sorcery #2 – Soul Arrow: We can also purchase this Sorcery from the Shrine Handmaid for 2000 souls.

Ringfinger Leonard #1: After finishing the High Wall of Lothric we can now find this NPC resting against Holy King Lothric’s throne near the center of the Shrine. Speak with him & we will receive 5 Cracked Red Eye Orbs & initiate his Questline. We will be speaking with him again after the next area…
Sequence 2: Witch Hunt
1. NG – Undead Settlement, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 2/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 0/10
4. Infusions: 1/15
5. Sorceries: 6/34
6. Pyromancies: 0/27
7. Miracles: 1/35
8. Gestures: 4/26
9. Rings: 4/107
10. Achievements: 6/43

Undead Settlement: Level 20-30

Yoel of Londor #1: Use the banner in High Wall of Lothric & you will be carried to the Undead Settlement. Enter the courtyard at the bottom of the stairs & fight off the Starved Hounds. From the gate, turn around & follow the concourse to the broken bridge at the end where we can find the corpses of many Londor Pilgrims

One will not be a corpse however. On the right side of the bridge will be a very much alive Pilgrim named Yoel. Speak with him & accept his services so he is relocated to Firelink Shrine.

Firelink Shrine:

Yoel of Londor #2: Return to Firelink Shrine & speak with Yoel in the lower level of the Shrine. In Yoel’s options, you will see that we have the choice to “Draw Out True Strength”. Essentially, Yoel will grant us Level Ups, free of charge. What he doesn’t tell you, is that this process slowly begins turning us Hollow.

For the Lord of Hollows Ending, we need Yoel to draw out our True Strength 5 times. I find doing this Ending on the first playthrough is nice because those 5 free Level Ups can be really useful in early game. Yoel will only do this for us if we reach certain Levels of Hollowing which we gain after consecutive deaths. Every death gives us a point of Hollowing which can be found underneath our Character Level in the Status tab of our menu. Start chipping away at this through the Undead Settlement. If you are dying often, check your Hollowing Level to see if you have made any of these benchmarks & return to Yoel for a free Level.

Level 1 has no requirements.
Level 2 we need to die 2 times.
Level 3 we need to die 6 times.
Level 4 we need to die 12 times.
Level 5 we need to die 15 times.

Gesture #4 – Beckon: Exhaust Yoel’s dialogue to receive this Gesture.

Sorcery #3 – Heavy Soul Arrow: Yoel will sell us four Sorceries as well, though these can be purchased from a different NPC, Orbeck, later on so it is not essential to buy these now. This Sorcery can be purchased for 2000 souls. It is also the other Sorcery for Sorcerer.

Sorcery #4 – Magic Weapon: Purchased from Yoel or Orbeck for 4500 souls.

Sorcery #5 – Magic Shield: Purchased from Yoel or Orbeck for 4500 souls.

Sorcery #6 – Soul Greatsword: Purchased from Yoel or Orbeck for 5000 souls.

Undead Settlement:

Item – Loretta’s Bone: From the Undead Settlement Bonfire, make your way into the multi-story wooden building. Head down the first set of stairs & go outside onto a balcony. Hanging off the balcony a little ways ahead, we can find a corpse suspended by its feet. Cut the rope & drop the corpse to the ground below. Either drop down to it from here or walk through the house & make your way to it that way. Loot the corpse to receive Loretta’s Bone; we will deliver this to Greirat the next time we are at Firelink Shrine.

Estus Shard #2: Across from Loretta’s body will be a burning tree surrounded by Peasant Hollows & an Evangelist. Slay them, & we can find an Estus Shard at the base of the tree on a corpse.

Ring #3 – Flame Stoneplate Ring: From the burning tree, head right, across the wooden bridge over to the next area. From the building at the end of the bridge, go right along the cliff edge to the next building. Watch out for constant ambushes by Hollow Slaves.

Climb up the ladder on the building at the end & drop down off the roof over the other side to the right. Do not attack the Hollow Manservant with the large cage on its back, it is not hostile & we need it alive! Close to where the Hollow Manservant is pacing around, there will be a corpse hanging from a tree containing loot. This is where the Flame Stoneplate Ring is, but it is incredibly hard getting it without knocking the corpse off the ledge down to a lower area. Try inching your way behind the corpse putting yourself in between it & the ledge below. Cut the corpse down away from the ledge so that it lands on solid ground in front of you. If you cut it down & mess up, it will respawn back here so you can always try again.

It can technically be shot down from down below it, but you may end up shooting it backwards onto the ledge which means you would have to do the reverse. Shoot it at an angle which will drop it down towards you. I will make a note of this location later on when we reach the area below.

Achievement #6 – Covenant Mound Makers: Discover Mound Makers Covenant.
Approach the Manservant now & examine the cage on its back to be carried off to a secret area. Speak with the NPC Holy Knight Hodrick & say “Indeed” to his question to be able to join the Mound Makers Covenant. This must be done before fighting the area boss for the Undead Settlement or we will have to do this on NG+!

We will need to achieve Rank 2 in this Covenant by offering 30 Vertebrae Shackles to the Sacrificial Altar. These can be earned by Invading another Players World & slaying them as a Purple Phantom. Alternatively, you will receive one by slaying a Purple Phantom that is Invading you.
For Offline, will be farming Carthus Skeletons in the Catacombs of Carthus later on in NG++…

Ring #4 – Fire Clutch Ring: Return to the bridge we crossed earlier & enter the stable that was at the end of it. Through the doors at the other side, head across the stone bridge over to a gallows platform being bombarded by Hollow Peasant Firebombers. On the other side of the gallows will be a wooden walkway extending out over a chasm below. The Ring will be on a corpse at the end of the walkway on a corpse.

Going back to that stone bridge we crossed, you can drop off it onto a ledge below that will lead you to the Cliff Underside Bonfire.
Sequence 3: Champion of Ash
1. NG – Undead Settlement, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 2/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 1/10
4. Infusions: 1/15
5. Sorceries: 6/34
6. Pyromancies: 4/27
7. Miracles: 1/35
8. Gestures: 6/26
9. Rings: 5/107
10. Achievements: 8/43
Undead Settlement:

Cornyx of the Great Swamp #1: From the Cliff Underside Bonfire, exit onto the roof above you & make your way up to where the Hollow Peasant Firebombers were. Follow the roof along until you find an NPC hanging in a cage behind the corner. Speak with him & tell him you want to Learn Pyromancy. He will then relocate to Firelink Shrine where we can now purchase Pyromancies from him.

Ring #5 – Bloodbite Ring: From the Cliff Underside Bonfire, carry on through this part of the village down to the large area with the patrolling Evangelist & Hollow Peasants. At the far end of the area to the left will be a barred door that will not open from this side; at the other end will be a small stone bridge leading on. Go to the foot of the stone bridge & enter the side passage off your right into a sewer. In the steaming end of the sewers will be a Giant Rat that will drop this Ring when it is killed.

Through the unlocked door at the end of the sewers we can cross a wooden bridge over to the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire.

Watch out for the Hodrick Invasion, there is apparently no loyalty among Mound Makers… We will receive a Vertebra Shackle for defeating him. Be sure to defeat him here again in NG+ & NG++ so we can get a total of 3/30 Vertebra Shackles.

Achievement #7 – Covenant Warrior of Sunlight: Discover Warrior of Sunlight Covenant.
Return to the Undead Settlement Bonfire & go back to the burning tree with the Evangelist. Head down the path to the left of the tree & open the door to the building straight ahead. Inside, we can find some crates off our right. Bust through them & drop down into the room below. We can find the Warriors of Sunlight Covenant Emblem to the left of the exit door on a torture table. Collecting it will unlock the Achievement.

We will be unable to Rank Up in this Covenant until we find the Altar of Sunlight much later in the game.

Undead Bone Shard #1: Carry on through this new area back over to where we found the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire. This part gets tricky. Head through the stone arch way past the Man Servant. In the center of this area will be a White Birch Tree that will be getting bombarded by a Giant with a Greatbow. Quickly run to the ledge to the right of the tree & leap across to an isolated platform down from it. We can loot this Shard from a corpse on this platform.

These get burned at the main Bonfire in Firelink Shrine & increase the amount of health Estus Flasks will heal.

Item – Young White Branch x3: Get back to the White Birch Tree & loot the 3 branches scattered around it. We will need to collect 4 more of these to receive a Ring from that Giant Bowman attacking us.

Item – Mortician’s Ashes: From the White Birch Tree, head left up the hill over towards a small hovel. We can find these Ashes on a corpse resting against a tree to the left of the hovel.

Carry on through this area through a house & up to a stone tower. To our right will be a gate that unlocks a shortcut for us, & to our left will be the area boss. Do not engage them yet unless you are ready for him & have unlocked the Mound Makers Covenant.

Firelink Shrine:

Yoel of Londor #3: Keep Drawing Out your True Strength with Yoel. We need a Hollow Level of 15 for the final Level Up.

Greirat the Thief #2: Give Loretta’s Bone to Greirat & he will tell us to keep the Blue Tearstone Ring. This will progress his Questline.

Cornyx of the Great Swamp #2: Speak with Cornyx in the lower levels of Firelink Shrine & he will give us a Pyromancy Flame.

Gesture #5 – Welcome: Close dialogue with Cornyx, then speak to him again & we will receive this Gesture.

Pyromancy #1 – Fireball: We can purchase this Pyromancy from Cornyx for 1000 souls. It is also the starter Pyromancy for the Pyromancer Class.

Pyromancy #2 – Fire Surge: Purchased from Cornyx for 1000 souls.

Pyromancy #3 – Flash Sweat: Purchased from Cornyx for 1500 souls.

Pyromancy #4 – Great Combustion: Purchased from Cornyx for 3000 souls.

Key – Grave Key: Give the Mortician’s Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid & we will now be able to purchase the Grave Key from her. This will allow us to rescue another NPC in the Undead Settlement.

Undead Settlement:

Irina of Carim #1: Head to the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire & enter the sewers again. We can unlock a locked door close to where we drop down from the ladder along the right wall. Fight through the catacombs & you will exit outside. Follow the trench along & enter a passage off your left. Climb up the ladder & we can speak to Irina of Carim at the top. “Touch” her & she will be relieved granting us the Prayer Gesture.

Speak with her again & “Accept Her Service” & Irina will now relocate to Firelink Shrine where we can now purchase Miracles from her.

Outside her cell, we can find the NPC Eygon of Carim outside her cell. He is not needed for any Achievements, though his plot is tied with Irina’s.

From this location outside, we can shoot down the Flame Stoneplate Ring if you have not already collected it. Try shooting it at an angle so that it will fall down towards us instead of being shoot forwards onto the ground above…

Gesture #6 – Prayer: Obtained by talking to Irina of Carim in her prison in the Undead Settlement.

Achievement #8 – Curse Rotted Greatwood: Defeat the Curse Rotted Greatwood.
If you have unlocked the Mound Makers Covenant, it is now safe to fight the area boss of the Undead Settlement. From either the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire or the Cliff Underside Bonfire, head over to the boss room. Defeat the boss to unlock the Achievement. There are no Summons for this boss battle.

Item – Transposing Kiln: Killing the Cursed Rotted Greatwood will reward us with the Transposing Kiln. If we give this Item to Ludleth of Courland back at Firelink Shrine, we can trade our Boss Souls in for Items or Spells.
Sequence 4: The Onion Knight
1. NG – Firelink Shrine, Undead Settlement
2. Estus Shards: 2/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 1/10
4. Infusions: 3/15
5. Sorceries: 6/34
6. Pyromancies: 4/27
7. Miracles: 5/35
8. Gestures: 9/26
9. Rings: 9/107
10. Achievements: 8/43

Firelink Shrine:

Infusion #2 – Heavy Gem: After killing the Curse Rotted Greatwood, return to Firelink Shrine & speak with Hawkwood. Exhaust his dialogue & he will gift us this Gem.

Gesture #7 – Curl Up: After giving Greirat Loretta’s Bone & the area has reloaded, we can now find Greirat curled up in his spot. Try speaking with him to receive the Gesture.

While there is more to Greirat’s Questline, this is the last Collectible we need from him associated with Achievements.

Ring #6 – Pontiff's Left Eye: From the Firelink Bonfire, look up at the thrones along the left side of the room & we can find a little man sitting on the second throne. This is Ludleth of Courland. Give him the Transposing Kiln & trade in the Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt to collect the Pontiff’s Left Eye Ring.

Feel free to do whatever you like with the Soul of the Curse Rotted Greatwood.

Ring #7 – Saint's Ring: If you freed her back in the Undead Settlement, we can find Irina in the lower level of Firelink Shrine in an identical room as Yoel but on the other side of the Shrine. We can purchase this Ring from her for 300 souls.

Miracle #2 – Heal: We can purchase this Miracle from Irina for 1000 souls. This is also a starter Miracle for the Cleric Class.

Miracle #3 – Replenishment: We can purchase this Miracle from Irina for 1000 souls.

Miracle #4 – Caressing Tears: We can purchase this Miracle from Irina for 1500 souls.

Miracle #5 – Homeward: We can purchase this Miracle from Irina for 3000 souls.

Undead Settlement:

Siegward of Catarina #1: We have one more area to explore before we can leave the Undead Settlement. Make your way from the Cliff Underside Bonfire across the stone bridge below over to where we found Eygon & Irina. Enter the tower through the front door & approach the elevator where an Onion Knight, Siegward, will arrive.

Giant Bowman #1: At the elevator, activate it then quickly roll back off it. As the elevator goes down, a new one will come down from above. Take the elevator up & at the top of the stairs we can find the Giant Bowman. If you grabbed the Young White Branches, speak with the Giant & “Make Peace”. He will now become our ally if we have his special Young White Branch in our Inventory & assist us with covering fire where the other two White Birch Trees are. If you find the other 4 Young White Branches later on, we will be able to receive a Ring from the Giant.

Alternatively, you can just kill the Giant right now for the Ring. Doing so will mean he can’t assist us later which can be useful, but it is totally optional.

Infusion #3 – Fire Gem: When you take the elevator back down the tower you can see a wooden platform & lantern about mid way down the shaft. Drop off onto the platform & we can find Siegward sitting outside assessing a bad situation. To progress his Quest, we need to help him defeat the Fire Demon. This can be difficult; while you can die & this encounter will reset, if Siegward dies he won’t appear again until NG+. Defeat the Fire Demon & we will receive this Gem a reward.

Gesture #8 – Toast: After defeating the Fire Demon, & Siegward survived, he will plop down on the ground. Speak with him & we will receive this Gesture when he toasts us.

Gesture #9 – Sleep: Speak with Siegward again after his toast & he will instantly clock out into a nap. Try speaking with him while he is napping to receive the Sleep Gesture.

Item – Pale Tongue: To progress Ringfinger Leonhard’s Questline, we need to find a Pale Tongue. From Siegward, enter the village below & we should be able to see a large stone building close to the village center. There will be a small wooden shack in front of this building with two corpses hanging on other side of its roof containing loot. Shoot down the corpse to the left of the roof to find this Covenant Item on it.

We will bring this to Leonhard back in Firelink Shrine later.

Ring #8 – Flynn's Ring: Progress through the stone building in this small village until you get up onto its roof. On the roof, head left from the small tower up some stairs onto a leaning wooden platform. We can find this Ring on a corpse up here.

Ring #9 – Chloranthy Ring: On the other side of this large roof we can see a stone tower. Drop off the roof onto a wooden ledge below, then drop down onto this tower. Enter the tower & carefully jump down the platforms to the floor below. Reducing your Equip Load will lessen some of the fall damage. We can find a hidden corpse stuck behind some crates & barrels across from the corpse containing the Mirrah Set. Break the barrels & loot the corpse for this Ring.
Sequence 5: The Sable Church
1. NG – Firelink Shrine, High Wall of Lothric, Road of Sacrifices
2. Estus Shards: 3/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 1/10
4. Infusions: 3/15
5. Sorceries: 6/34
6. Pyromancies: 4/27
7. Miracles: 5/35
8. Gestures: 12/26
9. Rings: 15/107
10. Achievements: 9/43

Firelink Shrine:

Ringfinger Leonhard #2: With the Pale Tongue in your Inventory, speak with Leonhard & he will give us the Lift Chamber Key. We can take this to access a secret area in the High Wall of Lothric.

High Wall of Lothric:

Item – Red Eye Orb: Return to the Tower on the Wall Bonfire & head down to the bottom floor of the tower. Across from the Large Hollow Halberdier will be a locked door. Use the Lift Chamber Key & take the elevator down. Defeat the Darkwraith below to receive the Red Eye Orb.

Firelink Shrine:

Gesture #10 – Applause: After obtaining the Red Eye Orb, return to Leonhard & you will receive this Gesture to progress his Questline.

Yuria of Londor #1: After you have collected the 5 Dark Sigils from Yoel drawing out your True Strength, when you return to see him, he will be dead. We will find Yuria of Londor in his place. She is our main quest giver for the Lord of Hollows Ending.

Yuria will not appear if you do not collect the 5 Dark Sigils from Yoel before slaying the Abyss Watchers boss & entering the Catacombs of Carthus.

Gesture #11 – Dignified Bow: Speak with Yuria to receive this Gesture.

Londor Braille Divine Tome: This Braille Tome is sold by Yuria for only 50 souls.

Do not give this book to Irina of Carim! While she can read it, if you give her both “dark” Braille Tomes she will go down her “Evil Questline”. To purchase all Miracles, we need to finish her “Good Questline”. Hold onto this Braille Tome until we find another NPC that is willing to read this.

Ring #10 – Untrue Dark Ring: Sold by Yuria for 5000 souls.

Ring #11 – Untrue White Ring: Sold by Yuria for 5000 souls.

Yuria will also sell any Sorceries you did not get to purchase from Yoel as well.

Key – Tower Key: We can purchase the Tower Key from the Shrine Handmaid for 20,000 souls. This is pretty steep & may take a little bit to farm for. If you do not want to farm for it right away, just chip away at this while in the next area. There is no time limit for purchasing this Key & it can be done at any point throughout the game!

Gesture #12 – Call Over: If you bought the Tower Key, go to the upper level of Firelink Shrine & unlock the Tower door. At the top of the stairs will be a stone bridge spanning across to another tower. In the center of the bridge, we can drop down one of the broken sides to the left & safely get down to the roof of Firelink Shrine. Kick the ladder down by the Tower door for easy access.

Approach the large nest in the center of the roof here. These are the Crows Pickle-Pee & Pump-A-Rum. If you “Leave” an Item like a Firebomb, Prism Stone, or Homeward Bone inside their nest it will transform into an Item as well as rewarding us with this Gesture for a first time trade.

Estus Shard #3: Leave the nest & follow the roof down to find a passageway leading back inside Firelink Shrine on its stone rafters. We can find this Estus Shard on a corpse hanging off the rafters to the left.

You can also still interact & trade with the Crows in the center of the rafters.

If you used the “tree glitch” you will have already collected this Shard as well as the next Ring.

Ring #12 – Covetous Silver Serpent Ring: While on these rafters, follow the rafter straight ahead from where you entered up to the stone wall. Strike the wall & it will disappear, & we can follow the rafter over the Lothric throne. Drop off the rafter onto the ledge at the end, & we can loot this Ring from a Chest on our right.

Ring #13 – Estus Ring: This Ring is a little difficult to get to. Make your way back through the Firelink Tower & head across the bridge to the Bell Tower. Enter the tower & look to the right of the elevator to see a sarcophagus sticking out of the wall. We have to drop down these to safely get to the bottom of the Bell Tower. Lower your Equip Load & drop down the sarcophaguses. We can find this Ring on a corpse on the floor.

If you did not buy the Tower Key, remember the above information & come back to this Sequence once you purchase it for these few Items...

Road of Sacrifices: Level 30-40
From the elevator tower in the Undead Settlement, take it to the bottom of the tower & defeat the Outrider Knight to reach the Road of Sacrifices.

Ring #14 – Morne's Ring: Make your way through the Road of Sacrifices until you reach the long stone bridge leading to the Halfway Fortress. Take out the Corvian ambush & stand at the end of the bridge opposite to the keep. There is a way down below the bridge; look in between the bridge & a tree off your right. Drop down & take out the 2 Starved Hounds in a cave down the path. We can find this Ring on a corpse near the front of this cave.

Braille Divine Tome of Carim: This Braille Tome can be found at the back of the cave we found Morne’s Ring in below the bridge to the Halfway Fortress.

Anri of Astora #1: Head across the bridge & enter the Halfway Fortress. Near the Bonfire here we can find two NPCs: Anri of Astora & Horace the Hushed. Anri is a key character needed in the Lord of Hollows Ending. Exhaust their dialogue to progress their Questline.

Achievement #9 – Covenant Blue Sentinels: Discover Blue Sentinels Covenant.
While at the Halfway Fortress, speak with Horace the Hushed, & we will be able to join the Blue Sentinels & unlock the Achievement.

Ring #15 – Great Swamp Ring: From the Halfway Fortress Bonfire, make your way down the path until you reach a swamp. Straight ahead through the water will be a Great Crab. Defeating the crab will reward you with this Ring. This is also the starter Ring for the Pyromancer Class.

There is another Great Crab in this swamp as well, so watch out! These are difficult enemies that can be a real pain in the (Censored by Steam).

The Farron Coal: Go to the far right corner of the swamp & we can find a passage in the wall we can go enter through guarded by a Lycanthrope. Follow the passage left down the hall & defeat the Black Knight at the bottom of the stairs. We can find this Coal at the end of the hall on a corpse. This Coal will allow us to Infuse Weapons with Heavy, Sharp, & Poison Infusions if we give it to Andre back in Firelink Shrine

Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome: Leave this area back into the swamp & follow the walls off our right through the swamp. Once you hit the deep waters along the wall, follow the wall just past a large tree. We can find this Pyromancy Tome on a corpse beside another that is holding the Conjurator Armor Set.
Sequence 6: The Undead Legion
1. NG – Road of Sacrifices, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 4/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 1/10
4. Infusions: 4/15
5. Sorceries: 11/34
6. Pyromancies: 8/27
7. Miracles: 8/35
8. Gestures: 12/26
9. Rings: 16/107
10. Achievements: 10/43

Road of Sacrifices:

Ring #16 – Sage Ring: From the Crucifixion Woods Bonfire, drop into the swamp & head left through the water into a flooded passageway. This will lead into a small room with a Lycanthrope inside. Search this room, & we can find this Ring on a corpse along the right wall.

Estus Shard #4: Return to the Crucifixion Woods Bonfire & follow the path above the swamp towards a large bonfire (regular kind of bonfire) underneath a stone bridge. Defeat the Lycanthropes & we can find this Estus Shard on a corpse down the path left of the bonfire.

Infusion #4 – Crystal Gem: Across from the Crucifixion Woods Bonfire, enter into the nearby ruins through a hole in the wall. Take the stairs past the Hollows of the Undead Legion, & head across a bridge over to the other side of the ruins. In this next room we will have three paths to choose from. Take the path to the right & we will be able to see a Crystal Lizard at the end of the hall. Kill the Lizard to receive this Gem. This is the only Gem that does not have a fixed location, which is why I recommend trying to take out this Crystal Lizard.

Alternatively, the Undead Legion Hollows in these ruins have a rare chance to drop this Gem as well. If this way is your preference, do a couple of sweeps through the ruins until one drops for you.

Orbeck of Vinheim #1: Return to that crossroads room across the bridge & this time take the path left of the bridge, outside. Follow the stairs up to an upper floor & we can find an NPC in the left corner in a small living space. This is Orbeck. If you have 10 Intelligence “Ask to learn Sorceries” from him & “Make a promise” to bring him Sorcery Scrolls. He will relocate to Firelink Shrine where he will sell us Sorceries.

If you do not have the Intelligence yet, do not worry. Orbeck’s Questline is self contained & can pretty much be completed right up until the end of the game. Be sure to chip away at that 10 Intelligence for your next few Levels to get it out of the way.

Point of No Return For Watchdogs of Farron (Online): Before continuing on, it is important to note that the Crystal Sage Boss is one of two potential Bosses to be left alive to successfully be an Invader for the Watchdogs of Farron Covenant - the Abyss Watchers being the other Boss. It is also worth noting that your best opportunity for Invading is at Soul Level 27; any higher & you may have a harder time connecting with other Players.

This is only important if you want to farm the Covenant Item for the Watchdogs of Farron through Online PvP as opposed to PvE. We have not obtained the Covenant Item for the Watchdogs yet, but keep this in mind. If you have no intentions of doing Online, continue on. If you do plan to attempt Soul Level 27 PvP for the Watchdogs, remember this spot in the guide for later & jump straight down to Sequence 9!

Achievement #10 – Crystal Sage: Defeat Crystal Sage.
Story Related. Progress through the ruins & defeat the Crystal Sage to unlock the Achievement. We will need the Soul of a Crystal Sage for Transposing.

If Irina of Carim relocated to Firelink Shrine, we will be able to find Eygon’s Summon Sign on the left side of the room with the two Undead Legion Sorcerer’s in it if you are Embered.

Firelink Shrine:

Sirris of the Sunless Realms #1: If you spoke to Anri & Horace in the Halfway Fortress, we can now see a stranger sitting on the steps inside Firelink Shrine. Exhaust her dialogue to further her Questline.

For NG, we will be following Sirris & the Darkmoon Covenant before we progress Ringfinger Leonhard & the Rosaria’s Finger’s Covenant. Doing Rosaria’s Fingers first will void Sirris’s Questline & we will miss out on a really good Ring.

Item - Crystal Sage's Rapier: Take the Soul of a Crystal Sage to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Weapon for 1500 Souls. While we can use this Soul to make a Sorcery that we need, it is best to get this Weapon first off as it will give as a +50 to Item Discovery when equipped; this is an essential farming Item we will be glad to have later on...

We will get the Crystal Hail Sorcery in NG+...

Miracle #6 – Force: Give Irina the Braille Divine Tome of Carim & we will unlock three more Miracles. This Miracle can be purchased for 1000 souls. It is also the other starting Miracle for the Cleric Class.

Miracle #7 – Med Heal: Purchased from Irina with the Braille Divine Tome of Carim for 3500 souls.

Miracle #8 – Tears of Denial: Purchased from Irina with the Braille Divine Tome of Carim for 10,000 souls.

Pyromancy #5 – Poison Mist: Bring the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome to Cornyx & we will unlock four more Pyromancies to purchase. This Pyromancy can be purchased for 2000 souls.

Pyromancy #6 – Profuse Sweat: Purchased from Cornyx with the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome for 2000 souls.

Pyromancy #7 – Fire Orb: Purchased from Cornyx with the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome for 3000 souls.

Pyromancy #8 – Bursting Fireball: Purchased from Cornyx with the Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome for 5000 souls.

Sorcery #7 – Aural Decoy: If you had 10 Intelligence & Orbeck relocated to Firelink Shrine, we can find him in the lower level across from Cornyx. This Sorcery can be purchased from him for 2000 souls.

We can also purchase any Sorceries Yoel sold as well as the one Sorcery sold by the Shrine Handmaid.

Sorcery #8 – Spook: Purchased from Orbeck for 2000 souls. It is also the starter Sorcery for the Assassin Class.

Sorcery #9 – Great Soul Arrow: Purchased from Orbeck for 3000 souls.

Sorcery #10 – Farron Flashsword: Purchased from Orbeck for 3000 souls.

Sorcery #11 – Great Heavy Soul Arrow: Purchased from Orbeck for 4000 souls.
Sequence 7: The Deep
1. NG – Cathedral of the Deep
2. Estus Shards: 5/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 2/10
4. Infusions: 5/15
5. Sorceries: 11/34
6. Pyromancies: 8/27
7. Miracles: 9/35
8. Gestures: 12/26
9. Rings: 20/107
10. Achievements: 10/43

Cathedral of the Deep: Level 40-45
Take the path up from the Crystal Sage Bonfire & make your way over to the Cathedral of the Deep Bonfire.

Item – Paladin’s Ashes: From the Cathedral of the Deep Bonfire, there will be a hidden pathway to the left of the stairs in front of you. Take the path down & we will find a hostile Fallen Knight NPC guarding a corpse. Defeat the Knight & loot the corpse behind them for these Ashes.

Estus Shard #5: Carry on through the area until you enter the Cathedral of the Deep area & reach the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire (Gael is in this Chapel & will transport you to the Ashes of Ariandel DLC if you own it). Jut outside the Cleansing Chapel will be some stairs leading up to an obelisk surrounded by Hollows. This Estus Shard will be on a corpse here.

As a note for the Ashes of Ariandel DLC, it is very difficult. Though it is available to us right away, it is definitely best saved for the very end of the game. Granted there is nothing stopping you from chipping away at it & getting some extra Items/epic Gear early on…

Ring #17 – Poisonbite Ring: From the obelisk outside the Chapel, look immediately to its right & there will be a path that will lead you to some lower ledges. Carefully drop down the ledges to get to the stream below & we will encounter a Corpse Grub. For Corpse Grubs, you will want a Torch to make the fight easier. Not only does holding a Torch burn off the maggots it uses against us that cause Blood Loss, but we can essentially stun lock the enemy by striking it with the Torch (or any other Fire based attack.)

Follow the stream along until the path eventually takes you across a Ravenous Crystal Lizard. Behind the Lizard will be a thin passage going inside the Cathedral. We can find this Ring on a corpse at a dead end guarded by a Corpse Grub.

Item – Young White Branch x2: Return back to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire & head up the stairs from the obelisk to make your way through the graveyard of infinite Reanimate Corpses. Cross the bridge over to the courtyard & defeat a patrolling Grave Warden. From the center of this courtyard, take a right down some stairs & we can find a White Birch Tree. Collect the 2 Branches beside the tree.

Undead Bone Shard #2: From the White Birch Tree, look near the cliff edge pointing back where we came from. To the left along the ledge we can see a corpse laying on a tomb close to the edge. Loot the corpse to collect the Bone Shard.

Infusion #5 – Deep Gem: After the arduous battles along the walls, we will eventually enter inside the Cathedral of the Deep itself through some large steel doors. After unlocking the shortcut back to the Cleansing Chapel, do not enter the large room with the resting Giant Slave yet. Instead, take the stairs directly right of where we first entered the cathedral & follow them down. We can find this Gem on a balcony overlooking an abyss that is guarded by an Evangelist.

Ring #18 – Lloyd's Sword Ring: Now return to the large room with the Giant. We will have to sprint along this upcoming ledge to evade the Giant & get to a passage on the other side. Halfway along this ledge will be a small alcove off your right with two corpses in it. The Ring can be found on the corpse furthest to the back.

Miracle #9 – Seek Guidance: After escaping the Giant Slave, head down the first set of stairs & take a left out to an upper floor of a room. To your right will be a stone arch we can walk across to get to a corpse on the other side. Loot the corpse to collect this Miracle. Watch out for the Rotten Flesh above it!

Deep Braille Divine Tome: Return to the stairs we came down on & follow them down to a small chapel on the bottom floor. To the right in the chapel, we can find a Chest. Beware, this Chest is a Mimic! Slay the Mimic & we can collect this Braille Tome.

Do not give this Tome to Irina! Hold onto this as well as the other “dark” Braille Tome until we find the NPC who will read them later.

Fun Fact: There is a very easy way to identify Mimics. All Chests will have an iron chain branching off its right side. For “normal” Chests, the chain will be pointing away from you. For Mimics, the chain will be turned & pointing towards you instead. As well, if you are patient enough, you can also watch a Mimic slowly breathing with its mouth opening & closing slightly if you know to look for it.

Regardless, when in doubt, always slash a Chest before opening it!

Ring #19 – Aldrich's Sapphire: Enter the lower area of the room we found the Miracle in & defeat the Cathedral Knight. Behind where he was will be a passageway leading into a large square room. When you get around halfway into the room, we will be ambushed by a Deep Accursed. This is a difficult fight; if you are having troubles try fighting it from the passage entrance. Defeat the Accursed & it will drop this Ring.

Ring #20 – Deep Ring: When you exit into the huge chamber of the Cathedral, head over to the passageway directly across from you over the flooded square section. Follow the stairs down & you will be led to two doors. One will open back into the Cleansing Chapel as another shortcut, & the other will lead you to an elevator. Take the elevator up & will be in a bell tower up on the walls. Exit onto the ledge & follow it along to get to a ladder on the side of the tower. At the top of the tower will be a lone Devout of the Deep priest. Kill it for this Ring.

Unbreakable Patches #1: Before carrying on from this bell tower, return back to the main Cathedral area & progress further. After running past the next Slave Giant & fighting off two Cathedral Knights, we will be in the area just before the area boss room. In the area with the two Knights, head through a passageway on the left side of the room & take an elevator up. Stop to open the front doors of the Cathedral before carrying on along this upper area.

If you opened the front doors, you should see Siegward next to a bridge leading over the flooded square below. If Siegward is not here & the bridge is not up, try resting at a Bonfire or leaving the area & returning. Opening the front gates up here is his trigger.

Walk along the bridge & we will be tricked… progressing Patches Questline.

Siegward of Catarina #2: Return to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire & exit out the front near the obelisk. To the right of the Chapel entrance will be a well. If you approach the well, we can hear Siegward call out to us. Someone has stolen his armor… you don’t say. We will have to track it down for him.
Sequence 8: Patches the Heyna
1. NG – Cathedral of the Deep, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 5/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 2/10
4. Infusions: 6/15
5. Sorceries: 12/34
6. Pyromancies: 8/27
7. Miracles: 9/35
8. Gestures: 14/26
9. Rings: 22/107
10. Achievements: 12/43

Cathedral of the Deep:

Infusion #6 – Blessed Gem: Return to the bell tower we killed the Devout of the Deep for the Deep Ring. Drop down out of the tower onto the arch below & follow it up to cathedral roof. Along the left of the roof will be passages leading into the cathedral rafters. To the far right of these rafters will be a large ledge with a patrolling Cathedral Knight with an Ultra Greatsword. The Infusion Gem will be on the corpse he is pacing around.

Unbreakable Patches #2: While on the rafters of the cathedral, make your way over near the center of the area where the other Cathedral Knight with the Ultra Greatsword is hanging out. From where he was standing, we can drop down onto a ledge below us. Drop down onto a wooden platform below the ledge & we will be led to the other side where that bridge went to.

Here, we should be able to find Patches standing beside the bridge he trapped us on. Speak with him & he will ask us who we are. Tell him “You know who I am” & we will receive a Gesture from him. We will be able to purchase Items from him, but you may not have the souls for it; that is fine. Speaking with him will progress his Questline & we will meet up with him later at Firelink Shrine.

If Patches is not here across the bridge, but you encountered him on the other side, carry on to the next Bonfire & return here. You may have to reset the area for him to spawn on the other side here…

Gesture #13 – Prostration: When speaking to Patches in the Cathedral of the Deep, tell him “You know who I am” to unlock this Gesture.

We have a second chance of unlocking this Gesture later on when we meet Patches again in Firelink Shrine.

Achievement #11 – Covenant Rosaria's Fingers: Discover Rosaria's Fingers Covenant.
From where you came down from the cathedral rafters, enter through the steel doors past the Man Grubs & we will find a large woman & an abomination on a bed. This is Rosaria, speak with her to join her Covenant.

Do not Rank Up in this Covenant by giving her Pale Tongues! Progressing down the Rosaria’s Fingers Questline will void Sirris’s; we will be completing the Finger’s Questline after Sirris’s. You are able to Reallocate Attributes or Alter Appearance at will however; only Offering Pale Tongues will void Sirris’s Questline.

Achievement #12 – Deacons of the Deep: Defeat the Deacons of the Deep.
Story Related. From this point, our business is finished in the Cathedral of the Deep. Enter the Boss Fog & slay the Boss to unlock the Achievement. We will need to Transpose the Soul of the Deacons of the Deep for a Sorcery.

If you are Embered, we will be able to Summon Anri of Astora & Horace the Hushed to assist in the battle.

Firelink Shrine:

Anri of Astora #2: If you spoke with Anri back in the Halfway Fortress along the Road of Sacrifices, then they will appear with Horace in Firelink Shrine after the Deacons of the Deep are slain. They did not have to help you defeat them. Exhaust Ari’s dialogue to progress their Questline.

If you wonder why I always refer to Anri in gender neutral terms, it is because their gender is actually variable. If you are a male character, Anri will be a woman. If you are female character, Anri will be a man. There is no “cannon” gender for Anri; a pretty neat game mechanic if you ask me…

Sorcery #12 – Deep Soul: Transpose the Soul of the Deacons of the Deep with Ludleth to receive this Sorcery.

Ring #21 – Lloyd's Shield Ring: Bring the Shrine Handmaid the Paladin’s Ashes & we will be able to buy this Ring from her for 2500 souls.

Item - Undead Hunter Charm: We can now also purchase Undead Hunter Charms from the Shrine Handmaid as well for 500 Souls. Typically, these Items are not noteworthy, but they do have a pretty important purpose we can use them for: farming the Symbol of Avarice. Pick up or chip away at getting a small stock pile of these if you do not already have some...

As a side note, if you end up speaking with Yuria while Orbeck is at Firelink Shrine, she will speak to us of a conspiracy involving him. Do not listen to her for now, we need Orbeck alive until we have completed his Questline. This side quest of Yuria’s will actually resolve itself if we complete Orbeck’s Questline.

Unbreakable Patches #3: If you have not already done so, purchase the Tower Key from the Shrine Handmaid & make your way up the elevator in the bell tower. Even if you have already been up here, take the elevator up & we will hear the tower door get closed behind us as the elevator goes up. Take the elevator back down, & if you progressed Patches Questline back in the Cathedral of the Deep, we will see him standing on the other side. Either drop down the coffins to get the bottom of the tower or just use a Homeward Bone.

When you get back inside Firelink Shrine, take the stairs up to where we head outside to the Sleeping Giant is & carry on around the upper area of the Shrine to see Patches standing at the dead end. Speak with him & he will ask for our forgiveness.

If you did not receive it earlier, “Do not forgive him” to get the Prostration Gesture. Whichever choice you pick, Patches will now remain in Firelink Shrine as a Merchant.

Item – Catarina Armor Set: To progress Siegward’s Questline, we need to purchase his Armor Set from Patches & return it to him in the well. It will cost us a total of 15,000 souls.

Ring #22 – Horsehoof Ring: This Ring can be purchased from Unbreakable Patches for 500 souls. If the Ring does not appear in his Inventory, try exhausting his dialogue. As a last resort, it can also be collected by killing Patches as well at anytime...

Cathedral of the Deep:

Gesture #14 – Rejoice: After he have purchased all 4 pieces to the Catarina Armor Set from Patches, return to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire. Head over to the well Siegward is trapped inside. Throw down his Armor & we will be able to progress Siegward’s Questline & receive this Gesture as a reward.
Sequence 9: Accursed Darkroot Garden
1. NG – Farron Keep
2. Estus Shards: 6/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 3/10
4. Infusions: 7/15
5. Sorceries: 12/34
6. Pyromancies: 9/27
7. Miracles: 10/35
8. Gestures: 15/26
9. Rings: 23/107
10. Achievements: 13/43

Farron Keep: Level 45-50
Level 27-30 For Ideal Online Watchdogs of Farron Farming
To reach Farron Keep, head to the Crucifixion Woods Bonfire in the Road of Sacrifices & make your way across the swamp over to the area guarded by the two Exile NPCs. Kill the NPCs & take the ladder down into Farron Keep. You will want high Poison Resistant Gear, Purple Moss, or the Caressing Tears Miracle for this area… There are no right ways to approach this area, it is very disorienting & can be difficult to get your bearings.

Pyromancy #9 – Iron Flesh: From the Farron Keep Bonfire, begin wading into the swamp to your right. Almost immediately upon entering the deeper waters, we can see a corpse’s hand sticking out of the water in front of a tree. This Pyromancy will be on this corpse.

Estus Shard #6: Return to the Farron Keep Bonfire, & this time begin heading left around the swamp. Shortly after you reach your first two dry pieces of land, you will be able to see a sunken tower sticking out of the swamp with a corpse in front of it off your right. We can find an Estus Shard on this corpse.

Sage's Coal: Head up the fire lit stairs to extinguish the first of three fires, then return back down the way you came. Keep following the swamp along left of these stairs & we will come upon a small tower guarded by a Darkwraith. Defeat the Darkwraith & we can find this Coal inside the tower.

It will unlock Crystal, Blessed, & Deep Infusions at the Blacksmith.

Undead Bone Shard #3: Follow the next set of stairs up & extinguish flame two of three. From here, we can follow a bridge across to the Keep Ruins Bonfire. Take the ramp down towards the large stone gates & we can see a small tower off our right full of Rotten Slugs. We can find this Shard on a corpse inside.

Ring #23 – Lingering Dragoncrest Ring: From the stone gates near the Keep Ruins Bonfire, head left into the swamp & we will find a Great Crab patrolling around another White Birch Tree. Defeat the Crab, & we will receive this Ring from it. Try luring it into shallower waters for an easier time…

Young White Branch x2: We can find the final White Branches we need to get the Hawk Ring back in the Undead Settlement if you have not already gotten it by killing the Giant Bowman.

Sage's Scroll: Keep following the walls left around the swamp & you will eventually come to some dry land right up against the wall with a host of dead Mushroom-Men. Defeat the nearby Ghru & we can Scroll on a corpse leaning against one of the Mushroom-Men.

Golden Scroll: Return to the stone gates & this time follow the walls to the right, around the swamp. Stick close to the walls & eventually you will find some dry land with four or so Basilisks nearby. Defeat the Basilisks & keep following boundaries along until you are directed into a cave. The Scroll can be found on a corpse in between two Chests inside the cave.

The final flame we have to extinguish will be up some stairs a little ways further into the swamp to the right of the cave entrance past a few more Basilisks.

Achievement #13 – Covenant Watchdogs of Farron: Discover Watchdogs of Farron Covenant.
From the Keep Ruins Bonfire, head down the ramp towards the stone gates & go right, towards the tower we found the Undead Bone Shard in. On the other side of the tower, we can find a ladder against the large walls off our right leading up.

Head up the ladder & enter the building at the top. We can find a large decrepit wolf surrounded by swords close to the Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire. Pray to the Old Wolf of Farron & join its Covenant to unlock the Achievement.

We will eventually have to achieve Rank 2 in this Covenant by offering 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass to receive the Wolf Ring. Keep your eye out for the grass, we will be farming for this later… They can be farmed from any Ghru enemy.

For Online, you can auto Invade Player’s Worlds who are in Farron Keep or the Crucifixion Woods if you have the Covenant Item equipped. Defeat them to receive a Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass. You can only Invade if either the Crystal Sage &/or the Abyss Watchers are still alive in your world! For the best odds of matching with someone (& succeeding) staying at Soul Level 27-30 & having at least +3 Weapons is the optimal strategy... You can be up to Level 35, but it is less ideal & you may not always match up with Players.

Gesture #15 – Legion Etiquette: We will receive this Gesture as soon as you interact with the Old Wolf of Farron. Definitely one of the cooler Gestures in the game…

Item – Dreamchaser’s Ashes: Before taking the elevator up onto the wall from the Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire, exit back out to where we got off the ladder. From the ladder, follow the tower around left & take some stairs up. At the top of the stairs, immediately look to your left & you can see the outline of a doorway filled in by the wall. Strike the wall, & it will be an illusion. We can find these Ashes on a corpse hanging off of a ledge.

Item – Soul of a Stray Demon: Take the elevator up the walls from the Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire now. Follow the stairs up to the top of the wall & we can see a desiccated Stray Demon patrolling the far corner on our left. Stay behind it & smash its legs apart to kill it. Beware its grab attack; it is very quick & is essentially an instant kill!

We will need its Soul Transposed for two separate Items: The Boulder Heave Pyromancy & Havel’s Ring. We will have to Transpose it into whatever Item you do not choose in NG+…

Miracle #10 – Lightning Spear: Make your way over to the other end of the wall & drop through a hole in the railing to the right of the gates onto a platform. Follow the ledges along & we can see a dead Wyvern at the far end ahead of us. The Miracle will be on a corpse in front of the Wyvern’s head.

Infusion #7 – Poison Gem: Before we carry on through the stone gates into the second half of Farron Keep, there is one more Item for us to collect. We will need a Bow for this though, or rather, having a Bow will make this a lot easier.

From the Keep Ruins Bonfire, take out the three Ghru keeping watch on the bridge ahead of us. On the bridge, look out into the swamp off your right to see three Elder Ghru standing around in a circle (around a corpse, but you probably can’t see it). With your Bow, lure the Elder Ghru in one by one & dispatch them. If you do not have a Bow, you’ll have to fight them all manually & that is a really difficult feat. When the Elder Ghru are dead, loot the corpse they were guarding to collect this Gem.

Alternatively, if this is too difficult for you, the Rotten Slugs scattered around Farron Keep have a decent chance of dropping one upon death.
Sequence 10: An Abyss-Walker's Legacy
1. NG – Firelink Shrine, Farron Keep, Undead Settlement
2. Estus Shards: 6/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 3/10
4. Infusions: 8/15
5. Sorceries: 21/34
6. Pyromancies: 9/27
7. Miracles: 11/35
8. Gestures: 20/26
9. Rings: 29/107
10. Achievements: 14/43

Firelink Shrine:

Ring #24 – Havel's Ring: Bring the Soul of a Stray Demon to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Ring for 5000 souls.

Alternatively, you can Transpose it into the Boulder Heave Pyromancy.

Ring #25 – Ring of Life: Give the Shrine Handmaid the Dreamchaser’s Ashes & we will be able to purchase this Ring from her for 1500 souls. Telling her where you found the Ashes does not matter…

This Ring is also in the list of Starting Gifts you may have chosen at the very beginning of the game as well.

Sorcery #13 – Pestilent Mist: Give the Sage’s Scroll to Orbeck & we will now have access to three more Sorceries.

This Sorcery can now be purchased for 1000 souls.

Sorcery #14 – Great Farron Dart: Purchased for 2000 souls after giving Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll.

Sorcery #15 – Farron Hail: Purchased for 5000 souls after giving Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll.

Gesture #16 – Silent Ally: Once you have given Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll, purchase the Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, Pestilent Mist, & Spook Sorceries from him. Speak to him after purchasing these Sorceries to receive this Gesture as thanks.

Ring #26 – Young Dragon Ring: Now give Oreck the Golden Scroll to unlock five more Sorceries. Speak with Orbeck after giving him both the Golden Scroll & the Sage’s Scroll to receive this Ring. If you do not receive the Ring after giving him the Scrolls, try purchasing some more Sorceries & continue to talk to him until you receive it.

This is the starter Ring if you began the game as the Sorcerer Class.

Sorcery #16 – Cast Light: Purchased for 1000 souls after giving Orbeck the Golden Scroll.

Sorcery #17 – Hidden Weapon: Purchased for 1500 souls after giving Orbeck the Golden Scroll.

Sorcery #18 – Repair: Purchased for 2000 souls after giving Orbeck the Golden Scroll.

Sorcery #19 – Hidden Body: Purchased for 3000 souls after giving Orbeck the Golden Scroll.

Sorcery #20 – Twisted Wall of Light: Purchased for 6000 souls after giving Orbeck the Golden Scroll.

Ring #27 – Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring: Once you have given Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll & the Golden Scroll, purchase the Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, Hidden Body, Pestilent Mist, & Spook Sorceries from him.

Speak with him afterwards, & he will gift you this Ring.

Gesture #17 – Patches Squat: After we have spoken to Patches in Firelink Shrine for the first time, return to him if the area has been reset to see him crouching in his spot. Interact with him while he is doing this to receive the Gesture.

Farron Keep:

Sorcery #21 – Great Magic Weapon: Make your way into the second half of Farron Keep through the stone gates we opened after extinguishing the three flames. Follow the path along until you get to a larger area where two Darkwraiths are battling some Ghru. At the top of the path when you first enter the open area, go right & enter a stone building to find the Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire.

From the Bonfire, continue through the building down & up the stairs until you come across a Ravenous Crystal Lizard at a dead end. Defeat the Lizard, & we can find this Sorcery on a corpse just around the corner to the right.

Miracle #11 – Atonement: From the Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire, head in between the stairs leading down from it & the stairs leading up to the Ravenous Crystal Lizard. Along the wall will be hole we can drop through back down into the swamp of Farron. Follow the winding path down & we can find this Miracle on a corpse at the bottom of the second switchback.

Infusion #8 – Hollow Gem: From where we found the Atonement Miracle, carry on a little ways down the path & there will be another corpse that contains this Gem on it.

We are now close to fighting the Abyss Watchers, our first Lord of Cinder. If you need souls for all the Sorceries we unlocked from Orbeck, we can multi-task our farming. Farming the two Darkwraiths & the nine Ghrus in this upper level before the Abyss Watcher’s Church is our primary location for getting Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass. Ghrus have a chance to drop the Swordgrass & Darkwraiths have a chance to drop Pale Tongues which we need only 10 of for Rosaria’s Fingers Covenant. The drop rates are pretty bad for the Swordgrass so don’t expect to get all 30 we need. We will have to return later after we have collected some Item Discovery increasing Items…

Gesture #18 – Duel Bow: When you are tired of farming & ready to get on with the game, defeat the enemies outside the Abyss Watcher’s Church & Ember yourself. While Embered, we will be able to Summon some NPC Phantoms that will grant us some Gestures.

If you are going own the Lord of Hollows route & have 5 Dark Sigils while you are Embered, we can find the Summon Sign to the Londor Pale Shade in the same room as the Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire. Summon the Shade, & it will perform the Gesture unlocking it for us.

Gesture #19 – By My Sword: Go into your Inventory now & use the Black Separation Crystal to Banish the Londor Pale Shade. Now make your way up the stairs leading to the Abyss Watcher’s Church. We can find the Summon Sign to Black Hand Gotthard on the middle landing in the stairs.
Summon Gotthard, & he will perform this Gesture unlocking it for us.

If you are going down the Rosaria’s Fingers Questline early, we are also able to Summon Yellowfinger Heysel to receive a Gesture. But I won’t be including that in the guide until we complete it in NG+ as doing this will void Sirris’s Questline…

Achievement #14 – Lords of Cinder Abyss Watchers: Defeat the Abyss Watchers, Lords of Cinder.
Story Related. When you are ready, enter the Abyss Watcher’s Church & prepare for a very epic boss battle. Defeat the Abyss Watchers to unlock the Achievement.

Black Hand Gotthard & the Londor Pale Shade can be Summoned for this boss battle.

Firelink Shrine:

Ring #28 – Farron Ring: After we have slain the Abyss Watchers, return to Firelink Shrine & exhaust Hawkwood’s dialogue to receive this Ring.

This is the last Collectible we need from Hawkwood for Achievements, though there is still more to his Questline…

Sirris of the Sunless Realms #2: If you previously gave the Dreamchaser’s Ashes to the Shrine Handmaid on your last visit to Firelink Shrine, Sirris will have returned. Exhaust her dialogue to progress her Questline.

Gesture #20 – Darkmoon Loyalty: This Gesture is obtained by speaking with Sirris on her second visit to Firelink Shrine while exhausting her dialogue.

Undead Settlement:

Ring #29 – Hawk Ring: Return to the Giant Bowman at the top of the tower in the Undead Settlement with all 7 Young White Branches having been collected. We will find the Giant slumped over, dead, with this Ring beside his corpse.

If you killed the Giant earlier instead, you will already have this Ring.
Sequence 11: Necropolis of Sand
1. NG – Catacombs of Carthus
2. Estus Shards: 6/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 4/10
4. Infusions: 10/15
5. Sorceries: 21/34
6. Pyromancies: 9/27
7. Miracles: 11/35
8. Gestures: 21/26
9. Rings: 32/107
10. Achievements: 14/43

Catacombs of Carthus: Level 50-55

Carthus Pyromancy Tome: From the Abyss Watchers Bonfire, enter the Catacombs of Carthus. When you enter the first large chamber, head across the bridge off our left. Enter the room after the bridge & take the stairs up to your left, then left again down the hallway. Take the ladder down to the lower floor & enter the next chamber. Off your right as soon as the chamber widens, we can strike an out of place wall to reveal a secret path. We can find the Tome on a corpse to our right inside this secret room.

Infusion #9 – Sharp Gem: From the Tome, re-enter the chamber we were just in previously. A little ways along the right wall from the secret passage we can find this Gem on a corpse laying next to an open ledge.

Anri of Astora #3: Carry on through this chamber to enter the lower level of the room we were in before. Before you head down the long staircase to the next area, enter the other room on this lower floor instead. Follow the hall past the four Skeletons & we can find Anri at the bottom of some stairs if you progressed their Questline from the Road of Sacrifices/Firelink Shrine.

This is technically an optional conversation; we will link up with Anri again later on in the Catacombs regardless if we speak to them here.

Undead Bone Shard #4: Sprint down the staircase to the next area & a large skeletal-ball-o’death will come rolling down the stairs behind us. Evade the ball by getting to the sides of the passage at the bottom of the stairs. When it is safe, enter the passage & kill a Skeleton wearing a Worker Hat immediately to your right when you enter. When the Skeleton is dead, the skeletal-ball-o’death will come rolling down & smash into barred passage ahead & disintegrate revealing this Bone Shard.

Ring #30 – Carthus Milkring: Carry on down the halls & fight through some Skeletons. Eventually, the hall will widen off our right & there will be an alcove full of breakable urns. We can find this Ring on a corpse at the back of this alcove.

Ring #31 – Carthus Bloodring: From the Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire, head down the stairs being guarded by a second skeletal-ball-o’death & take a right at the bottom. Head down a hall full of Writhing Rotten Flesh & Skeleton Wheel’s then take a left at the end to find this Ring on a corpse at a dead end.

Gesture #21 – My Thanks!: Ember yourself at the Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire & head down the stairs guarded by the skeletal-ball-o’death. At the bottom of the stairs, head straight across to the wall ahead & enter the passageway slightly to your right. When you reach the dead end, we will be Invaded by Knight Slayer Tsorig. This Invader is a beast, so be insanely cautious.

We can get this Gesture if we kill him or if he kills us; we will get it either way. If you are able to defeat his Phantom, we will also receive the Knight Slayer’s Ring, though I will be linking that to the guide later on when we defeat him in his human form. Try defeating this Phantom if possible. If you do, we will be able to Summon Tsorig to help us in the next area; he is very handy to have around for it.

Infusion #10 – Dark Gem: We now need to disable that second skeletal-ball-o’death. From the Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire, take a left at the bottom of the stairs & we can see some stairs going up in a passage adjacent to where we fought Tsorig. Take these stairs up & track down another Worker Hat wearing Skeleton. Slay it & return to the skeletal-ball-o’death where it will disintegrate against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. We can find this Gem in its place… as well as a small Crab.

Anri of Astora #4: When you reach the rickety wooden bridge spanning above a deep chasm, head up the to the right of the bridge before crossing it. We can find Anri at the top of the path still searching for Horace.

To receive a Ring from them, we need to locate Horace the Hushed BEFORE we kill the area boss of the Catacombs. The area boss can be found up the stairs at the other end of the rickety bridge.

Ring #32 – Witch's Ring: Get to the other side of the rickety bridge, then cut the ropes to it so that it breaks. Do not enter the room at the top of the stairs & defeat the area boss or we will miss the Ring from Anri!

When the bridge has been cut, very careful edge your way to the ledge & we will be able to climb down the broken bridge to a lower level. (If you have a keen eye, we can actually see where Horace is at the bottom of the chasm below).

Enter the chamber on this lower level & defeat the Fire Demon. The Chest on this upper floor of this chamber is actually a Mimic; you can bait the Fire Demon’s Fire Breath into hitting it & the Mimic will run down to attack the Demon.

Carry on through this area down some more stairs & we can find this Ring on a corpse at the end of a hall just before we reach the Abandoned Tomb Bonfire.
Sequence 12: Long Road to Izalith
1. NG – Smouldering Lake
2. Estus Shards: 7/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 5/10
4. Infusions: 11/15
5. Sorceries: 21/34
6. Pyromancies: 9/27
7. Miracles: 12/35
8. Gestures: 21/26
9. Rings: 33/107
10. Achievements: 14/43

Smouldering Lake: Level 55-60

Horace the Hushed #1: From the Abandoned Tomb Bonfire, we will soon enter the abysmal area, Smouldering Lake. Follow the rock walls off your right, into the water. We will be under fire immediately by a Giant Ballista which fires bolts in groups of three. Keep following the walls around right & enter the first cave we come across a short ways along. We can find Horace the Hushed in the center of the flooded room ahead; he has gone Hollow. Defeat Horace so we can receive a Ring from Anri when we link back up with them in the Catacombs above.

Technically, Horace was the only time sensitive event in our way. If the Smouldering Lake is too much for you, you can return here at anytime to raid it. Just be sure to speak with Anri before you go to fight the boss of Carthus…

Ring #33 – Speckled Stoneplate Ring: If you are staying in the Smouldering Lake, steel yourself. From the Abandoned Tomb Bonfire, run straight across the water in between two trees on your left & one tree on your right to the very far end. At the far end of the lake, we can see an out of place stone wall. Bait the Giant Ballista into shooting the wall to break it, revealing this Ring underneath.

The Ballista is the only way we can destroy this wall. If you disable the Ballista before breaking it, you will have to get this Ring on NG+…

Don’t confuse this wall with a similar one in the far right corner of the lake where all the Embered Great Crabs are. The wall with the Ring will be at the end of the lake straight across from where we leave the Abandoned Tomb Bonfire.

Miracle #12 – Lightning Stake: This part can be a little tricky, but it’s a lot easier using this exploit. Go to the left side of the Smouldering Lake & we will see a writhing undead worm. This is the Carthus Sandworm; we need to defeat it for two Items.

To kill it easily, we can bait the Giant Ballista to kill it for us. Sprint in behind the Sandworm then hide behind a large-ish mound of dirt just past it. The Sandworm will only attack in front of itself, so you are safe behind it. Inch your way behind the sand mound until the Ballista bolts are shooting through the Sandworm; you should be safe from the bolts here. When the Worm is slain, we will receive this Miracle immediately.

Undead Bone Shard #5: This Bone Shard can be received along with the Lightning Stake Miracle after the Carthus Sandworm is slain.

Ignore the Fog Gate up ahead, that is where the area boss for Smouldering Lake is. Instead, head up the path to the right of it to locate the Demon Ruins Bonfire.

Infusion #11 – Chaos Gem: From the Demon Ruins or Abandoned Tomb Bonfire, head back into the Smouldering Lake area & sprint to the very far end opposite where the area boss Fog Gate is. Defeat the three Embered Great Crabs (lure them away one by one to fight them somewhere safe from the Giant Ballista) & we can find this Gem on a corpse against the back wall where they were patrolling.

Izalith Pyromancy Tome: In the center of Smouldering Lake, we can find a cobblestone slab in the floor with two cairns that have candles on top of them. Get the Giant Ballista to blast apart the floor & drop down through the hole it creates. Go down the hall & take a left down a passage to find the Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire. Having both Bonfires unlocked for Smouldering Lake right off the bat is very helpful.

Back track to where we fell through the floor & take the other path into a room with three Ghru in it. We can find this Pyromancy Tome on a corpse in front of a dead Demon Cleric with fungus growing off of it.

Estus Shard #7: From the Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire, there will appear to be only one way to progress through. From the passage entrance, go over towards the right corner of this room to find a wall unobstructed by roots. Strike it to reveal a secret hallway. Go down the hall past some Smouldering Rotten Flesh & take the hall to the left. We can find this Estus Shard on a corpse slumped against the wall just before a hole in the floor.

It isn’t really worth progressing further from this Bonfire at the moment, warp back to the Demon Ruins Bonfire & we will continue on from there…
Sequence 13: Death of Kings
1. NG – Smouldering Lake, Catacombs of Carthus
2. Estus Shards: 7/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 6/10
4. Infusions: 11/15
5. Sorceries: 21/34
6. Pyromancies: 11/27
7. Miracles: 12/35
8. Gestures: 21/26
9. Rings: 35/107
10. Achievements: 16/43

Smouldering Lake:

Undead Bone Shard #6: From the Demon Ruins Bonfire, head down some stairs into a long room filled with Demon Clerics & their irritating floating fireballs. Clear out the two Demon Clerics, & head to the far end of the room where they were hanging out. We can find this Bone Shard in an alcove on our left on a corpse crushed beneath a dead Stray Demon.

If you defeated his Red Phantom back in the Catacombs, we can Summon Knight Slayer Tsorig if we are Embered beside the previous Bonfire. Though meant for the area boss, we can actually use his help in clearing out some enemies inside the Demon Ruins for an easier time.

Quelana Pyromancy Tome: From either the Demon Ruins Bonfire or Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire, proceed into the long room with the Cleric Demons & carry on down the hall further into the Demon Ruins.

Shortly, you will enter a blue tinted room with some small Rats in it. Straight across from where you enter this room strike the wall to reveal a secret area (the way onwards will be the passage off your left). Head down this secret hall & turn left to see a corpse in front of a desiccated spider. Loot the corpse to collect this Pyromancy Tome.

If you have played Dark Souls 1… prepare to cry…

Pyromancy #10 – Toxic Mist: This is an awful Pyromancy to collect & you will probably want to return to the Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire to spec yourself out in Fire Resistant Gear. The best equipment we have at our disposal is the: Flame Stoneplate Ring, Speckled Stoneplate Ring, your best possible Fire Defence Armor, & the Flash Sweat Pyromancy cast from a Pyromancy Flame if you have at least 1 Attunement Slot & 6 Intelligence/Faith. The Undead Legion, Exile, Black Knight, Executioner, or Conjurator Sets all have good Fire Resistance. Red Bug Pellets are good to use too & can be purchased from Unbreakable Patches for 1000 souls if he has moved to Firelink Shrine.

From where we found Quelana’s Pyromancy Tome, take the passage to the spider’s left down some stairs. We will then be standing in front of some lava with some Items submerged in it. I am sure you can guess what we have to do next. Equip your Fire Resistance Gear & cast Flash Sweat (unequip your Weapons to make your Stamina go further) & charge into the lava. The corpse that has this Pyromancy on it is the first one we can see straight ahead beside the first pillar in the lava.

Ring #34 – Knight Slayer's Ring: Return to the room with the Rats, & carry on into the Demon Ruins down some stairs to enter a Basilisk nest. Exit the nest to the far left corner then head down a passage to the left of some stairs ahead that lead up to a bridge.

Down the passage, we will be attacked by an NPC, Knight Slayer Tsorig in his human form. Stay on your toes, he hits like a truck! Defeat Tsorig to claim his unique Ring. If you defeated his Red Phantom back in the Catacombs, you will already have received this Ring. If you completely missed that Red Phantom encounter, you will also receive the My Thanks Gesture for defeating/being defeated by him.

Pyromancy #11 – Sacred Flame: From where we defeat Tsorig, there will be another room full of lava. We once more have to head into the lava to collect another Pyromancy. Equip your Fire Resistance Gear & cast Flash Sweat. We can find this Pyromancy on the corpse leaning against the left wall of this room in the lava.

That is technically all we need here in the Demon Ruins; across the bridge we went left of you can find the ladder that will take you up to the Giant Ballista which you can disable if you like.

Achievement #15 – Old Demon King: Defeat Old Demon King.
The Old Demon King is the area boss for the Smouldering Lake & the Demon Ruins. While he is an optional boss, we will get an Achievement for defeating him. We can Summon Knight Slayer Tsorig near the Demon Ruins Bonfire & the Great Swamp Cuculus at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the Fog Gate. When his health bar gets to around the “Old” in the Old Demon King name above the bar, the boss will cause a fiery explosion that is probably an instant kill. Get as far away from him as you can when it gets close to that point. He is a difficult boss. Feel free to save him for later when you get some more Levels or better Gear.

We will need to Transpose his Soul into a Pyromancy…

Catacombs of Carthus:

Ring #35 – Ring of the Evil Eye: Return to Anri back in the Catacombs & tell them that we found Horace in the Smouldering Lake to receive the Ring & progress Anri’s Questline.

If you tell Anri about Horace but do not actually kill him down in Smouldering Lake, Anri will be killed by Horace & void their Questline for this playthrough.

Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome: Interact with the Skull Goblet in the boss room to be transported into the Abyss. We can find this Tome on a corpse right in front of High Lord Wolnir.

If you somehow miss it, we can find it on a corpse in the back left corner of the room where the High Lord Wolnir Bonfire is. We will be unable to give this Tome to Cornyx & must wait until we find the NPC that will teach us “evil” Spells.

Achievement #16 – High Lord Wolnir: Defeat High Lord Wolnir.
Story Related. Defeat the area boss of the Catacombs of Carthus to unlock the Achievement.
Some people speculate that Wolnir is our character from Dark Souls 2… read the description for his crown that the Shrine Handmaid sells & decide for yourself…
Sequence 14: A Pontiff's Treachery
1. NG – Firelink Shrine, Irithyll
2. Estus Shards: 7/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 7/10
4. Infusions: 13/15
5. Sorceries: 21/34
6. Pyromancies: 18/27
7. Miracles: 14/35
8. Gestures: 22/26
9. Rings: 38/107
10. Achievements: 16/43

Firelink Shrine:

Pyromancy #12 – Black Serpent: Give the Soul of High Lord Wolnir to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Pyromancy.

Pyromancy #13 – Chaos Bed Vestiges: Give the Soul of the Old Demon King to Ludleth with an additional 5000 souls & Transpose it into this Pyromancy.

Pyromancy #14 – Acid Surge: Hand over the Carthus Pyromancy Tome to Cornyx & we will be able to purchase three new Pyromancies from him.

This Pyromancy will cost us 6000 souls.

Pyromancy #15 – Carthus Beacon: Purchased from Cornyx for 8000 souls after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome.

Pyromancy #16 – Carthus Flame Arc: Purchased from Cornyx for 10,000 souls after giving him the Carthus Pyromancy Tome.

Pyromancy #17 – Great Chaos Fire Orb: Now give Cornyx the Izalith Pyromancy Tome to unlock two more Pyromancies to purchase.

This Pyromancy will cost us 10,000 souls.

Pyromancy #18 – Chaos Storm: Purchased from Cornyx for 12,000 souls after giving him the Izalith Pyromancy Tome.

This is all we need to purchase from Cornyx, his “Questline” is considered fully complete.

Yuria of Londor #2: If you are going down the Lord of Hollows path & have progressed Anri’s Questline, speak with Yuri & exhaust her dialogue. She will reveal that we are to marry Anri & that they are currently being guided to our next meeting place.

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley: Level 60-65

Ring #36 – Pontiff's Right Eye: From the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Bonfire, begin to cross the bridge into the forlorn city. About halfway on the bridge, we will be intercepted by a Beast of Sulyvahn. These hounds are VERY difficult. Defeating this bridge guardian will reward us with this Ring.

Alternatively, you can sprint to the end of the bridge to the next Bonfire & avoid this encounter entirely. I do recommend defeating the hound on the bridge though. The beast will intercept us later when we travel below the bridge & we will have to fight it while standing in water which makes a bad situation worse.

Sirris of the Sunless Realms #3: After you have made it to the Central Irithyll Bonfire, whether you killed the Sulyvahn Beast or not, warp back to the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley Bonfire & approach the arch before the bridge. If you are Embered, & have progressed Sirris’s Questline with the Dreamchaser’s Ashes, we can find a Summon Sign beside a Message on the bridge. Interact with the Summon Sign to be Summoned into Sirris’s World.

When we arrive, Sirris will be locked in combat with the Dark Souls 2 NPC, Creighton the Wanderer… or Creighton the Manslayer as he is also known. Help Sirris defeat Creighton to progress her Questline.

Miracle #13 – Dorhy's Gnawing: From the Central Irithyll Bonfire, proceed through the area until you get past the first two Fire Witch enemies. Just after the second Fire Witch, we can find a Crystal Lizard off our left up some stairs on a half circle balcony. Head onto this small balcony, & strike the railing along the right side to reveal a secret stairwell that will lead us down.

Follow the stairs down & we will be able to drop into a sealed off garden area with a lone tree & seemingly deranged Evangelist. Dispatch the Evangelist to receive this dark Miracle.

Anri of Astora #4: From the area with the second Fire Witch, head up the path to where a large arch is before us, but take a left just before passing under it. Take some stairs up & we will see a small church off our left with the Church of Yorshka Bonfire inside it. If you progressed their Questline out of the Catacombs of Carthus, we can find Anri leaning against a wall across from the Bonfire.

Gesture #22 – Quiet Resolve: Exhaust Anri’s dialogue in the Church of Yorshka to receive this Gesture & progress their Questline. You may also receive the Ring of the Evil Eye if you did not speak to Anri at all after defeating High Lord Wolnir.

Infusion #12 – Lightning Gem: Before progressing into the next half of the area through the Church of Yorshka, exit back out the way we came in & head left around the church. Go around the walkway into the large area with the altar in the center of it. There will be a corpse on top of the altar & one laying in front of it. The one laying on the floor is holding this Gem, the other corpse has a Ring we will have to grab later.

Ring #37 – Magic Clutch Ring: To the right of the altar, there will be a small set of stairs leading to a wall. Strike the wall to reveal a secret overlook with a corpse leaning off a broken railing. Loot the corpse to collect this Ring.

Undead Bone Shard #7: Return to the Church of Yorshka Bonfire, & head into the graveyard outside. Head right, through the graveyard, & we can find an Undead Bone Shard behind a large grave with a Corvian praying in front of it.

Infusion #13 – Blood Gem: From the Church of Yorshka Bonfire, head through the graveyard & into the pitch black building full of Irithyllian Slaves. Exit the building & head down the stairs; take a right at the bottom & follow the path down to a lone tree surrounded by more Slaves. We can find this Gem on a corpse in front of the tree.

Miracle #14 – Great Heal: Make your way down into the flooded section of the area & pass underneath a large bridge (this is where the Sulyvahn Beast will drop down from if you did not kill it earlier). Past the bridge, follow the boundary along the right side until you enter a small side area in the water. We can find this Miracle on a dead Man Grub in the far right corner.

Siegward of Catarina #3: As you progress through this flooded area there will be a sewer tunnel off our left & a building off in the distance straight ahead. The sewer is where we are supposed to go, but we can find the Distant Manor Bonfire just inside the building which is worth stopping at first. Enter the sewer & make your way into a kitchen in the room ahead. We can find Siegward napping in front of the fireplace if we got him out of the well in the Cathedral of the Deep.

Warning! While speaking with Siegward does progress his Questline like we need to, it will also void Greirat’s Questline by extension. After we defeat the area boss of Irithyll, Greirat will want to go thieving here. If Siegward is not present here in the kitchen, Greirat will die. While he is not needed for any Achievements, he does accumulate some decent loot which we will be missing out on. For now, ignore Siegward & let him nap, we will come back to him later on…

Ring #38 – Leo Ring: Leave the kitchen & enter the next room of the manor. Get up to the second floor through some stairs to the left of a portrait of Gwynevere. Follow the upper floor along past two Silver Knights & we can find this Ring in one of three Chests. The other two Chests contain Smough’s Great Hammer & a Divine Blessing.
Sequence 15: A Little Piece of Heaven
1. NG – Irithyll, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 7/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 7/10
4. Infusions: 13/15
5. Sorceries: 22/34
6. Pyromancies: 18/27
7. Miracles: 14/35
8. Gestures: 22/26
9. Rings: 43/107
10. Achievements: 18/43

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:

Ring #39 – Ring of the Sun's Firstborn: Make your way up to the area just before the area boss Fog Gate. Opposite where the Fog Gate is, walk over to the open ledge overlooking Irithyll & you will notice we are directly above the altar we found the Lightning Gem in front of. Drop onto the altar to loot a corpse on top of it containing this Ring. Be sure to open up the shortcut before you do this!

Achievement #17 – Pontiff Sulyvahn: Defeat Pontiff Sulyvahn.
Story Related. When you are ready, pass through the Fog Gate & battle Pontiff Sulyvahn for an epic fight! Defeat him to unlock this Achievement.

We can Summon Anri of Astora, Black Hand Gotthard, or the Londor Pale Shade for this boss battle. If you missed your chance at Summoning the Londor Pale Shade or Gotthard back at the Abyss Watchers fight, you can receive the Duel Bow or By My Sword Gestures.

Firelink Shrine:

Sirris of the Sunless Realms #4: After assisting Sirris in defeating Creighton the Wanderer in Irithyll, we can find her sitting on the steps inside Firelink Shrine.

Ring #40 – Silvercat Ring: Exhaust Sirris’s dialogue to receive this Ring along with a Blessed Mail Breaker.

While there is technically more to her Questline, this Ring was all we really needed from her. We will end up voiding the rest of her Questline in favor of Ringfinger Leonhard’s.

Greirat the Thief #4: While there is nothing Achievement related to Greirat, speak with him after defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn & he will go raiding in Irithyll. If we left Siegward alone, Greirat will return to Firelink Shrine with new Items for sale; if not, Greirat will not return at all & we can find his corpse in the sewers just before the kitchen we found Siegward in…

Yuria of Londor #3: After defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn, & having spoken to Anri in the Church of Yorshka, speak with Yuria in Firelink Shrine. She will tell that our spouse is ready & awaiting us in the “Darkmoon Chamber of Anor Londo”. We will be reunited with them shortly…

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:

Ring #41 – Dark Stoneplate Ring: Return to the Pontiff Sulyvahn Bonfire & head outside into the third half of Irithyll. When you reach the area full of dead Giant Slaves, follow the walls along your left underneath a walkway. While under this dark walkway, follow it down to your right & fight off a few Irithyllian Slaves. We can find this Ring on a corpse at a dead end under here.

Item - Symbol of Avarice: Before we go further beyond Sulyvahn's cathedral, head up the nearby stairs out of the dark hallway up to the second level where we can see a whole bunch of Aldritch's Deacons. Behind us, will be a doorway leading back into Sulyvahn's cathedral but at a higher level. Activate the Elevator Shortcut, then head across a small bridge over to the far side of the room. Take a left along the balcony & we can see a Chest in the corner; it is a Mimic!

Do not attack this Mimic! Instead, equip (or go back to Firelink Shrine to purchase from the Shrine Handmaid) your Undead Hunter Charms. Throw one at the Mimic, & it will be put to sleep, opening its mouth. If you are lucky, you may get the Symbol of Avarice. If not, wait for its mouth to close (or run back to the Bonfire) to reset the Mimic, & throw another Undead Hunter Charm at it. Rinse & repeat, keeping this Mimic alive until you eventually get the Symbol of Avarice.

The Symbol of Avarice is another very useful farming Item that we can use. Unlike Dark Souls 2, it does not have a fixed drop, & it is possible to kill all Mimics in the game without ever receiving it.

Ring #42 – Ring of Favor: Our next Ring is a bit of a nightmare to receive, though it is probably the best Ring in the entire game. Fight your way to the other side of the courtyard full of dead Giant Slaves & enter the tower at the far end. Instead of taking the stairs up the tower, look along the left walls on the lower floor & strike the left wall underneath the stairwell to reveal a ladder… going down.

Climb down the ladder into a watery pit… where there will be not one but two Sulyvahn Beasts. Inch your way into the room to lure in one of the Beasts & dispatch them in the area close to the ladder. Then fight the second Beast wherever you like; you do not want to fight both of them at once. After the final Beast is dead, we will receive this Ring. The Beasts do not respawn when they are killed.

Achievement #18 – Covenant Aldrich Faithful: Discover Aldrich Faithful Covenant.
Defeat the two Sulyvahn Beasts in the watery pit & we will be able to light the Water Reserve Bonfire. In the far left corner of this pit, we can see a large slumped over Deacon of the Deep. This is Archdeacon McDonnell. Interact with him & we will be able to join the Aldrich Faithful Covenant & unlock this Achievement.

We need to eventually reach Rank 1 in this Covenant by offering 10 Human Dregs to receive a Sorcery.

Item – Easterner’s Ashes: Return to the tower whose ladder we climbed down & now make your way up the stairs to reach some rooves. Fight your way over to the far roof & go to the right corner along it to find some stairs heading down. We can find a corpse with these Ashes on them slumped over the platform ledge.

We need these Ashes for a Ring the Shrine Handmaid will sell us. There are two arches we walk on to get over to the far roof. If you took the arch to the right, you can alternatively just drop off the arch onto the platform instead & take the stairs back up.

Anri of Astora #5: After the rooftop sequence with the Silver Knights wielding Greatbows, you will enter a tower. To your left, the passage will lead outside, & you will have to pull a lever to lower a rotating platform. Do not go onto this platform yet. Instead, stay inside the tower room & strike the wall that has the statue of the First Lord of Cinder, Gwyn, to reveal a secret passage down.

If you have progressed Anri’s Questline up to this point, & spoke to Yuria in Firelink Shrine, a Londor Pilgrim will be waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. Speak with the Pilgrim to receive the Sword of Avowal. Take the sword to Anri who is laying prone on the altar & commit your vows to unite your Dark Sigils. This is a pinnacle moment of the Lord of Hollows Ending, though you can technically remove your Dark Sigils with the Firekeeper’s help at anytime you wish to void the Ending in pursuit of a different one…

“May you be the truest Lord of Londor yet…”

Ring #43 – Reversal Ring: While in the Darkmoon Chamber where we wed Anri, look to the right side of the large dais in the shadows to find a Chest that contains this Ring in it.

Sorcery #22 – Chameleon: When we go to leave the Darkmoon Chamber, we will find the Pilgrim of Londor who bestowed the Sword of Avowal to us, dead. Loot her corpse to receive this Sorcery.
Sequence 16: Devourer of Gods
1. NG – Anor Londo, Firelink Shrine, Cathedral of the Deep, Irithyll
2. Estus Shards: 8/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 7/10
4. Infusions: 13/15
5. Sorceries: 22/34
6. Pyromancies: 18/27
7. Miracles: 16/35
8. Gestures: 22/26
9. Rings: 47/107
10. Achievements: 20/43

Anor Londo: Level 60-65
Return to the rotating platform now & pull the lever to lower it down & head up the stairs to the top. Push the lever again & take it up to the Anor Londo Bonfire. Anor Londo… every Dark Souls 1 fan’s wet dream, we have finally returned…

Achievement #19 – Covenant Blade of the Darkmoon: Discover Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant.
Before we carry on, return to the rotating platform & push the lever to take it back down to the bottom where we are going to take a leap of faith. At the top of the platform where the mechanism is, there will be an outstretched ledge pointing towards a tower that seemingly is an open drop. Step off the ledge & we will stand on an invisible walkway. As carefully as you can, walk straight ahead towards another outstretched ledge from the adjacent tower. When you are inline with the ledge close to a Bonfire, drop off the invisible walkway to your right & light the Prison Tower Bonfire.

To the left of the Bonfire, we can find the “half-breed” Captain Yorshka herself. Speak with her, & we will be able to join our final Covenant, the Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant, unlocking the Achievement.

We need to achieve both Ranks 1 & 2 in this Covenant with Proofs of a Concord Kept for a Ring & Miracle. We will farm for these later…

Giant's Coal: Return to the Anor Londo Bonfire now, head up the stairs & go through an archway off your left. Enter the Giant Blacksmith’s Tower to find his ancient corpse. Loot it to receive his coveted Coal. This Coal unlocks Lightning, Simple, & Chaos Infusions for us.

Estus Shard #8: From the Giant Blacksmith’s Tower, head up the stairs & enter the cathedral proper of Gwynevere. Make your way down to the lower floor & start walking towards the closed front gates. Just behind the stairwell off our right, we can find a Chest in the right corner where the room slightly widens. This Estus Shard will be inside it.

Ring #44 – Aldrich's Ruby: When you go to open the front gates to Gwynevere’s cathedral, we will be intercepted by another Deep Accursed. Slay the grotesque spider to receive the counterpart of Aldrich’s Rings.

Achievement #20 – Lord of Cinder Aldrich, Devourer of Gods: Defeat Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, Lord of Cinder.
Story Related. When ready, enter through the Fog Gate inside Gwynevere’s cathedral & face down THE WORST BOSS IN DARK SOULS 3. Aldrich is awful, & farming the Silver Knights near the Anor Londo Bonfire may be a good idea to gain a few extra Levels. Aldrich is a bit of a brick wall for Dark Souls 3… Whenever possible, strike him in his head… which happens to be poor Dark Sun Gwyndolin… to deal exceptional damage.

When defeated, we will receive this Achievement from him.

Anri was the only NPC we could Summon for this boss battle to complete the other end to their Questline, which is not an option to us anymore… You can complete the other end to Anri’s Questline in NG+ if you wish.

As well, while there are no more Achievement's associated with her, we can technically finish Sirris's Questline if we go to the Curse Rotted Greatwood's Boss room in the Undead Settlement & use her summon sign for the final fight. We will receive her, as well as Holy Knight Hodrick's Armor sets for completing the Questline.

Ring #45 – Sun Princess Ring: After Aldrich is defeated, & Gwyndolin is put to rest, take the lifts on either side of the Aldrich, Devourer of Gods Bonfire to the upper levels. From here, enter Gwynevere’s personal chambers to find this Ring on the step just before her colossal couch.

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #15 – Lifehunt Scythe: With the Soul of Aldrich, give it to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Miracle. Another very heavy Dark Souls 1 reference…

Ring #46 – Wood Grain Ring: Give the Shrine Handmaid the Easterner’s Ashes & we will be able to purchase this Ring from her for 3000 souls.

Greirat the Thief #5: If Siegward was around to save him, Greirat should have returned from his pillaging in Irithyll with some new loot to sell.

More importantly, this means we can disturb Siegward from his nap to progress his Questline further…

Yuria of Londor #4: After we have wed Anri & taken our vows, speak with Yuria for the final time to fulfil almost all the steps necessary for the Lord of Hollows Ending. All we need to do now is defeat the final boss…

Even after everything we have been through, we can still void this Ending in favor of the other two if you cleanse yourself of your Dark Sigils. Essentially, you have right until the very end of the game to decide which Ending you actually want to complete. At least now, this Ending is available to us should we choose it.

Cathedral of the Deep:

Ringfinger Leonhard #3: With Sirris’s Questline out of the way, we can now dip our toe into the Rosaria’s Fingers Covenant & complete Leonhard’s Questline.

Go to the Rosaria’s Bed Chamber Bonfire, & offer Rosaria 1 Pale Tongue. Do not offer her anymore until after this next step.

If you gave her 1 Pale Tongue, turn around & walk towards the entrance to the Bed Chamber to find Leonhard leaning against the left wall. Exhaust his dialogue, & he will vaguely threaten us...

Be warned, progressing Leonhard’s Questline will turn Sirris hostile. Be sure to have killed Creighton with her in Irithyll to receive the Silvercat Ring before doing any of this.

Ring #47 – Obscuring Ring: Now that we are going down Rosaria & Leonhard’s Questlines, it is a good idea getting this Ring before Leonhard’s next phase kicks in when we reach the Profaned Capitol.

To receive this Ring, we need to reach Rank 1 in Rosaria’s Fingers by offering her a total of 10 Pale Tongues. The best place to farm these are the 2 Darkwraiths that can be found battling the Ghru just outside the Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire. We will need to farm the Ghru in this area anyways for Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass.

At the moment, all we have to boost our Item Discovery are Rusted Coins which give us a +50 to Item Discovery. They can be purchased indefinitely from Patches for 200 souls.

This Ring is all we need out of this Covenant.

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:

Miracle #16 – Emit Force: Return to Irithyll, & if Greirat has safely made it back to Firelink Shrine, wake Siegward up from his nap inside the kitchen off the sewers. He will thank us for getting him out of that well in the Cathedral of the Deep & reward us with this Miracle.

Exhaust his dialogue to progress his Questline into the next area.
Sequence 17: Never Trust A Ringfinger
1. NG – Irithyll Dungeons, Profaned Capitol, Cathedral of the Deep, Anor Londo, Firelink Shrine
2. Estus Shards: 9/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 8/10
4. Infusions: 14/15
5. Sorceries: 23/34
6. Pyromancies: 19/27
7. Miracles: 18/35
8. Gestures: 23/26
9. Rings: 50/107
10. Achievements: 20/43

Irithyll Dungeons: Level 65-70
From the Distant Manor Bonfire, head down the path & enter Irithyll Dungeon.

Sorcery #23 – Great Magic Shield: From the Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire, exit onto the walkway on the third floor. From here, turn left & drop off the ledge a short ways down to the second floor. Head over to the far left corner & open up a cell with a Corpse Grub inside it. Burn it to death with a Torch or just use regular Weapons to receive this Sorcery.

Key – Jailbreaker’s Key: Get back up to the third floor & take the bridge across to the other side. To progress further, go down the walkway to the right & enter the first cell off our left. From here, walk through a hole in the walls into the next two cells to get through to the other side. Stay on this top floor & make your way to the end of the cell block to find a cell off our right we can open. This Key will be on a corpse inside it.

Infusion #14 – Simple Gem: Go down to the second floor of this half of the Dungeons & defeat the three Jailers at the bottom of the stairs. In this room, we can see an open cell block with a hostile Wretch inside it & a corpse on the floor. This corpse contains this Infusion Gem on it.

Ring #48 – Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring: With the Jailbreaker’s Key, return to the third floor on the opposite side (the side with the Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire) & go to the end of the cellblock with the locked door facing out of the Dungeon. With the Key, unlock the door & we can find a corpse two ledges down that has this Ring on it.

Estus Shard #9: Drop down onto the area below the ledge & enter inside the next building. Immediately when we enter, we can find a Mimic off our right. Slay the Mimic to collect this next Estus Shard.

Pyromancy #19 – Profaned Flame: Make your way further into this second area of Irithyll Dungeon & we will come across a sleeping Giant Slave. Be sure to have lots of Estus. With the help of the Silvercat Ring or removing some of your Gear, drop down into the area at the Giants feet & dispatch him.

There will be corpses scattered around down here, one of them will contain this Pyromancy.

Ring #49 – Dark Clutch Ring: Get back up to where we dropped down to fight the Giant & head through an open sewer grate to progress. Follow the sewer all the way down to a dead end & we can find a Chest on either side of the waters. The Chest on the left side is a Mimic; slay it to receive this Ring.

Key – Old Cell Key: The Chest on the right side of the waters in the sewers will contain this Key that will allow us into some more cells back in the Dungeon.

Miracle #17 – Lightning Blade: Near where we entered the sewers, we can find a hole in the wall that will lead us on. Defeat the two Giant Rats & enter the ground floor of Irithyll Dungeon. Before we explore this area, head through the doorway on our immediate left & up some stairs that will take us outside. Ignore the strange characters sitting on our left (but remember this location for later) & take the elevator back up to the second floor of Irithyll Dungeon to open up a shortcut.

Take the elevator back down now, but jump off close to the bottom to reach a wooden platform. There will be a corpse sitting inside an open window just above the elevator containing this Miracle.

Profaned Coal: Return to the ground floor of Irithyll Dungeon & go through the painstaking process of dispatching the Jailers. With them gone, begin looting the cells along the left side of the room first. Starting from where the elevator shortcut was, enter the first large cell off our left & it will be full of Wretches. We can find a lone corpse in here containing our final Coal. This Coal will allow us to imbue Weapons with Dark, Blood, & Hollow Infusions.

Ring #50 – Dusk Crown Ring: Stay on the left side of the ground floor & make your way over to the last cell on this side (beware the Mimic). Enter the cell & there will be two corpses. The corpse at the back is the one with the Ring.
This is all we can loot down here at the moment, carry on into the Profaned Capitol

Profaned Capitol: Level 65-70

Undead Bone Shard #8: Enter the large tower at the end of the bridge a short ways into the Profaned Capitol & climb up the tall ladder inside it. At the top, we will see the petrified corpse of Laddersmith Gilligan… an old friend from Dark Souls 2. Loot his corpse to collect this Bone Shard.

Gesture #23 – Stretch Out: We will receive this Gesture from Laddersmith Gilligan when we loot the Undead Bone Shard.

Light the Profaned Capitol Bonfire & we will unlock the next phase of Ringfinger Leonhard’s Questline.

Cathedral of the Deep:

Item – Black Eye Orb: Travel back to the Rosaria’s Bed Chamber Bonfire. If you have Ranked Up in Rosaria’s Fingers & spoken with Leonhard here in the Bed Chamber, we will return to a grisly sight. Rosaria has been murdered. Pillage her remains to collect the Black Eye Orb.

Oddly enough, we are still able to interact with Rosaria’s corpse as though she were still alive. Her death does not affect our ability to respect or Rank Up in the Covenant.

Anor Londo:

Ringfinger Leonhard #4: With the Black Eye Orb, travel to the Aldrich, Devourer of Gods Bonfire. Take the lifts up to Gwynevere’s Chamber & we will feel the Black Eye Orb begin to… quiver. Activate it, & we will be able to Invade Ringfinger Leonhard’s World. Defeat him, & we will receive the Soul of Rosaria.

Returning Rosaria’s Soul to her body will revive her… but unfortunately for Rosaria… we actually need her Soul for ourselves. Restoring Rosaria’s Soul to her is purely ascetical, it gives us nothing & we are still able to interact with her Covenant without her alive.

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #18 – Bountiful Sunlight: Take the Soul of Rosaria to Ludleth & we are able to Transpose it into this Miracle.
Sequence 18: The Last Giant
1. NG – Profaned Capitol, Irithyll Dungeon, Firelink Shrine, High Wall of Lothric
2. Estus Shards: 9/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 8/10
4. Infusions: 14/15
5. Sorceries: 27/34
6. Pyromancies: 24/27
7. Miracles: 25/35
8. Gestures: 23/26
9. Rings: 52/107
10. Achievements: 22/43

Profaned Capitol:

Ring #51 – Cursebite Ring: Return to the Profaned Capital Bonfire & take the ladder back down into the tower. From here, exit through a hole in the tower wall & make your way left across a wooden bridge into a nearby building. Follow the winding halls along until you exit outside into a toxic marsh. Underneath the wooden walkway you are standing on is a cave; enter the cave & we can find this Ring on a corpse in the putrid waters.

Alternatively, you can fall through the floors of the hallways inside the building we were in to enter the same cave.

Logan's Scroll: In the toxic swamp, make your way over to an isolated building & climb up a ladder to get on top of its roof. Follow the roof along & you will find a set of stairs leading all the way up to the highest part of the roof. On the roof, we will be attacked by a hostile Court Sorcerer NPC. Defeat the NPC to receive this Scroll.

Miracle #19 – Wrath of the Gods: While on the top of the roof of this building, head over to the cylinder on the roofs center & drop through a window down into the structure. We can find this Miracle on a corpse on the platform here.

Siegward of Catarina #4: Return back on top of the roof we fought the Sorcerer on. On the far right corner of the roof, look down below at the stairs we just came up. Look above the stairs now at the building ahead of us & we can see a window without a grate on it. Take a running jump & leap over the stairs in through the window.

Follow some stairs up & we will find Siegward locked inside a cell. Using the Old Cell Key, bust him out & exhaust his dialogue to progress his Questline.

He will reward us with a Titanite Slab, the last thing we need to upgrade a Weapon to +10. Unfortunately, you probably do not have the required amount of Titanite Chunks yet. We have not unlocked anywhere to farm these just yet…

Ring #52 – Covetous Gold Serpent Ring: Inside the prison cell we saved Siegward from, we can find this Ring on a corpse leaning against the wall. This Ring is essential for the farming we will be doing later on…

Irithyll Dungeon:

Key – Jailer’s Key Ring: Return to the roof area we were before & follow the stairs all the way up now. They will lead us into a secret area of Irithyll Dungeon. Follow the hall along & we can find these Keys on a corpse at a dead end. Watch out for the ambush…

We now have all the Keys we need to unlock all the cells in Irithyll Dungeon.

Karla the Witch #1: Now that we have the Jailer’s Key Ring, return to the ground floor area of Irithyll Dungeon with the host of patrolling Jailers. Dispatch the Jailers once more, & open up the final locked cell down here along the right side of the room to find Karla, our final Firelink NPC. Tell her you will help her, & she will teleport to Firelink Shrine.

Firelink Shrine:

Karla the Witch #2: Return to Firelink Shrine & we can find Karla below the walkway leading over to Blacksmith Andre on the left side. Ask to learn Dark Sorceries… & she will teach us occult magic.

Sorcery #24 – Dark Edge: Base Sorcery we can purchase from Karla for 8000 souls.

Sorcery #25 – Affinity: Base Sorcery we can purchase from Karla for 15,000 souls.

Miracle #20 – Gnaw: Give Karla the Deep Braille Divine Tome to unlock two Dark Miracles. She will refuse at first, but ask her to read it again & she will.

This Miracle can be purchased for 2000 souls.

Miracle #21 – Deep Protection: Purchased from Karla for 4000 souls after giving her the Deep Braille Divine Tome.

Miracle #22 – Dead Again: Give Karla the Londor Braille Divine Tome next to unlock another three Dark Miracles.

This Miracle can be purchased for 5000 souls.

Miracle #23 – Dark Blade: Purchased from Karla for 10,000 souls after giving her the Londor Braille Divine Tome.

Miracle #24 – Vow of Silence: Purchased from Karla for 15,000 souls after giving her the Londor Braille Divine Tome.

Pyromancy #20 – Black Flame: Next on the agenda, give Karla the Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome to unlock two Dark Pyromancies.

This Pyromancy can be purchased for 10,000 souls.

Pyromancy #21 – Black Fire Orb: Purchased from Karla for 10,000 souls after giving her the Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome.

Pyromancy #22 – Rapport: Lastly, give Karla the Quelana Pyromancy Tome to unlock her final three dark magics we will be buying from her.

This Pyromancy can be purchased for 7000 souls.

Pyromancy #23 – Fire Whip: Purchased from Karla for 10,000 souls after giving her the Quelana Pyromancy Tome.

Pyromancy #24 – Firestorm: Purchased from Karla for 15,000 souls after giving her the Quelana Pyromancy Tome.

After the final Miracle/Pyromancy is purchased from her, that is all we have to worry about with Karla & her “Questline” is finished.

Sorcery #26 – Soul Spear: Bring Orbeck Logan’s Scroll to unlock two Sorceries.

This Sorcery can be purchased for 5000 souls.

Sorcery #27 – Homing Soulmass: Purchased from Orbeck for 6,000 souls after giving him Logan’s Scroll.

Profaned Capitol:

Achievement #21 – Lord of Cinder Yhorm the Giant: Defeat Yhorm the Giant, Lord of Cinder.
Story Related. Fight your way into the heart of the Profaned Capitol & enter the Fog Gate to slay Yhorm. If we progressed the Questline of a certain Onion up to this point, he will make a guest cameo in this boss battle & really make this a lot easier. Collect the Storm Ruler Greatsword in the boss room & use it to bring a Lord of Cinder to its knees.

If Siegward fought Yhorm with you, we can return to the Yhorm the Giant Bonfire & we can loot a corpse containing the Catarina Set on it. This can help making subsequent playthroughs easier since we now will already have his Armor.

High Wall of Lothric:

Achievement #22 – Dancer of the Boreal Valley: Defeat Dancer of the Boreal Valley.
Story Related. Plot twist. If you have slain the Abyss Watchers, Aldrich, & Yhorm, we will be summoned by Emma of the Way of Blue & called back to Lothric Castle in an emergency straight after we defeat Yhorm. Slay this next boss to unlock the Achievement.

Technically, the Dancer can be the second boss you fight after starting the game. You can trigger her early if you attack Emma in her church right after she grants us the Small Lothric Banner on our first visit to High Wall of Lothric. But the Dancer is a late game boss… while I have done it before, she is not easy to beat that early in the game…

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #25 – Soothing Sunlight: Return to Firelink Shrine & take the Soul of the Dancer to Ludleth to be Transposed into this Miracle along with an additional 5000 souls.
Sequence 19: A Pale Drake's Reflection
1. NG – Consumed King’s Garden, Firelink Shrine, Untended Graves
2. Estus Shards: 10/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 8/10
4. Infusions: 14/15
5. Sorceries: 28/34
6. Pyromancies: 24/27
7. Miracles: 25/35
8. Gestures: 24/26
9. Rings: 58/107
10. Achievements: 26/43

Consumed King’s Garden: Level 70-75

Estus Shard #10: Return to the Dancer of the Boreal Valley Bonfire & place the Basin of Vows on the pedestal to lower a ladder. Up the ladder we will be at a crossroads. One path will lead forwards into Lothric Castle, where the final Lord of Cinder awaits. To our left however, is a side area we can go & explore. Head left & enter the Consumed King's Garden.

We will have to take an elevator to lower us down into the garden below. About halfway down, jump off the elevator to reach an upper floor. We can find this Estus Shard to our right on the balcony outside.

Ring #53 – Dragonscale Ring: Near the back of the garden, there will be some stairs leading up & stairs to your right leading inside a building. Take the stairs to your right & enter the building to find another elevator. Take the elevator up & unlock a shortcut back near the beginning.

Return to the shortcut elevator & take it back down now. Once again, we will be able to jump off to an upper floor near the bottom of the elevator shaft. Follow the stairs along & we can find this Ring on a corpse at the bottom of them.

Ring #54 – Magic Stoneplate Ring: Progress to the back end of the garden & we will have to simultaneously face two Cathedral Knights wielding Ultra Greatswords. They can be lured away using a ranged Weapon. Defeat the Cathedral Knight guarding the stairs down to the Fog Gate to receive this Ring.

Achievement #23 – Oceiros, the Consumed King: Defeat Oceiros, the Consumed King.
Oceiros is the optional boss of the Consumed King’s Garden. He is the old forlorn king of Lothric, consumed by his obsession of the Pale Drake, Seath the Scaleless. Defeat him to unlock the Achievement.

While Embered, we can Summon Hawkwood the Deserter in the area just before where we fought the two Cathedral Knights to progress his Questline.

Firelink Shrine:

Sorcery #28 – White Dragon Breath: Take the Soul of Consumed Oceiros to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Sorcery.

Consumed King’s Garden:

Gesture #24 – Path of the Dragon: After defeating the Consumed King himself, carry on into the room past his Bonfire through the stone doors. Take the pathway down & we will enter a chamber. Interact with the slumbering Drakeblood Knight to receive this Gesture.

This is a very important Gesture which will let us reach another secret area of the game. We will be heading there at the very end of NG, it is the hardest area in the Base Game…

Untended Graves: Level 75-80

Achievement #24 – Untended Graves: Reach the Untended Graves.
There is actually more to the Consumed King’s Garden than there appears. In the chamber we find the Path of the Dragon Gesture, carry on to the Chest containing a Titanite Scale at the back of the room. Behind the Chest, strike the wall to reveal a secret pathway. Follow the path down & drop into the Untended Graves, an alternate reality of the Cemetery of Ash. The Achievement will unlock as soon as the location name appears.

Ring #55 – Ashen Estus Ring: From the Untended Graves Bonfire, follow the water down & take the path off our left up to where we awoke at the beginning of the game. We can find this Ring on a corpse resting inside our sarcophagus surrounded by praying Corvians.

Achievement #25 – Champion Gundyr: Defeat Champion Gundyr.
Guess who is back? If you found the Iudex Gundyr lacking substance or simply wanted to relieve its epicness… your wish has been granted. Return to where we found Gundyr in the Cemetery of Ash & prepare for a hardcore duel. Gundyr is very fast & can be quite difficult as he can effectively fight us at any range. Defeat him for the second time to unlock this Achievement.

We can find the Summon Sign for the Sword Master outside the boss room if you defeated him back at Firelink Shrine. He is not all that useful though… you probably do not want to Summon him.

Ring #56 – Hornet Ring: Carry on past the Champion Gundyr Bonfire up towards Dark Firelink Shrine. Take a right just before the entrance to the Shrine & take the path down to the grave of the Undead Legion knight where Hawkwood would sometimes kneel. We can find this Ring on a corpse in front of it.

Ring #57 – Priestess Ring: Enter Dark Firelink Shrine itself, & head to where the Shrine Handmaid sits to find… the Shrine Handmaid. Speak with her, & she will have different stock for sale. Besides the Armor Set of my man-crush, she will also sell this Ring for 1000 souls.

Item – Eyes of a Firekeeper: Before we return to reality, there is one more important Item we can find here in Dark Firelink Shrine. Head into the right corner of the lower area of the Shrine where Irina of Carim sits. The area will be blocked by a wall we can strike to reveal her old location. In her place, will be a corpse of a Firekeeper with this Item.

This Item is necessary for triggering the secret Ending of Dark Souls 3, the Secret Betrayal. Give the Eyes to our own Firekeeper back in Firelink Shrine to make the Ending available. We can change our mind at anytime & undo giving her the Eyes by killing the Firekeeper & re-collecting them. She will respawn the next time we arrive at the Shrine.

You can still give her the Eyes, but choose not to do the Ending when the time comes if you enjoy Firelink’s new interlude. I will let you know exactly when we have to make a decision about the 3 Endings. At this point, all doors are now open to us…

Firelink Shrine:

Ring #58 – Prisoner's Chain: Take the Soul of Champion Gundyr to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Ring.

Achievement #26 – Supreme Weapon Reinforcement: Reinforce any Weapon to the highest level.
Now that we have access to a location we can farm Titanite Chunks, we can now finally upgrade a Weapon to +10. If you completed Siegward of Catarina’s Questline, we will have received the Titanite Slab necessary for the final reinforcement. We can also receive one for trading the Coiled Sword Fragment in to Pickle-Pee & Pump-A-Rum at the nest on top of Firelink Shrine. Slabs can also be collected from the Grand Archives & Archdragon Peak locations later on.

Getting a Weapon to +10 will run us 12 Titanite Shards, 12 Large Titanite Shards, 12 Titanite Chunks, & 1 Titanite Slab. We can farm Titanite Chunks off of Lothric Knights in Lothric Castle or the Cathedral Knights in the Consumed King’s Garden.
Sequence 20: Under A Hollow Sun
1. NG – Lothric Castle, Firelink Shrine, Grand Archives
2. Estus Shards: 10/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 9/10
4. Infusions: 15/15
5. Sorceries: 29/34
6. Pyromancies: 25/27
7. Miracles: 28/35
8. Gestures: 25/26
9. Rings: 60/107
10. Achievements: 28/43

Lothric Castle: Level 80-90

Undead Bone Shard #9: Return to the Dancer of the Boreal Valley Bonfire & take the path straight across from the ladder now to enter Lothric Castle. Progress through Lothric Castle until you reach the Dragon Barracks Bonfire. From here, head up the stairs & approach the bridge guarded by two Wyverns. Sprint as fast as you can halfway across the bridge & drop down off the left side onto a ledge just below the bridge. We can find this Bone Shard on a corpse underneath the bridge here.

Infusion #15 – Raw Gem: From the Dragon Barracks Bonfire, return to the bridge & this time drop off it onto the lower platform near the beginning. Follow the path on this side left over to a building directly beneath the Wyvern on the left. In this building, head onto a patio outside off our right to find our final Infusion Gem on a corpse.

We now have all 15 Infusion Gems for the Master of Infusion Achievement.

Ring #59 – Red Tearstone Ring: Much later in Lothric Castle, we will reach a large outdoor area just before a Fog Gate. From the Fog Gate entrance, head inside the building to its right which will have a deactivated elevator inside it. From the elevator here, go left through a doorway onto a balcony. Follow the balcony to the right & we can find this Ring on a corpse.

Ring #60 – Knight's Ring: Return to the Fog Gate & now make your way to the left side of the outdoor area now. Around the corner from a locked door, we can find a ladder leading up on top of the building. Head along the rooves & head down the ladder at the far end in a different building. We can find this Ring on a corpse at the bottom of the ladder leaning against a bookshelf across from us.

Gesture #25 – Praise the Sun: From the last Ring, carry on across the bridge & defeat the Lothric Knight wielding an Ultra Greatsword. Enter the room he was guarding to find a broken statue, the altar of the Warriors of Sunlight, or Sun Bros as they are more commonly known. Pray at the Altar of Sunlight to learn this Gesture.


We can now Rank Up in the Warriors of Sunlight Covenant. We will eventually need to reach Rank 2 to receive two Miracles. One at Rank 1 & the other at Rank 2. This will take a total of 30 Sunlight Medals. They can be farmed from the Lothric Knights here in Lothric Castle, but we will be doing this later on…

Braille Divine Tome of Lothric: Before we face the boss, there is one more Item for us to collect. From the Fog Gate, head left once more & follow the railing along towards where the Wyverns are located below. Look down, & we can see another Pus of Man in the Wyverns foot. Take it out with a Bow or drop down & dispatch it. Once you are down there, enter a building to our right & head up some stairs. We can loot this Braille Tome on a curled up corpse at the top of the stairs.

Achievement #27 – Dragonslayer Armor: Defeat Dragonslayer Armor.
Story Related. When you are ready, head through the Fog Gate & defeat the Dragonslayer Armor boss to unlock this Achievement.

We are able to Summon Eygon of Carim to help us for this boss battle. We would also be able to Summon Sirris of the Sunless Realms as well if we did not Rank Up in the Rosaria’s Fingers Covenant.

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #26 – Bountiful Light: Bring the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric to Irina & we can purchase the final three Miracles she sells.

This Miracle can be purchased for 5000 souls.

Miracle #27 –Magic Barrier: Purchased for 5000 souls after brining the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric to Irina.

Miracle #28 – Blessed Weapon: Purchased for 8000 souls after brining the Braille Divine Tome of Lothric to Irina.

If you have purchased every Miracle Irina sells, & you have not given her the two “evil” Braille Tomes, Irina will disappear from where she sits in Firelink Shrine upon our next visit. She can be found at the base of the tower we found the Estus Ring in & you will be pleasantly surprised at what she has now become at the end of her “Good Questline”. Be sure to have purchased the Saint’s Ring from her before doing this.

Achievement #28 – Master of Infusion: Perform all 15 forms of Infusion.
Now that we have all the Coals & all 15 different Infusions, Infuse any 15 Weapons with all Infusion types to unlock the Achievement.

If you have been diligent with killing Crystal Lizards, you may have unlocked this Achievement earlier…

Grand Archives: Level 90-100

Carry on from the Dragonslayer Armor Bonfire & enter the Grand Archives. We will encounter the counterpart Crystal Sage here, but we will not be able to face it directly until later in this area. Unfortunately, it will harass us the entire time until we are able to defeat it…

Pyromancy #25 – Power Within: Progress through the Grand Archives until you come across four Grand Archives Scholars & a large pool of wax. Dunking your head in the wax will protect you from the Clawed Curse lurking within some books of the Archive.

Carry on past the wax pool into the next room. It is very dark in here, & having a Torch can be very helpful. From where you enter, head straight across the room to the far wall & follow it along to the right. You will eventually come across a lever to the left of a mobile stairwell. Pull the lever & follow the wall along left now & you will find a secret room has been opened in the room. The Pyromancy will be on a corpse inside.

Sorcery #29 – Soul Stream: Head up the stairs into the next area & we will be in a multi-level room. Progress through the room & you will see an outdoor area to your left with a ladder leading up. Head up to the the upper area & we will eventually be able to drop down off our right through a broken railing down onto the bridge where the Crystal Sage is. Before you do, look along the left wall across from the broken railing. Along this wall, will be a solid wall in between two open gates. Strike the wall & it will be an illusion.

Inside the secret room we can find the final Irithyll Outrider Knight who will drop the epic Outrider Knight Armor Set. From the knight, exit the room off your right to find a corpse with a wax head sitting in a chair who contains this Sorcery.

Crystal Scroll: Drop down onto the bridge & we will be able to finally defeat the irritating Crystal Sage. They will drop this final Scroll when they are defeated.
Sequence 21: For That Is Our Curse
1. NG – Grand Archives, Firelink Shrine, Kiln of the First Flame
2. Estus Shards: 11/11
3. Undead Bone Shards: 10/10
4. Sorceries: 32/34
5. Pyromancies: 25/27
6. Miracles: 29/35
7. Gestures: 25/26
8. Rings: 64/107
9. Achievements: 31/43

Grand Archives:

Ring #61 – Scholar's Ring: Before heading up the stairs at the far end of the bridge, return to the end of the bridge we dropped down from instead. To the right of the bridge here, we can find a lever to pull which will open up a shortcut as well as reveal another wax head corpse that will have this Ring on it.

Ring #62 – Fleshbite Ring: Head over to the other side of the bridge now past the elevator shortcut. Go through an upper library area, & we will find another set of stone stairs leading up. To our right at the top of the stairs, we can find a Crystal Lizard scurrying off. At the end of this section to our right, we can find this Ring on a corpse against the wall. Beware the Clawed Curse!

Undead Bone Shard #10: Exit the Grand Archives & progress along the rooves. When we encounter the Lance Gargoyle, the way we progress will be off the roof onto a balcony from our right. Drop onto the balcony & follow it inside the building along a walkway above that upper library. Go past the small wax pool & ladder shortcut along this walkway & we can find the final Undead Bone Shard on a wax head corpse in a chair overlooking the library below.

Estus Shard #11: Fight past the Knight, Rogue, & Mage NPCs & we can unlock an elevator shortcut back down to the Grand Archives Bonfire.

Carry on outside after the elevator room & there will be stairs leading up to the royal palace. Before heading up the stairs, there will be a different set of stairs to our left leading around the building we came from. Follow these stairs along up the buildings roof & we will be attacked by three Ascended Winged Knights. Defeating all three will award us with a Titanite Slab.

From where we first entered onto this roof, follow the roof along to your right & we can slip through an arch way onto a large extension of the roof. We can find our final Estus Shard on a corpse sitting in front of the far railing here.

Ring #63 – Hunter's Ring: After defeating the Ascended Winged Knights, head up the stairs leading up the small tower on the center of this roof area. At the top, climb up a ladder & we will find a corpse containing this Ring leaning near a broken railing.

Miracle #29 – Divine Pillars of Light: Head back down the small tower stairs, & circle around the tower walls to find an entrance leading inside it. In the tower, there will be an open trap door that will drop us down onto some rafters high above the Grand Archives.

Drop down off the rafters onto a large bird cage which we can then enter through its top. This Miracle will be on a corpse inside the cage.

Firelink Shrine:

Achievement #29 – Ultimate Bonfire: Reinforce a Bonfire to the highest level.
After finding the tenth Undead Bone Shard, burn it at the Firelink Shrine Bonfire to raise it to Level 11 (+10 to our Flasks, kind of confusing), unlocking the Achievement.

Achievement #30 – Ultimate Estus: Reinforce the Estus Flask to the highest level.
After finding the eleventh Estus Shard, take it to Blacksmith Andre to raise our total Estus/Ashen Flasks to 15, unlocking the Achievement.

Sorcery #30 – Crystal Magic Weapon: Take the Crystal Scroll to Orbeck to unlock our final three Sorceries to purchase from him.

This one can be purchased for 10,000 souls.

Sorcery #31 – Crystal Soul Spear: Purchased for 15,000 souls after giving Orbeck the Crystal Scroll.

Sorcery #32 – Homing Crystal Soulmass: Purchased for 18,000 souls after giving Orbeck the Crystal Scroll.

Grand Archives:

Achievement #31 – Lord of Cinder Lothric, Younger Prince: Defeat Lothric, Younger Prince, Lord of Cinder.
Story Related. Fight your way across the long bridge up to the royal palace. Enter the palace & fight the two Lothric brothers. Probably the most epic boss battle in the entire Base Game!

We can Summon Orbeck of Vinheim & Sirris of the Sunless Realms (if she is still alive) for this boss battle. Their Summon Signs can be found just outside the palace doors.

Firelink Shrine:

Place the Ashes of all four Lords of Cinder onto their thrones & the Firekeeper will walk towards the Shrine Bonfire. Speak with her, & kneel at the Bonfire to unlock the final area of the game, The Kiln of the First Flame. We are not quite ready to beat NG just yet, light the Flameless Shrine Bonfire & Travel back to Firelink Shrine.

Ring #64 – Skull Ring: After all five remains of the Lords of Cinder have been incinerated on their thrones, head over to Ludleth’s throne. We can find this Ring inside his Ashes.

Fortunately for us, even with Ludleth incinerated, we are still able to interact with his Ashes & complete Transpositions.
Sequence 22: Rage of the First Born
1. NG – Irithyll Dungeon, Archdragon Peak, Firelink Shrine
2. Sorceries: 32/34
3. Pyromancies: 25/27
4. Miracles: 31/35
5. Gestures: 25/26
6. Rings: 68/107
7. Achievements: 34/43

Irithyll Dungeon:

It is now time to finally travel to Archdragon Peak. If you collected the Path of the Dragon Gesture from the chamber after Oceiros’ boss room, Travel to the Irithyll Dungeon Bonfire. From the Bonfire, head across the bridge to the other side of the prison & drop down to the second floor. Take the lift at the far left end down & head outside. We can find some strange NPCs performing the Path of the Dragon Gesture facing out towards some distant ruins on a mountain top. Perform the Gesture on the available mat & wait for a few seconds. We will drift into an eternal slumber shortly…

Archdragon Peak: Level 100-120

Achievement #32 – Archdragon Peak: Reach Archdragon Peak.
When you wake up from your slumber, we will be transported to somewhere else. We will unlock the Achievement, after you make your way up the crumbling stone path & the Archdragon Peak area name appears on screen.

Ring #65 – Lightning Clutch Ring: From the Archdragon Peak Bonfire, head up the stairs through an archway. When you reach the large gate that needs to be opened by a nearby lever, head down the small set of stairs to the left of the lever. Follow the short path along, past a Man Serpent, & we can find this Ring on a corpse through a passage.

Achievement #33 – Ancient Wyvern: Defeat Ancient Wyvern.
Open the gateway & we will enter the boss room of the Ancient Wyvern. This is a bit of a strange boss battle, unique to this game. Essentially, we have to run through this entire boss room to reach the upper level, battling Man Serpents the entire way. Once you get up to the highest level, we can climb up a ladder to the left of the Fog Gate exit. Follow the wooden scaffolding along & we will be able to drop down to a broken bridge where we can leap off of & defeat the Wyvern with a plunging attack. Classic.

Be forewarned, it is possible to miss this plunging attack if the Wyvern is swaying its head around in a roar animation.

Ring #66 – Ring of Steel Protection: After we defeat the Ancient Wyvern, we will be teleported up to the Dragon Kin Mausoleum. Before we progress, Travel back to the Archdragon Peak Bonfire & head back into the Ancient Wyvern’s boss room.

Near the beginning of the boss room, we can find an old bell on a raised platform. Head down the stairs that are to the right of the bell & there will be a series of corpses on a collapsed walkway. To the right of the walkway will be a railing; walk around the railing & follow it back towards the stairs we came down. We can find a corpse with this Ring at the far end of this small ledge in between some columns off our right.

Ring #67 – Calamity Ring: Return to the Dragon Kin Mausoleum Bonfire & enter the next chamber. Dispatch the Summoner & his Drakeblood Knight, then return back down the stairs of the chamber.
At the bottom of the stairs, we can find a fossilized Wyvern in the center of the room. Use the Path of the Dragon Gesture in front of the small altar here & wait for a few seconds to receive the Calamity Ring, an heirloom of the Black Dragon Kalameet.

Ring #68 – Thunder Stoneplate Ring: Progress through the second half of Archdragon Peak. Head down a hallway full of Man Serpents & we will end up outside & get ambushed by a Giant Man Serpent wielding a Battle Axe. With it defeated, there will be wooden steps carrying on along some scaffolds ahead. Before heading up these steps, head across from where we exited here outside onto a different wooden platform past the railing. Along the right pillar we can find a ladder heading up where we can find this Ring on a corpse.

Miracle #30 – Great Magic Barrier: Get past a second Ancient Wyvern & we will eventually reach the Great Belfry Bonfire. Do not ring the Belfry Bell just yet.
From the Bonfire, make your way down some stairs into a large open area outside. Head up the adjacent stairwell on the opposite side of the stairs we just came down. At the top of the stairs, we can find a ladder being guarded by one of those infernal Rock Lizards. Head up the ladder & we will encounter an old nemesis… Havel the Rock. Or at least someone in his Armor Set. On the left side of this upper area is a broken part of the wall we can drop through.

From where we land, follow the walkway off to your right & head down some stairs. We can find this Miracle on a corpse beside another Rock Lizard.

Achievement #34 – The Nameless King: Defeat Nameless King.
Now, for the hardest boss battle in the entire Base Game… the Nameless King. This is a very difficult boss, one of the hardest bosses in all of Dark Souls honestly. His first form is pretty simple… it is his second form that is insane. He is very fast & deals incredible amounts of damage. You will want an Armor Set with good Lightning Resistance for this or at the very least equip the Thunder Stoneplate Ring we just collected. He is moderately weak to Fire & Dark damage while being resistant to Lightning, Bleed, & Frost. He is immune to Poison & Toxic damage.

There are no Summons for this battle, you must fight him alone unless you are playing Online.

We will be doing some farming for Covenant Items after defeating the Nameless King. If you are struggling with him, you can do the farming beforehand to gain some extra Level Ups. If you own the DLCs & are having issues with the Nameless King, you can save him until later after you gain more Levels & better Gear.

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #31 – Lightning Storm: Take the Soul of the Nameless King to Ludleth’s corpse & Transpose it into this Miracle.
Sequence 23: Lord of Hollows
1. NG – Irithyll, Farron Keep, Kiln of the First Flame, Firelink Shrine
2. Sorceries: 33/34
3. Pyromancies: 25/27
4. Miracles: 32/35
5. Gestures: 25/26
6. Rings: 69/107
7. Achievements: 35/43

DLC - The Ringed City:

This is around the time where I recommend completing the two DLC Expansions. Ashes of Ariandel can be accessed from the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire in the Cathedral of the Deep. To access the Ringed City, we can either use a Bonfire located in the final boss's room of Ashes of Ariandel, or from a different Bonfire found before the Base Games final boss in the Kiln of the First Flame.

Covetous Golden Serpent Ring +3: Of all the epic Items we can get in the DLCs, the Covetous Golden Serpent Ring +3 is the most beneficial as we will need it for our Offline Covenant farming. It is optional, & DLC Rings do not contribute to the Master of Rings Achievement, but it can be very useful. To find it, we must first reach the Ringed City Streets Bonfire. Since I added this "post-guide" I will have to rely on a video guide by PrimeraEspada91 to help take you guys there the rest of the way...

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:
When you are finished beating or ignoring the DLCs, it is time for our first major farming session of Dark Souls 3. Unfortunately, there are a total of five Covenants we have to grind Items for, not including Rosaria’s Fingers which we did earlier. To make our experience more palatable, we will try spreading this process across our 3 playthroughs; though you are more then welcome to complete as much of this as you can stomach. The more farming you do, the more souls you will accumulate which translates into more Level Ups making our subsequent playthroughs much easier.

The best farming Items we have available to us right now are: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring, Rusted/Gold Coins, & the Symbol of Avarice (rare drop from Mimics). Rusted Coins can be purchased indefinitely from Unbreakable Patches; always use one at the start of every farming wave.

Sorcery #33 – Great Deep Soul: We will start with the Aldrich Faithful Covenant found in the Water Reserve of Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. For this Covenant, we need to only reach Rank 1 which will take 10 Human Dregs.

Online Method: If you equip the Aldrich Faithful Covenant Badge, you will occasionally Invade other Players Worlds as a Guardian Phantom. Slay the Host of the Embers to receive 1 Human Dregs. I would only recommend this method if you are good at PvP.

Offline Method: The Devout of the Deep enemies (priest Hollows in the Deacon Robe Armor Set) have a rare chance to drop Human Dregs. There are two good spots to farm these guys. The first, & best, is from the Pontiff Sulyvahn Bonfire. From the Bonfire, take the nearby elevator up & we can find 9 Devout of the Deep along the causeway ahead. The other location is from the Aldrich, Devourer of Gods Bonfire. We can find 8 Devout of the Deep in the area before the Bonfire. They are more spread out & there is one less here which is why this is a second choice.

After you farm 10 Human Dregs, return to the Water Reserve Bonfire & offer the Human Dregs to Archdeacon McDonnel to reach Rank 1 & receive our final Sorcery.

Farron Keep:

Ring #69 – Wolf Ring: To receive this Ring, we must reach Rank 2 in the Watchdogs of Farron by offering 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass.

Online Method: Equip the Watchdogs of Farron Covenant Badge & we will have the chance to Invade other Player’s Worlds as a Guardian Phantom. Defeat the Host of the Embers to receive 1 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass. I would only recommend this method if you are proficient in PvP.

Offline Method: Any Ghru enemy found in Farron Keep has a rare chance to drop a Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass. The best location to farm them is from the Farron Keep Perimeter Bonfire. From the Bonfire head out into the area before the Abyss Watcher’s Church & we can kill 9 Ghru here. There are 2 Darkwraiths here as well which you will be killing by proxy as well. I am unsure if your Item Discovery carries over for when they kill Ghru or not; but they will be giving you a hand in slaying them whether you want the help or not.

Alternatively, you can use the Keep Ruins Bonfire & farm the three Ghru that spawn on the bridge here over & over. While there are less Ghru than at the Perimeter Bonfire, it takes under a minute to farm the Ghru here potentially making it much more efficient as there is a fair amount of running involved at the Perimeter Bonfire. Special thanks to Bad Hasher for bringing up this location!

After you have collected the tedious 30, return to the Old Wolf of Farron & offer them to him to reach Rank 2 & receive this Ring.

Kiln of the First Flame:

When you are ready, return to the Kiln of the First Flame & face down the Soul of Cinder. We are able to Summon the Londor Pale Shade & Yuria of Londor for this boss battle. It is not mandatory to have Yuria present for this fight to receive the Lord of Hollows Ending.

This is the point of no return for the 3 Endings. Before fighting the Soul of Cinder, if you have had a change of heart, remove your Dark Sigils with the help of the Firekeeper if you gave her the Firekeeper Soul. Removing the Dark Sigils will undo the Lord of Hollows Questline. Unfortunately, removing these Dark Sigils will cost a (Censored by Steam) of souls depending on what Character Level you are at. If you decide you do not want the Lord of Hollows Ending on this playthrough, your only other option will be the Secret Betrayal Ending by Summoning the Firekeeper beside the Bonfire if you gave her the Eyes.

Before you choose your Ending & interact with the final Bonfire, quickly return to Firelink Shrine for one final Transposition (though you can save it for NG+ if you want as the Soul of the Lords will carry over in our Inventory).

Firelink Shrine:

Miracle #32 – Sunlight Spear: Take the Soul of the Lords to Ludleth’s corpse & Transpose it into this Miracle.

Kiln of the First Flame:

Achievement #35 – The Usurpation of Fire: Reach "The Usurpation of Fire" Ending.
Story Related. If you have all 8 Dark Sigils in your Inventory & have completed the Lord of Hollows Questline, walk up to the Bonfire & Link the First Flame. When you do, instead of Linking it, you will consume the Flame instead. Enjoy the most epic Ending to the Dark Soul series!

You will have the option of starting NG+ immediately after receiving the Ending or by activating it when you are ready at the Bonfire in Firelink Shrine. Be sure to begin NG+ on the same Character & not start a NG on a different one.
Sequence 24: NG+
1. NG+ – Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine, High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, Road of Sacrifices, Cathedral of the Deep, Farron Keep, Catacombs of Carthus, Smouldering Lake
2. Sorceries: 34/34
3. Pyromancies: 26/27
4. Miracles: 32/35
5. Gestures: 26/26
6. Rings: 79/107
7. Achievements: 37/43

Since our NG was so front loaded, our next two playthroughs should be relatively quick by comparison. Aside from the odd Spell, most of our time will be spent tracking down the new Rings that appear on NG+ & later on NG++. Use these playthroughs to explore other NPC Questlines or collecting Items or Spells missed in NG.

Cemetery of Ash:

Ring #70 – Speckled Stoneplate Ring +1: When we rise from the grave once more, make your way to the right end of the Cemetery where we fight the Ravenous Crystal Lizard. We can find this Ring on a corpse directly to our right when we enter this side area.

High Wall of Lothric:

Ring #71 – Fleshbite Ring +1: From the Tower on the Wall Bonfire, make your way down the tower & out past the Pus of Man on the roof. When you are standing at the ladder leading down from this roof, you can see a corpse on top of the adjacent roof ahead of you. Leap from the ladder onto the other roof & loot the corpse to collect this Ring. If you are having troubles making the jump, try removing some Armor or Weapons to reduce your Equip Load.

Undead Settlement:

Ring #72 – Poisonbite Ring +1: From the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire, make your way past the White Birch Tree & head up the hill to the little hovel. To the left of the hovel will be a well. We can find this Ring on a corpse hidden behind it.

Ring #73 – Ring of Life +1: When you reach the elevator tower where Siegward can be found, get up onto that middle tier where we can find him watching the Fire Demon. Directly behind where Siegward is sitting on the ledge, we can find this Ring on a corpse in an alcove opposite where we came out of.

Transposing Kiln: Before leaving the Undead Settlement, be sure to defeat the Curse Rotted Greatwood so that we can receive the Transposing Kiln. This is necessary for any Spells or Rings you have not previously collected in NG from Ludleth's Transpositions.

Road of Sacrifices:

Yellowfinger Heysel #1: Since we went through Sirris’s Questline in NG to get the Silvercat Ring, we can now safely complete Yellowfinger Heysel’s short Questline.

While being Embered in the Crucifixion Woods swamp, walk over to the far left side of the swamp & we will be invaded by Yellowfinger Heysel. Defeat her to progress her Questline.

She can Invade us again in Farron Keep but defeating her here in the Road of Sacrifices is all we need. You just have to defeat her once to Summon her later.

Ring #74 – Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +1: We can find this Ring hidden behind a tree in the Crucifixion Woods swamp. It will be close to the Great Crab on the left side of the swamp. The corpse can be found on the backside of the tree facing where the two Exile Knights are located.

Item - Soul of a Crystal Sage: When we kill the Crystal Sage again, we will receive its Soul once again; we need this to earn our final Sorcery!

Cathedral of the Deep:

Ring #75 – Ring of the Evil Eye +1: This Ring will be right outside of the Deacons of the Deep Boss room. We can find the Ring on a corpse leaning against the large monument, just before the stairs leading down to the Fog Gate.

Yellowfinger Heysel #2: Get up along the rafters of the Cathedral of the Deep & make your way over to Rosaria’s Bed Chambers. Approach Rosaria, & offer her 1 Pale Tongue. This will make Heysel Summon Sign appear for when we go to fight the Abyss Watchers in Farron Keep…

Farron Keep:

Ring #76 – Magic Stoneplate Ring +1: From the Farron Keep Bonfire, head right over towards the deep water. A short ways past the Iron Flesh Pyromancy, we can find this Ring on a corpse in the middle of these deep waters.

Ring #77 – Wolf Ring +1: From the Keep Ruins Bonfire, face the bridge with the three Ghru on it & circle right around the tower we are in with the Bonfire. We can find this Ring on a corpse leaning against the tower.

Item – Soul of a Stray Demon: Be sure to head up to the walls in Farron Keep from the Old Wolf of Farron Bonfire to slay the Stray Demon for its soul. We will need to Transpose it into the Pyromancy or Ring you did not get in NG.

Gesture #26 – Proper Bow: If you offered a Pale Tongue to Rosaria after defeating Heysel’s Red Phantom, we can find her Summon Sign close to the Keep Ruins Bonfire. From the Bonfire, head down the ramp leading to the stone doors we have to open to get to the Abyss Watchers. If you are Embered, look to the right of the ramp in front of the nearby tower to find Heysel’s Summon Sign.

Summon her & she will perform our final Gesture to unlock the Achievement. This must be done before you defeat the Abyss Watchers!

Achievement #36 – Master of Expression: Learn all 33 Gestures.
If you have been following along with this guide, after Summoning Heysel & collecting the Proper Bow, we should have collected all 26 missing Gestures. If not, we have NG+ & NG++ to hunt down whichever Gestures you are missing.

Firelink Shrine:

Sorcery #34 – Crystal Hail: Take the Soul of a Crystal Sage to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Sorcery along with 1500 souls.

Achievement #37 – Master of Sorceries: Acquire all 34 Sorceries.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will have all of the Sorceries we need to unlock the Achievement. Sorceries that are found in the DLCs do not count towards the Achievement,

Pyromancy #26 – Boulder Heave: Bring the Soul of a Stray Demon to Ludleth & Transpose it into this Pyromancy.

Alternatively, Transpose it into Havel’s Ring if you got this Pyromancy back in NG.

Catacombs of Carthus:

Ring #78 – Thunder Stoneplate Ring +1: After getting past the first skeletal-ball-o’death, head down the hall until you come to that first alcove full of breakable urns off our right where we find the Carthus Milkring. We can find this Ring on a corpse in the center of this alcove.

Smouldering Lake:

Ring #79 – Bloodbite Ring +1: Make your way down to the Smouldering Lake & through the breakable floor with the Ballista’s t get to the Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire. From there, progress through the Demon Ruins through the Basilisk nest & across the bridge to get up to where the Giant Ballista is located. We can find the Ring on a corpse leaning against the Ballista facing out towards the Smouldering Lake.
Sequence 25: A Firekeeper's Fears
1. NG+ – Irithyll, Irithyll Dungeon, Archdragon Peak, Profaned Capital, Consumed King’s Garden, Untended Graves, Lothric Castle, Grand Archives
2. Pyromancies: 26/27
3. Miracles: 32/35
4. Gestures: 26/26
5. Rings: 90/107
6. Achievements: 37/43

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:

Ring #80 – Chloranthy Ring +1: From the Church of Yorshka Bonfire, exit the church from where we entered & head left around the walkway. Go to the altar below Pontiff Sulyvahn’s cathedral with the corpse that has the Lightning Gem on it. Head behind the altar here to find a corpse holding this Ring on it.

Ring #81 – Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1: Return to the Church of Yorshka Bonfire, & head through the graveyard & into the pitch black room full of Irithyllian Slaves. Exit the room & immediately drop through a hole in the railing off our right onto a cliff ledge below. We can find this Ring on a corpse leaning back against the wall behind it.

Ring #82 – Ring of Favor +1: After defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn, exit his cathedral & make your way along the walls left. Head under the walkway then up some stairs back inside the cathedral on the upper floor. Walk across the bridge spanning above the cathedral past the elevator shortcut & head straight down the dead end ahead. We can find this Ring on a corpse hidden behind the last pillar on our left down this walkway.

Carry on to dispatch Aldrich up in Anor Londo to collect his Cinders...

Irithyll Dungeon:

Ring #83 – Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1: In Irithyll Dungeon, make your way through the asylum until we come across the sleeping Giant Slave. Drop down into the area at its feet & there will be two ways we can get out of there. One being a set of stairs leading out & the other will be a passage close to the Giant that leads us to an elevator that opens up a shortcut back up to the Bonfire. Take the elevator up (or down) & we can see a corpse on a platform close to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Drop off the elevator to loot this Ring off the corpse.

Archdragon Peak:

Ring #84 – Havel's Ring +1: In Archdragon Peak, go to the Great Belfry Bonfire near the end of the area close to where the Nameless King is. Make your way down the stairs from the Bonfire & head up the hill off your left towards the stone arches & pillars guarded by the host of Man Serpents. Go through the two arches & we can find this Ring on a corpse to the left after passing under the second arch, just before the long set of stairs leading up to the prayer altar.

Fortunately, we do not actually have to fight the Nameless King on NG+ if you do not want to.

Profaned Capitol:

Ring #85 – Flame Stoneplate Ring +1: In the Toxic swamp area, make your way over to the isolated building & get on top of the first roof using a ladder. Walk along the roof until you see a hole in the wall to your right leading inside the building. Before heading inside, drop off the roof to your left instead. We can find this Ring on a corpse laying on this lower roof.

Consumed King’s Garden:

Ring #86 – Wood Grain Ring +1: After defeating the Dancer of the Boreal Valley, use the Basin of Vows & climb up the ladder into Lothric Castle. Take a left & enter the Consumed King’s Garden. Take the elevator all the way down to the bottom & we can find this Ring on a corpse just behind where the elevator stops on the Toxic ground.

Untended Graves:

Ring #87 – Ring of Steel Protection +1: Make your way into the Untended Graves & progress through Champion Gundyr & reach Dark Firelink Shrine. Head to the upper level of the Shrine & exit where the Sleeping Giant is. To the right of the tower we open with the Tower Key, we can find this Ring on a corpse.

Item – Eyes of a Firekeeper: Head into the right corner of the lower area of the Dark Firelink Shrine where Irina of Carim sits. The area will be blocked by a wall we can strike to reveal her old location. In her place, will be a corpse of a Firekeeper with this Item.

We will be completing this Ending during NG+ (or whichever Ending you decide to do instead)…

Firelink Shrine:

Firekeeper #1: Return to Firelink Shrine & offer the Eyes of a Firekeeper to our Firekeeper. Speak with her afterwards & tell her that you wish for a world without flame to set up the Secret Betrayal Ending.

We can change our mind at any time by killing the Firekeeper & recollecting the Eyes off her. She will respawn when we return to Firelink Shrine.

Lothric Castle:

Ring #88 – Ring of Life +2: From the Dragon Barracks Bonfire, drop down into the dark building underneath the Wyvern to the right of the bridge as you progress through Lothric Castle. In the building, climb up the ladder immediately to your right where we can kill the Pus of Man inside the Wyvern’s foot. Exit through the doorway leading outside across from the Pus of Man & take the small set of stairs down. Off our right will be a Crystal Lizard, to our left, a corpse hanging off a ledge. Look below where the corpse is hanging, & there will be a ledge lower down. Drop down to it & loot a corpse here to collect this Ring.

Ring #80 – Dark Stoneplate Ring +1: From the Fog Gate leading to the Dragonslayer Armor, head left & drop through the railing where the other Pus of Man is in the Wyvern’s foot is. Drop down & enter the side room. Head up the stairs & out onto the balcony outside. Look to your right to find this Ring on a corpse here on the balcony.

Grand Archives:
Note that we will be unable to enter the Grand Archives if you have not dispatched/ collected the Cinders of the Abyss Watchers, Aldrich, & Yhorm.

Ring #90 – Sage Ring +1: Progress through the Grand Archives until you fight off the Faraam, Black Hand, & Witch NPCs near the end of the area. At the bridge leading up to the royal palace, take the stairs up to the left & head to the roof where the three Ascended Winged Knights are. Enter inside the tower in the center of the roof & drop onto the rafters above the Grand Archives.

Exit the bird cage onto the rafters & drop down onto the stone ones lower down. We can find this Ring on a corpse on these stone rafters leaning against the wall. It is along the walls at the opposite end of where the Man Grub is. Don’t fall!
Sequence 26: The Secret Betrayal
1. NG+ – Anor Londo, Lothric Castle, Kiln of the First Flame
2. Pyromancies: 26/27
3. Miracles: 35/35
4. Rings: 91/107
5. Achievements: 39/43

Anor Londo:

Ring #91 – Darkmoon Ring: It is unfortunately that time again… farming time. Our next Covenant we will farm for, & get a ludicrous amount of souls from, will be the Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant. For this Covenant, we need to reach Rank 2. There is also a Ring we need for reaching Rank 1 as well.

This time around, our best farming Items are: Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1, Symbol of Avarice, Crystal Sage’s Rapier, & of course Rusted/Gold Coins.

If you really wanted, you can respect your Character with Rosaria & pump a whole bunch of points into Luck as well; then respect back to your preferred build after you are finished. Having Luck maxed out at 99 will give you a +99 to your Item Discovery; it definitely adds up.

Online Method: Equip the Blades of the Darkmoon Covenant Badge & you can be Summoned into a friendly Player’s World as a Defending Phantom for Players that are being Invaded by hostile Phantoms. Defeat the Invading Phantom & successfully defend the Host of the Embers to receive a Proof of Concord Kept. The Host of the Embers might have to be a current member of the Way of Blue for you to be Summoned… if this is the case, good luck being Summoned.

Offline Method: For farming Proof of Concord Kept Offline, we will be going to the Anor Londo Bonfire & farming the 3 Silver Knights that patrol the area above you. THIS is a tedious farming run since there are only three of them, but it is the fastest area to do this Offline. Fortunately, these guys will net you a plethora of souls & you will be gaining quite a few Character Levels throughout this process.

After you have collected 10 Proof of Concord Kept, return to Company Captain Yorshka & offer them to her to reach Rank 1. We will be rewarded with this Ring for our efforts.

Miracle #33 – Darkmoon Blade: After you have collecting 20 more Proof of Concord Kept, return to Company Captain Yorshka once again & offer them to her to reach Rank 2. We will be rewarded with this Miracle for our hours spent wasting our lives…

Lothric Castle:

Miracle #34 – Sacred Oath: The other Covenant we will farm for will be the Warriors of Sunlight. For this Covenant, we need to reach Rank 2 as well which will run us 30 Sunlight Medals.

Online Method: Equip the Warriors of Sunlight Covenant Badge & lay down a Summon Sign with your White Soapstone. You have the chance to be Summoned into a friendly Player’s World as a Golden Phantom to participate in jolly cooperation. Help the Host of the Embers defeat a boss & you will be awarded a Sunlight Medal. This is definitely the most fun Online Covenant to be a part of.


Offline Method: For farming Sunlight Medals Offline, we will be going to the Lothric Castle Bonfire. Lothric Knights here have a rare chance of dropping Sunlight Medals; we can kill 3 Knights very close to the Bonfire working backwards to the beginning of Lothric Castle.

After collecting 10 Sunlight Medals, return to the Altar of Sunlight close to the Dragonslayer Armor Bonfire & offer them up to reach Rank 1 & be awarded this Miracle.

Miracle #35 – Great Lightning Spear: After painstakingly collecting 20 more Sunlight Medals, return to the Altar of Sunlight & offer them up to reach Rank 2 & be awarded this Miracle.

Better than farming for these Offline in Dark Souls 2…

Achievement #38 – Master of Miracles: Acquire all 35 Miracles.
If you have been following along with the guide, you will unlock this Achievement after collecting our final Miracle from the Warriors of Sunlight. Miracles from the DLCs do not count towards the Achievement.

Kiln of the First Flame:

Achievement #39 – The End of Fire: Reach “The End of Fire” Ending.
Story Related. When you are ready, return to the Kiln of the First Flame & face down the Soul of Cinder for the second time. If you gave the Eyes to the Firekeeper back in Firelink Shrine, we can see a Summon Sign beside the Bonfire. Summon the Firekeeper here to trigger the Secret Ending.

Alternatively, if you have no Dark Sigils & did not follow the Lord of Hollows Questline, you can Kindle the Bonfire & start the cycle anew for the other Ending instead…
Sequence 27: NG++
1. NG++ – Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine, High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, Road of Sacrifices, Cathedral of the Deep, Farron Keep, Catacombs of Carthus, Smouldering Lake, Irithyll, Anor Londo, Profaned Capitol
2. Pyromancies: 26/27
3. Rings: 102/107
4. Achievements: 39/43

This will be our fastest playthrough yet. Blast through the majority of the game & collect our final 16 Rings. We unfortunately have one more Covenant to farm for in this playthrough for our final Pyromancy as well.

If you somehow missed some, we are able to collect the Rings unlocked on NG+ on NG++ as well. As of NG++, all available Items & Gear in the game become fully available to us.

Cemetery of Ash:

Ring #92 – Wolf Ring +2: Defeat Iudex Gundyr & open the stone doors leading out of the boss room. We can find this Ring on a corpse immediately to our left after walking through these doors.

High Wall of Lothric:

Ring #93 – Ring of the Evil Eye +2: From the Tower On the Wall Bonfire, head past the Pus of Man on the roof & down the ladder. Head inside the building with the Lance/Tower Shield Lothric Knight & down into the large room full of Hollows & Starved Hounds. We can find this Ring in the far left corner of this room on a corpse behind some barrels against the wall.

This is the same room we find an Estus Shard & the Cell Key in.

Undead Settlement:

Mound Makers Covenant: If for some reason you have not already collected the Mound Makers Badge to Rank Up in this Covenant, be sure to climb inside the Man Servant’s cage & speak with Holy Knight Hodrick to receive it.

This is the final Covenant we will have to farm for to receive our last Pyromancy…

Be sure to kill Hodrick when he Invades us as a Purple Phantom while Embered near the Dilapidated Bridge Bonfire to receive a free Vertebra Shackle.

We will also want to defeat the Cursed Rotted Greatwood so that we are able to Travel to the Pit of Hollows Bonfire later.

Ring #94 – Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +2: Near the end of the Undead Settlement, take the elevator tower up to where Siegward & the Fire Demon are located. Past the Fire Demon, go through the building & get onto its roof. Here on the roof, we can find Flynn’s Ring on that wooden platform to our left. Walk beside the platform & look on the roof below. Drop onto the A-frame roof below, then the longer ramshackle roof below that to find this Ring on a corpse.

Road of Sacrifices:

Ring #95 – Chloranthy Ring +2: From the Road of Sacrifices Bonfire, follow the path down to find our first Corvian Mage near that upturned wagon. The Mage will be standing beside a tree near a chasm. Head to the left side of the tree & look down into the chasm; we should see a ledge lower down with a corpse on it. Loot the corpse to collect this Ring.

Cathedral of the Deep:

Ring #96 – Ring of Favor +2: After you go through the Cathedral of the Deep & unlock the second shortcut to the Cleansing Chapel Bonfire, take the elevator up to the rooves where we can reach Rosaria’s Bed Chamber from. When you drop from the tower onto the rooves below, follow the slanted arch up to the walkway ahead. When you reach the walkway, turn left & take out the Large Hollow wielding the Great Axe. The Ring will be on a corpse in the alcove this Hollow walks out from.

Farron Keep:

Ring #97 – Dark Stoneplate Ring +2: Blast through Farron Keep & make your way to the Keep Ruins Bonfire. From here, head across the bridge where the three Ghru are guarding. At the other end of the bridge, go around the ruins to the left & crash through the wooden graves. We can find the Ring on a corpse in the corner just past the small campfire.

Catacombs of Carthus:

Ring #98 – Ring of Steel Protection +2: From the Abyss Watchers Bonfire, enter the Catacombs & walk to the end of the first bridge we have to cross. Near the end of the bridge, look off the left side & you should see a corpse hanging off a pillar. Drop off the bridge onto the pillar & loot the corpse for this Ring.

Smouldering Lake:

Ring #99 – Flame Stoneplate Ring +2: Cut the rope to the bridge leading to High Lord Wolnir & make your way into the Demon Ruins inside Smouldering Lake. From the Abandoned Tomb Bonfire, head into the middle right portion of Smouldering Lake & get the Giant Ballista to blast open the cobblestone flooring so that you can reach the Old King’s Antechamber Bonfire. From here, sprint down the stairs through the first two rooms with the Ghru until you enter a crossroad hallway. To your right will lead into that long room with the Cleric Demons, to your left will be a dead end wall.

Strike the wall, & it will reveal a secret room with a Black Knight inside it. We can find this Ring on a corpse at the back wall from the entrance behind a pile of dead Taurus Demons.

That is all we need here in Smouldering Lake; get outta here!

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley:

Ring #100 – Wood Grain Ring +2: Make your way through Irithyll & head inside the small building with the Silver Knights after the sewers before Pontiff Sulyvahn. Exit the building & immediately turn to your right. We can find this Ring on a corpse around the corner of this building.

Anor Londo:

Ring #101 – Havel's Ring +2: Defeat Pontiff Sulyvahn & make your way to the rotating platform that leads up to Anor Londo. Before pushing the lever, make your way across the invisible bridge to the Prison Tower Bonfire where Yorshka is. From the Bonfire, drop down five levels through the rafters to find this Ring on a corpse on one of the final rafter levels. It will be just to the left of the corpse that has the Painting Guardian Set on it, one floor down.

Profaned Capitol:

Ring #102 – Magic Stoneplate Ring +2: Blast through Irithyll Dungeon & make your way to the Profaned Capitol Bonfire. From the Bonfire, climb back down the tower ladder & exit through the hole in the wall on the bottom floor. Through this wall, turn right & make your way down the stairs to the dead end where the stairs give way. At the very end of these stairs, look to your left at the ledge to find this Ring on a corpse tucked underneath the lip of the overhang.
Sequence 28: Ash Seeketh Embers...
1. NG++ – Consumed King’s Garden, Untended Graves, Lothric Castle, Grand Archives, Archdragon Peak, Catacombs of Carthus, Undead Settlement, Kiln of the First Flame
2. Pyromancies: 27/27
3. Rings: 107/107
4. Achievements: 43/43

Consumed King’s Garden:

Ring #103 – Sage Ring +2: Defeat the first three Lords of Cinder & begin making your way through Lothric Castle. Once the Dancer is defeated, head into the Consumed King’s Garden. Take the lift down & jump off it to reach the upper platform before the bottom floor. Walk out onto the balcony & take a left to drop down onto the stairs below above the Toxic ground. From these stairs, look to your left & you should see a corpse on an adjacent platform. Leap from these stairs onto the platform to collect this Ring. This is a bit of a tricky jump to stick.

Untended Graves:

Ring #104 – Ring of Life +3: Annihilate Oceiros & destroy the illusory wall to enter the Untended Graves. Past Champion Gundyr, enter the Dark Firelink Shrine. We can find this Ring on a corpse hidden behind the Lothric Throne… last hope of his line.

Lothric Castle:

Ring #105 – Thunder Stoneplate Ring +2: Cream through Lothric Castle until you are just before the Dragonslayer Armor Fog Gate. Take a right inside the building with the deactivated lift. Exit outside through the passage off your left & drop through a hole in the railing onto the roof below. On this roof, turn around & walk right, over to the far end to find this Ring on a corpse hidden behind the last of the small window arches.

Grand Archives:

Ring #106 – Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +2: Blast through the Grand Archives & defeat the three hostile NPCs just before the long bridge leading up to the royal palace. From the bridge, go left & make your way up the stairs to where the three Ascended Winged Knights are. Go towards the tower in the center of this roof & head up the small set of stairs. We can find this Ring on a corpse in an alcove on the opposite end of the tower from where the ladder that leads up is.

Archdragon Peak:

Ring #107 – Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +2: This Ring is a pain as it requires us having to defeat the Nameless King on NG++. If you thought he was annoying on NG… use the same strategy to take him down as you did then. High Lightning resistance, & Dark or Fire damage dealing Weapons. Consider him as the actual final boss of Dark Souls 3…

Once he is defeated, we can find our final Ring on a corpse up a small set of stairs off our right near the center of the boss room.

Achievement #40 – Master of Rings: Acquire all 107 Rings.
If you have been following along with the guide, when you collect this last Ring after defeating the Nameless King the Achievement should unlock. The Rings from the DLCs do not count towards this Achievement.

If not, we will have access to every Ring on NG++ so you will be able to quickly track down whichever Rings you are missing without having to carry on to NG+++; unless it was tied to an NPC that you missed three times… which would suck.

An important thing to note if you are having trouble unlocking this Achievement & swear you posses all the Rings in the game, is that Rings you received as a Starting Class or a Gift do not count as "collected". If you are a Sorcerer or Pyromancer, drop the Young Dragon Ring or the Great Swamp Ring (if you never found another copy of them in game already) or drop the Life Ring if that was your Gift. Drop them & re-pick the Ring back up & it should unlock your Achievement.

Undead Settlement:

Pyromancy #27 – Warmth: It is now time for our final farming session for Dark Souls 3. For the last Pyromancy, we need to reach Rank 2 in the Mound Makers Covenant by offering 30 Vertebra Shackles.

Online Method: Equip the Mound Makers Covenant Badge & Invade Player’s Worlds. Defeat the Host of the Embers or other Invaders in that Player’s World to receive a Vertebra Shackle. You can also earn one for killing a Mound Maker that is Invading your own world. This can be easily boosted with a friend Summoning you over & over again so that you are able to kill them repeatedly. Boosting obviously makes this process very quick.

Offline Method: For the Offline farming, we have a really tedious grind ahead of us. Due to what we are killing, we unfortunately will not be accumulating a lot of souls from this either which is why I like doing this last. With all your Item Discovery Equipment & maybe a respect-ed Character, go to the Catacombs of Carthus Bonfire. From here, head down the hall to your right past the skeletal-ball-o’death & there will be two Red-Eyed Carthus Swordsman Skeletons. We will be killing theses Skeletons for hours to squeeze out our 30 Vertebra Shackles. If you have a Blessed Weapon, it is worth carrying on down the hall & killing the Curved Greatsword wielding Skeleton as well, it really makes a difference. If your Weapon is not Blessed, it takes too much time killing this third Skeleton since you’ll have to kill it twice. I liked using a Blessed Great Mace, but I am a Faith/Strength build so it was not a lot of trouble for me to wield effectively.

Technically, any Red-Eyed Carthus Skeleton (Shield & Sword, Curved Greatsword, Longbowman, our Duel-Wielding Shotel Skeletons) have a rare chance to drop a Shackle. These two/three Skeletons are just really close to the Bonfire & you can do the run in under a minute.
After you have grinded out 30 Vertebra Shackles, return to the Pit of Hollows Bonfire. You will have to have killed the Curse Rotted Greatwood to unlock the Bonfire. Offer your 30 Shackles to the Sacrificial Altar to reach Rank 2 & receive the Warmth Pyromancy.

Achievement #41 – Master of Pyromancies: Acquire all 27 Pyromancies.
If you have been following along with the guide, this Achievement should unlock after collecting the final Pyromancy from the Mound Makers Covenant. The Pyromancies found in the DLCs do not count towards this Achievement.

Kiln of the First Flame:

Achievement #42 – To Link the First Flame: Reach “To Link the First Flame” Ending.
Story Related. Seat the Lords upon their Thrones & face down the Soul of Cinder for the final time. If you respec-ed your Character, you will probably want to re-respec them back into your preferred build; NG++ Soul of Cinder can actually be a bit of a handful.

If you do not Summon the Firekeeper for the Secret Betrayal Ending & have no Dark Sigils, you will unlock this Ending/Achievement by Linking the First Flame at the Bonfire & setting the world ablaze.

Achievement #43 – The Dark Soul: Complete all 43 Achievements.
After you unlock Achievement #42, this Achievement will unlock for you as well. If you followed the guide, this should pop after receiving your final Ending. If not, stay in NG++ & mop up any unfinished business you have left to do.
This is hands down my favourite game of all time, second only to the original Dark Souls of course. Grinding the Covenant Items is the most tedious part of this 100%, but aside from that, the rest of the Achievements are not too difficult to unlock.

If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!

100% Complete
Thank you for choosing Cynical Guides, & I will see you in the next one!

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Коментарів: 135
Prog. 27 січ. о 10:10 
Just got the 100%, thank you so much for your work!
Monsieur Meow 18 січ. о 3:14 
About the Speckled Stoneplate Ring and the Ballista: If you have disabled the Ballista, you can simply just re-enable it to make it shoot the brick wall :)
DeadGambleCz 15 січ. о 11:29 
Heya there,
I¨ve done it and completed the whole trilogy.
BIG THANKS CYNIC. You made my life much easier with your guides and through the journey.
Anyways, Good Luck to everyone who is planning,playing or completing... You can do it !!!

That's all I have to say. Once again thanks Cynic.

DeadGambleCz 13 січ. о 12:45 
Hi there,
I've just finished farming for Sunlight Medallions and Proof of Concord Keep and wanted to point out my findings.

For Sunlight Medailions I find it much quicker and easier to farm the first knight and reset. I got more Sunlight Medallions that way than by killing all three.

For Proof of Concord Keep, I think farming the first two knights just up the stairs in Anor Londo is quicker than killing all three, and I used the quit out technique for them, which is done after you get one or two and go to the main menu. It worked for me atleast.
As I was farming on ng with +3 Covetous Golden Serpent Ring. I found that changing your build to INT is much better for farming those Silver knights.

That is all I have to say,
Good luck everyone!
halofallen715 10 січ. о 21:49 
Anyway great guide, outside of needing to hack the Sunlight medallions in i was able to get every achievement in a reasonable time, thank you.
halofallen715 10 січ. о 13:30 
I tried the cheat with the pale tounges and the proof of concord and those worked just fine, i just dont have the time to grind out the covenant items. Anyway thank you for your help, I went into NG+ rn so i hope it fixes the issue.
Cynic 0055  [автор] 10 січ. о 13:11 
The fact that your cheat didn't work then if you are at Lothric Castle is a little odd. But as far as I am aware, nothing changed in game, & Lothric Knights at Lothric Castle are our only method of obtaining Offline Sunlight Medals. Maybe the cheat didn't include Covenant Items?

I know without cheats, Offline farming for any Covenant is super tedious & can take quite a while to grind through. Spawn rates for the Items is terrible & you will have to kill upwards of 50-300 enemies depending on luck.
halofallen715 10 січ. о 13:03 
I was in the castle, and thank you.
Cynic 0055  [автор] 10 січ. о 12:35 
Hey halofallen715... unfortunately, you may just be unlucky, though after 15 kills you would hope you would have gotten at least one. Just for clarification, are you farming at Lothric Castle & not at the first area High Wall Lothric? The Lothric Knights in High Wall Lothric only drop Titanite Shards as their rarer drop & do not drop Sunlgiht Medals.
halofallen715 10 січ. о 12:16 
Hey, the guide has been a huge help so far, but I'm having issues with sunlight medallions, I am playing fully offline, and spent 2 hours killing the knights in Lothric castle and did not get a single medallion. I even used a cheat that gives you 100% drop chance on all items on a kill and still after around 15 kills did not get a single medallion. I was wondering if the covenants conflict or something, or if I just have the world's worst luck.