Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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[Support] Checkpoint Heal
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21 nov. 2020 às 16:55
7 de jan. às 15:26
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[Support] Checkpoint Heal

Em 2 coleções por MANACAT (busy & tired)
MANACAT's Local Server Support Tools
34 itens
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This script was created for survivors who entered the checkpoint with low HP.
I don't want to struggle from beginning with low HP in current round because I arrived at the checkpoint with low HP in previous round, but I don't want to die and respawn with 50 HP in the next round either. So I made this script.
Once you reach the safehouse even with low HP, will be better than die and respawn in the next round.

- Survivors who are incapacitated in the safehouse immediately revive.
- The number of times was incapacitated is reset to 0.
- If HP is very low, it will recover to between 50 and 53 HP.
(Because when you die and respawn in the next round, your HP is 50, so I think it shouldn't be lower than that.)
- In the finale chapter, it will recover to 100 HP.
(Because the finale chapter's safe house resurrection HP is 100.)

- HP recovery amount follows the table below.
Recovery amount per 1 point (total 50 points per time)
1 < HP <= 50
50 < HP <= 55
55 < HP <= 59
59 < HP <= 62
62 < HP <= 65
- If HP is 66 or higher, no recovery effect.
- No action other than the add-on subscription is required to apply the script.

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If my works are helpful to you, donate as much as you wish. That helps me keep making somethings.
Discussões Populares Ver todos (1)
15 de jan. às 14:25
The addon "[Support] Checkpoint Heal" isn't working.
30 comentários
EvilParadise 16 de fev. às 14:04 
Excelente, funciona de maravilla en campañas oficiales y custom
Sieu Dzit 8 de fev. às 5:19 
how can i change HP number???
风吟丶浮月归 17 de jan. às 7:40 
This mod may cause some guns to be taken out and fired a few times, but then they can no longer be put back into the generation area and filled with ammunition
胡口桃生 26 nov. 2024 às 9:32 
My server will show regained blood when entering the next level, but after starting the next level it will change back to what it was when entering the safehouse, why?
时空之轨迹 27 out. 2024 às 23:46 
MANACAT (busy & tired)  [autor] 21 out. 2024 às 19:05 
@Kayle Tid
I'll check, but it's hard for me to see that happening. If you have any confirmed conditions more, please let me know.
Kayle Tid 21 out. 2024 às 18:41 
Okay, I understand. But one more thing, sometimes I often lose my second weapon when saving incapped people. Can you check and fix it if possible, it's a bit annoying there.
My guess is that it's due to your addon, and I don't know which one is having that problem. Because I'm using a lot of your addons, I checked and found that the 3 addons with this problem are "Checkpoint Heal", "Legacy Weapon Manager", "Extended Item Carrier Infected", and more,
currently I only test these 3 addons. So I hope what I told you is correct. Btw thanks for replying to my comment, If the problems I mentioned are not caused by your addon then I apologize, because in my opinion it is related after I uninstalled and checked, thank you again:luv: @MANACAT
MANACAT (busy & tired)  [autor] 21 out. 2024 às 17:59 
@Kayle Tid
Sorry, this is not a bug. My addons will support extended skin packs. Even if you don't use a skin pack, if another player in your local server is using a skin pack, he will have his skin pack activated.
Kayle Tid 21 out. 2024 às 11:08 
Excuse me, why is this add-on and your other add-ons not related to weapon replacement (Extended Firearms Skin Pack). I don't use any replace add-ons and I alsot don't use "Extended Firearms Skin Pack", is this a bug or a new feature? This was never the case before, but now sometimes the line "Hold E to replace your gun" appears and usable.
I regularly update the addon with bug fixes and code optimizations when you update. Then I noticed this problem just happened. @MANACAT
This is the image I encountered:
AbandonadoDeDios 3 out. 2024 às 12:56 