Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (204)
『Aero Smith』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
boraboraboraborabora!!!! Aero Smith from jojo part5 『Aero Smith』 left click——knife right click——radar R key——change stand summon mode T key——summon stand / change view between Aero Smith and your body / take back the stand(when your stand close to your bod...
『Crazy Diamond』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
great da☆ze! This is Crazy Diamond,Josuke's Stand from jojo part4! it can dora and fix! 『Crazy Diamond』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——taunt T key——Fix Ability! CD:0.5s(break and fix props,or save something from killer queen's...
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
A crazy DIO fan from jojo part3 ATTENTION While you using the ability of this stand,you will be blind It's not a bug,this is how this stand work in anime 注意 当你使用亚空瘴气的能力时,你会失明 这不是bug,这是原作设定 『Cream』 left click_punch right click_punch R_taunt T_turn on/off yo...
『Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
『Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』from jojo sbr 『Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』 left_click:fists attack right_click:super fist attack R:taunt T:Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 『Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』(alternative world) left_click:none right_click:none R:choose ...
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
S.H.I.T! This is Echoes from jojo part4. including act1,2,3 ACT1 left click_none right click_change different sounds R_change to ACT2 T_set a "sound" 0_cancel all of echoes abilitys ACT2 left click_none right click_change different sounds R_change to ACT3 ...
『Gold Experience』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
PRESS NUMBER 0 KEY TO EXIT GER!!! 按数字键0退出黄镇!!! I,GIOGIO,have a dream! This is the weapon of Gold Experience. (Had remade!) 『Gold Experience』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——change the mode of life energy T key——use life energy ...
『Hierophant Green』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
半径20mエメラルド・スプラッシュをーーーッ!!!! This is Kakyoin's Stand,Hierophant Green from jojo part 3! 『Hierophant Green』 left click——normal attack right click——to use emerald lines to fly through the buildings R key——半径20mエメラルド・スプラッシュをッ T key——to set hierophant barrier Ha...
『Killer Queen』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Kira and Killer Queen!!! this is the Stand of jojo part4 final boss Killer Queen! 『Killer Queen』 left click——normal attack right click——Sheer Heart Attack R key——taunt T key——set/exploded Primary Bomb CD:0.5s 『Killer Queen:Bite The Dust』 left click——normal...
『King Crimson』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
KINGU CURIMUSON!!! This is one of the most invincible stand in jojo——『King Crimson』 『Epitaph』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——ring the boss T key——Epitaph erasetime:none CD:none 『Epitaph』(low HP) left click——normal attack right...
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Risotto Nero from jojo part 5 『Metallica』 left click——make knife inside a person right click——make a lot of knifes inside a person R key——taunt T key——optical camouflage CD:10s(a lot of knifes) 『金属制品』 左键:在一个目标体内生成刀子 右键:在一个目标体内大量生成刀子 R:嘲讽 T:隐身 CD:10秒(大量生成刀子...
『Sex Pistol』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
————-4—— ———--4-4—— ———4—4—— ——-4—--4—— -----4——-4—— —444444444— ————-4—— ————-4—— This is Sex Pistol from jojo part5! 『Sex Pistol』 left click——sex pistols control the bullet! right click——quickly shoot R key——reload T key——quickly change weapon to sex pis...
『Sliver Chariot』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
this is the weapon of J.P.Pornareff's STAND,Sliver Chariot. 『Sliver Chariot』 left click——normal attack right click——flying needle R key——strip off the armor T key——assault sword 『Sliver Chariot Requiem』 no way to attack,you have to use other weapons(such a...
『Star Platinum』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
yareyare da☆ze I made this mod for a long time now here it is There are 3 weapons in this mod 『Star Platinum』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——taunt T key——to move when others stopping the time stoptime:none move in the stoptime...
『Sticky Fingers』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Arrivederci~ This is sticky fingers from jojo part 5! 『Sticky Fingers』 left click——normal attack(arrivederci while kill players) right click——special attack R key——change ability mode T key——quickly move/through the wall CD:1s/2s/20s(special attack) 『Stick...
『Stone Free』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Yareyare da☆wa~ This is the stand Stone Free from jojo part 6 ! There is Jotaro's daughter Jolyne Kujo ! 『Stone Free』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——change ability mode T key——pull items / protect web / walk web CD:1s/1s/5s 呀嘞...
『The Hand』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
I have no idea which one is the enemy,so i will give both of you a beating 『The Hand』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——taunt T key——erase space(different effects by use ability in different scene) CD:1.5s 『轰炸空间』 左键:普通攻击 右键:特殊攻击 ...
『The World』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! ! ! this is The World from jojo part3 I made this mod for a long time now here it is There are 3 weapons in this mod 『The World』 left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——taunt T key——stop the time(Whatever weapons ...
『The World』:Alternative Universe
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ! ! ! this is The World from jojo part7 I made this mod for a long time now here it is 『The World』:Alternative Universe left click——normal attack right click——special attack R key——taunt T key——stop the time(Whatever weapons you're hold...
『White Snake』&『C-Moon』&『Made In Heaven』
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
This is the weapon of the stands of jojo part6 boss no green baby model,model of green baby is a headcrab 『White Snake』 left click——normal attack right click——illusion R key——taunt T key——take disc 『C-Moon』 left click——normal attack right click——special at...
Among Drip PM/Ragdoll
Created by n
get on among drip ------ Original Among Drip model by RTFKT Studios Original compiled ragdoll done by Kaesar ( Rigging and shoe remesh/retexture one by me Tags: among us drip shoes jordans n...
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Attack on Titan Player Models 2
Created by OldDeath
Attack on Titan Player Models based on the Citizen Models male01 - male09 and female01 - female06. They have a different Skin for each Corp and a bodygroup containing a Cape Also check out my other Addons...
Big Chungus What better way to welcome in the new year than with a BIG Chungus? Features: -1 ragdoll with a static playermodel ((with a skin to make him look better at more angles, and a Ugandan chungus b...
Bob Freeman
Dr. Gordon Freeman is a villager in the Half-Life series. He is a lazy physicist who is forced to befriend himself and the other villagers with friendly bugs and other things in his house following an experiment gone wrong. In the process, he becomes an al...
Cool Cat
Warning, before you comment keep in mind I will never make this into an npc/playermodel ((Note: this is intentionally low quality, cause I mostly made this as a joke, also yes I know what Derek savage did was wrong, not gonna hide that, if you cannot find ...
Counter-Strike: Source Weapon Pack
Created by Полковник
WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! This mod may conflict with other CS:S weapon mods. Please, unsubscribe from other CS:S weapon mods before installing this mod. All weapons are made by me. Models, textures and sounds made by Valve. You don't need to have CS...
Crazy Crowbar
Created by Zenlenafelex [PSF]
Looking for a silly little mod to mess around with? Well, I present to you, Crazy Crowbar! You do not need any requirements! Description This fun little mod adds a swep called Crazy Crowbar under the weapons tab and in the Other category in your spawnmenu....
Created by DBot
If game tells you that DLib is causing script errors, but the only mention of DLib in the error's text is "lua/dlib/modules/hook.lua", check if the error is reproducible without DLib installed first! Only report if DLib is actually causing these errors. Di...
DooM Eternal - Doom Slayer [PM]
Created by o u t l a w
Unf *This is reupload since crowbar fucked up all the files* Yeah, I know there are another models of Eternal Doom guy on the Gmod workshop already, but I started working on it as soon as the extraction tools were released and I spent some time on this one...
DSit - Sit anywhere
Created by DBot
Discord DSit - Sit everywhere. Rewrite under DLib finished on 11 October 2017 To sit, press Alt + <Use button> To choose angle to sit on, hold the same button combination For binds - dsit_getoff command is used to get off player on you sources ...
Enhanced PlayerModel Selector
Created by LibertyForce
It's the playermodel selector from Sandbox... but better! And available everywhere! Like your playermodel? Want to easily use it in all gamemodes? Annoyed that nowadays even maps overwrite it and block the spawnmenu? Then stop reading, you're in the right ...
Extended Playable Piano
Created by Nogitsu
A completely playable piano that features multiple play modes, multiplayer support, sheet music and speaking support ! All the credits for the original addons goes to MacDGuy I only take credits for adding voice to it. Original addon...
Extinguishing Water
Created by GaussTheWizard
End of Support: This addon will no longer be updated. Thank you for Mega Upload! This simple addon adds a mechanic that should have been made far sooner. Burning players and objects will be doused after getting drenched in water. Is your sweet base burning...
Final Fantasy VII: Cloud + Sephiroth player models
Created by Kuro
Did this a bit over a week ago for laughs. I figured that now would be a good time to release it, considering a remake of Final Fantasy VII was announced this week. Buster sword is available as a bodygroup, it appears in the left hand. : Sephiroth has been...
Created by YongLi
Flash Cut weapon Attention: DISABLE(UNSUBSCIBE) BLINK BEFORE STARTING THE GAME if you don't have thirdpersonal(or knife holdtype) animations , check if you have subscribe Animation Extension - Base and Animation Extension - Experimental then restart the ga...
Force Fists
Created by Hds46
Donate to support me and for more stuff Fists with ultimate power. Deals huge damage and knockback enemies. Has a special abilty - Combo Attack. Combo attack does three attacks and then launch enemy to the sky. Keys: Left/Right Click - Hit. Reload Key(R) -...
Garry's Mod Construct 15 Computing update : 0 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . *** LEAKED ***...
Giant Rat Nextbot
Created by OblivionFall
"I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules!" Inspired by Rat Movie: The Movie (created by Jerma). Special thanks to ~NYCTO~ NyctoDarkMatter for helping me make this! He was kind enough to show me the basics. Extra special thansk to Xyxen for creating t...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Created by Bigwig
A big open city map. Fully noded for AI...
Created by empty
Just combination of default sandbox maps with some small modifications. Noded for usual AI and for NextBot. Added HDR....
Created by pibab
It's just four gm_construct, but copied and pasted in one map This map have AI Nodes and Navmesh. Version with two construct...
Created by Nico
An interstate freeway with moving vehicles you can parkour around on. Just try not to fall off! All windows are breakable! The bus has a music player with 16 songs. I included a free talking demoflower as a thanks for subscribing to this map! Night version...
Gravity Cat The Human-Cat
Created by Nicolai SeveN
Description: This original cat model coming from old lamp Gmod version; from Gmod Idiot Box by DasBoSchitt on YT, now humanized! Have static face(no faceposing and eye posing, sorry didn't make it) Include two skins: citizen and soldier. Citizen model just...
Great Saviour Anime Bean Playermodel
Created by Big Darragh
All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime Bean All hail Anime B...
Guitar (playable)
Created by Camilo
Es una guitarra configurada por mi, El modelo lo saque de la workshop Y trae diferentes canciones de genero rock en español y ingles :D Press Q / guns / other / Guitarrota Songs = Iron maiden- The trooper canon rock Imagine dragons- Radioactive Imagine dra...
Helltaker - The Helltaker
Created by Nararana
Check out the game, "Helltaker," on Steam! You woke up one day with a dream. Harem full of demon girls. It was, however, not an easy dream to achieve. It could cost you your life. "When demon girls are involved, no price is high enough." You said, as you v...
JoJo's Abbacchio Tea SWEP
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
Welcome to the mob,drink the tea then you can be a part of us. there is Abbacchio's tea from jojo part5 -teapot- press left to pour the tea for yourself (you must have an empty cup) press right to pour the tea for others (others must have empty cup) press ...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes Of Heaven Enhanced Young Robert Speedwagon (Ragdoll)
First of all, I want to thank ChrissCross (original model ) for having allowed me to convert his port for Gmod and for his efforts about making flexes and porting the meshes along with the r...
JoJo's Stand System
Created by NoobPlayer_Nore
i made this for the new functions of my jojo mods this mod can make sure that everyone is able to have only one Stand every one can only has one stand during his whole life if you want to change your stand,please restart your life(kill yourself) 为了辅助新的替身功能...
Jump Force - Deku (PM+NPC)
Created by Konnie
Izuku Midoriya also know as Deku from Jump Force (My Hero Academia anime series originally) VOTE FOR THE NEXT MODEL WITH THIS STRAWPOLL LINK: Any signs of botting, etc. will just disqualify the model and it will never be m...
Jump Force - Goku (PM+NPC)
Created by Konnie
Goku from Jump Force (Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super anime series originally) VOTE FOR THE NEXT MODEL WITH THIS STRAWPOLL LINK: Any signs of botting, telling your friends to vote for your choice etc. will just...
Jump Force - Naruto Uzumaki (PM+NPC)
Created by Konnie
Naruto Uzumaki from Jump Force (Naruto anime series) the model has 2 bodygroups for different clothing and his kunai knives (Note I got my left and right somehow confused so left is right for the knives, etc. oops, will fix soon) Lore for Naruto: Naruto Uz...
Jump Force - Sasuke Uchiha (PM+NPC)
Created by Konnie
Sasuke Uchiha from Jump Force (Naruto anime series originally) this one has a lot of jigglebones, bodygroups, etc. Wohoo, my first model with procedural bones I finally learned it Lore for Sasuke: Sasuke Uchiha (うちはサスケ, Uch...
Jump force Mod - Shaggy Rogers
Created by WitchyGmod
YES, my first upload, and is freaking shaggy. Witchygmod, Uploaded a damn model, and is shaggy. what is this shit. I must be trolling Anyway. Yuap Here is shaggy from the game jump force but as a mod ofcourse comes with: - Face pose - Finger pose - eye pos...
M1A0 Cat Gun
Created by xdshot
Don't be fooled by the adorable appearance! One of the most dangerous weapon is now available for Garry's Mod! Features: Working Ironsighting and Sprinting animations; Viewmodel arms (c_arms) compatible; Can be given to NPCs; Sandbox and Trouble In Terrori...
M9K Assault Rifles
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Heavy Weapons
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
M9K Pistols+
Created by JustSomeSnow
Warning: For this to fully work i recommend you download M9K Small Arms pack and get a copy of Counter-Strike: Source. Hello there! Long time no see! If you forgot about me... Then i dunno! Anyways, this is a addon pack that adds 9 new weapons to the M9K P...
M9K Rifles+
Created by JustSomeSnow
*WARNING: For this to fully work you need to have M9K Assault Rifles and a copy of Counter-Strike: Source installed* Looks like i did it, after many delays and remasters, here it is: M9K Rifles+, one of my biggest projects yet. Erm, well let's get into it ...
M9K Shotguns+
Created by JustSomeSnow
It returns. Well, M9K+ is back in development. After Rifles+ I have decided to take a break, only to return with the OICW and then this! Hope you enjoy! *Note: No voting this time. I know what everyone will vote for next, and i will bring it sooner or late...
M9K Small Arms pack
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
Media Player
Created by Sam
Watch videos or listen to music with friends in Sandbox—based on the Cinema gamemode. How to fix this mod (HTML5) ⚠️ GMod developers are working on a fix, this can't be fixed by the mod author! ⚠️ This addon no longer works on the default version of Garry'...
Meowscles[PM & Ragdoll]
Created by CandyApple
Very Stronk Cat If you like the playermodel don't forget to rate it!!! Meowscles Ragdoll & Playermodel Features: Tail Jigglebones 3 Models. Ragdoll First Person Arms Glowing eyes on the angry cat + Stronk Fists. Meow !!! DO ...
Metropolice Pack
Created by DPotatoman
Instalation Click green subscribe button under the addon media. Make sure that you've restarted the game if you subscribed while running it. Make sure that you have read F.A.Q. Visit F.A.Q. in the disccusssions section for answers and troubleshooting. FEAT...
One Piece: Gomu Gomu No Mi Devil Fruit SWEP v3.4.3
Created by Roberto Zopiloni
This is a SWEP that gives you the power of the Gomu Gomu no mi devil fruit from One Piece! If there is something you like or dislike about it, please tell me. I'm open to your opinions! If you think the sounds get too annoying tell me. Features *Gomu Gomu ...
Overhaul | Playermodel | My Hero Academia |
Created by Otis gah
"There are so many capable men... and all they can think to do is rob a convenience store? Kinda weird... you'd think a group this big might just, y'know... have bigger goals than that... You're all sick. And you need a cure." -Kai Chisaki to Team Reservoi...
PAC Gear
Created by Marusziy
Re-uploaded after being removed for the workshop All models belong to their rightful owners Will take down if the original author requests it....
PAC Materials
Created by ΛLΞΧ
materials and particles for PAC. Particles: 1.Cube 2.Sphere 4.triangle Materials: 1.Bsod Trails: 1.WhiteTrail 2.Helix ________________________________ Материалы и частицы для PAC. Частицы: 1.Кубик 2.Кружок 3.Звезда 4.Треугольник Материалы: 1.Синий э...
Created by CapsAdm¡n
ABOUT: Gives you the ability to personalize your player model's look by placing objects and effects on yourself. You can go from putting just a hat on your head to creating an entire new player model. PAC can also work on vehicles or props. You can wear yo...
Parakeet's Pill Pack
Created by Parakeet
Pills turn you into machines and critters from various games. This is the base pack. It contains Half-Life 2 pills and fun pills. You can find pills in the "Pills" tab of the spawnmenu. Also known as the Morph Mod. See the "Documentation" thread in discuss...
PC Monitors (pack)
Includes : LG 4:3 monitor Acer 16:9 monitor LG Ultrawide monitor LG Ultrawide curved monitor Samsung Super Ultrawide monitor All models have 6 skins: off windows SFM RT screen Green screen 2 custom Body groups and bones for everything Every model has 2 bla...
Playable Drumset (2020 Update)
Created by Akiko
Finally released! My 2014 playable drumset originally created for use on YukiTheater can now be used on any server! To use the drumset in Sandbox, hold Q, go to the Entities tab, then to FUN + GAMES and click "Playable Drums" to spawn in the drum set. Pres...
Playable Guitar
Created by Henslock
] This is my own version of the playable guitar that I re-coded from scratch. The other ones available on the workshop are not networked correctly, causing the song you play to be different than what other players hear. I also added my own menu where you c...
Playable Guitar SWEP
Created by teapot
You can change the pitch by looking up and down, just like in Rust. Comes with 3 pretty awful sound effects, I can't play guitar for shit sorry....
Playable Piano
Created by MacDGuy
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS AUTHOR! I've moved on from Garry's Mod and I am now making a full game based on GMod Tower called Tower Unite. This piano exists also in Tower Unite! ------- A completely playable piano that fe...
Playable Piano revamped
Created by DurtyFree
A completely playable piano that features multiple play modes, multiplayer support, and sheet music! This is the revamped version of the official one, I reworked the server side stuff to be more dynamic. It is now able to add sheets on the go via website. ...
PuggaMaximus Playermodel
Created by MonkeysInRavenholm
A player model request by: ♕ Pug-Kun ♕ The pictures are pretty self-explanatory of the model. 3/27/16: Fixed texture issue. Added c_hands (The last picture shows the c_hands, the weapon model is a seperate addon)...
Created by Steinman
Welcome to Black Lake High School ! This is a map I've been working on for the last 3 months. It's a huge High School with a lot of different areas. This map was supposed to be used by a community that never used it, so I added some stuff to improve it the...
Sephiroth (Dissidia Final Fantasy NT)
Created by dewobedil
Sephiroth from Dissidia Final Fantasy NT ● 1 Playermodel & 1 Prop (Sword) ● 2 NPCs Enemy & Friendly (Dissidia Final Fantasy NT) ● Ragdoll ● Firstperson view arms ● Bodygroups (Upper Armor Left, Upper Armor Right, Hand Ring Le...
Simple ThirdPerson - Sliders & Fixes!
Created by FailCake
Its just a simple client side ThirdPerson. WORKS WELL WITH PAC3 :D! Note, the playermodel is a PAC Wanna help out? Check If you Don't see yourself when in thirdperson, make sure the...
Solaire of Astora Playermodel & NPC
Created by ❤Yuki❤
Solaire of Astora, from the Dark Souls ___________________________________________________ This Model Features: • Playermodel • NPC • Ragdoll • Viewmodel Hands • Finger Posing • Eye Face posing ___________________________________________________ I made the...
Spiderman Swep
Created by Dorpz
This is the spiderman swep, a swep back from the good ol' garrysmod-org times. Thank you BRUJV for creating the original version and a big thanks to Dorpz for fixing it and re-uploading it to the workshop! Compatibilty update made by Dorpz. Plus: Added 2 n...
Srpelo Death+Pain Sounds
Created by Skye
ANOTHER NOTE: THIS MOD MIGHT NOT WORK ANYMORE BUT I WOULDN'T KNOW HOWEVER I HAVE NO INTENTION OF UPDATING THIS AS I STOPPED ANYTHING WITH MODDING ON GMOD. Im honestly suprised no one did this yet self explantory addon if you've watched srpelo you already k...
Star Wars Lightsabers
Created by Rubat
Created by K
SUIT GUY // AMONG US UPDATED - Fixed ragdoll, increased the size a bit. - About people asking for hands, I have no plans at the moment, I was just looking for something like the game. So create your custom kill cinematics/overlays :P. - Maybe more hats in ...
Super Gravity Gun SWEP
Created by Lazy
The Super Gravity Gun recreated from Half-Life 2! Please read the description before commenting. Disclaimer This addon is a fixed version of a previously existing addon from 2011 created by Τyler Blu. The original download can be found here. This addon is...
Swamp Sim Shrek Nextbot (Official build)
Created by Mentrillum
Whats this, this is back on my main account? Ok I want to make this clear, I will not be fixing this mod or any of my other mods. So if you're expecting a comeback or even a revival of all of my other bots, it just can't happen, I just can't find motivatio...
Thanos - Avengers: Infinity War Playermodel
Created by Kryptonite
"Thanos, referred to as the Dark Lord by his most loyal underlings and the Mad Titan by the galactic community, is a powerful Titan warlord who rules over a distant region of space and commands two massive armies, known as the Chitauri and the Outriders. H...
Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet SWEP and Model
Created by Xyz_
This is an Infinty Gauntlet SWEP (aka weapon) inspired by Thanos' use of it in Marvel's Infinity War movie. This item grants the user over 70 abilities to utilize, ranging from creating portals to wiping foes from existence! Crashing and Lagging Open Q to ...
Toybox Classics
Created by Lead Toybox ClassicsToybox Classics is a pack of Entities and Weapons (55 total!) ported and remade from Toybox. Toybox was a fun feature in older versions of Garry's Mod that included a ton of user-created content for instant us...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Ultimate Workshop Downloader
Created by ceifa Send Workshop addons from your server to your players automatically. How to use Dedicated servers: add UWD to the server's collection and start the server. Done. Listen servers (p2p, in-game multiplayer): the host player n...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
WAC Aircraft
Created by bop
A collection of several aircraft (mostly helicopters) that can be flown with keyboard and mouse. Even more aircraft GitHub Q: How do I download? A: It's one of the green buttons. Q: After starting it goes crazy and crashes! A: Neurotec conflicts with WAC. ...
WAC Community 1
Created by Divided
Welcome to my community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into steam ...
WAC Community 2
Created by Divided
Welcome to my second community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 3
Created by Divided
Welcome to my third community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 4
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fourth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into...
WAC Community 5
Created by Divided
Welcome to my fifth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 6
Created by Divided
Welcome to my sixth community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into ...
WAC Community 7
Created by Divided
Welcome to my seventh community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed int...
WAC RoflCopter
Created by Divided
From the makers of WAC Community brings a new kind of helicopter. You will need WAC Aircraft for this, found here: Please watch the YouTube video for more information on how this chopper works...
WAC Halo
Created by Divided
Welcome to a special edition pack for WAC. This being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here. If you don't know what WAC is and would like to know more, refer to the facepunch thread here. This pack includes the ...
Created by WireTeam
A collection of entities connectable by data wires, which allows for the creation of advanced contraptions. Wiremod Landing Page: Github: Discord: Ultimate Guide to Fixing Wiremod: ht...
Working Soldier Statue Entity
Created by Technochips
A working Soldier Statue entity port, made to be almost identical to the one in TF2. -It will occasionally speak out some Soldier voice lines. (the same ones as in TF2, with the same behavior) -Same entity classname. -Requires TF2 to be mounted and updated...
Yu-Gi-Oh - Yugi Muto Playermodel (Jump Force)
Created by Kryptonite
“Yugi Mutou (Japanese: 武藤 遊戯 Hepburn: Mutō Yūgi), known as Yugi Muto in the English anime, is a fictional character created by Kazuki Takahashi who serves as the main character of the manga series Yu-Gi-Oh!. Yugi is introduced as a friendless teenager who ...
[AOT] Levi PlayerModel
Created by Kuro. | RW9 Goat.
-=| Attack On Titans/Shingeki No Kyojin | Levi Ackerman |=- /!\ Please do not reupload this addon. /!\...
[AOT] PlayerModel - Eren Jaeger
Created by Youenn
Model come of the game Attack On Titan, Wings Of Freedom. I will add soon others playermodels. Enjoy and have fun! -Made by TheDoctor- (little tease of my futur aot map :) )...
[Hunter x Hunter] Hisoka pm jump force
Created by Axel jefire
player model de Hisoka extrait du jeu jump force...
[PM - JIGGLEBONES] DBS Movie - Broly
Created by Le Bourlingueur
Character : Broly Comes from : Dragon Ball Super: Broly Rigg : rylazuwu ╔Rules : ╠Warning ╠♠ Any new publication is strictly prohibited. ╠♠ Any modification is strictly prohibited. ╠♠ Any resale is strictly prohibited. ╚ Copyright 2020 rylazuwu. Ce contenu...
[PM] Monkey D. Luffy | SC
Created by Assad
This Content belongs to the SC For The Server : One Piece RP | SC | Serious RP | Fast DL. I do not own any One Piece RP server that owns mine use this content. On the other hand, I authorize the other Gamemode such as darkrp, sandbox, Dragon Ball RP, ... _...
{PM}Shota Aizawa in My Hero Academia
Created by Axel jefire
°Petite piqûre de rappel,Shota Aizawa alias Eraserhead,professeur principal de la seconde A. il efface les alter en un regard l'effet de son pouvoir cesse lorsqu'il cligne des yeux °Ne pas réupload le contenu que je mets dans mon workshop. A ce moment là ç...
[Undertale] Papyrus (NOT PM/NPC)
Created by bobes ponja
ORIGINAL MODEL DONE BY PYBUN Papyrus from Undertale, ported for gmod, for posing/video purposes. He's got a wide set of flexes that emulate his expressions in the game, bones for the jaw (including one that makes it look cartoony), and detachable limbs. Pl...
[TFA] Half-Life: Alyx - Shotgun
Created by Miyo
Half-Life: Alyx Shotgun, painstakingly re-created from the limited amount of released material available. In this recreation the model is nearly identical and animations were made from scratch to make the gun function well outside VR and in GMod. Requires ...
"YOU FOOL!!!" Gun
Created by [TRK] cucumber
Hi everyone today I created a gun with ten thousand damage He will kill all NPCs Half-life 2 NPC Besides Hunter-Chopper Combine Dropship Half-Life NPC Gargantua Nihilanth...
1986 Lotus 98T F1 [simfphys Update 2017-07-16]
Created by Kirbyguy
Driven by Johnny Dumfries and Ayrton Senna, the Lotus 98T was a very formidable competitor in the 1986 F1 season, having 8 pole positions and 2 wins. The 98T was powered by the Renault EF15B, a turbocharged 6-cylinder engine. The 98T would be the last Lotu...
AI Upscaled C17 buildings textures
Created by Zonnero
Updated C17 buildings textures to HD with AI Upscaling I’ve upscaled the building textures, refinery, and skybox coast mountain model to higher resolutions using AI. The textures are now more detailed and sharper. Includes: upscaled buildings (flats and sm...
Be gone thot gravity gun sound replacement
this meme is really funni amirite also this took forever to make since i know jack shit about gmod addons...
Chairs Extended
Created by Donald
Chairs Extended This mod adds more Chair's from various Source Games such as Half Life 2, Counter Strike Source etc. All Chairs come with skin support of up to 6 for building in sandbox etc including default chairs. This adds seats such as crane seats, car...
Confetti Gun
Created by frono
Portable party maker. Adds a confetti gun into the "Other" category. ...
Crane [Half-life 2]
Created by MrGeRoI
Do you remember crane from Half-Life 2? You should have to bring your buggy to high. Screenshots/Video map: gm_genesis So now you can spawn crane on your server and move any props! (Entity category is "Half-Life 2") You can add a platform on the frame so y...
CS:Source Driveable Vehicles
Created by Doc
Fourth and last pack of the "Source Vehicles" pack. This contains all the Counter Strike: Source vehicles, Counter Strike: GO SWAT van and police pickup truck, the lunar rover from Portal 2 and the '69 Dodge Charger R/T (both normal and General Lee replica...
Doge Playermodel
Created by 2XMM2
wow much dog much • Playermodel/ragdoll • Viewmodel • Jiggle tail/ear/jaw (posable!) • more polygons • more seamless textures • Hitboxes that should work in TTT very • command / path? cl_playermodel "Doge" \models\doge_player\doge_player.mdl • why does dog...
Doki Doki Literature Club Playermodels & NPC
Created by Goonya
This is pack of five playermodels and NPC's of characters from game Doki Doki Literature Club It's visual novel, not anime, you dоrk! SFM version Features Faceposing Eyeposing (needed Advanced...
Drones 2
Created by calafex
This addon contains 44 drones, 2 sweps and one entity. Also this will NOT be updated with new drones and entities, also we will completely make this addon independent of previous part by porting here weps and ents. Since old console DOES NOT work with new ...
ENA[Joel G] Playermodel
Notes to be updated Add every character Models from Extinction Party and Temptation Stairway salutations, sir! may i PLEASE Enter? ENA is a Character from Joel Guerra's animation, Extinction Party and Auction day she looks very abstract, and she got two ty...
Enhanced HL2 doors
Created by LonelyAndLookin4Fun
This addon modifies the appearance of every default HL2 door to give them a more updated and modern look without necessarily changing how they look entirely. -AI upscaled textures, from 256x512 to 1024x2048! (used Topaz gigapixel AI) -Added bumpmap support...
Extended Properties
Created by Rubat
This addon adds a lot of properties to Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod entites such as turrets, rollermines, suit chargers, flashlights, dynamites, NPCs and anti-antlion thumpers. There are over 72 different actions for different entites and NPCs. UsageHold C ...
Extreme Football Throwdown
Created by an energy vortex
The only American football gamemode you'll ever want to play. Tackle other players, slam them against walls and ceilings, or just pummel them to death with your fists. Get the ball in the enemy goal area to score a touch down. Comes with tons of wacky weap...
Extreme Football Throwdown Map Pack
Created by an energy vortex
This is a pack of EFT maps which previously came with the gamemode....
Ferrari F1
Created by SGM ツ
I made this with my spare time. Has no bodygroups I'm sorry about that. I will be doing a contest and the winner gets to request a car. I will post more details about the contest in my group which can be found at :
Fixed chairs
Created by MARK2580
You may have noticed that when a player gets up from the old G-Mod seats, it will teleport the player to a random location around the chair rather than one fixed point, which can be frustrating. This addon adds 7 updated models with different camera animat...
Fps Booster
Created by -ICE- If you'd like to Support more Addons like this please Consider Donating Via Cash App :) For Singleplayer and Servers! Fps Booster is a easy way to potentially help improve your Clients FPS. Wh...
gm_AUskeld (Sandbox Version)
Created by *Squint*
A garrysmod map based on the Among us map, Skeld This is the sandbox version of the ttt map of the same name! Vents are now free to use for everyone, doors are opened and closed with the buttons next to them Find the TTT version of this map here -> https://...
Created by BIG JOHANN
For the night version, click HERE A simple sandbox map that I decided to make for fun. Includes an airfield, a secret base and bunker complex, beach, some buildings, a fairly large skybox and more. This map does not require any additional content. ...
Created by pibab
Games not required! Just original gm_construct, but made in retro style....
Created by .:JASUS:.
Half-Life 2 Vehicles Extended
Created by Donald
Half-Life 2 Vehicles Extended This mod adds 40 variants to the Jeep, 5 to the Charger and 9 to the Airboat. Also comes with 2 Bikes and a Truck. 40 Variants for the Jeep / Scout Car / Buggy 9 Variants for the Airboat 5 Variants for the Charger / Jalopy 2 V...
GTA 5 Playermodels
Created by Dusty
Features: Trevor is shit, no fingerposing and he's got a colorable shirt. Michael's got 9 skingroups for his suit, and a colorable dress shirt. Franklin is probably the most complete. Colorable undershirt, and skins for different hairstyles/beards. *Thank ...
Guess Who
Created by lolleko
Combine Spy Party, Hide & Seek and PropHunt and the result is this little gamemode. In Guess Who two teams compete against each other, one trying to hide between NPCs and the other one trying to hunt those cowards down. The Hiding team can change their dis...
Henry Stickmin & Charles Calvin[+ Ellie Rose] (Playermodel)
Created by 🎮-_MAX_-🎮
I made another playermodel for you, but from the game The Henry Stickmin Collection. I hope you will like it Don't expect any special updates. At the moment this is the last update, but there may be fixes. I apologize if I upset you - Ragdoll - Viewhand - ...
Hide and Seek
Created by Twist
{ Hide and Seek } - { Version 1.2b } This version is a less-stupid one. It does not contain; stock rtv, dynamic tag-ranges, anti-cheat. It still includes achievements and required fixes. --------------------------------------- The classic game of Hide and ...
HL2: EP2 HD Jalopy
Created by al
Working Muscle Car from Half-Life 2: Episode Two. This absoutely does not require EP2. INCLUDES: HD Muscle Car by FAKEFACTORY! Original muscle car script. Working bodygroup. (I think) Modified EP2 vehicle sound for awesomeness! Can spawn from, Spawnmenu - ...
I like ya cut, G
Created by Jakey
b o n g Get behind somebody and left click (or whatever your primary fire is) to rate their cut. Works on NPCs too, albeit a little... Inconsistent...
Jerma Mattress Reskin
Created by Lt. Slayer
A must need for Jerma connoisseurs and entrepreneurs. Made in under 5 minutes. Replaces both ragdoll mattress textures (furnituremattress001a & furnituremattress002a)...
Jerma Sus Citizen Playermodel (+ NPC)
Created by Mr. Headcrab
When the imposter is sus!😳 NPC corpses broke at some point but i've already spent enough time on this, consider the t-pose a feature
Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) [ PM / NPC / Ragdoll ]
Created by Kemot44
Clown will come to 🎃 halloween 🎃 party This is a model made from scratch by JoeMashups and some of my corrections (° ͜ʖ °) Feature: Skins for - Hair ( clean / make-up ) - Face ( clean / make-up / smudged make-up) Bodygroups (Outfit) Details for clothes Rol...
Kermit The Frog Player Model & NPC
Created by Lord Shoopington
Play as the Kermit The Frog (Or Joel's Dad, for you Vinesauce fans out there) This is also my first playermodel, too. CREDITS: Ripping: Lemurboy12 Everything Else: Me Model obtained from: Enjoy!...
Mars Crater V1
Created by Doomologist
A scenic build map of a martian crater with custom textures and models. Personal Note : I've been working on this for quite a while. All textures and models were crafted just for this map. There were many awesome things I worked on that had to be cut in or...
Master Chief Playermodel
Created by Bonehead
Bkacjios made these I did not make this i found it on It's the Master Chief from Halo 3 It also comes with 3 other playermodels from halo 2 Here is the link to the original addon
Melee Arts 2
Created by namje If war is art, then let these weapons be your brush! ____________________________________________ Melee Arts 2 is a PVP based addon that brings 28+ melee weapons, and a gun. Get up close and tango with your enemy! Melee Arts...
Created by Mechanical Mind
A gamemode of deception and murder, based off of Murder in the Dark. One person is a murderer with a knife, who is trying to secretly kill off the other players. The other players must use their wits to find out who it is and kill them first. Unfortunately...
(Outdated) Neon City (USL!) - Map
Created by Steinman
WARNING, don't use both this version and the new one or it will causes conflicts This is is the first official map for the gamemode "Ultimate Survivor Live!" (USL!) made by Utopia-Games and takes place on the rooftops of Neon City. The gamemode is not rele...
Oneshot: Niko Playermodel (UPDATED)
Niko from OneShot original assets by myself support me: - - my commissions: updates: 4/12/2020: added npc and updated playermodel (featured image) Maps used in gallery: Union City by Fishke: ht...
OW- Reaper Playermodel
Created by Zynth
Before a bunch of Overwatch models were removed from the workshop due to a thirparty DMCA issue. Though after doing some reading it seems to be resolved and models are now being uploaded once more. I saw that there had yet to be a Reaper one so here it is!...
OW: Reinhardt P.M. and Ragdoll
Created by Lenoax
This is uffff, a big model for this workshop, and when I say big, is BIG PIECE OF METAL. This addon got a model "OW_Reinhardt_Classic.mdl", this model got the original animations of the game, if you have the easy animator, you can use it! (Don't have all, ...
PropHunt (Hide'n'Seek) - Original
Created by kowalski7cc
PROP HUNT IS BACK!!!! Contribute at GitHub: READ THE F.A.Q. AND DISCUSSIONS BEFORE POSTING!!!! Your answer could be there ;) PropHunt plays much like a Hide and Seek. Players on the RED team, disgu...
Push Mod (Player Version)
Created by Jordan
Yet another addon inspired by Sinavestos and his amazing RP. The mod allow you to push players just by pressing your use key , which is usually set to your "E" Key. Once you press it on a player , a hurt sound will be played and the player will be "pushed"...
PWB Sniper Rifles
Created by Полковник
This is modified version of my Titanfall weapon base. I will create another packs next time. Weapons models are taken from Included: HK417 L96A1 M98B SR25 SV98 CREDITS: Me - Weapon base and porting weapons to GMod. L96A1: ImbrokeRu - Animation ...
Ragdoll Rifle
Created by Jaker747
This is a rifle that shoots ragdolls. I know it sounds like a weird weapon, but it is funny sometimes. Give a thumbs up, and Enjoy!...
The Patty Wagon - 400k
Created by Bananaisu
'YOU DON'T NEED A LICENSE TO DRIVE A SANDWICH' -Spongebob, 2004 Drivable Patty Wagon ported from Nick Racers Revolution 3D Credits: Steele - Rig, compiling, showing me how to port, ect. Me - The Idea ==Seen in== Garry's Mod Mod Reviews #1 (Check it out her...
Sans P.M. (Undertale)
Created by Denic
A lazy skeleton with a humerus attitude and a taste for bad puns. Make sure you stay on Sans' good side and you won't have a bad time. Also on Source Filmmaker! Download the ragdoll here! --- Terms of Use (Rules) Questions & Answers --- Notes Playermodel i...
Saxton Hale: Jungle Inferno GMOD
Created by Maxxy
Saxton Hale is a daring Australian, President and CEO of Mann Co., and the star of many comics series. Saxton Hale appears in the Jungle Inferno update with his own unique model. This is not the Valve's original Saxton Hale model, It's an imitation. Featur...
SCars Basic
Created by Sakarias
SCars Basic Version 1.2. YOU NEED SCARS SLIM FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK! Make sure you have subscribed to the SCars Slim workshop addon. This car pack uses the features that comes with SCars Slim. This pack includes 26 new cars! List: Hummer Ratmobile Chevy66 ...
SCars Extra
Created by Sakarias
SCars Extra Version 1.2. YOU NEED SCARS SLIM FOR THIS ADDON TO WORK! Make sure you have subscribed to the SCars Slim workshop addon. This car pack uses the features that comes with SCars Slim. This pack includes 24 new cars! List: 2006 Dodge Ram SRT-10 For...
SCars Misc Content
Created by Sakarias
All the content that didn't fit into SCars Extra or SCars Basic ends up here because of size limitation. Some of the content here used to be a part of SCars Slim but was moved here....
SCars Slim
Created by Sakarias
SCars Version 2.3.5 Don't like normal hl2 vehicles? Then this addon is for you! With SCars you can customize your car in almost any way you want. Everything from paintjob and handling to suspension height and wheels. Keep in mind that this addon just conta...
Shrekzooka - by Gidz
The Shrekzooka (Panzershrek) Blast away your enemies with the new and original Shrekzooka! Launch Shreks out of the end of your bazooka. Custom sounds, models and code! Please report any bugs if or when they may appear, I'll fix them asap. See the video fo...
SW Jeeps
Created by SligWolf
3 jeeps with bodygroups. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon jeeps Con...
Created by SligWolf
Futuristic styled car that can fly. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addo...
SW Gokart
Created by SligWolf
A gokart. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_addon gokart Controls: W (+for...
SW Motorbike
Created by SligWolf
A motorbike with and without sidecar. Please read the description for all informations about the addon! Click for the terms of use. Special thanks to: Grocel Requirements: You need to have the SW Base Addon installed! Console command: sv_sligwolf_reload_ad...
Snoop Dogg
Created by Voikanaa Snoop Dogg is an American rapper and actor from Long Beach, California. His music career began in 1992 when he was discovered by Dr. Dre of N.W.A, and as a result wa...
Sonic Adventure Playermodels (With Voices)
Created by Lazy
"Aw yeah! This is happening!" Includes: 4 Playermodels (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy.) C_Arms Hurt sounds Death sounds Drown sounds Custom viewheight Console commands: sv_hurtsounds, and sv_viewheight. Other things... Do NOT re-upload this addon anywher...
Super Knife SWEP
Created by Mono
Stab your friend very very far away or very very close! SIMPLE!! *NOTE You may need counter strike source for this to work...
T. Rex Playermodel
Created by 2XMM2
everyone's favorite dinosaur, now with longer arms Features • Very silly proportions • Red and not-red color variants • Ragdoll & playermodel • NPCs! citizen & combine variants • Hitboxes that should be compatible with TTT • Jigglebone jaw! (poseable with ...
TF2 Driveable Vehicles
Created by Doc
Pack of vehicles from Team Fortress 2, all driveable, like the standard Half-Life 2 buggy. The double decker bus is "open" (you can enter just walking/jumping through the doors) and both deck are accessible, there aren't any passenger seats, just weld as m...
Created by Budboodle
This map has the following: Two traitor traps Two traitor rooms ai nodes does NOT require Counter-Strike source. And if you are wondering why the map is called basalt I recommend looking up images of basalt formations. Its pretty cool....
TV-Head Playermodel
Created by fingerbum
A TV for a head character. Features: Different TV-Cases -Plain -Plain, Colourable -Wooden Different Screens (that are lit up) -Lost Signal -Eyes -Question Mark -Green and Blue Screen, as requested by a couple users Colourable Body Custom Hands Proper Hitbo...
[LEGACY/OUTDATED] Ultimate Chimera Hunt
Created by Raphy
THIS GAMEMODE IS OUTDATED! PLEASE USE THE MOST UPDATED VERSION AVAILABLE HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey there! You can join the Discord se...
Underground Construct
Created by The Mafia
Made for the Hammer Editor Discord Mapping Contest #1! The goal of the contest was to make the most interesting version of the iconic Garry's mod map gm_construct ever created! This Entry Won First Place!!! Join if You'd like! if...
UNDERTALE - Frisk & Chara [RAG/PM/NPC]
Created by MSF
Frisk and Chara from UNDERTALE! As the title says, this comes with regular ragdolls, PMs with bodygroups for the cheeks + skin for the eyes, and both friendly & hostile variants of Frisk and Chara! I had these models with me for almost half a year. I figur...
Undertale Frisk & Chara Playermodel
Created by Sinful Mario
"You're filled with DETERMINATION" Since there was no Frisk or Chara model I decided to do one myself. Model Features: Scaled Frisk and two Chara models(They are short!) Viewmodel hands Playermodel Bodygroup hearts/souls Bodygroup knife(only for Chara) Cur...
Wednesday Frog
Created by saintblue52
Subtle, Sleek, Elegant, Wednesday. Reach within your local workshop and acquire this friend. Model by Anton Bertelsen on Sketchfab...
Yet Another 3D Maneuver Gear
Created by mmys
This is a SWEP, of the 3D Maneuver Gear/Omni-directional Maneuver Gear from Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. WHAT'S SPECIAL ABOUT THIS ONE? - Two hooks that can be fired and retracted independently. - A bit more control over hook speed. - Goes much fast...
Zero Punctuation | Player Model
Created by B-Bud
For fans of Zero Punctuation. Features: Four hat bodygroups; Yahtzee's hat, hatless, pants on head, and hair of the MASTER RACE. Colorable A wide* (*moderately-sized) range of facial expressions, including a Zombie skin. Option for gender. Big buff torso o...
[BEASTARS] Legosi Player Models
Created by Vesper
Model Made By DamKung Hand Paint Textrue Made By D.A.T.D (Anlcak) Made in Blender...
[Deltarune] Kris (Playermodel/Ragdoll/NPC/Props)
Created by Viba
KRISP!!! Here he is folks! The Garry's Mod addition of Kris, with quite a lot of content! Models, textures, rigs by myself, ported for GMod usage by Charma. In this addon, you will have... - Three ragdolls, Casual Kris, Dark World Kris including face posin...
"FUCK" Error Replacement
Created by Rykah
FUCḲ. Model by Slartibarty. Screenshots by Rykah and Lain. If you want to use this in some other game, here's a link you fuck....
Bike for SCars 2.0
Created by 👍GRiBA👍
Scars 2.0 Bike V0.4a 13.04.13 <This is not by finally, there is still much to do :)> Required: Scars 2.0 by Sakarias88 Special thanks to Sakarias88 Official site
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Piccolo Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
So, I finally figured out how to rip models from Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 through 3. It requires multiple programs and there's no way it would've been possible without killercracker's .AMO import maxscript. I decided since I already made a Vegeta playermode...
DragonBall Z Budokai Cell Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
"♪'P' is for 'priceless', the look upon your faces♪ ♪'E' is for 'extinction', all your puny races♪ ♪'R' for 'revolution', which will be televised♪ ♪'F' is for how 'f*****' you are, now allow me to repriiise♪ ♪'E' is for 'eccentric', just listen to my song♪...
DragonBall Z Budokai Frieza Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
"IT'S FRIEZAAAAAAA!!!!!!" This is a playermodel of Frieza, one of the most famous villains in anime history. Not only did he enslave the saiyan race for many years, but when he felt threatened by them he destroyed them and their home planet and lied about ...
DragonBall Z Budokai Goku Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
What's there to say? This is a playermodel of Goku complete with Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 bodygroups, cel shading lightwrap and black outline. Enjoy saving the universe as everyone's favorite martial artist. I did not make this chara...
DragonBall Z Budokai Krillin Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
"SENZU BEAN!!!!" It's everyones favorite Space Duck, Krillin!! Only people who watch DragonBall Z Abridged will understand that first part. So here he is, Goku's little bald friend Krillin, the guy who at one point in time was actually as strong as Goku. I...
DragonBall Z Budokai Nappa Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
"VEGEEEEETAAAAA!!!!" It's Nappa!!! Vegeta's former sidekick, and Famous male model who majored in child psychology and minored in pain. He's a really tall muscular bald guy who doesn't wear pants and is currently directing movies in hollywood. If any of th...
DragonBall Z Budokai Vegeta Playermodel
Created by Sc4recroW
"I'm the prince of all saiyans" Vegeta the prince of all saiyans will always be one of my favorite anime characters. Most people know him as that one guy from the "OVER 9000!!!!" memes or that guy who's jealous of Goku because he's not as strong as him. He...
Created by calafex
NEW PART OF DRONES RELEASED!1 YOU CAN FIND IT HERE. Its a drones pack with which you can be the spy! (miniguns and rockets included); Controls E - enter/out drone; W S - forward and back; A D - turn left and right; Space - up; Ctrl - down; TAB - thirdperso...
Created by Vamp
Current version: gm_7eleven_v6 Night Version now available! Facepunch Thread ~ Info ~ A comical build map centered around a 7eleven, soccer field, gm_construct style buildings, and a mysterious elevator. ~ Credits ~ Vamp: Map ~ Change Log ~ V6: *Fixed Elev...
Created by MSF
This model was created by cmankarTheCat! Steam has recently removed the links, so I cannot properly link you to the original download. You'll have to find it yourself on DeviantArt. Apologies. I have edited the model for new facial flexes (they're based of...
M9K Specialties
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
Nami One Piece Fixed PM & Ragdoll
Created by Tritu
This is not my model. I have just fixed the hitboxes for my TTT Server....