APC Light
1.429 GB
2021年2月3日 9時15分
2021年8月16日 4時04分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

APC Light

Anime Portraits Collection (APC) project, developed to satisfy personal need!
Therefore, only includes some anime-style girls portraits :D


CAUTION: beside portraits and flags, is written in Korean
◆ English Translations:

This is Light Mod for APC Perfect.
So if you want details, please look at the page of APC Perfect.
◆ APC Perfect:

APC Light includes:
- all portraits from APC Perfect
- species traits for only female/male leaders
- NO unique name lists
- NO other species traits
- NO civics
19 件のコメント
VARCODE "Friendly Owl" 2021年5月26日 10時28分 
wg_portraits 랑 kc_abyss_portraits 수정 부탁드립니다
Arktis_P  [作成者] 2021年5月10日 9時09分 
Well, finally I tested the updated mod, and found that it is working well. Because i didn't do moding stuff for months, I forgot the basics and made the errors... lol... Thnx always for your interest!
now Portrait set "Blue Archive" has 53 illusts which I could find from the wiki page.

And I'll send the illustrations I have if you send me message.

Again, thanks for your interest!
crockan 2021年5月10日 8時34分 
Uh ...... well, it looks like blue achive has been updated, thank you ( forget what I said), but now the portraits file for blue achive doesn't seem to have a portraits name now (in case you didn't noticed)

As well I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the original blue achive image? (from the previous version of the mod) My friends and I who enjoy blue achive for the lore of this game, so these illustrations that we have not yet seen are very relevant to investigate. :hacknetmail:
crockan 2021年5月10日 6時35分 
Many thanks for your efforts. :luv: ( Nevertheless, petition for update/additional illustration of blue achive)
Arktis_P  [作成者] 2021年5月10日 1時06分 
I think I should rework with this mod. Thanks for telling me all the problems :D I'll inform you after I update the mod.

Still, if you want, you can try the original mod, APC Perfect. It is working well, and I checked it.
crockan 2021年5月4日 5時13分 
:RedBlockOverlay:There certainly seem to be some issues with these illustrations.
-Hasumi's illustrations that were extracted from the game and the ones I found on the game's official website seem to have only some of the wings.
-Besides the story characters, I noticed that there are multiple characters in the mod (about 20 or so?) I could not find it in the current game and the wiki. Are these the characters from the beta? Is it possible to give me a copy of the original images of these illustrations?
-Neru's illustration seems to be completely different from the ones I extracted from the game. (can I have a copy?)
-Some characters seem to be missing from the mod (Hanekawa Hasumi, Haruhara Shun, Hisada Izuna, Ihara Yoshimi). The relevant illustrations are in the file above.
crockan 2021年5月4日 5時13分 
Okay, thanks for the update.
:YellowBlock: I tested it in-game and still found some problems: -APCRBT still does not appear in-game.
-APCRBT still does not appear in the game
-KantaiAbyss and WarshipGirlsAbyss still have most of the portraits unreadable, maybe it's a problem with the images themselves? Not sure
There are no other mods loaded and the game is a completely new download.

:BlueBlock:As well as about blue achive, I extracted all of the character portraits that appear in the current game directly from the game apk. See if that helps? (Petition to update the illustrations)

:BlueBlock: Google Drive []

Arktis_P  [作成者] 2021年5月3日 18時51分 
I checked all the files and changed to the newest. I think problems solved.
As I know of, those illustrations are all official, but a little bit different with their facial expressions. (This is the best I can do as their are not much transparent png files, or official images easy to cut ...)

Thank you for your Interests! Please tell me anytime if there are more problems!
crockan 2021年5月1日 8時02分 
In addition, the portraits of blue achive seems to be different in detail from the official illustrations?
As my personal requests, petition to replace (or adding) it with the official illustrations.

It would really help if you could do it, thanks!
crockan 2021年5月1日 2時07分 
It appears that I have multiple problems once again.
In APCHUM, the "Masters" portraits appear in the game but there is no corresponding relevant species in the mod file, and all images of the species are just missing.
Most of the portraits in "KantaiAbyss" and "WarshipGirlsAbyss" could not be loaded correctly.
The default portrait of "WarshipGirls" does not load correctly.
In APCMCH, "KantaiAbyss" and "WarshipGirlsAbyss" have the same problem as above.
And is APCRBT intentionally disabled? It seems that APCRBT is not displayed at all.

And thank you for your love of the mod!:luv: