Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

537 vurderinger
The 6 Players you'll meet in Mann up Mode
Av KingDemoman
This is a guide of the people you will meet in the vast servers of mann up mode.
Fjern som favoritt
So you've had Team fortress 2 for a while now. You've played boot camp with some friends and now want to try Mann Up Mode. Maybe you want a challenge. Maybe you want the botkillers. Maybe you just want a few more items. You get past the fifteen minute search time and finally find a match. You pick your favorite class and begin to get ready. But who else has found this server?
Note: The players in this guide are generalizations and do not represent individual TF2 players.
The Mann up Professional
"Why am I the only one on this team actually doing anything?"

We've all met this guy... Bosses everyone about then calls everyone noobs. Anyone under 5 tours is automatically classed as; Noob. Anyone with one tour or less is votekicked.


Has extensive unusual/australium/diamond botkiller/killstreak collection.

Will choose class that they believe require more skill and dependability such as scout, engineer or medic.

43 tours higher than everyone else on the server

On second loss will leave the server after saying somthing along the lines of "This sucks, you all suck!"

How to deal with him

Treat him with respect. He will likely be the best most experianced player on the server. Listen to him. The only problem I kinda have with him is his predjudice of new players. Though these newbies will likely not be very good everyone's gotta start somewhere, haven't they?
The 7 year old
"Ged Jeb, Gaiz"

After choosing the most situationally useless loadout (demoknight, liberty launcher soldier, hutsman sniper) he will use his terrible mic to constantly fill the server with spam. This spam is made particulary annoying when the kid is old enough to know a few swear words. Rage ensues.


Chooses useless classes for MvM

Has few or no hats

Believes that achievements are very important and will go out of his -and the teams- way to get them. "I want my achievement!"

Usually low tour level (can only get tickets with his $2 pocket money)

How to deal with him
If he is an ok player let him stay. If he is really bad ask him to practice in boot camp or kick. If the mic thing is really getting you down mute him. This could be a bad idea though, as in MvM communication is vital.
The real noob
"How do I fire with this thing?"

I'm not being cruel here but this guy has no tours for a reason. This apperars to be his second game of TF2.


Will choose shooty simple class like heavy or soldier (after failing at more complex roles such as medic.

Is very proud of his Gibus and Pyrovision Goggles set.

0 tours

How to deal with him

Ask him politely to leave and practise on boot camp before trying mann up. If he doesn't go then kick.
The Troll
"I'm 2pro4u guys"

This guy's gonna get real annoying. He'll ready up before everyone else.

Me: Unready pls
Troll; NO
Me; Unready engie not ready
(match starts and team loses after first super scout)
Troll; Ok ill wait this time
(fights badly a spy untill giant heavy gets to bomb hole with no medics)
(stands next to bomb hole and trys to do spycrab taunt as bomb is dropped)
Troll; U r all ♥♥♥♥
(leaves server)

This actually happened to me. It was on boot camp mode though...


Will choose spy or sniper. Always spy though.

Any hats that this guy owns are painted neon green.

Average tour number

How to deal with him

Depends how severe the matter is... If he is just being anoying you could probably live with it. If his ready ups are spoiling your games kick.
The Hacker
"srry meant to type that in console xd"

Has someone on your team
  • got all upgrades in the first wave?
  • never missed a shot so far? (aimbot)
  • got bullets that do not spread out for a weapon? (e.g. minigun) (nospread)
  • got infinate critz?
  • got infinate uber?
  • found a way to fly accross the map? (noclip)

In my opinion hacking is really bad. The aim of this game is to have fun, play and be fair. Hacking is none of this. My friend said that some people on his server once had used these cheats. As well as this they had changed their profile name to blank to avoid detection.


Almost always heavy

Any amount of hats

Fairly high tour number

How to deal with him

Report him. Kick him. Don't take the "chill out bro, don't u want botkiller too?".
The Good Player

This is the reasonable player that is most of you out there. He's happy to play as the class the team needs. He can play the game well enough for the teams needs. He will communicate with the team.
He will not fuel heated arguments. He will play fairly. He will do what is good for the team.

Number of hats doesn't matter.

Number of tours doesn't -always- matter.

He plays for fun and for teamwork.

Remember over all to have fun while playing MvM!
This is my first guide so don't be too harsh.
692 kommentarer
DrJeff_Linux 18. des. 2024 kl. 16.40 
Literally EVERY TIME I see Medic taken (my usual take) there's a Mann up Professional asking everyone to speak in voice. It may be a joke but it happens EVERY TIME.
Rando the Crit Clown 2. jan. 2024 kl. 1.29 
Is this guide sarcastic?
Ro 15. feb. 2018 kl. 14.54 
I think I'd fall under Good. I'm not an expert, but I'm no newby either.
Leafbox_ 16. sep. 2017 kl. 7.02 
instrucions unclear, got robot stuck in troll
Scariest thing ever 2. mai 2017 kl. 3.15 
Guide unclear: Nun of deez species exists expect HAXOR and NUB
Average USA plane crash 25. jan. 2017 kl. 7.19 
I am probably the rare person who plays backburner pyro in mvm later on... I get some shit for it, despite having ~40 tours and frequently getting more dmg than the heavy

Accurate Guide, you forgot the rare good "newb" (Low tour person who happens to be really, really good)
Mimikyu Freeman 29. des. 2016 kl. 11.29 
first time playing MvM
gets the Classic
then proceeds to slam head into keyboard about 50 times
GhastlyGhostJr 19. nov. 2016 kl. 14.57 
Good guide, but the sad thing is mvm is: 70% noob or 7 year old, 15% troll, 5% hacker, 15% mann up professional, 5% good player....
Marxon 9. feb. 2016 kl. 11.48 
What about the one who votekicks everyone from a server so his friends can join?
Zelith 16. jan. 2016 kl. 0.04 
pretty accurate