Stronghold Legends

Stronghold Legends

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Stronghold Legends In-Depth Guide to 100%
Por Dilligan
This is a in-depth guide on how to complete this game 100% in achieving all achievements for this game. I have also included strategies to make missions a lot easier so you don't have to waste hours struggling through them.
Awarded for collecting all of the the achievements/trophies! You are a true legend!
Needed to complete 59 out of 60 before this one unlocks which makes it 60 out of 60.



The above text is all caps and in a header format because i can not stress it enough as I just want to save you some time from making a mistake or needing to back track because of a mistake.

For example, lets say you get 10,000 food in your granary, collect 15,000 gold through taxes, or even recruit all evil units in a game. If you decide to quit the current game and return to main menu or even overwrite the saved file you WILL NOT GET the achievement.

Game's manual
My Strategies
Now my strategies and tips may differ from what you do, but this is pretty much what I do on a consistent basis.

Starting out and economy
  • I usually slow the game speed down between 40 and 50. It seems like its nearly impossible playing at 90 speed as the enemy lords attack fairly early on before I can even get my economy going.
  • Use all the wood on buildings farms and hovels. Once all wood is used up, place 1 wood cutter for free which saves 20 wood.
  • Spend gold to buy wood to work on the economy. Build at least 1 quarry and 2 ox tethers and then additional wood camps.
  • Get food production going, raise rations, and then increase taxes. I only built cheese and meat farms.
  • I try to build an inn or church as soon as possible, increases rations, and then increase taxes.
  • Build a market to auto sell goods such as stone and iron for gold. Iron sells for 40 gold, which is really good. Even sell food if you have plenty coming in.
  • Hardly ever build weapon workshops as it costs a decent amount of gold and weapon production is slow.
  • Turn the game speed up as you progress throughout the missions.

  • Varies from mission to mission, but I use pretty much the same tactics.
  • Build towers and put crossbow men up in the towers and walls. Buy dragon harpoons when possible. Dragon harpoons are not only effective against dragons, but also witches and giants bats.
  • Macemen, hell hounds, or wolves. These units are very cheap and move pretty fast.
  • Build at least 2 walls with a gap in between. This will slow down siege attacks and prevent ladders form reaching the walls and troops storming the castle.

  • Depending on if playing normal, ice, or evil it can vary a little.
  • Try to capture gates early on if possible to prevent enemy attacks.
  • I use cheap and fast troops such as macemen, hell hounds, and wolves to distract the ranged troops and other troops.
  • More than likely I will be using siege towers, not to breach walls, but for ranged troops. This way ranged troops will be higher up and can shoot while moving making them more effective at clearly out castle walls, towers, and gates.
  • My order of attack will vary, but I try to capture gates first, if feasible and if it makes sense. I try to go for the evil lords or Arthur first, then any ice lords, and then Lancelot.

  • Especially against ice lords, capture them and leave the troops in the keep.
  • Ice lords will more than likely send over polar bears or giants and they can't enter the keep which means you keep control of the estate and get production delivered to your estate.
  • Control estates also prevents lords from building siege camps near your castle which reduces the siege attacks.
  • Capturing estates allows you to build siege camps which is useful since siege equipment don't move that fast.
Lords and Alignment
There are 3 factions green (normal troops), ice (ice troops), and evil (evil troops). This tips below are from my gameplay, what I have noticed, and how I handle each lord.

Green (Arthur and Lancelot)
  • I would say he is the strongest lord, but only if given time to build an economy and an army.
  • Try to keep his economy weak as possible or take him out quickly. He doesn't attack until later on in the missions if given enough time to build an army. His armies are not easy to take down and can wreak havoc on your keep.
  • Sending in wolves, hell hounds, or macemen as they are cheap and move quickly to destroy buildings and keep the economy weak.
  • Comparable to the Rat and Snake from the other Stronghold games.
  • A weaker version of Arthur as Lancelot can only use normal troops and not the round table.
  • Will only send archers and men at arms so nothing to worry about.

Ice (Dietrech and Siegfried)
polar bears and giants
  • Can wreak havoc on your keep. They move fairly fast for their size and can take on a lot of damage before being defeated. Crossbows are more effective than Archers. Use fast moving troops for a distraction to prevent buildings from being destroyed.
  • Have 1 or 2 towers spread throughout the keep as witches will be sent over to attack workers and weaken the economy.
  • Use catapults or trebuchets to take out the ice mirrors so your troops don't freeze.

Evil (Vlad and Beowulf)
    Attacking and Defending
  • The only time I have really struggled in this game was when I was playing against the evil lords and should not be taken lightly.
  • They attack non-stop and can be a struggle to defend off the attacks.
  • Their weakness is the gates, control their gates and it will greatly reduce their attacks.
  • Flip and control the gate. As soon as the gate is flipped remove troops from the gate so the enemy doesn't regain control of the gate. For some reason they won't send troops to the top of the gate to regain control, thereforth keeping them trapped.
Giant bats
  • What makes them very dangerous is the fact that they can take out a platoon very quickly.
  • The only weakness is building a bunch of crossbow men and dragon harpoons. From what I noticed, archers do very little damage.
Vampiric Creepers and fire demons
  • They are not difficult to take out, but can climb over walls and attack the castle.
  • Creepers will control ranged troops and men at arms if not protected by melee troops.
  • Fire demons will leave a tail of fire causing troops to take damage from fire and start buildings on fire.
  • Have fast moving melee troops in their path to slow them down and allow the ranged troops to take them out.
King of Camelot (King Arthur Campaign) Section 1 of 2
King of Camelot
Awarded for completing the King Arthur campaign.
Need to complete 9 chapters on any difficulty.
Chapters 1 through 5 of 9.

The Coming of the Saxons
Part 1-3
  • Objective: Rescue Sir Bedivere from the Saxons with 66 men at arms.
  • Just stick to the path on the right and work your way to Sir Bedivere and return him back to the keep.
Part 2-3
  • Objective: Survive until Merlin's Arrival.
  • See screenshot below for soldiers and building layout.
Part 3-3
  • Objective: Capture the Stone Circle.
  • Can build up to 4 quarries on the right side of the map.
  • Station men at arms outside of the castle walls to take care of siege invasions quickly.
  • Place archers on bridge and send men at arms to the top of the hill.
  • Use Sir Bedivere to take down the castle walls.
  • Merlin can be used to take out archers on the walls without taking damage.
  • Merlin is actually useful for taking down archers on castle walls quickly.

  • Objective: Build Camelot upon Guinevere's arrival.
  • Follow the layout that is already pre-set when building the castle.
  • Place The stockpile near the stone to gather stone quickly. Can place 4 quarries. Have a couple soldiers placed by the quarries to defend them from attacks.
  • Build granary and farms on top of the hill, easier to defend.
  • Build 2 short walls on the right and bottom side of the hill. The enemy will funnel around.
  • Siege attacks come from the bottom left, other it will be a few soldiers from the other sides.
  • **Hint** Try to build a large army if possible. Any troops produced, buildings, towers, and walls that you place can give a big advantage for the chapter Victory, more information below.

  • Objective: Just hold out and defend.
  • Build a granary, 2 farms, and 3 hovels.
  • Immediately send all troops on top of the gate and place the knights in front of the gatehouse. Easiest way to fight off the creepers.
  • Place wood cutters inside the walls so the buildings don't get destroyed. Sell food and wood to buy iron for knights.
  • As soon as possible increase food rations, then increase taxes for income.

The Making of Sir Gareth
Green Knight
  • Send a couple men-at-arms to the top of the hill and then retreat to lure the enemy soldiers in.
  • Send the archers to the top of the hill to take out enemy archers.
  • Use the special power to reveal traps, send a soldier in to lure in the knight, he will take damage from the trap.
  • Don't go through the traps. There is a small rout between the broken wall and the trees.

Blue Knight
  • There will be a couple pikemen patrolling. Use an archer to lure them in and take them out easily.
  • For the 2nd row. Place archers on the bridge and send pikemen ahead to take out the men-at-arms. Once they're taken out, retreat. Reinforcements will come after the 2nd row is taken out.
  • For the archers and mantels. Send the pikemen ahead to take the damage from the archers and then use your archers to fire back.
  • There is a trap, use the stone wall ground area to get through.

Yellow Knight
  • After you get to the bridge you will receive some more reinforcements from the left path.
  • Do not take out the bandit camp, leave it until the yellow knight is taken care of.
  • Send pikemen and archers to the top of the hill to take care of the enemy archers. This will trigger the yellow knight to come over.
  • The bandits will attack the yellow knight as he comes around and reducing his health.
  • Take out the bandit camp and you will receive the 3rd and final wave of reinforcements.
  • There is one final trap between the yellow and red knight.

Red Knight
  • Use the hill to the right of the trap to take care of any enemy troops easily.
  • Use the 2nd hill to take care of the enemy archers. The archers are patrolling so if timed, your archers can be firing at the enemy while they are moving to take them out quickly.
  • After this I just send all forces to the red knight immediately without wasting time.

Morgan le Fay
Part 1 of 2
  • Build stockpile near the iron ore, takes longer to produce compared to stone.
  • Buy 40 stone to build a armory and barracks quickly and spend 300-400 gold on wood to get the economy going quickly.
  • By 15-20 bows to get some archers right away for defending then get bow production going.
  • Increase food rations to increase taxes for income.
  • Building 2 walls that don't touch will delay the time it takes for the walls to get breached.
  • See screenshots below for castle layout.

Part 2 of 2
  • You will spend approximately the first 10 minutes to build an armory.
  • Archers and pikemen are the easiest and quickest for building an army.
  • Place a siege camp and only recruit ladders and mantels ( a lot cheaper than catapults).
  • Send a couple pikemen to the first tower to distract the archers.
  • Use mantels to take on fire from ranged troops and then send ladders and pikemen onto the walls. Clear the walls and control the gate.

King of Camelot (King Arthur Campaign) Section 2 of 2
King of Camelot
Awarded for completing the King Arthur campaign.
Need to complete 9 chapters on any difficulty.
chapters 6 through 9 of 9.
  • You will start with the same exact number of troops and building layout as you ended with in Camelot.
  • I turned down the game speed until I was set, you get attacked early on and quite often.
  • Building towers strategically will allow crossbow men to take out sieges quickly.
  • Men-at-arms are cheap and useful to distract and lead enemy soldiers away from towers.
  • Leave gaps in the outer castle walls Enemy soldiers will go around rather than trying to go through the walls.
  • see screenshots below for layout (obviously you can build it however.

The Grail
  • Objective: Retrieve the Holy Grail.
  • Right away you are under fire from enemy archers so I recommend moving all troops back to the shore.

  • Pause the game and take a look at the map layout and if you look to the shore to the right there are reinforcements if you can get to them. Just need to have 1 soldier reach the reinforcements. The ones on the left are worth getting, the ones on the right are not worth it.

  • Keep the mace men and pike men in front of the archers to take care of the creepers.
  • Send troops to the left side of the wall to provide cover from archers. When your troops reach the back platform. Use the battering rams to distract the archers so your troops can get as close as possible without taking damage.

  • Here I just used the knights power to protect my troops and take out the archers on top.
  • Send the knight to the cliff/wall as close as possible and he will be able to take out the sorceror on top. Otherwise it will shoot fire continuously and your troops won't make it.

  • After taking out the sorceror, I just force send my troops to the holy grail. Use the knights powers to protect and heal your troops as you move to the holy grail. I had 2 of 3 knights left and a few swordsman.
The Fall of the Round Table
  • Objective: Reach Sir Lancelot.
  • I send my crosswbow and pikemen ahead first to take care of the macemen.

  • Send my knight straight ahead to distract the mangonels. The mangonels shouldn't attack your troops at all. I left my knight in the corner and didn't move him at all.

  • Use the archers and the knights shield to take out archers, retreat once shield is gone, retreat, wait for shield to regenerate and do the same again.

  • Use the catapults to take out most of the remaining troops and castle walls. Just have crossbowmen men up by the catapults so they don't get destroyed my enemy mace men.

  • Send the swordsmen and pike men ahead to take on fire from archers. Then send in the archers and crossbow men and use the knights shield to protect your soldiers. Move soldiers around to take out as many troops as possible then retreat and use siege equipment to take down the gate.

  • Once gate is down, send all troops in, only need a couple troops to reach Sir Lancelot.
  • Objective: Kill Mordred.
  • Spend all your gold on wood to get your economy going. Place hovels in the back left corner. build pig farms around the keep. Pig farms are cheap, but provide a steady income for gold.

  • Build a stone wall without gate to enclose the castle as soon as possible. The enemies wont be able to attack your castle as easily. Build towers, but make sure they don't touch the wall. The enemies will climb the ladders onto the wall but will have no where to go. The enemy only attacked form one spot. There were a few archers that went to the bandit camp side, but nothing happened. I put a few towers to take them out though.

  • When attacking use siege equipment to take out most of the enemy soldiers from a distance without losing any of your soldiers.
Champion of the North (Ice Campaign)
Champion of the North.
Awarded for completing the Ice Campaign.
Need to complete 6 chapters on any difficulty.
Evil Approaches
Part 1 of 2
  • Objective: Rescue Dietrich and Kill the giant Sigenot
  • Stick with the middle path, it will be the easiest
  • Send crossbow men ahead to take care of the patrolling pikemen.

  • After the bridge, pay attention to the patrols, this area can be cleared very easy.

  • Send in pikes, then ladders, and then all troops onto the wall.

  • Then focus the rest of the troops on the giant, while 1 soldier goes and rescues Dietrich.
Part 2 of 2
  • Objective: Dragon Nests Destroyed
  • Send the 2 lords across the bridge and everyone else onto the keep.
  • Spend all your gold on wood, use all the stone to block off the bridge. Only build enough buildings to keep the giants distracted otherwise they will go after your 2 lords.
  • Use the 2 lords to take out the dragons.

  • Keep your knights moving. Move them back and forth to attack the dragon. If the horse dies, you can re-buy them with honor. It takes 80 honor for a new horse. Use lords power to summon shield maidens.

The Dwarf King
  • Objecitve: Kill the Dwarf King
  • Use the pikes and archers up to take care of the dogs.
  • Use the shield maidens to destroy the roses.
  • Move pikes and archers to the right side to take out the archers on the wall.

  • Use the battering ram to take out the gate.
  • Send in the war maidens in to take out the 9 roses and then retreat.
  • Send pike and archers up the hill to clear the walls. The pike will help take damage and save archers from dying.

  • Once wall is cleared, send pike to the gate to take out the patrol that comes through.
  • Use a couple ladders to climb the wall and then put all ranged troops on the wall.

  • Now be careful before moving through the third gate. The fire demons will jump the walls. Once the fire demons are out, take out the dwarf king.
Part 1 of 2
  • Objective: Kill Fafnir the Dragon
  • DO NOT attack, SEND all troops to the top of the keep.
  • Just wait patiently as the bears will defeat the dragon.
  • This will make part 2 a lot easier and more manageable.

Part 2 of 2
  • Objective: Kill Schilbung and Niebelung
  • 1st attack will come from the upper left and the 2nd from the bottom left. Need to kill all troops in order to trigger the next siege attack.
  • I recommend buying up a bunch of wood. Build 4-5 quarries right away with about 10 ox tethers Then some wood cutters and farms. Only need to focus on crossbow production.
  • Use Siegfried's special ability to summon shield maidens over the walls to take out siege camps.
  • Build 2 walls with a gap to slow down attacks if the enemy does breach.

The Land of the Giants
  • Objective: Kill the giant Orkis
  • The toughest part about this is getting the economy going. Focus on wood cutters and food farms first. Then crossbow production only. Build a couple stone quarries.
  • Building an inn and providing ale can help with taxes and bringing in gold.
  • Build a kitchen pantry and some farms to help get honor.

  • Send the witches down the back side around the keep. will be able to attack Orkis and take him down with little effort.
Virginal: Ice Queen of Tyrol
  • Objective: Capture Keep.
  • Get food and wood production going first as you start with very little food.
  • Get iron going and then some stone production. Iron will be a good source for income.
  • I used the starting stone to build an armory and barracks and the left over to enclose the castle.
  • As far as weapon production only crossbows for defense.

  • Now build up some honor. First make sure you capture the stone circle, build a kitchen pantry along with some pig and vegetable farms. Build a church and auto buy candles through the market to help keep building honor. You can also build statues to help bring in honor.

  • Keep sending over witches to slowly clear out the keep and most of the melee/ground troops. Keep doing this until you can send in giants to take down the gate and send maceman to the keep. Maceman are cheap and move fast.
  • Just send some troops to the top of the keep.
  • Objective: Kill Janibus
  • You have 3 paths, the left is the easiest.
  • Send your archers and crossbowmen ahead to take care of the dogs.
  • Send shield maidens and pikes to the middle and pull them back once the 2 knights make it past safely. Move the 2 lords back-n-forth to take out the dragon.

  • Repeat above step so the remaining army can make it across safely.

  • Just use the ranged troops, ice queen, and pikemen to take out the troops.

  • Use the lord lord to force the bats to attack and use polar bears to take down the tower.

  • Use ice queen, bears, and giant to take down the wall. Place ice queen in this spot. Janibus won't attack troops, and can not hit the ice queen.

Lord of Darkness (Evil Campaign)
Lord of Darkness.
Awarded for completing the Evil Campaign.
Need to complete 5 chapters on any difficulty.
Part 1 of 2
  • Objective: Capture Keep.
  • Attack the left side of the keep. Less soldiers to go through and quicker to get to the keep. Also apparently any remaining enemy troops left get converted to your troops, but this did not happen as it may have been patched.
  • Use your king to distract the towers so your hurlers can clear the walls and towers.

  • Your king has plenty of health so send send him close to the walls so the archers shoot at the pitch and use it up and use the lords power to summon werewolves on the other side of the wall to take care of any maceman.

  • When you have the walls cleared and some of the hurlers. Put 20 archers in the siege tower and send it to the wall. When its close to the wall, send men-at-arms and just force click to send them to the keep while ignoring all enemy troops.

Part 2 of 2
  • Objective: No enemies left on map (survive invasions).
  • Slow the game speed down to 10, you will be attacked pretty much right away.
  • Build all buildings on the small island across the bridge. Spend at least half of your gold on wood right away to get the economy going. Can't build iron mines, so build hovels there.

  • When defending you will be attacked pretty hard so don't take this chapter lightly. Keep archers spread out on the wall so the hurlers don't take them all out at once.
  • Men-at-arms are cheap and move quickly. They can used to take out siege equipment and keep troops distracted so the archers can take them out.
  • There will be a few boat men that come from behind the castle, so watch out for that.
  • Don't be afraid to have your king on the front lines, his special ability is useful for taking out siege equipment quickly.
  • Build a 2nd outer wall so the troops funnel in and use basic towers to take out siege equipment and other troops quickly.
  • Objective: Get 1000 stone and complete the bridge.
  • Build the stockpile between the stone and iron. You will eventually need to build a 2nd one, so leave some space for that. Place granary near or even behind the keep to protect. it. Build at least one bow workshop to get production going. Build 3 iron mines and 4 ox tethers to get gold income started.

  • Use the barracks as part of the wall defense and build the armory near the stockpile.
  • Build a 2nd outer wall to delay enemy forces from breaching the castle.

  • Use the hill to the right to give your hurlers extra range.
  • Use the werewolf launchers to cover the left side of the map to take out siege camps.
  • Objective: Kill the 3 knights (green, orange, yellow)
  • This one is a difficult, but manageable. What I did was slowdown the game speed. If you play on 90 you get attacked pretty early on.
  • Since the patch to steam edition, enemy troops were added to the walls, and the enemy castle and troops don't disappear anymore, and continue to attack even if the knights are killed.
Economy and defense
  • For the economy build 3-4 wood cutters and a bunch of cheese farms as its takes up less space and less wood to build.
  • Build a wall and a tower on the bottom by yellow and then put some crossbow and archers in the tower to take care of the troops.
  • Put archers and crossbow men on the wall to take out incoming troops and then a few pikemen to take out ladders and any troops that get up the wall.
  • Green knight
    • attack as soon as possible, doesn't siege much, but has the strongest attacks.
  • Orange knight
    • Attack 2nd. Orange will attack often, but manageable. Just have 4-5 werewolves outside the castle sitting on the right side, and have them take out the siege equipment quickly.
  • Yellow knight
    • Can save for last, attacks only with archers, men-at-arms, and ladders.
  • Hell hounds - cheap and great for taking out the granary, buildings, and destroying the economies.
  • Giant bats - move quickly, but can clear towers, walls, gates, etc. to clear a path for your soldiers. Send them often to reduce and take out replenishing troops.
  • Ladder men- cheap and effective for climbing walls, I send about 20-30 at a time.
  • Saxons - I send in 80-90 at a time, climb ladders, and the just keep clicking and sending them to the keep.
  • When attacking, just keep sending in troops after troops by recruiting. Do not want to let up. If you give them a break it will cause more issues later on.
  • After taking out a knight, send in 20-30 hell hounds every so often just to destroy buildings and to keep the economy weak.
  • Objective: Survive invasions
  • Slow down game speed and get the economy going. If place right, should be able to get 5 quarries, possibly 6. Place stockpile near the stone.
  • Built a 2nd wall to prevent the enemy troops from breaching the castle.
  • Build a bunch of food farms and stone quarries first.
  • The first two attacks will come from above the keep, the third below keep, and after that hopefully your castle will be secured.
  • Put bats on the snow banks to take out siege equipment quickly.
  • Fire demons are cheap, but place them near the siege camps to greatly reduce the health of the troops to make defending easier.
  • There will be a few archers and men at arms that come from the snow bank on the right side. Just place a tower with a couple archers to take care of them.
The Army of Darkness
  • Objective: Kill Radu
  • You have limited time with the dragon so send it north right away and clear out the towers.

  • Once cleared, put all troop in the corner to the right of the tower.
  • Send 1 ladder to the wall. Then saxon warriors up to take on arrows and to fight off swordsman. Once swordsman is taken out, send all ranged troops to the tops of the tower.

  • Once area is cleared, send all troops to the back.

  • Send all macemen and saxons to take out the men at arms and distract the archers. Then send 1 vampire creeper up the wall to control the archers.

  • At this point wait a few moments, there will be a few patrols.
  • Save game after the patrols have stopped.
  • Prep the army and storm the keep.
The Valley of Flowers (Mission 1-5 of 5)
The Valley of Flowers
Awarded for completing all missions on the Easy Legends Trail.
Need to complete 5 chapters
Mission 1 of 5
  • Objective: Kill enemy lord
  • Enclose your castle and the enemy troops won't attack.

  • This is a small gap where you can place some trebuchets to destroy enemy buildings.
Mission 2 of 5
  • Objective: Kill enemy lord
  • Capture the estate to the right and it will distract the enemy lord enough where he will send troops to attack the estate, but not you.

  • You can place witches to the corners of the castle to disrupt the economy a little bit. Just be careful of the archers.

  • Got some catapults protected with ranged troops and saxons to slowly destroy the buildings.
  • Eventually used giants, polar bears, and saxons to breach and attack the keep.
Mission 3 of 5
  • Objective: Kill enemy lord
  • Economy layout.

  • As soon as possible get some towers with archers and mangonels to destroy buildings and weaken the economy.

  • Then when ready to attack build a siege camp near his border after capturing the estate. Destroy the tower and gate on the back side and send in melee troops. Have some ranged troops to protect the catapults.
Mission 4 of 5
  • Objective: Kill enemy lord
  • Slow the game speed down. Do not kill the dragon in the beginning as it will be useful for fighting off the first two siege attacks. The enemy attacks with a lot of archers.
  • When attacking I bought supplies and recruited ranged troops, and fire ballistas to hold off the bridge. Used a dragon to freeze the archers, 4 giants to destroy the gates, send in saxons to the keep.
Mission 5 of 5
  • Objective: Kill 2 enemy lords
  • You can fight your way through, but there is a much easier and faster way to do this. Slow game speed down to 50-60. Build a granary with 3 food farms and a couple hovels. Click on the round table and recruit Sir Bedivere and Sir Percival. Select those 2, your lord, and the macemen, and send them to the top of the hill.

  • Use Perceival's power Holy Blast ability to knock down the archers. Then use Bedivere's power Horn of Camelot to destroy the wall.

  • Now send the macemen to the keep to force the enemy lord to use his ability. In the meantime, wait for the knights to disappear. Then use your lords power to summon 4 knights on top of the keep to take out the enemy lord.

  • At this point or in a few minutes you will receive some reinformcements.

  • Sell all your stone and recruit Sir Galahad to heal your troops later on. Use archers to clear the walls and gate and repeat steps above. Use Sir Galahad to heal troops as needed. Use lord's power to summon additional knights in the keep.

The Long March (Missions 1-5 of 7)
The Long March
Awarded for completing all missions on the Medium Legends Trail.
Need to complete 7 missions.
Mission 1 of 7
  • Enemy lords: Lancelot (basic troops only) and Arthur (special troops).
  • Place a granary, a few farms, and some hovels. Place a wall to block of the right side of the castle. Sell all your brick. Should be able to get 5 giants in the beginning, but only need 4.

  • Send all the giants to Arthur and destroy his economy. Buy some saxons or use the lords ability to attack Arthur. Arthur will use his special ability, once its gone, send the lord to the keep to finish him.

  • Now just continue to work on your economy and a small defensive wall, nothing much.

    Do the same to Lancelot as you did Arthur, attack from the upper bridge. Use the same giants and some polar bears to help destroy the castle.
Mission 2 of 7
  • Enemy lords: Lancelot on the left, Alfred on the right first.
  • Need to slow the game speed down to at least 40. You start out with very little gold and resources, and no troops. So its a slow start to the chapter. Spend all your gold on wood right away. Build a granary, 3 farms, 2 hovels, and 3 wood cutters.

  • Then focus on stone and iron production. Then honor with the kitchen pantry.

  • Alfred didn't have the chance to attack me. I chose to attack Alfred first because I knew Lancelot only did normal troops.
  • Lancelot will attack continuously throughout the chapter. Build 2 walls with a gap and have men at arms or pike on the walls to knock down the ladders.

Mission 3 of 7
  • Enemy Lord: Mordred.
  • This chapter can be easy if done right. As soon as the game starts you need to slow the game speed down to about 40. Then recruit some soldiers and use a couple bats to take care of the sorcerer on the tower. Send all troops to the gate (yes they will die, but it will be worth it). The troops are a distraction to get the lord close enough to the gate. Use the lords ability to summon werewolves onto the gate.The gate will be yours and the enemy will not be able to get through to attack.

  • Now just take your time and get the economy going. Take your time to build enough archers and crossbowmen.

  • Now don't worry, even though Mordred may have a lot of troops, they can easily be taken out.

  • Now that you got to this point, the rest is pretty straight forward. Send 1 ladder to the wall and then your ranged troops and 1 sorcerer. Leave a couple vampiric creepers in front of the barracks, they will automatically recruit any recruited archers. Hell hounds are cheap and move fast which can destroy buildings and weaken the economy.

Mission 4 of 7
  • Enemy lords: 2 and 1 siege attack.
  • At first this chapter looks like a nightmare. I mean you got 2 lords and 3 dragon nests to deal with. But the good thing about this mission is that the enemy lords only use normal troops, no special troops. As for the dragon nests, leave them, don't waste energy and effort or even resources. They can be used to help deplete enemy troops. They won't bother or destroy the buildings.Completely block off the side with blue (where the estate is). Use vampiric creepers. They can convert both archers and men-at-arms when in range. This will greatly reduce the impact of the attacks. Layout the walls and leave a gap near the dragons to force the soldiers to pass the dragon.

  • When ready to siege put ranged troops in the siege towers. This way they can fire instead of run and gives them more range. Use catapults to bring down the walls. Send in bats to clear out towers.
Mission 5 of 7
  • Enemy lords: 1 - Beowulf
  • Now this one can actually become very difficult. Beowulf will attack you non-stop and trying to get an economy and army built can be difficult. Lucky for you I found a way to make this chapter a lot easier. Slow the game down to 40-50. Build a very basic economy and a siege camp like I did in the screenshot below.

  • Send pikemen in first so the knights can get as close as possible. Do not worry about traps. Send the lords in and ladders to the walls. Use the lords power to summon additional troops. Once the gate flipped retreat all troops, you do not want Beowulf regaining control of the gate again. Use the healing ability to heal the lords when retreating. While attacking send 1 archer to each estate to take control and start collecting supplies as soon as possible. If done correctly, should look like the screenshots below.

  • Don't send the lords straight to the castle. There will be a dragon attack and the fire will destroy the buildings. Instead move the lords around the map until the dragon is gone. 1st attack, 1 dragon. 2nd attack,1 dragon and fire demons. Beowulf is trapped in the castle and only sends dragons and fire demons.

  • Just work on building up your economy. Build at least 4 engine towers and dragon harpoons. Spread archers and crossbows evenly across the towers. Have maceman on the walls to block the fire demons from reaching the archers.

  • When ready to siege put ranged troops in the siege towers. Use the shield special ability. Get a good amount of swords and knights. The gate will open when your troops get to it and there will be a huge rush of troops coming out.

The Long March (Mission 6-7 of 7)
Mission 6 of 7
  • Enemy lords: 2. Dietrich and Siegfried.
  • This was actually laid back and relaxing compared to the others. Close off one of the bridges with just a wall. If you put a gate up the giants will attack and come through. I put 1 tower on each side of the bridge with ranged troops and some werewolves on the bridge to delay the forces from coming in. Send hell hounds often 10-15 at time is enough to destroy the granary and some buildings to slow down and weaken the economy.

  • When attacking I put ranged troops in the siege towers and use hurlers to take down the giants and walls. Werewolves are enough to kill the lords, but can use knights if you want.
Mission 7 of 7
  • Enemy lords: 2. Both Mordred.
  • Turn the game speed down to at least 40. You will need patience as the first 30 minutes or so building up an economy and then a defense. Place a granary, build 3 hovels, and use all remaining wood for farms. When all wood is use up. Place 1 wood cutter which will be free (saves 20 wood). Then buy a bunch of wood and place wood cutters. Later on in game, build an inn and a church to help with tax income and honor. Use the market to auto buy supplies.

  • Also early on, make sure to have your troops spread out as there will be frequent bat attacks and the more spread out the troops are, the less of an impact it will have. Taking out 1 or 2 vs. 5+ troops at a time. Place down the barracks and armory to recruit 20 archers (bows already purchased).

  • Completely block off the entrance near the keep. Have some archers and witches to take out any siege attacks.
  • Don't completely block off the keep, funnel them in. You can actually block it off correctly and force the enemy troops to go around the trees.

  • Now at this point, just be patient and build up an army. I used all my honor for giants as they can destroy buildings quickly and can take a good amount of damage. As for melee troops I used macemen as they are cheap and move quickly to keep laying attacks on the lords. As soon as you capture an estate, immediately place down a siege camp. This way the equipment won't have to travel as far and the enemy lord will send troops to re-capture the estate.

The Road to Hell (Missions 1 - 4 of 8)
The Road to Hell
Awarded for completing all missions on the Hard Legends Trail.
Need to complete 8 missions.

Mission 1
  • Enemy lords: 1 (Dietrech) along with 2 werewolf camps, 1 dragon nest, and 1 outlaw camp.
  • Place the stockpile behind the keep near the stone, iron, and trees. Place granary in the middle. Next place the barracks and armory and buy all the men at arms and archers available and take out the 2 werewolf camps. Don't worry about the dragon nest as it can be used to deplete siege attacks.

  • As far as the economy its pretty straight forward. Just focus on food farms and wood camps first. Then brick and iron for gold. Then a church and inn along with a market to help with taxes (optional). Now you should be all set to build a kitchen pantry to help bring in some honor for recruiting giants.

  • As for defending, completely block off the lower bridge and leave the upper bridge open. Force the enemy troops to go past the dragon. The siege camps will be placed right next to the dragon, use it to your advantage.

  • For attacking you don't need the fire balista's as I thought they could reach the ranged troops a cross the water, but they couldn't. Use the giants to take down the gate, ice mirrors, and towers. Macemen can storm the keep.
Mission 2
  • Enemy lords: 2,. but you get an ally
  • Place the stockpile behind the keep between the stone and iron. Place the granary. Then capture as many estates as possible by send 2 men-at-arms per estate. It will help bring in additional resources. Get stone going first to help enclose the castle.

  • Keep your ally alive. It will prevent the enemy lords from attacking you. The ally is also very useful when attacking. Put some ranged troops on his walls and towers. Have hell hounds or werewolves in front of the gate to take siege equipment quickly.
  • After taking out the first enemy lord, use his keep as a holding point to hold off enemy attacks. Ranged troops in the keep, melee troops on the ground.
  • Don't destroy the towers or walls when attacking the 2nd enemy lord. Use the height to your advantage and let the ranged troops take out enemy troops and workers to keep the lord weakened.

Mission 3
  • Enemy lords: 1 (Mordred)
    Now I recommend taking control of the first gate as soon as possible. It will prevent Mordred from attacking.
  • Place the stockpile near the stone, hovels by the keep, and the granary in open field above the keep. Use all your starting wood on hovels and food farms. When you run out, place 1 free wood cutter, then buy some wood to build a couple more. Build the barracks and armory near the stone quarries and recruit all 50 crossbow men immediately. Use the lords power and send out werewolves to stop the sorcerer from getting to close and taking out ranged troops.

  • Slowly work on the economy and blocking off the part above the trees and enclosing the stone quarries so they can't be destroyed. You want to funnel the troops in one direction.

  • Mordred will build a siege camp right next to your buildings so pay attention to that.

  • At this point its a slow process of trying to capture Mordred's castle and keeping him from attacking. Capturing the 2nd gate forces Mordred to send his troops through the 3rd gate and making easier to attack. Don't forget that you can use a werewolf launcher and launch werewolves over the water into the enemies keep to weaken the economy on the right side of the map.

  • As you attack, use the captured gates, walls, and towers to your advantage. They can provide extra height which give the ranged troops more range and making them more effective in attacking. I used mainly ranged troops to attack. I tried using melee troops, but they just get shredded from all the ranged troops.

Mission 4
Enemy lords: 2 (Siegfried and Dietrich).
  • Now this one is a tough one because you start with little very little resources which makes it for a very slow start. Immediately send the lord to the estate to the bottom right to get brick asap. Build a ice tower and send at least one wolf to each estate and leave it in the keep. Either giants or polar bears will be sent and they can't enter the keep which means you can still get production from it. Takes awhile to collect any iron or stone.
  • As you try to build an economy and a defense, you want to block off Siegfried as soon as possible.
  • Build everything near the keep, it will be easier to defend. Spend most of your gold on wood and getting at least 6 wood cutters and getting food production going. Place 3-4 iron mines and that's about it. Save up wood to build a market and an inn. Use the small canyon to the bottom for hovels to save space in the keep.

  • Decrease food rations. It takes awhile to get food production going. Try to prepare for an attack from Siegfried. He attacks fairly early and its not a simple task. Try to get a couple crossbows to take out troops a little quicker. Use dogs to get to and to take out siege equipment quickly. Melee troops or even the king can be used to distract giants so ranged troops can take them out.
  • Once you have the economy going and a defense. Try to build a food pantry and get honor generated for giants. Build it on the bottom right on the hill by the estate.

  • Try to expand your defense out to prevent attacks and keep the enemy troops blocked in.

  • Recruit a couple of fire ballista's to take out the ice queen in the tower before charging in.
  • Send the ice queen on a siege tower to freeze troops and even giants.

The Road to Hell (Missions 5 - 8 of 8)
Mission 5
Enemy lords 3: Alfred, Dietrech, and Vlad.
  • Send all archers to the keep immediately. You will get an ice queen as a reinforcement, send it right to the keep. After the archers are cleared, take your's and spread them out as Vlad will send in bats.

  • Once all the enemy archers are gone, build an ice tower, and recruit 2 giants. Build an armory and barracks and recruit 40 macemen. Sell everything in your stockpile except for the wood. Attack Vlad, take down the gate, send macemen to the keep. Taking Vlad out early on will make this mission a lot easier to handle.

  • My economy layout. Build a kitchen pantry along with a church and auto buy candles and max it to double services. Helps to bring in honor and gold to recruit giants. Enclose the castle so Arthur or Dietrech can't get in. Work on building an economy.Until you can build a big enough army to attack.

  • When attacking Dietrech, attack the bottom wall. Its the easiest part to breach and get to the keep. Keep spamming in giants and macemen to prevent Dietrech from recovering.
Mission 6
Enemy lords: 1 (Arthur)
  • So this one looks pretty hard as Arthur has a solid fortress, but there are 2 weaknesses, and this mission can be completed fairly early on without much effort. The 2 weaknesses are 1) the gate as it can be captured easily and the 2) in the gap in wall where a tower should be.

  • What you need to do is place the stockpile, granary, and a few hovels. Place the evil tower to recruit werewolves. Sell everything in the stock pile.
  • Now buy all the werewolves you can. Once the lords power is fully charged and ready. Send 1 werewolf to trigger the logs and prevent the knight from attacking the lord. Use the lords power to spawn werewolves over the wall, control the gate, and destroy round table.

  • Now send all the werewolves and the lord to Arthur's keep.
Mission 7
  • Enemy lords 3 (all Vlad).
  • Remove most of the archers from the walls. Bats will be sent, don't want to lose all your archers at once. Replace on the wall as needed.

  • You want to attack yellow first. Use the witches to clear the tower of archers and then send them to the keep. Here the witches will be able to kill all peasants and slowly kill the knights and Vlad without taking damage. Use the giant to break down the gate, tower, barracks, granary, and hovels.

  • As the buildings are being destroyed you want to focus your attention on red. The giant should destroy the buildings on his own. At this point you should be able to recruit 1-2 giants and/or a couple polar bears. Send them in to destroy the gate and take damage from the ranged troops. As they're taking down the gates, send the lord to wall, and use his special power to spawn in werewolves on the other side of the wall to take out the tower before the dragon egg is ready.

  • Once the gate is down, send in hell hounds as they are cheap and fast and can take down the archers quickly. Also capture the other gate so Vlad doesn't send troops through that gate.

  • When ready to attack the orange and final Vlad, attack from the gate with the tower next to it to take it out quickly. Also make sure you damage both sides of the gate so your troops don't get damaged from the fire.

  • What I did was send the witches right to the keep to kill peasants and prevent more troops from being recruited. Once the gate is down, send in the hell hounds to kill the archers quickly. When attacking the keep, only send in 4-5 hell hounds to force Vlad to use his special power. Once special power is gone, send in all troops to the keep.

Mission 8
Enemy lords: 3 (Vlad, Deitrech, and Siegfred).
Part 1 of 4- Attacking Vlad and the gate.
  • There is a lot that needs to happen in the beginning to make this mission manageable and it all needs to happen at the same time. The 1st thing you need to do, is pull your knight away that's being attacked. Time is crucial and you need to navigate the map and pause if you need to. I did this at game speed 40.
  • Send the boat warriors, knights, and lord to Vlad. Use boat warriors to control the gate and to take out the archers on the walls. Now force your knights and lord to the keep. Send 1 knight into the keep to force Vlad to use his powers. Then use your lords power to spawn knights into the keep.

  • Leave the archers to take care of the swordsman. Archers will be taken out anyway by the bats sent over by Vlad, but should have enough time to take out the knights.

  • Control Arthur's first gate and that's it to prevent siege attacks. Place a siege camp and only need to recruit about 8 ladders.

Part 2 of 4 - make a save file and build an economy for honor.
  • Turn game speed up to 90.
  • Have a knight on each side to distract the dragon when it attacks.

Part 3 of 4 - Take out Siegfreid
  • It should only take 2-3 dragons, he shouldn't have many archers so you don't need to worry about the dragons taking much damage.

Part 4 of 4 - Take out Arthur
  • Use trebs to destroy armory, barracks, and economy. Launch cows to weaken the soldiers. Attack with dragons and knights.

Arthur's Challenge (Missions 1 -4 of 4)
Arthur's Challenge
Awarded for completing all missions on the Bonus Legends Trail.
Need to complete all 4 missions.

Mission 1
  • Enemy lords: 1 (Lancelot), a timed mission.
  • Take the king and send him over to the gate, spawn in knights, and control the gate.
  • Build up a small attack force and attack. I used archers in the siege tower to clear the first walls. Use Sir Bedivere's power to break the 2nd wall. Then Send troops to the keep and use the lords power to summon 4 knights. I also used a dragon when I attacked to weaken the king and troops.

Mission 2
  • Enemy lords: 2 (Siegfried and Dietrech).
  • You do get reinforcements early on, but main priority should be getting a wall and defense up, leave a gap to funnel the troops in. Block off every other path.

  • Recruit crossbows as they are more effective against ice troops. Dietrech will send over witches so have towers and archers to protect the economy.

  • Use trebuchets to destroy Siegfried's buildings to keep him weak and out of play. Do not need much to take him down.

  • Do the same with Dietrech, use trebuchets to tear down his castle walls and then attack. Send the trebuchets to the spot I have them at. Will take down most of the castle walls and buildings from that point.
Mission 3
  • Enemy lords: 1 (Siegfried).
  • Turn game speed down to 40, place barracks, granary, some hovels, siege camp, barracks, and armory. Sell everything from the stockpile. Recruit 4 ladders and send them to the wall to capture the gate and retreat right away.

  • Recruit all the men at arms and archers you can, grab the lord, and force send them to the keep. Use the ladders to distract the ice mirrors from freezing the main attack force. Send all the men at arms and archers so Siegfried uses his special ability and then use the lords special ability.

Mission 4
3 Enemy lords: Vlad, Beowulf, Dietrech.
  • You want to take Vlad out right away, because you know he will send bats and its hard to siege him once you has time to build. Recruit about 15 macemen and send them to Vlads keep along with the lord.

  • Now send your lord back to the keep.
  • You want to build an economy and defense quickly as possible. You will be attacked shortly and non-stop from both Beowulf and Dietrech.
  • Macemen are cheap, move fast, and do fairly well holding off attacks. Swordsmen are strong but move to slow. Prepare at least 5 towers and dragon harpoons to take out dragons quickly.

    When you're ready to attack Beowulf and Siegfried, attack from the bottom of the castles (see screenshots below). Just like the other attacks, use Sir Percival to clear the walls and/or keep, trebuchets or Sir Bedivere to destroy the walls, Sir Galahad to heal the troops when attacking in the keep, and the lords power to spawn in 4 knights.

Multiplayer and/or Skirmish Achievements
Human Multiplayer Achievements
  • Only 3 achievements require human players to complete these achievements.
  • Don't need to complete the actual games, just select the troops and lord and send them over to the other human lords.
Human Destroyer
Awarded for defeating all 3 human opponents during a multiplayer game.

Capture The Flag
Awarded for winning a game of Capture the Flag in Multiplayer.

Economic War
Awarded for winning a game of Economic War in Multiplayer.

A.I. Opponents
  • All the remaining achievements below only require A.I. and no human players.
King of the Hill
Awarded for winning a game of 'King of the Hill' in either Single player Skirmish, or a Multiplayer game.

Awarded for winning a 'Deathmatch' in either Single Player Skirmish, or a Multiplayer game.

A.I. Destroyer
Awarded for defeating all 3 AI opponents during a skirmish game.

Skirmish Win Streaks
Go to custom skirmish, settings and adjust it so everything is off. Send the king to the the keep, use special ability to summon 4 knights on top of the keep. Right before the enemy lord dies, save, complete the current map, and reload it. This will save some time from repeating the same steps multiple times.

Small Skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 2 skirmish games in a row.

Big Skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 5 skirmish games in a row.

Huge Skirmish Streak
Awarded for winning 15 skirmish games in a row.

Skirmish Warlord
Awarded for winning 50 skirmish games in a rowd

Multiplayer Win Streaks
Just like above, make sure all settings are none and off, start the match, kill the enemy lord, and repeat. The only downside is this requires more time as you can't save games for multiplayer matches.

Small Multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 2 multiplayer games in a row.

Big Multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 5 multiplayer games in a row.

Huge Multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 15 multiplayer games in a row.

Multiplayer Warlord
Awarded for winning 50 Multiplayer games.

Play 25 games as Arthur, Dietrich, or Vlad
Arthur Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as King Arthur.
Before starting make sure the icon is green to the left of your name in the skirmish lobby.

Ice Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as Dietrich.
Before starting make sure the icon is blue to the left of your name in the skirmish lobby.

Evil Dedication
Awarded for playing 25 skirmish or multiplayer games as Vlad the Impaler.
Before starting make sure the icon is red to the left of your name in the skirmish lobby.

These achievements are pretty straight forward. Some of these you will be able to complete during the trail missions, others will be easier to complete through creating a custom skirmish map.

King Arthur
Award for owning all Arthurian units at one time during a game
*At least 1 knight and dragon from the round table needs to be recruited.

Vlad the Impaler
Awarded for owning all evil units at one time during a game.
*At least 1 of each unit from the evil tower needs to be recruited.

Awarded for owning all ice units at one time during a game.
*At least 1 of each unit from the ice tower needs to be recruited.

Melee Hero
Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing only melee units (no ranged troops).

Ranged Hero
Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing only ranged units (no melee troops).

Awarded for winning a multiplayer or skirmish game while producing no siege equipment.

The Ultimate Lord
Awarded for killing another lord using your own lord.

Unit Lover
Awarded for winning a skirmish game without building any castle buildings.

Chivalry Award
Awarded for winning a skirmish or multiplayer game while only using knights.

  • Just like it says, can only produce and use knights. To make this a little easier is create a simple map in map editor and give yourself knights. Then go to custom skirmish and start with no starting troops, no resources, no weapons, etc.

Military King
Awarded for producing 1,500 or more troops in a single game.

Creeper Awards
Awarded for converting 150 units in one game.

  • Just start with a custom skirmish match with at least 2 Lancelot lords. Lancelot mainly produces archers and men at arms which will make this achievement a lot easier.
Map Editor (Grand Designer)
Grand Designer
Use the Stronghold Legend's Map Editor For 10 or more hours

  • Now this one is actually trickier to do than you would think. For this you don't actually have to do anything. The only thing you need to do is open up map editor, edit map, and let it sit for 10 hours.
  • I don't know what actually needs to be done to trigger this achievement to unlock. When in map editor you need to save before exiting otherwise the hours won't count. I tried doing a custom skirmish and completing it, but it did not unlock.
  • It unlocked for me when after completing a multiplayer skirmish.
  • So if you struggle with this one, good luck, because I think this achievement may actually be bugged, and doesn't unlock when it should.

Other Achievements Through Map Editor
These achievements are not directly through map editor, but you can use map editor to create custom maps to make some achievements much easier. I used 1 map from the workshop, but all the other map's I created to complete the remaining achievements.

Total Destruction
Kill 500 enemy units while maintaining a 20:1 kill-to-death ratio

Estate Stealer
Awarded for capturing 300 estates during the entire course of your game time.

Dragon Slayer
Awarded for killing 25 dragons through the course of your game time.

Grand Dragon Slayer
Awarded for killing 200 dragons through the course of your game time.

Dragon Summoner
Awarded for creating 3 dragons in a single game.

  • Need to actually buy the dragon egg, and hatch it. As soon as the egg is hatch, click on the dragon and disband it, and purchase the dragon egg again. Can disband the dragon, don't have to let the timer run out. This can save some time.

Grand Dragon Summoner
Awarded for creating 15 dragons in a single game.

  • Need to actually buy the dragon egg, and hatch it. As soon as the egg is hatch, click on the dragon and disband it, and purchase the dragon egg again. Can disband the dragon, don't have to let the timer run out. This can save some time.

Remaining Misc. Achievements
For the remaining achievements not already discussed in this guide, if you haven't completed them yet. You can create a very basic custom skirmish map in map editor to complete these remaining achievements. The map included is a very basic map I created and up loaded to the steam workshop.

Glory Seeker
Award for placing 30 statues in one game.

Body Count
Awarded for killing 50,000 enemy units during the course of your game time.

Drunk's Award
Awarded for having your peasants drink 300 barrels of ale during one game.

Priest's Award
Awarded for having a priest bless 150 peasants during one game.

Granary Filler
Awarded for having 10,000 food in your granary at one time during a game.

Feaster's Award
Awarded for collecting 3,000 honor from feasting.

Greed Award
Awarded for collecting 15,000 gold through taxes in one game.

Generosity Award
Awarded for losing 15,000 gold through bribes in one game.

The ultimate Worker
Awarded for owning 60 or more workshops at one time during a game

The Ultimate Farmer
Awarded for owning 60 or more farms at one time during a game

Finance King
Awarded for collecting 350,000 gold in one game.

Economic King
Awarded for collecting 1,000 gold in one game without buying or selling goods in a skirmish or multiplayer game.

Castle Builder
Awarded for owning 50 types of castle pieces at one time during a game
  • I just built 50 basic towers (50 towers x 40 stone) = 2,000 stone.
  • Gates, walls, stairs, and towers.

Defensive Master
Awarded for owning 40 types of defensive weapons at one time during a game.
  • Can build any combinations or just 1 type 40 times, but options will vary depending on faction.
  • Braziers, oil tippers, mounted rolling logs, mangonels, dragon harpoons, pitch ditches, moat, ice tunnel, ice mirror, magic rose garden, killing pits, man traps, and fire drakes.

The Ultimate Castle
Awarded for owning every single structure at one time during a game.

  • For this one I don't know if its really required, but I just made sure I built everything in case. 2 poleturner's workshop (1 spears and 1 pikes), 2 fletcher's workshop (1 bows and 1 crossbows), 2 blacksmith workshop (1 maces and 1 swords), and 2 statues (one of each).
True Dedication (10 days of gameplay)
True Dedication
Award for playing Stronghold Legends for 10 or more days.
Need to spend 10 days or 240 hours in game, not the main menu screen.

  • This one can actually be completed, by doing actually nothing.
  • Load up a custom skirmish map where the enemy lord can't build anything and won't be able to attack. Just make sure all the settings and options are set to none and off before starting the skirmish map.
  • You can also just load up the first mission "Coming of the Saxons" and let the computer run without doing anything.
10 comentarios
mačička22 26 FEB 2023 a las 5:36 
Omg this guy is genius
Shadow™ 19 MAY 2022 a las 3:16 
Could you upload your save file? Perhaps if you fill in the save where 240 hours has already been played, then the achievement will fall out by itself.
hjyygjhytj 30 NOV 2021 a las 1:58 
Dilligan, yes, I still need help
Thank you for your help)))
Dilligan  [autor] 29 NOV 2021 a las 16:43 
Hey, do you still need help @hjyygjhytj?
hjyygjhytj 28 NOV 2021 a las 4:32 
Human Destroyer, please help
Jorda229 9 OCT 2021 a las 2:15 
weird, I'm playing on normal and on the sir garet mission there's much more troops than in your screenshots, it's impossible because by the time i get to the red knight almost all of my troops are dead but he still has like 30 archers and other troops
Dilligan  [autor] 8 OCT 2021 a las 10:30 
@Jorda229, I believe I did majority of the missions on normal, while I did some on hard.
Jorda229 8 OCT 2021 a las 7:11 
are you playing on easy? in the sir gareth mission you have way less enemy troops than when i play it
Meltrust 31 ENE 2021 a las 1:41 
Thanks for this!!! I appreciate your beautiful work!
Flunte 11 ENE 2021 a las 21:55 
The first Dietrich mission can be easily completed if you use the knight or lord to strike down the dragons during the first part of the mission. If any dragon dies, it stays dead for the second part, allowing you to bypass the second part of the mission.