Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

46 ratings
RE4UHD Playstation/X360/PC Button Mods (Multiple Configurations Available)
By DarkSamus
Make switching your controller configuration a breeze with the included custom installer.

Also includes Sigma's Specular Lighting/Gamma fixes
Playstation Button Mod (V4) And PC Button Mod (V1)
This first version is to give the default game controls the correct buttons displaying whether you own a Playstation or PC controller.

If you're happy with how that buttons are configurated at default this is the mod you want.

First you will need to use a 360 controller emulator (x360ce is the one I recommend to do this) to make the game see your Playstation controller as an Xbox 360 controller.

Then just download the PS version from here...

or the PC controller version here...

To install it you need to do the below...
1. Paste the included files into the "Resident Evil 4" folder
2. Run the included "Install Buttons.bat" file and wait for it to do its thing.
3. Play the game and enjoy!
Playstation Button Mod (x360ce PS3 Layout) V2
This is my personal preferred button layout that I'm using to play the game.

I've been meaning to rename this version is closer to the PS configuration then what the PS3 version was.
Ii is VERY close to being the exact controls the PS2 version.


I do this with (and recommend) x360ce using my DualShock4 but this will work with any Playstation controller (even PS1/2 via ps controller to usb adapter)
Google search "x360ce" and get the newest version you can (it is 100% free to download)

Before you can use this mod You first need to change the below buttons using x360ce (or similar software)
LB = L2
LT = L1
RB = R2
RT = R1
A = Square
X = Cross

This gives you
L1 = Aim Knife
R2 = Command Ashley
R1 = Aim Gun
Cross = Action
Square = Run
Triangle = Map
Select = Options/Skip Videos
Start = Status/Inventory

To Install...
1. Paste the included files into the "Resident Evil 4" folder
2. Run the included "Install Buttons.bat" file and wait for it to do its thing.
3. Play the game and enjoy!

Download Link,,,
PS/XBox360 Button Mod (Custom PS3 Layout V2)
This is a custom config I created and it was my favorite for a while, but no longer personally use it as I have found myself to prefer another version now.

It comes reasonably close to resembling the layout in the PS3 version.

This will give you...
LB (L1) = Aim Knife
LT (L2) = Map
RB (R1) = Aim Gun
A (Cross) = Run
X (Square) = Action
Y (Triangle) = Command Ashley
B (Circle) = Status/Inventory
Start = Options/Skip Videos

How to install this mod
To Install...
1. Paste the included files into the "Resident Evil 4" folder
2. Run the included "Install Buttons.bat" file and wait for it to do its thing.
3. Play the game and enjoy!

X360 Version...

Playstation Version...
PS/XBox360 Button Mod (PS2 Layout V2)
This configuration will replicate the PS2 version of the game but with a few small odditites in the menu's (Compared to the PS2 version)

It is perfectly functional though and was the first config I made I really enjoyed using.

This will give you...
LB (L1) = Aim Knife
RB (R1) = Aim Gun
RT (R2) = Command Ashley
A (Cross) = Action
X/B (Square/Circle) = Run
Y (Triangle) = Map
Back (Select) = Options/Skip Videos
Start (Start) = Status/Inventory

How to install this mod
To Install...
1. Paste the included files into the "Resident Evil 4" folder
2. Run the included "Install Buttons.bat" file and wait for it to do its thing.
3. Play the game and enjoy!

X360 Version...

Playstation Version...
PS/XBox360 Button Mod (GCN Layout V2)
This will change controller configuration for the game to match the NGC layout.
So if you like the way buttons where laid out on Gamecube you likely love this config.

This gives you...
LT (L2) = Aim Knife
RB (R1) = Map
RT (R2) = Aim Gun
A (Cross) = Action
X (Square) = Run
Y (Triangle) = Status/Inventory
B (Circle) = Command Ashley
Start (Start) = Options/Skip Videos

How to install this mod
To Install...
1. Paste the included files into the "Resident Evil 4" folder
2. Run the included "Install Buttons.bat" file and wait for it to do its thing.
3. Play the game and enjoy!

X360 Version...

Playstation Version...
SHADOW 13 Dec, 2021 @ 9:47am 
I'm confused. If I play on twin gamepad usb, which version do I need to be as close to ps2 as possible?
Luicsi 12 Apr, 2021 @ 11:21am 
12th April 2021 working fine. Thanks guys :D. Using ps3 buttons and controller with xbox 360 "controls".
Omega Angelo 2 Oct, 2020 @ 8:41pm 
On all versions of the ps2 layout mod, the B or circle button does NOT work.

I want to use X or Square to reload, and B or circle to run,
but the mod does not correctly remap B aka Circle.

Pls help Im going nuts, any other control scheme is horrid.

Tested with GLAP Play controller on steam link, and Dualshock 4 and Xbox One controller natively.
ALL versions of mod!!!
Karvovičius 10 Jun, 2020 @ 12:44pm 
I installed latest RE4 HD project. its patch and then your mod but it messes up my inventory and map screens. any fix for that?
sergio1030 20 Sep, 2018 @ 3:45pm 
Hey do you think you can make a similar mod for RE 7?
Arroz com Salsichas 1 Dec, 2014 @ 9:48am 
Awesome, thank´s ;)
DarkSamus  [author] 23 Aug, 2014 @ 11:21pm 
This mod now has links to 5 different Playstation Button configs, 3 for X360 controllers and one layout for PC controllers.

Really hope you all find a controller configuration you like.
DarkSamus  [author] 9 Aug, 2014 @ 7:37am 
Finally got around to updating my guide.
victoRious 29 Jul, 2014 @ 12:34pm 
Ya i googled it and came across that post afterwards. But u should update the links in this guide tho. Anyways good guide dude and thanks for this! :gordon:
DarkSamus  [author] 29 Jul, 2014 @ 11:07am