Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

Оцінок: 54
The Workshop Scenarios Menu
Автор: Warwick Rail
Explore our comprehensive menu to select any route from our alphabetical list and discover all the scenarios crafted for it. You can filter scenarios by region, power type, difficulty, duration, required routes, or locos needed. Don't forget to add this menu to your favourites or bookmark it for easy access.

For the true power users, dive into our extensive TSC Workshop Menu. Access it here[].

Even better, explore our detailed directory of all routes—both official and workshop—along with all the route manuals. Check it out here[].
До улюбленого
В улюблених
Numerous Workshop scenarios have been crafted specifically for finalised Workshop routes.

Below is an alphabetical list of these Workshop routes. Clicking on each route will display all the associated Workshop scenarios. Subscription to these Workshop routes is required, but it is free of charge. Please note that most routes and scenarios necessitate multiple official DLC items to function properly, so be sure to review each result to determine any additional requirements before subscribing.

If you have published a finalised Workshop route and would like it to be included in the list below, please let us know.

Click on any of the routes below to view the list of all Workshop scenarios available for them.
As you know, most, if not all, Workshop scenarios require certain official routes to run properly.

Below, you will find lists of these official routes (known as official DLC). Clicking on any route will bring up all the Workshop scenarios designed to run on it. Be aware that most scenarios require more than one other item of DLC to run, so you will need to inspect each result to check what else, if anything, is required before you subscribe.

There is a route DLC dropdown box on the Workshop page, but it is largely broken, and any results it produces will contain routes, not just scenarios.

Click on any of the routes below to bring up the list of all Workshop scenarios which run on them.
As you know, most if not all Workshop scenarios require one or more official locos in order to run properly.

Below you will find lists of these official locos (known as official DLC). Clicking on one will bring up all the Workshop scenarios which include that particular DLC as being among their dependencies. Be aware that most scenarios require more than one item of DLC in order to run, so you will need to inspect each result to check what else, if anything, is required before you subscribe.

There is a loco DLC dropdown box on the Workshop page, but it is largely broken and any results it produces will contain routes - not just scenarios.

Click on any of the locos below to bring up the list of all Workshop scenarios which include them in their dependencies.
Great Britain Gas Turbine Locos
North America Gas Turbine Locos
Miscellaneous Rolling Stock
Scenarios For Different Regions
This list provides links to scenarios according to region (where specified). Click on each link to see the list of relevant scenarios.

Great Britain
USA & Canada
South Africa
Scenario Power & Difficulty
This table provides links to scenarios according to motive power and difficulty (where specified). Click on each link to see the list of relevant scenarios.

Scenario Duration 5 - 120 mins
This table provides links to scenarios according to duration (where specified). Click on each link to see the list of relevant scenarios.

Duration in Minutes
Scenario Duration 125 - 300 mins
This table provides links to scenarios according to duration (where specified). Click on each link to see the list of relevant scenarios.

Duration in Minutes
Scenario Type
This list provides links to scenarios according to type (where specified). Click on each link to see the list of relevant scenarios.

Time Tabled
Free Roam
Quick Drive
Playing Workshop Scenarios
After you subscribe to a Workshop Scenario, it will automatically be downloaded to your machine and you will be able to play it.

When the game menu loads up, don't use the Workshop tab. It sometimes erroneously informs you more DLC is needed and the Start button is grayed out. Instead choose the Standard tab and find the workshop scenario there. This is a known issue so (for playing) just avoid the workshop tab altogether.

Filter the list to show the Workshop Scenarios - then choose what you want and press Start

  1. Choose Drive from the main menu
  2. Click the Standard tab
  3. Change the filter to show only Workshop Scenarios
  4. Select the scenario you want to play
  5. Click Start

For more information please refer to our other guide:
In order to play a Workshop scenario, you must first subscribe to it but also -
  • Own the dependent DLC (official routes and locos etc.)
  • Subscribe to the relevant Workshop route - if the scenario is for a Workshop route. The scenario will probably have its own list of required official DLC as well.
Workshop routes are free to subscribe to, but all have their own dependencies - which you will also need, so bear that in mind. Hopefully this guide will assist you in finding out what you need.

The Workshop is growing by the day and now has more than 28 thousand scenarios for you to choose from. Although most of these scenarios are written for official DLC routes, there are also more than 720 Workshop routes and over 190 of them have a total of more than 440 scenarios written especially for them. Access them all here.

Have fun!

This guide uses the tags and descriptions published with each scenario in order to retrieve which scenarios belong to different categories of difficulty, duration, scenario type (Standard, Career or Free Roam), region, power type, required DLC etc.

Please make sure that you select the correct Country and Power setting when you submit your work for publishing.

It is also important that you provide the following information in your scenario's description when you publish, in order that your scenario will be correctly listed and easily found by users.

Difficulty: Medium
Duration: 35 mins
Scenario Type: Standard

Leave a space after each entry.

If you are writing a scenario for a Workshop route, please bear in mind that you will be unable to publish it unless the route has been made "Final." If you are writing for a route which is still "Work in Progress" you can help the author to make it "Final" by giving it a 'thumbs up' on its page. All routes need at least 30 'thumbs up' votes in order to be made "Final."

Here's the complete list of Workshop routes which have been submitted so far.

Workshop Routes - Made Final

Workshop Routes - Work in Progress

There are more useful links to be found in our other complete guide

The Workshop Routes Menu

We hope this guide will help players find your completed scenarios more easily, so that your work will be widely recognised and appreciated.

The Workshop is growing by the day, and now has more than 28 thousand scenarios for people to choose from. There are also more than 720 Workshop routes, and more than 190 have been made final and are waiting for new scenarios to be written for them. We hope you will continue to share your valuable creations with the Train Simulator community.

TSC Workshop Menu
If you really need to find something special in the Steam Workshop, then this convenient power menu is just the ticket. Some people refer to it as the magnet which finds the needle in the haystack.

Bookmark it today : TSC Workshop Menu[]

The rest of this guide contains alternative links to Workshop Scenarios

TSC Routes & Scenarios
Here you will find all the routes which are listed in the Steam Store or on the Steam Workshop - both Official and Workshop - together with all their workshop scenarios.

Bookmark it today : TSC Routes & Scenarios[]

Give this Guide a Thumbs Up
If you have found the above advice and information useful, please rate this guide by giving it a thumbs up - and of course don't forget to add it to your favourites.

Thank You for the 10 Awards
I would just like to say a very big thank you for the 10 generous awards people have bestowed on this guide. Your kindness is most encouraging and the awards are very much appreciated.

This guide © Copyright Warwick Rail 2021-2025, all rights reserved. This item is not authorised for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Warwick Rail.

Коментарів: 3
Revarnes 11 квіт. 2021 о 20:09 
Nice guide, like what felix said, this is basically your version of the old tag system. Well done! :)
Warwick Rail  [автор] 15 лют. 2021 о 14:42 
Thank you Felix. Coming from you, that means a lot. I am so glad people are finding it useful.
Felix.AVMP 15 лют. 2021 о 11:05 
I must applaud you and I mean it - you basically ressurected the old Workshop tag system which was never fully implemented by RSC/DTG.

:steamthumbsup: :winter2019happybulb: :steamhappy: