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Payday build gallery that need a funny name
Door Eirin the medic GF en 1 bijdrager(s)
(3.7) Welcome to not the best, but trying to be the best Payday Build Guide! We have: DSOD Builds (obviously), Fun Builds, Mod Suggestion, lesser known facts and more! Everything will be constantly updated, so stay tuned!
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Introduction & QnA
If you notice images missing from the guide that's to do with steam's image servers not working. There's nothing I can do about it that wouldn't require me reuploading the images every single day.

If build has "BD" in front of its name : This build is brain dead easy and powerful, you can just close your eye and click a few times to win Goat Sim DSOD.

Numbers behind the build: The difficulty of the perk deck and build. Some builds are harder to use but become very powerful once you learn them.

If you hate this guide well, tell us why and what we did wrong in the comment section so we can improve!

Want to request a build with specific perk deck/weapon? Comment down below!

Q: Bruh this perk deck sucks for DS, why do you use it -are you stupid or something?

A: Yes I am stupid, also, although most perk decks are not as powerful as the meta perk decks, they are still fun, usable and provide unique experiences.


Q: These skills are pretty useless, get a life, make a better build and apologise to every single payday player ever.

A: Each person's playstyles are all different in small or big ways. My builds are only here to guide you and help you get a start, if there are any skill you don't need, feel free to take them away! and if you think there are major flaws in my build, feel free to comment down below, and my DMs are always open!


Q: Why do you use Body Expertise with this gun? You can just hit head and save so many points lol.

A: Aiming requires extra effort to do, and in a lot of situations you need to take down a enemy by quickly turn your camera around, having to aim and hit head will take extra time and effort, while with body expertise I can just spin and click flawlessly. If aiming at head is second nature to you, and you barely met any situation where you need to click heads, feel free to take away the skills you don't need. just remember, having a good aim in this games doesn't make you praised, because this game is a lot more than a aim head simulator.


Q: Why do you Quadstack mag with this gun!(mostly Krinkov) Isn't it way better to use speed pull?

A: If I use quadstack mag on these weapon, They're probably Dozer Killing Weapons, which should not be used anywhere else. When fighting dozer, the most important thing is to kill them fast, and lots of them fast. with quadstack mag, I can kill multiple dozer at once, or still kill one even if I missed a lot of my shots without reloading, which is time loss. Having a dozer killing weapon un-reloaded doesn't really affect anything else, so you can reload it when there aren't much enemy.


Q: Shark Teeth Or Leveller?

A: Shark Teeth Noozle increase the spread of the shotgun, allows more enemy to be hit and easier headshot. Leveller makes your bullets fly in a flat horizontal line, allows easy headshot, and more chances to hit enemy at long range. If you're not very confident at hitting headshot, or your weapon have a quite high accuracy, it is best to use Shark Teeth Noozle, but if your weapon already has low accuracy and you're confident with hitting headshots, try using the Leveller in order for more consistent headshot and long range capability.


Q: Painkillers or Quick Fix?

A: There is no reason to take quickfix when running with medkits and inspire. Painkillers will guarantee your team mate can recover after an inspire rather than instantly going back down in a crowd of enemies. If using FAKs (First Aid Kits) then quickfix basic is all you need and painkillers aced should be taken when running inspire. If you want quickfix aced with inspire make sure to clear the area before reviving and don't revive through walls to be safe. Use flashes or high DPS builds to further cover your inspired team mate.

Q: Rogue sucks?

A: Rogue sucks.
If you want more information as to why; it's because rogue offers little utility outside of 50% dodge chance and a faster weapon swap speed of 80%. Hacker reaches 55% dodge after a kill during a pocket ecm for 30 seconds which can be easily maintained. Hacker also offers healing for you and your team, temporarily stops turrets, and also stuns enemies. Pretty clear who wins.
Fun facts (useful)
Burning damage dealt on cops will not be affected by any damage modifier other than crit, dealing extra damage based on current difficulty’s damage multiplier.

Revving a silent saw will make the saw produce no sound for 1.5 seconds. Use this time to quickly cut open stuff without alerting any guards or civs around you.
More explanation here:
This was patched out of the game.
Useful Mods
Mods in this game is really what's keeping me alive. Having around 200 mods downloaded for payday, I think I'm experienced enough to suggest some great mods. You don't have to get all of them, or any of them, its just a suggestion and most of them are really just quality of life mods.

How to install mods?:
All These Mods Are In Random Order.

Quality Of Life (QOL) mods:

Fixes the really broken ai pathing.

Depth of Field Removal
Removes distant blur improving map visuals and making the game look clearer helping you see enemies.

No Screen Shake
Removes the irregular rotation of the screen the game has for effects to help with motion sickness and aiming. Doesn't remove recoil or recoil effects.

Reduced Sicario Smoke
A mod override that changes sicario's smoke effect to not be obstructive.

Cheater Kicker
Kick/ warn you about these pesky cheaters that joins your game!

HUD and UI mods:

More Weapon Stats
Allow you to see More weapon stats, like ammo pickup, damage falloff, and can even see Breakpoints with toggleable damage modify skills, range and difficulty!

Vanilla hud +
Highly customizeable with a lot of information to offer

Optimisation mods:

No Prints:
Increase frame rate without any downside.

Low Violence Mode Updated:
Remove enemy corpses and bullet hole to make your game look cleaner and boost your FPS! With the updated version allowing you to toggle on/off on certain things.

Map-Based Optimizations
Heavily boosts performance in many maps such as Hell's Island.

Stops the rendering of none visible objects improving performance and fixes bugs and map issues such as police car placement on Biker Heist Day 1.

The Fixes
Patches many bugs, softlocks, and crashes.

Prevents crashing due to packet information sent from other players. This fixes many faults the game makes and prevents possible cheaters from sending malicious packets to crash your game.
Builds - DSOD team approved
Death Sentence is a lot harder than lower difficulties. Heavy SWAT are a common enemy in death sentence and show up in larger numbers. Heavy SWAT deal 225 damage instead of around 70 on Death Wish. They are also capable of sniping you cross map as they do not have damage falloff. A lot of different perk deck's viability falls because of this increase in difficulty. If you have never tried Death Sentence before, you should try it out alone with bots first, to get a feel of how hard it is before hop into an actual game.
Anarchist is the very incarnation of the words: "offense is the best defence."
Anarchist can be a difficult perk deck to understand for newer players and can be hard to master even for experienced players. Anarchist is a build meant for armour gating NOT TANKING and gives you extra armour at the cost of total health. Your armour will also regen at guaranteed intervals which is shortened by having less armour or by damaging enemies. To make the most of anarchist you will always use the suit to have a 2 second delay on armour regen in order to armour gate in desperate times. DON'T USE LBV B33 IS WRONG armour regens every 3 seconds! Bullseye is unnecessary with anarchist as the armour regen time is often fast enough to not need bullseye to continue surviving. Bullseye can still save you by returning armour on headshots to armour gate even more but it won't have much impact. Shotguns help with triggering bullseye if you can't aim well.

Your goal with this perk deck is to be aggressive and go for headshots to get back armour and continuously armour gate. Being in cover while still being aggressive will help you survive tremendously. Anarchist is extremely weak to snipers and will often be 1 shot by them on DS. Anarchist has an extremely small health pool and is almost assured to be wiped instantly. Having health be one shot means that there's no downside on taking berserker and frenzy as you're going to die anyway. When losing your armour you get 2 seconds of invulnerability which can only trigger every 15 seconds. Use this time to get back armour or rush for cover.

Note that it is a fantastic idea to use Optical Illusions, Partners In Crime aced & joker with anarchist, because the extra health you gain actually transfer to your armour, allowing one extra armour hit from heavy swat when full armour, potentially surviving a sniper shot, and a joker to draw attention from you. This way you will not need to waste the two second invincibility as much, and have a better chance of survival when enemies are shooting from unexpected area.

Anarchist AK17 (4)
This may be my new favourite build. Building around high damage crits with berserker and body expertise the dps on the build is unquestionable. With crits you can expect to once shot any enemy besides dozers and tazers whether shooting the body or head. Much like a DMR the weapon used should be used in short bursts or single taps to clear out enemies. Be mindful of ammo as if you aren't efficient with your shots you can drain out quickly. By shooting accurately and in small bursts you can clear enemies at high speeds and quickly grab ammo back.

Inspire variant:
Switch out AP 5/7 to Mark 10 or Heather SMG for more ammo if taking inspire.

Primary : AK17

Barrel Ext : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Magazine : Speed Pull Magazine
Sight : Speculator (DOT 2)
Stock : War-Torn Stock

Seconday : 5/7 AP Pistol

Barrel : TiN Treated Barrel
Barrel Ext : Champion's Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : Extended Magazine
Anarchist Akimbo CR 805B (3)
Thank you to Pridumalsam for sharing the concept of this build. Be sure to check him out at his twitch
Honestly the dps on this build is far over the top. Berserk wasn't even necessary to achieve 1 shot break points for nearly everything but it helps with the 5/7 pistol so I kept it. Honestly these weapons can work on pretty much any build if you're willing to trade First Aid or Medkits with ammo bags.

This version I recommend for heists such as safehouse raid since it's short. This build does nothing for the team and is purely meant for turtling with extreme dps.

Primary : Akimbo CR 805B

Barrel : Medium Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : LED Combo
Magazine : Speed Pull

Secondary : 5/7 AP Pistol

Barrel : TiN Treated Barrel
Barrel EXT : Champion's Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : Extended Mag
Anarchist Akimbo Kang Arms (6)
New pistols looking kinda sexy with the monolith suppressor. Did not expect to get under-barrels on a pistol I'll have to play with them more and see if they are worth using as using akimbo you get 1 click and two shots before reloading. New weapon charms are a nice touch but very limited on choices.

New KS12 AR is pretty much AMR-16 with higher damage, slower reload, lower ROF and stability and much lower accuracy. DMR kits compare similarly with the KS12 having slightly more concealment at the cost of stability and ammo and most of its accuracy. The reload sound is very crisp and appealing to hear. The new sight has some obvious better stats than other long range sights with only -1 concealment. Visually the sight isn't impressive with reticle size being reduced and often flickering into existence when using cross type reticle.

Frenzy/Iron man variant:

Primary : Akimbo Kang Arms Model 54 Pistols

Barrel : KA54 Barrel Extender
Barrel EXT : Monolith Suppressor
Boost : Stability
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : KA54 Extended Mag

Secondary : AP 5/7 Pistol

Barrel : TiN Barrel
Barrel EXT : Champion's Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : Extended Mag
Anarchist Cashblaster (EVENT)
Primary : AK5

Barrel : CQB Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost: Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Belgian Heat Handguard
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull
Sight : Speculator
Stock : Caesar Stock

Secondary : Cashblaster

Boost : Total Ammo
Anarchist Gewehr (6)
Basically the ak17 build using different weapons and skills to accommodate a different play style and weapon. Just use this build on close-range maps as the ammo economy can't support most long-range maps.

Primary : Gewehr 3 Rifle

Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Plastic Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : Retro Grip
Sight : Speculator (DOT 2)
Stock : Precision Stock

Secondary : 5/7 AP Pistol

Barrel : TiN Barrel
Barrel EXT : Champion's Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : Extended Mag
Sight : Optional
Anarchist Hailstorm/Wasp (2)
♥♥♥♥ this gun is strong if it weren't for the lower ammo pickup and feels amazing alongside the wasp. The alt fire mode deletes any tanky enemies and even penetrates shields and armour making ap pistol or shock and awe meaningless although still preferable with ammo consumption.

Primary : Hailstorm MK 5 Special

Barrel : V2.2
Boost : Concealment
Grip : FZRA

Secondary : Wasp-DS

Boost : Concealment
Exclusive Set : Whisper 9 Silencer
Extra : Rake Ultra Grip
Anarchist Lion Frenzy (5)
When zerking wait until armour breaks from molotov, wait two armour ticks and take two ticks from molotov for 97% zerk.
If you have trouble conserving ammo I recommend replacing medkits and skills for ammo bags.
Primary : Lion's Roar

Barrel : Silenced Barrel
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Sight : Compact Profile Sight

Secondary : CR 805B

Barrel : Short Barrel
Barrel EXT : Medium Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull
Sight : Compact Profile Sight
Anarchist LMG (6)
This build is heavily influenced by TheKknowley's Best Build 2020 video and Carrot's video on fixing it. I did a lot of changes and general improvements to make it original while still making a powerful build. It is anarchist however, so you'll still have to rely on cover whenever your armour breaks.

TheKknowley's Video :
Carrot's Video :

Primary : Buzzsaw

Barrel : Light Barrel
Barrel Ext : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Stability
Gadget : LED Combo

Secondary : Any preferred grenade launcher or crowd control weapon
Anarchist Minigun (6)
When I make this build, I was actually trying to make a joke/fun build, about TF2 heavy weapons guy, however, I kinda got mad because MINIGUN WITH ONLY BODY EXPERTISE, KILL HEAVY SWAT SLOWER THAN ME KILLING MINIGUN DOZER, so, i decided to SPANK basically all damage increase skill on minigun, which anarchist is fantastic at due to the low point requirement for it to function. and surprisingly, it managed to kill tons of stuff extremely quickly, and i meant, stupidly quick compared to a lot of other weapons.

The minigun has crazy firerate, which helps a lot with anarchist's armour gating, and it also have 450 ammo, which allows a lot more shots to be fired before reloading.

This build will outperform the LMG anarchist build in maps with more hallways or smaller rooms such as Alesso Heist and Mercy Hospital. The build however, lacks long range capability so in more open maps like goat simulator or Hoxton Breakout it may perform worse than the LMG build.

In order to gain berserker boost, just simply shoot your feet with a grenade when your armor is down, then you're good to go!

Primary: Vulcan Minigun

Barrel: The Stump Barrel
Boost: Conceamlemt
Extra: I'll Take Half That Kit
Gadget: Optional

Secondary: Judge Shotgun

Ammunition: Dragon's breath
Boost: Concealment
Gadget: Optional
Sight: optional

This Build is Improved by Yokai.
Yokai's Youtube Channel:
Anarchist Rangehitter (3)
After seeing KKnowley's newest video this weapon caught my eye so I decided to create a build. Although unintentional, it follows KevKild's basic principles in creating a Contractor sniper build. Initially I planned this build for sicario, but to achieve the 255 damage breakpoint berserker was needed.
If you want to be a true meta slave be sure to check out KevKild's Anarchist Sniper Zerk build:
This is a Jack Of All Trades (JOAT) version of the same build.
Switch secondary to CR 805B SMG and mod for concealment.

I highly recommend the version just below if you're more experienced as it will greatly improve survivability and dps at the cost of inspire and medkits.
Frenzy Aced/Iron Man Aced and Ammo bags version:

The Professional is unnecessary to ace but I got it to improve the secondary in case ammo becomes low on long range maps. If you want replace it with hardware expert basic and resilience aced.

Primary : Bernetti Rangehitter

Barrel : Wind Whistler
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Sight : Speculator/DOT 1
Stock : Club Stock

Secondary : AK Gen 21

Barrel EXT : Low Profile Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Anarchist RPK (7)
This build is a challenge and a new experience to people that play it. Bringing only C4 as a deployable to achieve high berserk and no team based skills. With low stability and accuracy the rpk can still be used to mow down hordes of enemies with high crit damage. To assist with stability and accuracy the ak gen 21 was the best choice considering its high concealment. Be sure to hip fire for more accuracy stats.

To achieve high zerk with C4 have your armour broken by an enemy or fall and wait for two armour ticks before standing over the C4 and firing at it to blow yourself up.

Primary : RPK

Barrel Ext : Medium Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Concealment
Foregrip : Tactical Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Stock : Folding Stock

Seconday : AK Gen 21

Barrel Ext : Medium Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Micro Laser
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Sight : Compact Profile Sight (Optional)
Stock : Bull Stock
Anarchist Sniper (7)
The new sniper rifle from buluc's mansion is so good! It have a really fine shoot speed, damage that can hit heavy headshot with frenzy and a crazy good ammo pickup that allows me to emm.....miss...

I actually have never really got into snipers before this weapon, and i gotta say through wall graze really is on the top of satisfying pyramid.

Primary : Bernetti Rangehitter Sniper Rifle

Barrel: Deep Range Barrel
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Optional
Sight : None
Stock :Club Stock

Secondary : Krinkov Submachine Gun

Barrel EXT : Stubby Compensator
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip :Aluminum Foregrip
Gadget : Optional
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Magazine : Low Drag Magazine
Sight : None
Stock : Skeletal Stock

Anarchist Akimbo VD-12 (5)
These new shotguns are pretty damn powerful often killing heavies in a single shot and absolutely shred dozers. These shotguns don't need much support so I decided to combine them with a concealable smg to deal with snipers.
To save points I took inspire basic as the damage reduction with frenzy aced, combat medic, and die hard combined allows for easy manual revives if no one in your team can inspire.

Primary : Akimbo VD-12

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel : Short
Barrel EXT : Shark Teeth
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Compact Laser
Grip : Straight Grip

Secondary : AK Gen 21

Barrel EXT : Tactical Compensator
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser
Grip : Aluminum
Stock : Bull stock
Armorer is a perk deck that's ignored by many, due to people's common belief "armor is bad on DS due to the crazy damage". However, armorer is actually a very powerful perk deck that compliments well-thought steady gameplay.

This perk deck is simple: you can take two hit before your armor is broken, and you gain a two seconds of invulnerability after your armor is broken. Many may say "this is just a downgrade of anarchist! Anarchist with Partner in Crime can take 2 hits too!" However, this is not the case.

Armorer is a very consistent perk deck, in fact, one of the most consistent one. You can take 2 hits from heavy swat before activating the two seconds of invulnerability. there is no additional factor that makes you might take more or less damage, all you have to do is to utilise cover well, and you're all set.

Armorer Lmg Frenzy (6)

Primary : KSP Light Machine Gun

Barrel : Long Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Accuracy
Foregrip : None
Gadget : LED Combo
Stock : Solid Stock

Secondary : Compact 40

Ammunition : None
Burglar, In good word its about you "playing around your team" in bad words.... Its the build that make your enemy hates your existence for crouching there doing nothing, and make you hate your jokers for not coming near you and draw fire...

This perkdeck reduces the chance of you being targeted by an enemy. The cooldown of armour regeneration is reduced when crouching and not moving. this is very useful when you need to hold off a point, because you won't be targeted, except......... THE SHOTS DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR THEY GO ON YOUR TEAMMATE!

Oh btw it also give you 30 dodge but dodge is not a thing you should rely on at all.

Want to learn more about being targeted?

This is actually one of my favourite perkdeck because it makes your teammate hate you
-- Eirin 2020/11/21

Burglar LMG (7)
Concealment doesn't really affect Burglar, since it's not really a dodge perkdeck with it's 30 dodge. and since Burglar gain advantage by crouching + not moving, It's perfect for LMG's bipod.

With this build, you can sit behind your teammate&Jokers, giving your team huge firepower while keeping yourself safe. if you got shot, always focus and kill the cop that's shooting at you first. Deploying or undeploying your bipod doesn't cost you anything, so do it frequently.

Warning: It is currently unknown if crouch bipod will activate the bonus, as it is very difficult to test it out. If you know if it does/ doesn't, please comment down below.

Primary : KSP Light Machine Gun

Barrel : Long Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Accuracy
Foregrip : None
Gadget : LED Combo
Stock : Solid Stock

Secondary : Grimm Shotgun

Ammunition : Dragon's Breath Round
Barrel EXT : Donald's Horizontal Leveller
Boost : Accuracy -4
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : None
Gadget : LED Combo
Magazine : Big Brother Magazine
Sight : Optional
Burglar SMG (8)
This build is really fun! having enemy shoot at your convert instead of you is the best thing ever existed. you want to use your Mark 10 most of the times, and use your flare gun to kill a group of enemy.

Primary: GL40 Grenade Launcher

Ammunition : optional
Barrel : Pirate Barrel
Boost : Concelment
Stock : Sawed-off Stock

Secondary : Mark 10 Submachine Gun

Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Optional
Lower Receiver : only if you're cool
Magazine : Speed Pull Magazine
Crew Chief
NOTE: Underdog basic is necessary for marathon man to work because "Overkill".

Crew Chief is looked down upon as being the noob perk deck but in light it can bring extraordinary benefits to you and your team. The perk deck gives an innate 8% damage reduction and doubles when below 50% health. This can greatly help your team mates by allowing them to tank multiple more hits. Having a hostage will also give a further 8% damage reduction. Everyone will receive 10% more max health and you will alone receive 20% more and also an extra 6% damage reduction when in medium range of an enemy. These added health benefits can help push kingpin users to survive green dozers and make stoic users even more op. Otherwise, it simply brings great benefits to you and your team. 50% extra stamina and 25% extra shout distance which means you can inspire your teams from further away. Also the team gets 5% extra armour while you get 10%. Lastly, what defines a player from being a good player is knowing how to play Crew Chief as they get added benefits for every hostage they have. For each hostage up to 4 times the entire team will gain 6% max health and 12% max stamina. Hostages also include jokers and with all the buffs you can hope for up to a max of 16% (30% for Chief) damage reduction, 34% (44% for Chief) extra max health, 5% (10% for Chief) more armour, and 98% extra stamina.

Crew Chief LMG (6)
Crew Chief himself does not have too much of a protection, which means we need to give crew chief something that can have consistent large damage output, and LMG is perfect for this. Well, I wold say there are probably better options like sniper and stuff so that you can attack in a safer distance, I(Eirin) can not aim at all, so sniper (and pistol) builds are out of the window. LMG masterace!

Replace hardware expert with underdog

Primary : KSP Light Machine Gun
Barrel : Long Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Accuracy
Foregrip : None
Gadget : LED Combo
Stock : Solid Stock

Secondary : Compact 40 Grenade Launcher
Ex-President is a very unique perk deck that stores health upon every kill. When your armour is broken upon regenerating armour, which can be triggered sooner by killing, you immediately convert stored health to your health pool. Ex-President has been described as a health gating deck similar to anarchist's armour gating. Ex-President is by far harder to use than anarchist and requires playing safe and if you don't have a way to destroy your armour on your own then you have to rely on taking shots to make use of your stored health. Honestly, I don't enjoy Ex-President. Although Ex-President is a unique experience it's not one I feel comfortable playing especially on DS.

Ex-President Lion's Roar (5)
This build comes from an amazing Payday 2 player named Uncle Geldgeil. Be sure to check out his channel.
I changed the build a little to remove dodge and instead take extra converts to help with the team and take aggro from cops. Other skills were taken to help deal with shields and save crossbow ammo and achieve higher dps. The crossbow lacked reliability to take out shields effectively.

Primary : Lion's Roar Rifle

Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Sight : Speculator

Secondary : Pistol Crossbow

Ammunition : Explosive Bolts
Barrel : Choose either
Boost : Concealment
Grip : Camo Grip
Sight : SKOLD Reflex Micro Sight (Optional)
Ex-President 255 Sniper (6)

Primary : R700 Sniper Rifle

Barrel : Short Barrel
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Sight : Speculator (DOT 1)
Stock : Tactical Stock

Secondary : Mark 10

Barrel EXT : Medium Profile Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull
I always thought Grinder is pretty bad at death sentence, until I actually used it and it's pretty fine!

Grinder is simple, Deal some damage every one and a half second, and you'll get healed. Try to take cover as much as possible, but if you accidentally took a extra shot, don't worry, because they will be easily recovered.

Fun fact: Grinder's Heal effect will not trigger by afterburn damage, but will trigger asap if a enemy is standing in a pool of fire created by you.

Grinder SMG (6)
This is the first grinder buide made and it somehow took like, 2 days lol

The afterburn damage does not activate grinder's passive, but as long as there are enemies standing in a pool of fire created by you, your heal effect will activate asap, making incendiary grenade rounds very valuable.

This build have aced Low Blow, which is kinda..... too much concealment free space for me, and I don't want to use anything other than low damage smg right now.....

There are probably flaws in this build, feel free and please leave your suggestion or rant in the comment section.
Primary : GL40 Grenade launcher

Ammunition : Incendiary Round
Barrel : Pirate barrel
Boost : Concealment
Stock : Sawed-Off Stock

Secondary : Mark 10 Submachine Gun

Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Optional
Lower Receiver : Optional
Magazine : Speed pull Magazine
Sight : Any -1 concealment sight / None
Stock : Skeletal Stock
Hacker is one of the most reliable dodge perk decks in the game and when you look at the utility it brings it's no wonder why it's so good. Hacker gives a base 35% dodge chance and access to the Pocket ECM (pecm) throwable which can jam and disrupt electronic devices including pagers much like an upgraded ecm deployable. The pecm has 2 charges and the effect lasts 6 seconds. This makes for an incredible tool in stealth but the bonuses it gives in loud make it just as incredible.

When the pecm feedback is active it will temporarily disrupt turrets and stun enemies. During the feedback a kill will buff your dodge by 20% for 30 seconds and heal you for 20hp and your team for 10hp. The pecm has a cooldown for 100 seconds. This would be bad if it weren't for the fact every kill reduces the cooldown by 6 seconds. This means by the time the dodge buff has expired you would only need to kill 12 cops to continue the buff with another pecm. Having 1 pecm charge handy is great for situations when you need desperate healing, didn't reach the 12 kills, to stun enemies or jam a turret.

Hacker allows for consistent 55% dodge. This high dodge pairs perfectly with sneaky bastard and duck and cover aced which leads to 65% dodge and 75% dodge while sprinting. Add the crew ai 5% dodge buff and you've got yourself 70%-80% dodge.

Hacker Cavity GL (9)
This build is a challenge build intended for people who understand hacker and can aim and manage ammo well. I wanted to make a build using the cavity and a build with a grenade launcher at 4 detection risk so I combined them.
The grenade launcher is mainly used for shields, captain and large groups to create ammo drops. The cavity requires crits to one shot headshot heavy cops. Be sure to proc unseen strike as much as possible. High dodge will help gain unseen strike.
I chose shockproof instead of parkour as the movement speed is too much for me but if you want 1 extra point and more speed feel free to change it.

Alt Variant:

Primary : Cavity 9mm

Barrel EXT : Medium Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Foregrip : Appalachian Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module / 45 Degree Ironsights
Sight : Compact Profile Sight / Preferred Sight

Secondary : China Puff

Boost : Concealment
Stock : Riot Stock
Hacker Ak-Mark 10 (3)
Managed to no down Slaughter House and Reservoir Dogs back to back to I'd say this build is pretty strong especially with the fixed/buffed hacker pecm stun.

Primary : Akimbo Mark 10

Barrel EXT : Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Compact Laser or Stealth Module
Mag : Speed Pull
Stock : Skeletal Stock

Secondary : Wasp 9

Boost : Concealment
Exclusive set : Whisper 9
Extra : Rake Ultra Grip
Mag : Celerity X9
Hitman is a very simple and mediocre perk deck. It reduces the akimbo stability penalty by 16 and adds 50% ammo capacity to all akimbo weapons. Armour will regen after being damaged in a quick 1.5 seconds guaranteed. This means that even if your armour takes multiple hits it will regen in 1.5 seconds after the first shot it takes. The way to play it is to pick your fights. Don't try to take on too many enemies at once as the enemy fire rate in groups combined can become enough to destroy your armour and health before the 1.5 seconds. Simply play safe and in cover and don't fight crowds of enemies unless you're ready to suppress them with high DPS.

Hitman Goliath (7)
Honestly don't know what to say about this build. It uses ICTV frenzy to tank as many shots possible to support the quick armour regen time. Bringing berserker helps a lot for reaching damage breakpoints and shouldn't matter on DS as health won't help even at full. Be sure to take cops one at a time because if your armour will be quickly taken down by high enemy fire rate and your health will instantly follow. I don't have a set up for zerking with this setup other than using lights cops and idk what would work well so if you know then feel free to add it yourself or suggest it in the comments.

Primary : Akimbo Goliath

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel : Short Barrel
Barrel EXT : Shark Teeth Nozzle
Boost : Stability
Gadget : LED Combo

Secondary : Grimm

Ammunition : Dragon's Breath Round
Barrel EXT : Shark Teeth Nozzle
Boost : Stability
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : LED Combo
Magazine : Big Brother Magazine
Kingpin is a perk deck that gives you access to the almighty injector. Kingpin is considered to be one of the strongest perk decks by many people only beaten by the OP PLZ NERF Stoic perk deck.

The kingpin may look complicated, but once you understand the basics it's actually very simple:

What does it do?
When you use the injector, you become... almost invincible. Taking damage with the injector active will allow you to heal 75% of damage received when above 50% health and while below 50% you will heal for 100% of the damage. The only way to die from an enemy shot while the injector is active is to receive damage higher than your max health. Healing is also applied for the damage taken to armour meaning you can armour gate and heal according to the damage done.

Important: Simply, you will die if the damage you receive is higher than your max health(Green Dozer and shotgun guard(not swat)) Because unlike what other people think, Heal actually applies before you take the actual damage, and you cannot be over healed. Having a GOOD crew chief user in your team will allow you to boost your health high enough so that no instance of damage will be higher than your max health.

Cool downs and and extra abilities
Every kill reduces the cool down of the injector by 1 second and healing over max health achieved by armour gating reduces the cool down by about 5 seconds and easily 10 using bullseye. Your priority level for enemies will also be set extremely high meaning that all enemies will fire at your instead of your team. This can help with taking heat off your team and allow them to rush objectives such as drills.

How to use?
Simple, play more passively without the injector while killing to reduce cool down, and play more aggressively when using injector. Use injector whenever you think you'll take a lot of damage, like running through a horde of enemy, encountering dozers or doing objectives under pressure. Remember to inject before your armour breaks so that when your armour is shot and the damage is gated and you'll be healed. Doing this with max health is also good as healing over max health reduces the cool down of the injector by five second. You can also use the armour gained from bullseye to take armour damage again and heal twice while potentially reducing the cool down by a total of 10 seconds.

Kingpin Akimbo Goliath (3)
This can be... considered to be the direct upgrade of kingpin db grimm build, but takes slightly more skill to use. instead of db grimm, you use akimbo goliath as your main weapon, as it can easily take down most enemy with a single tap on the head, while being able to deal massive damage to dozers that it can compete with akimbo krinkov's speed. and when do you use grimm? when you need to quickly stun&kill a lot of enemy, dealing with shields, or use to get easy overkill activation. This build is pretty similar with the kingpin db grimm build, but with more choices, Die hard ibv (allows one shot from light units without armor broken, increase survivalbility due to stoopid I-frame), and overall an upgrade of everything.

Primary : Akimbo Goliath

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel : Short Barrel
Boost : Concelment
Gadget : Optional

Secondary : Grimm Shotgun

Ammunition : Dragon's Breath
Boost: Concelment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Little Brother Foregrip
Gadget : Optional
Kingpin AR (4)
I'm really into low damage ar recently, to me, they're just lmg with smaller clip but higher accuracy, stability and concealment. To be honest, Overall LMG still outclasses Assault Rifles, but overall its a really fun thing to use!

Use your AR to fight most of the times and use your db grimm to kill shields and groups of enemy. with the high accuracy, stability and scope of ar, we can easily kill enemy that's far away.

Yes I get it Body Expertise with almost 100/100 AR, If you don't think aiming is overatted like me just move the points elsewhere, or if you want a build around same AR without Body Expertise just comment below.

Primary: Union Rifle

Barrel : Short barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Optional
Magazine : Speed Pull Mag
Sight : Any -1 Concealment Sight

Secondary : Grimm Shotgun

Ammunition : Dragon's Breath
Boost : Concelment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Little Brother Foregrip
Gadget : Optional
Kingpin DB Grimm (1) (BD)
The point of this build? Use brain dead op combo Grimm shotgun + Dragon's breath, and exploit its strength as much as possible, while using the akimbo krinkov to fill its weakness. This build doesn't use the conventional die hard ace and lbv setup so it's weaker than some kingpin builds. The dps more than makes up for it though and the dragon breath rounds stop enemies from firing at you.

The DB (Dragon Breath) Grimm has the ability to easily stun any enemy except medics, shields, and dozers. By using crits the fire damage can often 1 hit any non-special enemy. For the enemies that don't get stunned or don't die instantly, you can use the buzzer/electric brass knuckles to stun them again and repeatedly light them on fire until they die. The buzzer/electric brass knuckles also help with getting converts through stunning them and allowing you to have more attempts at dominating them. This build lacks any means of taking out far snipers but they can still be killed with many hits but it's better just to leave them to your team or ignore them with injector if possible.

The akimbo krinkov is one of, if not the best dozer killing machine in the game. While they lack ammo efficiency, their use is purely to almost instantly melt dozers.

Replace stable shot with hardware expert based on the heist.

Primary : Akimbo Krinkov Submachine Guns

Barrel Ext : Stubby Compensator
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Aluminum Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : AK Rubber Grip
Magazine : AK Quadstacked Mag

Secondary : Grimm 12G Shotgun

Ammunition : Dragon's Breath Rounds
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Little Brother Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Big Brother Magazine
Kingpin LMG (6)
The build uses the same skills as the anarchist LMG build as those skills just make the Buzzsaw amazing. The skills allow you to shred hoards of enemies to constantly get the injector back. Whenever I used the injector I found that it would be available soon after but being the medkit scrub and unlucky person I was I went down still and when testing this on DS I had 5 dozers in my face 2 of which were medic dozers so... @T$D when can I have that less dozers mod?

Switch hardware expert for scavenger if you want or depending on the map.

Btw the HBV is used because with 70 armour you can take an extra shot from medics and other weaker cops. This is to replace die hard aced and the LBV.

Primary : Buzzsaw

Barrel : Light Barrel
Barrel Ext : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Stability
Gadget : LED Combo

Secondary : Any preferred grenade launcher or crowd control weapon
After playing a bit of grinder, Muscle feels like a grinder sidegrade now, with more hits can be taken, but a lot less healing. However, the panics........ sucks (Personal Opinion Warning!!!). yes it prevents enemy from shooting you but it also prevents you from hitting your enemy as they roll around, really breaks the flow of my playstyle.

This perkdeck can tank quite some shots but once you get hit, you probably want to stay in cover for a while so bringing First Aid Kits are recommended.

Muscle LMG (7)
The moment you managed to fit Body Expertise and Unseen Strike Together because you can't aim.......

This build is really nothing special to be hones, just use lmg for everything and grenade launcher for shields and crowd. your lmg is probably powerful enough to shred through everything.

Primary : KSP Light Machine Gun

Barrel : Long Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget: LED Combo
Stock: Solid Stock

Secondary : Compact 40
Sicario summed up is Rogue with less rng and more utility. Sicario has great utility in supporting downed teammates and getting objectives secured thanks to the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade will reduce the accuracy of enemies shooting in the smoke by 50% and increases the dodge chance of every player within the smoke by 50%. As you can tell this is great to use when swarmed at objectives or downed players. Armour gating is another huge factor for sicario. Every time sicario fails a dodge the chance of dodging increases by 20%. Every time a bullet is dodged armour is automatically fully regenerated allowing you to take many more shots to armour than health. On lower difficulties sicario becomes an absolute monster. Being able to take many shots from low damage cops gives sicario ample build up of the dodge chance until inevitably a bullet is dodged and armour is fully regenerated restarting the whole process. It's unstoppable.

Sicario AK17 (5)
After finding my recent love for the ak17 with my anarchist build I have decided to make another build using it. Considering my last sicario build didn't include an insane amount of DPS because I switched the Mark 10 with a Heather, I have decided to make another sicario build more inclined for killing.

Primary : AK17

Barrel : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Grip : AK Plastic Grip
Magazine : Speed Pull
Sight : Speculator/Dot 2
Stock : Wide Stock

Secondary : Mark 10

Barrel : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull
Stock : Skeletal Stock
Sicario Akimbo Kang Arms (7)
Without trigger happy or good aim cops can take a while to kill consuming a lot of ammo. Be sure to let your first shots count to boost damage and save ammo. Ammo economy is low meaning this build is only viable when playing on close-quarters map with decent enemy spawn rates otherwise just have a teammate pack ammo bags.

Primary : Akimbo Kang Arms Model 54 Pistols

Barrel : KA54 Barrel Extender
Barrel EXT : Monolith Suppressor
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : KA54 Extended Mag

Secondary : AP 5/7 Pistol

Barrel : TiN Barrel
Barrel EXT : Flash Hider
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Micro Laser
Magazine : Extended Mag
Sicario Akimbo Mark 10 (5)
This sicario build to me is quite fun to play and is much different to my regular play style keeping things new and fresh. This build isn't tanky in any way so relying on armour gating is the way and getting a couple converts helps immensely in survivability.

2 Joker + inspire aced variant:
Replace Akimbo Mark 10 gadget with Compact Laser Module

1 Joker + inspire basic + Shock & Awe aced variant:
Replace Akimbo Mark 10 gadget with Compact Laser Module

Primary : Akimbo Mark 10 SMG

Barrel Ext : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Custom : Auto Fire
Extra : Railed Handguard
Gadget : LED Combo
Magazine : Speed Pull Mag
Stock : Skeletal Stock

Secondary : Heather SMG

Barrel : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull Mag
Sight : Speculator Sight
Stock : Unfolded Stock
Sicario Aran G2 Sniper (4)
The new sniper is a heap of fun to use but the reload boost doesn't work properly so I use a mod to fix it. Use aggressive reload to reload the czech's. Aran sniper will kill anything in one headshot so the czech's are there to melt dozers and to help with ammo. Also nice 69 detection.

Primary : Akimbo Czech

Barrel : Sicario Barrel
Barrel Ext : Monolith or if you want the ugly Jungle Ninja
Boost : Stability
Gadget : Micro laser or combined module
Grip : Sicario Grip
Mag : Extended

Secondary : Aran G2 Sniper

Barrel Ext : Phantom
Boost : Total Ammo
Foregrip : Kanden
Grip : Bounty
Sight : Trace optic
Sicario Cashblaster (EVENT)
Same build as the anarchist cashblaster but adjusted for sicario as I found this perk deck to be far better suited for the recent piggy bank event.

Primary : AK5

Barrel : CQB Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost: Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Belgian Heat Handguard
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Magazine : Speed Pull
Sight : Speculator
Stock : Caesar Stock

Secondary : Cashblaster

Boost : Total Ammo
Sicario Czech Pistols (8)
Rediscovering my love for sicario I decided to create another build for the perk deck. Since I never touched pistols I wanted something new. The akimbo Czech 92 pistols caught my eye and the attachments they have are called sicario -it was meant to be. This build focuses heavily on the aggressive playstyle of sicario but sadly if you can't aim then this build is probably not for you. Use the Baby Deagle against any non special enemies and you will be able to activate trigger happy to one shot headshot any non specials. The build's weakness is shields so unless you know how to juke shields effectively just rely on your team mates to take them out.

-Replace trigger happy aced for inspire aced if you prefer to be more cautious and aren't worried about a bit of dps.

Primary : Akimbo Czech 92 Pistols

Barrel : Sicario
Barrel EXT : Monolith
Boost : Stability
Gadget : Micro laser
Grip : Sicario
Mag : Extended

Secondary : Baby Deagle

Barrel : Threaded
Barrel EXT : Monolith
Boost : Stability
Gadget : Micro
Grip : Spike
Lower Receiver : Spike Kit
Sicario R700 (6)
Initially I was appalled with sicario sniper builds because skill issue. After getting used to 255 snipers and finding a weapon that works in taking out dozers effectively I have become quite fond of the concept. Like your typical anarchist sniper build this build allows for heavy dps with graze and spawn trapping potential. What it offers over anarchist is the objective and team mate support with the smoke. Opting for inspire basic to manually revive team mates in smoke saves some points but most people bring inspire aced anyway so not much loss. Be sure to place a ♥♥♥ when reviving to avoid going down during a revive or in case your team mate goes instantly down again.

Some people don't like parkour aced or basic with suit so here is a framework of my build for your preference.

Switching to single fire on the krinkov while facing shotgun/medic dozers helps conserve ammo

Primary : R700 Sniper

Boost : Ammo Count
Gadget : LED Combo
Sight : Speculator
Stock : Tactical Stock

Secondary : Krinkov SMG

Barrel EXT : Bigger The Better Suppressor
Boost : Accuracy
Extra : Scope Mount
Foregrip : Moscow Special Rail
Gadget : LED Combo
Grip : Aluminum Grip
Magazine : Speed Pull
Sight : Speculator
Stock : Classic Stock
Sicario Triple Heather (5)
This build is a big change to the Czech pistol build. A lot easier to use and a lot easier to make. It's pretty much a basic ♥♥♥♥♥ triple smg build. Feel free to remove stable shot aced or fire control I have them for 100 accuracy to deal with snipers on certain maps. Using the extra points I would recommend confident aced for 2 jokers or 9-lives aced. I wouldn't go for sneaky bastard simply because using cover to safely gain dodge and using smoke is more than enough.

Primary : Akimbo Heather

Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Gadget : Compact Laser
Magazine : Speed Pull
Stock : Unfolded

Secondary : Heather

Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better
Boost : Accuracy
Gadget : Compact Laser
Magazine : Speed Pull
Stock : Unfolded
Stoic is one that doesn't need much of an introduction. It's widely known to be the strongest perk deck of choice and can work well in any map.
Stoic gives you access to the hip flask which is used to heal the 75% damage you receive over time and 25% damage of which is instantly applied. Using the hip flask will instantly heals you for 50% of all remaining un-applied damage. Without the hip flask you will need to wait 4 seconds without being hurt for the same effect to occur, but by using the flask you can activate the effect sooner giving you a larger heal and ensuring your survival. Stoic is played best with the ICTV setup as all armour is converted into health which makes this one of the most tankiest perk decks to use. Combing this with joker skills and Crew Chief can boost your health pool to insane amounts and to the highest possible health.

Stoic Goliath (3)
This build is a lighter version of stoic that prioritises DPS over defence. It's a simple build that uses the akimbo goliath for heavy damage with the Dragon Breath grimm for ammo and sustainability.

Primary : Akimbo Goliath 12G Shotguns

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel : Short Barrel
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module

Secondary : Grimm 12G Shotgun

Ammunition : Dragon Breath Round
Boost : Concealment
Custom : Auto Fire
Foregrip : Little Brother Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Stoic LMG (2)
This build is very unoriginal and is the very depiction of a meta LMG stoic build and is easily adjustable to suit any play styles or needs. I included this build because I want to make this guide a place for new players or experience players to find great builds that they can use throughout their time playing. By including this build I hope to support more people searching for high meta builds to allow this guide to hold builds that anyone could ever need.

Primary : KSP Light Machine Gun

Barrel : Long Barrel
Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor or Competitor's Compensator
Choose depending if you want to be targeted less from far across the map or for more damage and stability.
Bipod : Lion Bipod
Boost : Accuracy
Foregrip : None but feel free to use it
Gadget : LED Combo
Stock : Solid Stock

Secondary : Compact Grenade Launcher
Stoic Pump (5)
I LOVE PUMP SHOTGUNS! And the new DLC finally gave us a pump shotgun that's good! Because pump shotguns tend to run out of ammo at unfortunate times, I used stoic which allows high survivalbility at any point. I also used Krinkov because Although the pump shotgun is good at most situation, it lacks dozer killing ability as it cannot kill a faceplate less dozer with all ammo in clip and overkill active.

Primary : ReinFeld 88 Shotgun

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel: Ventilated Barrel
Barrel EXT : Donald's Horizontal Leveller / Shark Teeth muzzle
Boost : Accuracy -4
Gadget : LED Combo

Seconday : Krinkov Submachine Gun

I'm too lazy to do attachments, just get whatever increase your stability and accuracy, make stability hit 100 and use Quadstack Magazine.
Builds - Fun & Jokes (DS viable)
These builds are not to be taken seriously, and mainly for fun and jokes.
"Akimbo Sniper" build (5)
"akimbo sniper" really is just.... Akimbo Goliath with AP round. laugh please.

To be honest, it is quite a struggle for me to not put this in "Actual serious build" section, since this actually work incredibly well.

Primary Weapon: Akimbo Goliath

Ammunition: AP Slug
Barrel: none
Barrel Exit: The Silent Killer Supresser
Boost: Accuracy
Gadget: LED Combo

Secondary: Grimm shotgun
Ammunition: Dragon's Breath
Barrel Exit: Donald's Horizontal Leveller
Boost: Accuracy -4
Custom: Auto Fire
Foregrip: None
Gadget: LED Combo
Magazine: Big Brother Magazine
Sight: optional
Anarchist Street Sweeper (6) (Random Weapon Challenge)
This is.... the first Random Weapon Challenge! and I'm proud to announce, This build is completely carried by street sweeper!

With street sweeper's one headshot Heavy swat potential (no crit needed) This fast fire rate weapon can easily clear out an entire room with a blink! (if you can aim, unlike me.) Sadly raven shotgun isn't the best for Dragon's Breath, But there aren't really anything we can do.

Primary: Raven Shotgun
Ammunition: Dragon's Breath
Barrel: Short Barrel
Barrel Exit: Donald's Horizontal Leveller / Shark Teeth Noozle
Boost: Concealment
Gadget: Optional
Sight: None

Secondary: Street Sweeper
Ammunition: 000 Buck Shot
Barrel: None
Barrel Exit: Donald's Horizontal Leveller / Shark Teeth Noozle
Boost: Accuracy-4
Gadget: Optional
Sight: None
Demoman (9)
YoU AsK WhY i'M a GoOd DeMo MaN?

This is, and will always be one of the most fun build ever.

(first aid kit)

Use whatever you want on the weapons, as long as they explodes.
TF2 Scout (6)
This build have emm.... two very powerful weapon

and shield is here to ruin everything

The playstyle of this build is actually quite simular to TF2 Scout, use your shotgun, then use your pistol when you run out of shotgun ammo.

Primary: Reinfeld 88 Shotgun
ammunition: 000 Buckshot
Barrel: Ventilated Barrel
Barrel Exit: None
Boost: Concealment
Gadget: Optional
Stock: Artisan Stock

Secondary: Stryk 18C Pistol
Barrel Exit: Jungle Ninja Suppressor
Boost: Accuracy
Gadget: Optional
Grip: Ergo Grip
Magazine: Extended Magazine
Sight: None
Stock: None
Builds - Fun & Jokes (DW below)
Akimbo judge & Rocket Launcher (9)
This is for the second milestone... where I have to use akimbo judge, Rocket Launcher and ExPresident.

I hate this

You know what the weapons are
"Bullllll Dozer!" (5) (DS not viable)
Yes I get it I get it..... "ICTV Anarchist noob choice" But this is dw mate! I haven't had this much fun with a build ever since I stopped thinking minigun is the best weapon in the game!

This weapon is a beautiful merge of careful and aggressive play, and with aced bullseye and anarchist's last card, You can always recover a lot of armour by shooting enemy! this perfectly counters the "ictv slow armour recover speed", making this perkdeck have fine armour recover speed, high damage and super high armour!

Why Quickfix not painkillers?
Frenzy ICTV pic anarchist's armour can take around 10 - 14 heavy swat's shot, and with quickfix's 10% reduction we can always take one more shot, allowing us to take 11-15 heavy swat shots, and combined with underdog's 10% damage reduction, we'll be able to take 12 - 17 heavy swat shots! and that also didn't include damage from lower damage enemy, the armour gained from damaging enemy and natural armour recovery.

Why China puff? it cannot hit heavy swat breakpoint with one hit!
The usage of grenade launcher here are mostly for shields, which can be one shot by china puff, and faceplates, which can only be destroyed one layer at a time. China puff allows us to kill multiple shields that's distanced from each other, while stun enemies with health above heavy swat, where we can switch back to our LMG and easily finish them off. Because concealment is not a problem here, you're free to use the compact 40 if you feel like it.

Do Not Use This Build On DS, Only Use This Build On DW And Below

Primary: KSP Light Machine Gun
Barrel: Long Barrel
Barrel Exit: The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Bipod: Lion Bipod
Boost: Accuracy/Stability
Foregrip: None
Gadget: LED Combo
Stock: 2 Piece Stock

Secondary: China Puff Grenade Launcher
Optional, as long as it still explodes.
In the famous words of Torgue: "EXPLOSSSSIONSSSSS!!!!"
This build uses all Judge shotguns equipped with HE rounds to blast the enemy off their feet. Due to the low damage anarchist is used with berserker to increase damage. Paired with bulletstorm when consuming the last of an ammo bag you can hope to get an entire minute of pure mayhem and of course EXPLOSSIONSS!!!

The build even works on DS if you're brave enough ;)

Primary : Akimbo Judge

Ammunition : HE Rounds
Boost : Concealment
Gadget : Compact Laser Module

Secondary : Judge

Ammunition : HE Rounds
Barrel EXT : King's Crown Compensator
Boost : Accuracy +4
Gadget : Compact Laser Module
Pacifist (4)
I thought this would be fun, until I remembered there are dominated cops limit and for 60% of the game you don't do anything.

Saw for.... sawing stuff and Grimm is modded to deal super low damage while pierce enemy armour, for easy long range domination.

Primary: Saw
Attachments: doesn't really matter

Secondary: Grimm Shotgun
Ammunition: Flechette
Barrel Exit: Shh!
Boost: Accuracy +4
Custom: none
Foregrip: none
Gadget: LED Combo
Magazine: Big Brother Magazine
Sight: Optional
Turret Build (5)
So..... Its here, the Turret Build. The Goal of this build is utilize Burglar, Sentries and Jokers to make enemy doesn't target you at all!

Use the DB Grimm Just In Case if someone did get close, and use the Buzzsaw when a dozer is close.

MAKE SURE you have turret near you at all times! Your survivability is near zero if you have nothing near you to draw enemy aggro. Remember that you can frequently move your turret, as in maps that requires moving, you'll need to move your turret a lot of times.

This build is actually (kinda) DS viable, but I didn't put it on the title because I don't want new players to use this build to tell other people that turret is a good idea on Death Sentence.

Primary: Buzzsaw 42 Light Machine Gun
Barrel: Light Barrel
Barrel Exit: Competitor's Compensator
Bipod: Lion Bipod
Boost: Stability
Gadget: LED Combo

Secondary: Grimm Shotgun
Ammunition: Dragon's Breath Round
Barrel Exit: Donald's Horizontal Leveller
Boost: Accuracy -4
Custom: Auto Fire
Foregrip: None
Gadget: LED Combo
Magazine: Big Brother Magazine
Sight: Optional
Cavity/Judge Hacker
Stealth builds are mainly built based on preference and the map you're doing but this build is a general stealth build that works on any map. Switch tripmines with ecm on maps such as Murky Station or Breakin' Feds.

Primary : Cavity 9mm

Barrel EXT : The Bigger the Better Suppressor
Boost : Team Boost
Foregrip : Appalachian Foregrip
Gadget : Compact Laser
Sight : Speculator Sight

Secondary : Judge Shotgun

Ammunition : 000 Buckshot
Barrel EXT : The Silent Killer Suppressor
Boost : Team Boost
Gadget : Compact Laser
Saw Hacker
This build has the lowest detection risk achievable with a saw. Using frenzy and berserker you can immediately have your saw take 1 tap to open any deposit box and you can further reduce time to saw by acing portable saw skill in enforcer though I believed it to be unnecessary. The build uses bullet storm with a single ammo bag so it's best to leave a single use of the saw left so you can activate the saw without wasting time reloading or reducing the effect.

Note: Be sure to use the trick of revving the saw for a perfectly silent saw. For more explanation watch this video:

Primary : OVE9000 Saw

Boost : Concealment
Lower Receiver : Silent Motor
Magazine : Durable Blade

Secondary : Bernetti 9 Pistol

Barrel EXT : Rotec Suppressor
Boost : Concealment +3
Gadget : Micro Laser
Grip : Any
Sight : Marksman Sight
Upper Receiver : The Elite Slide
In order to celebrate milestones, we will make some special builds/events when a milestone is reached.


10: One Joke Build
Completed: Bull Dozer

25: Turret Build

50: A TF2 Character Build idk who to make if you have an idea just comment idk

100: I'll buy hotline miami so I can finally use sociopath

125: Triple judge build
Completed prematurely tehe. See build named EXPLOSIONS!!!!


1: Make a build with 2 random weapon
Completed: Anarchist Street Sweeper

3: Make a build with random weapon and random perkdeck (I swear every time when I want to upload a build, a milestone is achieved.)
(Akimbo Judge, Rocket Launcher and EX-President. "fun".)(Work in progress....... hopefully not forever I'm dying)

6: Make a pacifist build

10: I'll cry due to how far we've gotten, then release the sans mask pattern

20: 2 build with perk decks that I've never used / used least

25: Flirt with every single person that joined my game for 3 days
Update Log
3.7 -13/02/2023 Added Sicario Aran G2 Sniper build. Fixed anarchist Lion Frenzy build.

3.6 -15/01/2023 Added akimbo mark 10 hacker build and reduced skill rating for anarchist repeater.
3.5 -22/09/2022 Added Anarchist Akimbo DV-12 Shotgun and Anarchist Hailstorm/Wasp build. All builds now have pd2builder links as steam continues to randomly remove images one by one.

3.4 -14/08/2022 Added Sicario Triple heather build and adjusted text spacing.

3.3 -12/08/2022 Added Sicario Akimbo Czech build and replaced a whole bunch of images steam ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lost. Added some pd2 builder links. Fixed Anarchist RPK build.

3.2 -08/02/2022 Added No Down Gameplay video for Ex-President Lion's Roar build.

3.1 -01/01/2022 Added Stealth Hacker and Saw build for new players.

3.0 -27/11/2021 Added Sicario R700 build. -02/12/2021 Updated Sicario R700.

2.9 -25/11/2021 Added first hacker build Cavity GL. Added hacker perk deck description.

2.8 -27/09/2021 Added new Ex-President Lion's Roar build.

2.7 -23/09/2021 Added new Anarchist Akimbo Kang Arms build with my first opinion of the new dlc update. Updated and renamed "Sicario SMG" build to "Sicario Akimbo Mark 10" including new build variants.

2.6 -16/09/2021 Added Anarchist Lion Frenzy build and adjusted difficulty rating for some builds.

2.5 -13/09/2021 Added Anarchist RPK build and adjust difficulty rating for sniper builds.

2.4 -15/08/2021 Added Anarchist Cashblaster build.

2.3 -26/07/2021 Added Anarchist CR805B build, Ex-President perk deck, Ex-President 255 Sniper build and Anarchist Gewehr build.

2.2 -7/07/2021 Added EXPLOSIONS and Sicario AK17 builds.

2.1 -26/06/2021 Added new build Anarchist AK17.

2.0 -13/05/2021 Added Hitman to the perk deck list and created a Hitman build. Updated Kingpin DB Grimm build. -14/05/2021 Updated Anarchist LMG build.

1.9 -Sicario added to list of perk decks and 3 new builds have been created. Tweaked build
difficulty numbers and improved spelling.

1.8 -1 milestone completed
1 muscle build completed

1.7 -2 milestone reached
1 grinder build made, milestone 2 (1/2)

1.6 -1 build added

1.5 -1 milestone completed
Tidy up build sections

1.4 -3 milestone reached
1 milestone completed
Relocated fun & joke builds behind DSOD builds to avoid confusion

1.3 -2 milestone reached
2 milestone completed
Added a Q&A

1.2 -Added milestone. Added one milestone build: Bull dozer. Added perkdeck cards in the perkdeck description segment.Improved anarchist minigun build.

1.1 -Added one build: AR Kingpin
1.0 -Publish!
Sans Mask
Its time

to reveal

the cure

Sangres begins mask, any white material,Cracker pattern and black and blue for colour.

I didn't actually cry

37 opmerkingen
LuckyBuster  [auteur] 6 mei 2021 om 5:09 
Sorry for not updating for so long I've been grinding infamy and starting university. Eirin hasn't been playing payday 2. I have added sicario to the build list and created a new sicario build to go along with it.
LuckyBuster  [auteur] 14 dec 2020 om 21:30 
I also outlined that underdog basic is needed in the Crew Chief description in case it's missed in the image.
LuckyBuster  [auteur] 14 dec 2020 om 21:29 
@KevKild Thanks for the compliments and suggestion. I'll get my friend to fix this when he can.
KevKild 14 dec 2020 om 9:48 
Glad you included more detail such as "LBV B33 IS WRONG". Shows more thought and effort than the usual build guides, awesome work.
The CrewChief section you mention the 6% damage reduction, and included a picture, but your build doesn't have Underdog? I'd swap that drill point over, definitely worth it.
Also, glad to see more Painkillers usage on Medic Bag builds.
I have 2 DSOD guides if you ever need to add or compare for certain stuff, I don't mind.
LuckyBuster  [auteur] 11 dec 2020 om 18:02 
@Cloaker What perk deck would this cloaker build use?
Casual Main 11 dec 2020 om 14:53 
btw can you add a cloaker build?
tinkertailorsoldiersailor 10 dec 2020 om 3:02 
Yeah I did a death sentence today and found my self relying on my tac lean mod
Eirin the medic GF  [auteur] 10 dec 2020 om 0:02 
dodge is like the worst thing ever existed in payday, it was really powerful but its nerfed, and now it well, just sucks. dodge should never be relied on. also, in death sentence cover is needed for every single perkdeck, 3 shot, only 3 shot is needed for you to be killed.
LuckyBuster  [auteur] 9 dec 2020 om 15:52 
@Maple running faster does help get in and out of cover faster but when cops auto lock onto you there's really no point and to help with this optical illusions can greatly reduce the amount cops auto and instantly target you and using silencers has the same effect for cops at further ranges.
tinkertailorsoldiersailor 9 dec 2020 om 3:17 
My grinder build is designed for running and gunning not using much cover, maybe it may be because of parkour aced helping me dodge and weave through cops allowing me to deal hundreds to thousands of damage using molotovs?