Fight'N Rage

Fight'N Rage

124 ratings
Secret Moves
By Kynor
How to perform every secret move in the game.
Gal's first secret move
Jump or fall backwards, then hold up and press attack as soon as you touch the ground.
Note that to jump backwards, you must press backwards a little after jumping. Turning too early will result in a regular forward jump.
Gal's second secret move
Perform a Run Knee (dash attack), hold the attack button, quickly input down and up before you land, without releasing the attack button.
To perform this move backwards, after the Run Knee, hold the attack button and input down, back, and up.
Ricardo's secret move
Perform a Turbo Uppercut (down, up, attack), hold the attack button and release it a bit before you land. This time window is pretty generous, you have about a quarter of a second before landing to release the button and perform the move successfully.
F. Norris's secret move
Perform a Tiger Knee motion (down to up+forward), and press the special button.
Alternatively, input down, up ,forward, and press the special button.

Note that this is a special move, and it will drain your SP or HP as any other special move would.
Thanks to sk for correcting my unnecessarily complicated input of Gal's second secret move.
Thanks to Cosmosis for simplifying the input to Gal's first secret move.
Thanks to Hoarseplay for providing a simpler and faster input to F. Norris's secret move.
Thanks to sh00g for correcting timing instructions on Ricardo's secret move.
Thanks to Edu8000 for the reverse version of Gal's second secret move and for the additional method to perform F. Norris's secret move.
seaechiowai 19 Oct, 2022 @ 8:22pm 
I like Gal's first secret move as it one-hit kills out a lot of trash mobs, but I haven't much found use for the second one. It pushes her too far into the wall for a juggle extender.
Kynor  [author] 29 Dec, 2021 @ 8:24pm 
Added both methods to the guide, thanks for contributing.
Edu8000 29 Dec, 2021 @ 7:52pm 
Its worth noting that you can perform the F.Norris secret move either with down,up,forward+special or the tiger knee motion (half circle from down+back to up+forward and special), also, there's a reverse version for the Gal's second secret move, by pressing down,backwards,up instead.
Musou 9 Dec, 2021 @ 12:45am 
Thank you for these secret moves
Kynor  [author] 18 Sep, 2021 @ 6:20pm 
Simplified the description for F. Norris's move since it was unnecessarily convoluted and could be misunderstood.
Metal Dan 18 Sep, 2021 @ 3:54pm 
F. Norris's move is just down, up-forward + special
Kynor  [author] 17 Sep, 2021 @ 4:38pm 
Your English is good, don't worry. I've added some clarification to the guide regarding the backwards jump input so that others won't run into the same trouble, sorry again that I didn't notice your comment earlier.
Mlidss 17 Sep, 2021 @ 8:50am 
huh) I already figured it out, just after a series of games "Devil May Cry" I got used to very instant input, but here on the contrary, you need to press attack with a delay. Anyway thx for help :)
And sorry for my english, it's not my native language:leaCheese:
Kynor  [author] 17 Sep, 2021 @ 8:01am 
My apologies for noticing your comment so late. In case you still need help, for that move, it is important that Gal falls backwards first, either by bouncing off an enemy with a kick, or by pressing backwards and up in a very particular way in order to jump backwards. It's not hard to learn after experimenting a bit. Otherwise, your description of the input seems to be correct.
Mlidss 17 Aug, 2021 @ 1:59pm 
I can't do Gal's first secret move at all, did I understand correctly that i need to press "jump + back", then hold down the "up" key and then press the attack button upon landing? or something is wrong here?