The Surge 2

The Surge 2

140 ratings
The Surge 2 | A Complete Guide
By Solaire of Astora
This is a complete guide on Weapons, Armor, Implants, Drone Modules, Side Quests and Achievements you can gather throughout the game.
This is a complete guide about bossfights, weapons, armor (and their set bonusses), implants, drone modules, side quests and achievements you can gather throughout the game.

The first part is about boss fights and how to get the better loot from doing hardcore kills on those bosses.
In all cases it's better to go for the hardcore kill instead of the normal kill. It will always give the better rewards. If you want to collect the normal versions of the weapons, there is always a way to obtain them from vendors or normal enemies later in the game after beating the boss.
Boss Rewards (including V2.0 drops)
This will be a list of all bosses and the best way to defeat them to get most out of their rewards. It will include killing bosses in the "hardccore" way.

Simply kill him, only drops a keycard to get your Rig.

Warden Garcia
Cut off his right arm to get the "MG Jackknife Pro" weapon.

Little Johnny
Cut off both his claws before finishing the boss to get the "Little Johnny's Forceps V2.0" weapon.

Brother Eli
Cut off his right arm to get the "Warhammer of Forced Conversion" weapon.

Captain Cervantes
Cut off his left leg to get the "JAG-1000 'Carnivore' Shotgun" drone module.
Don't worry about cutting off his arm, since you can get that weapon later in the game from A.I.D. Ronin enemies.

To get the weapon "Helix of the Delver V2.0" you need to beat the boss in the following way:
- Phase 1: simply attack the boss until it goes into phase 2.
- Phase 2: break the armor on both front legs during this phase.
- Phase 3: break the armor on the bosses arms, legs, head and body before beating it (using the drone is a simply way to destroy the parts).

Major General Ezra Shields
Cut off his right arm in phase 2 to get the "General's A.C.U. V2.0" weapon.
Also destroy the firearm of Metal Armor on phase 2 to get the "Vulc-88 'Panthera' Rotary Gun" drone module.

Delver Echo Alpha
This is an optional boss in the Underground area. It doesn't have a hardcore way to kill it, but willl always reward you the "Energetic Speed Intensifier" implant, which will boost your attack speed when you have 3 or more batteries filled.

Delver Echo Beta
Same spot as Delver Echo Alpha, just return to same area and try to open the chest. Last Echo will be Gamma (see below where to find).

Brother Eli Revived
He doesn't have a hardcore way to kill him, so simply just kill him to progress in the game.
By cutting off a limb however you do receive a part of the Dark Prophecy Set.

Delver Echo Gamma (optional)
An optional boss in "Downtown Jericho City". It doesn't have a hardcore way to kill it, but will always drop the "Deflection Hardener Use" implant.

Matriarch Celeste
Break and then cut off both her mechanical arms on her back to receive the "Icon of the Spark V2.0" weapon.

During this ambush simply cutt of the right arm to receive the "Codename: Parsifal" weapon and cut off the body parts to get the "PROTEUS Set" armor pieces.

Cut off it's tail during the fight to receive the "H.A.R.O.L.D.'s Holographic Tailblade" weapon.

Goddess Helena
Simply cut off the arm to recieve the "Twinlance of Corruption" weapon. You also recieve an armor piece.

Archangel Eli
Destroy all pieces of his armor to recieve the "Greatblade of the Archangel V2.0" weapon.
After that either spare his life to get the "Archangel's Set" armor or kill him to get the "Dark Prophecy Set" armor.
Boss Rewards - The Kraken Expansion DLC
Collective Incinerator
Cut off it's right arm to get the "Hot-N-Heavy" weapon.

To get all rewards out of this boss do the following:
- Sever all the legs to receive Ungula Universalis. Do NOT perform a 'finishing move' on CAIN to kill it.
- Drain the pool before the fight to acquire "Red Hot Poker" weapon. Complete the quest from Norm Turner to reice the Backyard Key needed.
- Destroy the "parrot drone" on his left arm to acquire "Parrobotic Drone" drone module. Only attack the arm while the drone is on it.
- After beating the boss you can purchase the "Tenta-Kill" weapon from Vend-A-Tron.
In this part of the guide you can see all weapons and where to get them.
Weapons - One-Handed
Deus Axe
Can be found at the VBS Krakow from One-Handed Pirates.

Empty INF-Labs Chassis
Can be found in Detention Center, in the locker adjacent to the area of the first MedBay. You'll need Benjamin's Keycard provided by Benjamin Bruke

Infected 'Aeterna'
Can be obtained by cutting off the arm of an A.I.D. Ronin squad member at Downtown Jericho City - Canal Back Alleys, after defeating Major General Ezra Shields. Just cross the bridge to the alleys, immediately turn right and climb the stairs into the building, up the stairs and he will be to the left. He also drops the keycard to obtain the Ronin set in AID Command.

Infected 'Rainfall'
Can be found at Guideon's Rock after the Nanite Explosion event by performing a finishing blow on Infected Hunters.

Infected 'Vechni'
Can be bought from a Vending Machine at Downtown Jericho City, just outside of Cloud 9 Bar, after the nano surge. It sells both Mk. II and Mk. IX.

INF-Labs 'Vechni'
Can be obtained by finishing Dr. Sorensson's quest Time is of The Essence. She'll sell this weapon after you re-enter Gateway Bravo.

JAG-22 'Aeterna'
Can be obtained by cutting off the right arm of Captain Cervantes, at Guideon's Rock. It can also be obtained by cutting off A.I.D Ronin squad member's right arm(Not the one at Canal Back Alleys, he's wielding Infected 'Aeterna' instead).

JAG-27 'Rainfall'
Can be obtained by completing Roach's quest The Puppet Master (Quest), giving him all 3 of Cervantes' Secret Voice-logs.

JAG-9 'Longfang'
Can be found by performing a finishing blow on Hunters at Gideon's Rock.

Can be found at Downtown Jericho City by performing a finishing blow on the arms of a Dual-Wielding Scavenger.

KLINGE Velo-Saw Ultra
Can be obtained in the quest Delicatessen, by cutting off Penny's right arm.

MG Centurion
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be obtained from an enemy in Underground, on the road to C.I.T., after Erza fight (World phase 2). The guy's dual-wielding MG Centurion & another nanite weapon.

Mimetic Edge
Can be found at Underground. Use the Charged Nano Absorption ability to break the wall and after watching Strange Vision 5-10 a chest will appear with the Mimetic Edge inside.

Protest Sign
Can be obtain by interact with a guy at Gateway Bravo.

Strongarm Twin Blade
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at
Gideon's Rock. Follow the Boar Trailhead and you'll find a Hunter wielding this weapon. Can also be found wielded by a Hunter at the Cougar Trailhead

Totem Wolf Tomahawk
Can be found in the hands of a Scavenger looting the 'Frontier Raiders' store, prior to the Cloud 9 Bar in Downtown Jericho City.

Warren's Well-Used Cutter
Can be found at Preorder. You'll obtain it after finishing the first part of The Witness quest line inside the chest that is at Stranger hideout.
Weapons - Single-Rigged
ASTir Plasma Augur
From Shielded Vultr enemies at Downtown Jericho City.

Bootleg Firestarter
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City from Fire Scavenger enemies.

Carbide Cablewhip
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City - Gideon Plaza (before Cloud 9 Bar) Scavenger equipped with a shield.

Codename: Elise
Is received after completing the There and Back Again side-quest from Bugface at A.I.D. Command.

Codename: Engelhart
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be obtained from enemies in Downtown Jericho City, near the JCPD front gate, or Underground, on the road to
C.I.T., after the Erza. fight (World phase 2).

Defragged Scorcher
Can be found from Nano-Infected Scavengers following Major General Ezra Shields defeat.

Fractal Reaver
Can be found at A.I.D. Command before the fight against Major General Ezra Shields inside a nanite chest.

H.A.R.O.L.D.'s Holographic Tailblade
H.A.R.O.L.D.'s Holographic Tailblade can be obtained from H.A.R.O.L.D. Boss after severing its tail.

Infected Plasma Augur
Can be found at Nano-Infected Scavengers following Major General Ezra Shields defeat.

MG Jackknife
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at Underground. Search for the Lynx enemies around the main area to find this weapon.

MG Jackknife Pro
Can be obtained by cutting off Warden Garcia's right arm. Note: substantial damage to the arm will need to be done for it to be severable.

Mimetic Quickblade
Can be obtained by completing Metamorphosis quest.

Nano-Barbed Impaler
Can be obtained by cutting off a Technogenesis' right arm while it's using this weapon(Single-Rigged moveset).

DLC kraken cut the right arm of single rigged pirate at VBS Krakow.

Superheated Firestarter
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City in the area before the Cloud 9 Bar from Fire Liquidator enemies.

Volatile Spectre
Can be found at Underground after you defeat Major General Ezra Shields from Infected Lynx enemies.

Warren's Redemption
Can be obtained at the quest The Witness by failing to deliver one of the objectives.

Warren's Redemption V2.0
Warren's Redemption V2.0 can be obtained by helping Warren every time along the quest The Witness: Find a full set of A.I.D. armor for him to infiltrate A.I.D. Command(before you get there). Find the A.I.D. Command Keycard, so that he can check on the evidences himself, or bring him the harddisk which stores the evidences. Bring him the Repeller Coil. He'll wait for you at the train station. Choice him to be the one leaving by train, then ask about reward, receive this weapon if you've fullfilled all three requests. If only 1 or 2 requests completed, you'll receive Warren's Redemption instead.
Weapons - Twin-Rigged
Corroded Butterfly
Can be obtained by finishing Professor Okunjo Saint-Croix's quest Below Jericho. Collect all anti-nano prototypes, get the broken implant then activate it, return with Nano Absorber EX and give it to him, you'll receive this weapon as a reward.

Codename: Valkyrie
Can be found by performing a finishing sequence on a Bloodied PROTEUS arms.

Foremen's Divine Hands
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at Port Nixon wielded by an enemy located near the toxic wastes at Flooded Grounds

Golden Twin Blades
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City, wielded by a PROTEUS enemy in the area in front of the entrance to the Cloud 9 bar. Only after you killed the Matriarch Celeste. When you load the area for the first time, the enemy does not spawn but only some Ronin warriors. Kill them and reload the area.

HL-1 Defibrillators
Player's starting weapon.

Infected Tasergrips
Can be found outside the Detention Center after the Nano Explosion event, cut the arm/s of the infected JCPD Drones to obtain it.

JCPD Tasergrips
Can be found by performing a finishing sequence on a JCPD Drone's arm

Killer Klaw
Can be found at the VBS Krakow inside a chest in the maintenance duct where you find Proto.

Little Johnny's Forceps
Can be found by defeating Little Johnny. If you got V2.0 instead, Molly Fox will sell this regular version after you finishing her quest A Simple Favor.

Little Johnny's Forceps V2.0
Can be found by defeating Little Johnny by cutting off both claws.

Metamorphing Talons
Can be found in loot cache after scene with Athena in Downtown Jericho City

MG Strigil
Can be obtained by completing the Tag Attack quest for DJ Talla at Cloud 9 Bar.

S&R Jackdaw
S&R Jackdaw can be found from Spark Aspirant enemies in Port Nixon.
Weapons - Punching Gloves
Codename: Zarathustra
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at Downtown Jericho City. Go to the sanitation alley and head to the second floor of the building in ruins. You'll find the weapon wielded by an enemy near to Kate 2.0.

Firebug Throttle
Can be obtained by finishing the A.I.D. Command part of The Witness quest, either by unlocking the door to general's field office then talk to the Stranger(Warren) inside, or providing him the A.I.D. Data Disc obtained from the console inside general's field office(if you haven't provide him full A.I.D. armor set in previous step).

Fisherman's Fiend
Can be found at the VBS Krakow from Norm Turner after he becomes a COLLECTIVE Pirate.
See sidequests DLC.

General's A.C.U.
Can be obtained by defeating Major General Ezra Shields. If you got V2.0 in the fight, you can still buy this regular version from Dr. Sorensson in Gateway Bravo.

General's A.C.U. V2.0
Can be found by defeating Major General Ezra Shields with the alternate method.

IA-35 'Gemini'
Can be found by performing a finishing sequence on a Punching-Gloves Scavenger (Can be found at Port Nixon and A.I.D. Command).

IA-37 'Gemini Heavy'
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City by performing a finishing blow on a Punching-Gloves Scavenger of higher level.

Justice of the Iron Maus
Can be obtained by completing Kyle Baxter's quest The Incredible Iron Maus. The quest also rewards you full IRONMAUS Set.

Mangled Articulators
Can be obtained from: An enemy at Underground - Downtown Metro Station, in the pathway between the metro platform and the control room. After you get the Force Hook, an entrance to Underground near the A.I.D. Command Medbay will be unlocked. Travel from there to the Downtown Metro Station, you can find that enemy before a lock door. An enemy at Underground - Gideon Plaza Basement, you can find the target in a group of nano-infected enemies right after exiting Drainage Hall area. This area can only be accessed after Ezra Shield's fight.

Nanite Beastclaw
Can be obtained by performing a finishing sequence on the arms of a Nanite Warper. They can be found at Gideon's Rock during The Three Towers, while the Nanite Beast is infecting an area. Activating all three repellers will remove all Nanite Warpers from the area. Nanite Warpers can also be found later, in nanite infected areas.

Twitching Riptalons
Can be found at A.I.D. Command in the room before the fight against Major General Ezra Shields. After watching Strange Vision 10-10, a chest will appear with Twitching Riptalons inside.
Weapons - Hammers
A.I.D Type-4 'Authority'
Can be obtained by performing a finishing blow on the arms of an A.I.D. Nightfall Officer.

A.I.D. Type-11 'Overseer'
Can be found at Liang Wei Hospital – Basements from Melee MG Cerberus A.I.D. Officer.

Codename: Parsifal
Can be found at CREO Institute of Technology or at Downtown Jericho City by performing a finishing sequence on a PROTEUS arm.

Codename: Parsifal v2.0
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at Downtown Jericho City. After defeating Matriarch Celeste, head near Gateway Bravo and you'll find a Proteus wielding the weapon.

Codename: Siegfried
Is given to you by saving Henderson during the Plane event, then talking to him at Rallypoint Bravo. NG+ only; as the event doesn't occur on your first playthrough.

Experiment 44H 'Dark Star'
Can be found from A.I.D Eclipse Soldiers in the A.I.D. Road Fortifications/Gateway Bravo area of Downtown Jericho City.

Fractal Skullcrusher
Can be found inside the Nano-Crate at Guideon's Rock, just prior to CREO Institute of Technology.

Infected Type-4 'Authority'
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City after you defeat H.A.R.O.L.D. Boss by performing a finishing blow on an A.I.D. Cerberus Officer's arm.

Rusty Ravager
DLC Weapon of The Kraken Expansion DLC. Rusty Ravager can be otbained by cutting off the right arm of Hammer Pirates at the VBS Krakow.

S&R Falcon
Can be obtained as the Gone Missing side-quest reward from Officer Klein at the Cloud 9 Bar. If you ask for sealing fee, she'll give you S&R Kingfisher instead.

Severed Rotor Blade
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC. Can be found at Port Nixon. Head to the area where you release the electro drones to disable the P.A.X. unit and you'll find a Spark Engineer wielding the weapon.

Spark Engineer's Multitool
Can be found at Spark Engineer enemies in Port Nixon.

Warhammer of Forced Conversion
Can be found by chopping off Brother Eli's right arm during his first boss fight.
Weapons - Double-Duty
BORAX-I Quantum Mace
(Only if you have the DLC) Can be found at Port Nixon on the Ship Graveyard. Go to the area where you find the P.A.X. unit and turn right, there is a small alley where you will find 2x Heavy Spark Defender's and one of them will be wielding the Borax-I Quantum Mace.

Bootleg Splitcleaver
Can be found Downtown Jericho City from Dual-Wielding Scavengers.

Can be found at the VBS Krakow inside a chest in a hidden area behind the Drive-In Screen.

Defragged Splitcleaver
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and Underground from the Dual-Wielding Chrysalis Scavengers.

Golden Harvest
Can be obtained from: An enemy at Canal Back Alleys, just before the small area that has a chest(after Ezra fight) and connect to looter's hideout, behind a big wooden box.

Icon of the Spark
Is obtained by defeating Matriarch Celeste at the Cathedral of the Spark. If you get the v2.0 you can buy this from Molly at Seaside Court.

Icon of the Spark V2.0
Defeat Boss: Matriarch Celeste after severing both of her mechanical arms at the Cathedral of the Spark.

Infected Slashbrand
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and Cathedral of the Spark from Heavy Chrysalis Spark Defenders.

Parting Gift
Can be found at the Nanite Echo in the Liang Wei Hospital in the A.I.D. Command area.

Punishing Slashbrand
Can be found at Port Nixon from Heavy Spark Defender enemies.
Weapons - Heavy-Duty
A.I.D. 'Warhound'
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City or A.I.D. Command by performing a finishing sequence on the arms of an A.I.D. Hound

Codename: Gotterdammerung
Can be obtained by finishing Highball's quest Golden Opportunity. Just farm and craft full GAIA set then sell to him.

Codename: Moonlight
Can be found in Downtown Jericho City by performing a finishing sequence on the arms of a Heavy SCARAB.

ENDAS RS3 'Titan'
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City - Welders Block by performing a finishing sequence on a Heavy Scavenger.

Engine From Hell (EFH)
Can be obtained from: You can find the EFH slightly later on in the game after you beat Major Ezra. There's a shortcut around the Cloud9 club in the form of a lift, which is blocked by boxes on one side. There's a chamber here just by the lift. The enemy with the EFH should spawn here. Cut off his arms, and hopefully you'll get the Engine From Hell!

Can be found at Detention Center by performing a finishing blow on the arms of an Escaped Prisoner.

Greatblade of the Archangel
Can be obtained by defeating Archangel Eli with regular method. You can also purchase it from Molly Fox if you already got Greatblade of the Archangel V2.0 in previous game.

Greatblade of the Archangel V2.0
Can be found by breaking all pieces of Archangel Eli's armor in the fight.

Can be acquired by performing a finishing blow on Collective Incinerator's right arm. Collective Incinerator can be found on the VBS Krakow(Kraken DLC).

Living Jawbone
Can be found at Underground or A.I.D. Command by performing a finishing sequence on the extendable arm of the Infected Scientist.

Pillar of Oblivion
Can be obtained by cutting off a Technogenesis' right arm while it's using this weapon(Heavy-Duty moveset).

Portable Omni-Assembler
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at Downtown Jericho City wielded by an enemy in front of the Cloud9 Bar.

Reaper's Testament
Can be found at Guideon's Rock. After defeating Delver, a nanite chest will appear with Reaper's Testament inside.

Reinforced Crusher
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City before reaching the Cloud 9 Bar by killing a scavenger.

Salvaged Crusher
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City by performing a finishing sequence on a Heavy Scavenger below the bridge at All Saints BLVD.

URBN Judgement Axe
Is unlocked with the URBN Gear Pack DLC, or by preordering the game. URBN Judgement Axe can be found wielded by enemies in Sanitation Alley when you visit Downtown Jericho City second time.
Weapons - Staves
Codename: Lohengrin
Can be found in Downtown Jericho City in the area just before Gateway Bravo. There is a big tent in the lower area with a chest inside. You can find Codename: Lohengrin inside the chest.

Helix of the Delver
Can be obtained after defeating Delver at Gideon's Rock. If the hardcore method was used, it can be purchased afterwards from Molly Fox in Seaside Court.

Helix of the Delver V2.0
Can be found by killing Delver after breaking its armor in phase 3. It does not matter if it regains the armor. Break the armor located on the legs and arms at least once each before you down it. Two front legs can be broken in phase 2 and the breaking does not need to be repeated in phase 3.

INF-Labs 'Zazhim'
Can be found at A.I.D. Command by performing a finishing sequence on the arm of a Scientist inside the Liang Wei Hospital.

Ishmael's Wrath
DLC Weapon of The Kraken Expansion DLC. Can be obtained by cutting off right arm of CORSAIR Pirate enemies at the VBS Krakow.

Kate 2.0
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC. Can be found at Downtown Jericho City, on the Sanitation Alley. Go to the second floor of the destroyed building in front of Shady Doctor and one of the Scavengers will have it.

MG Ignis
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC. Wielded by scavenger in A.I.D. Command, on bottom floor of the building between Oaktree Apartments and A.I.D. Central Command, under a set of stairs (Before beating Shields).

MG Negotiator
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City - Welders Block by performing a finishing blow on an infected scavenger. MG Negotiator is wielded by three scavengers in Port Nixon, two in a small room near the broken PAX robot and one more just above them.

Can be purchased at the Cloud 9 Bar from Highball.

SERU Biomaster
Can be obtained by completing GardenCraft VT-16's quest Garden Variety in the garden front of CREO Institute of Technology, at Gideon's Rock. Collect and plant 5 seeds, then talk to the robot for your reward. SERU Biomaster can also be obtained by killing GardenCraft VT-16 and cutting off his right arm instead of completing his quest.

Vibrating Quickscythe
Can be found inside a chest at Port Nixon at Flooded Grounds after watching Strange Vision 1-10.
Weapons - Spears
Brother Truman's Faith
Can be found by performing a finishing blow on Brother Truman's arm at the roof of the Detention Center (even tho it's not wise to). It can also be obtained by finishing the quest Challenge of the Spark at the Cathedral of the Spark.

Codename: Carmina
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC Can be found at the Cathedral of the Spark on the Hall of Prayers.

Crystalline Hookblade
Can be obtained by cutting off a Technogenesis' right arm while it's using this weapon(Spear moveset).

Darkened Dragoon
Can be found inside a nanite chest at Downtown Jericho City - Central Plaza after watching Strange Vision 4-10.

Fanatical Excruciator
Can be cut from Spark Fanatic enemies at the Cathedral of the Spark and onwards.

GAIA Lancer
Can be found at Gideon's Rock by performing a finishing blow on a Shielded Gaia's arm.

Red Hot Poker
Can be acquired from CAIN as a hardcore reward. You will first have to drain the pool by opening the door leading to the pumps. The key to this door is called Backyard Key and it can be acquired by finishing the quest Breaking The Norm.

Reinforced Gouger
Can be found at A.I.D. Command by performing a finishing blow on an Infected Scavenger's (Woman) arms.

S&R Kingfisher
Can be obtained by finishing the quest Gone Missing then ask Officer Klein for sealing fee. Just tell her the old couple are saved will reward you S&R Falcon.

Salvaged Gouger
Can be obtained from woman spear enemies in at Detention Center.

Can be acquired as a standard reward for defeating CAIN. If the player gets the Hardcore kill he will be able to acquire this weapon from Vend-A-Tron.

Twinlance of Corruption
Can be found by performing a finishing blow on the arm of Goddess Helena.

Ungula Universalis
Can be acquired as a hardcore reward for defeating CAIN. Sever all of its legs and DO NOT perform a 'finishing move' to kill it.

Wave of Tomorrow
Available with the Public Enemy Weapon Pack DLC. Can be found at A.I.D. Command in the Liang Wei Hospital before and after a door, that needs to be forced open.
Armor Sets and Bonusses
In this part of the guide you can see all armor sets, where to get them and which bonusses they offer when wearing a full set or partial set. It will be put down into 3 sections of armor types.
Armor: Operator Class
A.I.D. Centauri Set
Partial Bonus: Causes continuously channeled drone attacks to increase in damage the longer they are channeled.
Full Set Bonus: When striking an enemy with a melee attack, damage is increased for a short time. Subsequent attacks can stack this effect multiple times.
Where to get: Individual A.I.D. Centauri Set parts can be acquired at A.I.D. Command from Major General Ezra Shields. All set parts can be purchase from Dr. Sorensson after you defeat Ezra.

Chrysalis Set
Partial Bonus: Nano Damage +20.
Full Set Bonus: Killing enemies increases damage for a moderate duration. Subsequent kills can stack this effect multiple times.
Where to get: Can be found at all locations after you defeat Major General Ezra Shields from Chrysalis enemies.

Partial Bonus: Prevents the decay of 1 battery.
Full Set Bonus: When health falls below 25%, automatically consumes 1 battery to restore health.
Where to get: EAGLE Set parts can be found at the CREO Institute of Technology after defeating Matriarch Celeste. They can be found in the area where the helicopter is located.

Partial Bonus: Carry 5 additional Omni-Cells.
Full Set Bonus: Filling a battery awards 1 Omni-Cells.
Where to get: Can be found at Guideon's Rock from Hunter enemies.

Kyoko Hacker Suit Set
Partial Bonus: Reduces the stamina cost of performing evasive moves.
Full Set Bonus: Charged attacks with one-handed weapons gain increased range.
Where to get: Can be found at Guideon's Rock.

Liquidator Set
Partial Bonus: Reduces Damage taken from poison and nano effects.
Full Set Bonus: Elemental Defense +200.
Where to get: Can be found at Dowtown Jericho City, at Gideons Plaza from Liquidator enemies.

Partial Bonus: Reduces Stamina Cost of performing evasive moves.
Full Set Bonus: Killing enemies increases Attack Speed for a moderate duration. Subsequent kills can stack this effect multiple times.
Where to get: Can be found at Underground from Infected Lynx enemies.

Scavenger's Set
Partial Bonus: After Performing a backstab attack, damage is increased for a very short time.
Full Set Bonus: Performing a finishing sequence restores health.
Where to get: Can be obtained from Scavengers at Downtown Jericho City.

Technogenesis Set
Partial Bonus: Nano Defense +200.
Full Set Bonus: Killing enemies restores health.
Where to get: Can be found at The Great Wall from Technogenesis enemies.

Partial Bonus: Carry 10 additional Omni-Cells.
Full Set Bonus: Filling a battery awards 2 Omni-Cells.
Where to get: WRAITH Set parts must be crafted individually. Individual pieces can be obtained at Guideon's Rock from Captain Cervantes and the full set can be purchased at Cloud 9 Bar from Lowball or Highball after defeating Cervantes.
Armor: Sentinel Class
A.I.D. Polaris Set
Partial Bonus: When a physical attack is received and 3 or more batteries are filled, 1 battery is consumed to significantly reduce the damage taken.
Full Set Bonus: Increases enegery gain while no batteries are filled.
Where to get: Can be found at A.I.D. Command and The Great Wall from Scientist enemies..

A.I.D. Ronin Set
Partial Bonus: Carry 5 additional Omni-Cells.
Full Set Bonus: Horizontal charged attacks with one-handed weapons gain increased range.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and A.I.D. Command after defeating Major General Ezra Shields..

Bloodied PROTEUS Set
Partial Bonus: While health is low, regenerate health.
Full Set Bonus: Increases the health restored by healing injectables.
Where to get: Can be found at CREO Institute of Technology and Downtown Jericho City after you defeat Matriarch Celeste from Bloodied PROTEUS enemies.

Partial Bonus: Increases damage and impact of charged attacks.
Full Set Bonus: Killing enemies restores health.
Where to get: Schematics can be acquired by performing finishing blows on COLLECTIVE Pirates on the VBS Krakow..

Partial Bonus: Slightly increases fire defense and reduces duration of burning.
Full Set Bonus: Heavily increases fire defense and reduces duration of burning.
Where to get: Can be acquired from the CORSAIR Pirates on the VBS Krakow.

JCPD Team Z0la Gear Set
Partial Bonus: Increases stamina regeneration.
Full Set Bonus: When a battery is filled, gain a small amount of stamina.
Where to get: JCPD Cell Block B starting area after beating Little Johnny.

Jericho Firetails Mascot Set
Partial Bonus: When an enemy attack is successfully directionally blocked, damage is increased for a short time.
Full Set Bonus: Reduces base damage output but increases it with each successful hit. Damage output drops again with each hit taken.
Where to get: In Downtown Jericho City, worn by an enemy standing in front of the Spark Shrine in the Canal Back Alleys.

Partial Bonus: While health is low, regenerate health.
Full Set Bonus: Increases the health restored by healing injectables.
Where to get: Can be found at CREO Institute of Technology and Downtown Jericho City after you defeat Matriarch Celeste from PROTEUS enemies.

Partial Bonus: Increases defense while 3 or more batteries are filled, and increases defense more while 5 or more batteries are filled.
Full Set Bonus: Reduce the duration of received poison affliction, nano affliction, burning, and electrical stun effects.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City, Guideon's Plaza from SCARAB enemies.

SPARK Fanatic's Set
Partial Bonus: When a battery is filled, damage is increased for a short time.
Full Set Bonus: Attacks that slam the ground produce an electrical explosion.
Where to get: Can be found at Cathedral of the Spark and The Great Wall from Spark Fanatics.

SPARK Aspirant's Set
Partial Bonus: Reduces the duration of poison affliction.
Full Set Bonus: Increases Attack Speed while afflicted by poison.
Where to get: Can be found at Port Nixon from Twin-Rigged Spark Aspirants.

Partial Bonus: Increases the amount of Tech Scrap gained by killing enemies.
Full Set Bonus: Removes Battery cost of performing finishing sequences.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City from VULTR enemies on Welders Block.
Armor: Goliath Class
A.I.D. Eclipse Set
Partial Bonus: Increases Impact while wielding any hammer weapon.
Full Set Bonus: Increases damage while all batteries are charged.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and A.I.D. Command from A.I.D. Eclipse Officers.

A.I.D. Nightfall Set
Partial Bonus: Increases drone damage when it is close to its target.
Full Set Bonus: When a battery if filled, restore a small amount of health.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City from A.I.D. Nightfall Officers. Can be purchased from Molly Fox at Seaside Court.

Angel VI Set
Partial Bonus: Increases energy gain while wielding 'Codename' CREO weapon.
Full Set Bonus: Increases Attack Speed and Impact while wielding any 'Codename' CREO weapon.
Where to get: The Head and Body can be purchased from Molly Fox while the Arms and Legs can be purchased from Highball or Lowball.

Archangel's Set
Partial Bonus: Significantly increases all elemental damage.
Full Set Bonus: Performing a finishing sequence unleashes elemental forces around you.
Where to get: Archangel's Set parts must be crafted individually. The schematics for the full set are added to your inventory if you spare Archangel Eli after defeating him. Or you can purchase them from Molly Fox and Highball/Lowball in NG+.

BEAST Tank Buster Set
Partial Bonus: Reduces stamina cost of blocking attacks.
Full Set Bonus: When a physical attack is received and 3 or more batteries are filled, 1 battery is consumed to create an explosion.
Where to get: Located in Port Nixon.

Dark Prophecy Set
Partial Bonus: Triggering nano affliction on enemies restores health.
Full Set Bonus: Performing a finishing sequence unleashes elemental forces around you.
Where to get: Dark Prophecy Set parts must be crafted individually. The schematics for the full set are added to your inventory if you kill Archangel Eli after defeating him. Or you can purchase them from Molly Fox and Highball/Lowball in NG+. You can also get one schematic part by cutting off Brother Eli(Revived)'s limb.

Partial Bonus: Increases damage of continuously channeled drone attacks.
Full Set Bonus: When a battery is filled, gain 1 Omni-Cell.
Where to get: Can be found at Guideon's Rock from Shielded Gaia enemies.

Goddess Helena's Set
Partial Bonus: Increases damage of continuously channeled drone attacks.
Full Set Bonus: When a battery is filled, gain 2 Omni-Cell.
Where to get: Can be obtained from Goddess Helena at A.I.D. Command. Can be purchased from Dr. Sorensson after the boss is defeated.

Partial Bonus: Increases Impact while wielding any punching gloves weapon.
Full Set Bonus: Killing enemies increases Attack Speed for a moderate duration. Subsequent kills can stack this effect multiple times.
Where to get: IRONMAUS Set can be obtained by completing Kyle Baxter's quest The Incredible Iron Maus. The quest also rewards you Justice of the Iron Maus.

MG Cerberus Set
Partial Bonus: Increases defense while 3 or more batteries are filled (+75) and increases defense more while 5 or more batteries are filled (+25 for +100 total).
Full Set Bonus: Increases damage while 3 or more batteries are filled, and increases damage more while 5 or more batteries are filled.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and A.I.D. Command from A.I.D. Cerberus Officer enemies.

Nano Ward Set
Partial Bonus: Reduces stamina cost of blocking attacks.
Full Set Bonus: Successfully directionally blocking an enemy attack triggers a nano explosion.
Where to get: Can be found at A.I.D. Command inside various chests located around the area.

Partial Bonus: Increases damage and impact of charged attacks.
Full Set Bonus: Attacks that slam the ground produce a traveling shockwave.
Where to get: Can be found at Downtown Jericho City and A.I.D. Command from Rhino enemies.

SPARK Defender's Set
Partial Bonus: Increases the duration of poison applied to enemies.
Full Set Bonus: Increases damage and Impact while afflicted by poison.
Where to get: SPARK Defender's Set parts must be crafted individually. You need to find enemies that are using the piece of Gear you want and cut off that limb in order to acquire the schematics. You can learn more in crafting.

SPARK Galvanizer's Set
Partial Bonus: Electric Damage +20.
Full Set Bonus: Increases the duration of electrical stuns applied to enemies.
Where to get: Can be found at Cathedral of the Spark from Electro SPARK Galvanizers.

Partial Bonus: Increases defense while 3 or more batteries are filled, and increases defense more while 5 or more batteries are filled.
Full Set Bonus: Increases damage while 3 or more batteries are filled, and increases damage more while 5 or more batteries are filled.
Where to get: Downtown Jericho City, Sanitation Alley from URBN Enemies.
Headgear Pieces
Headgear pieces listed here will count towards any set for the bonusses. So you can mix them in with your favourite sets.

A.I.D. Tactical Balacava
Can be purchased from Dr. Sorensson at Gateway Bravo.

Backwards Bully Cap
Can be purchased from Molly Fox at Seaside Court.

Bangin' Specs
Can be found inside a chest inside a room after you defeat CAIN.

Classic Bully Cap
Can be purchased from Dr. Sorensson at Gateway Bravo.

Earshot XD-1
Can be purchased at Cloud 9 Bar from Highball or Lowball.

InFocus 999
Can be purchased from Molly Fox at Seaside Court.

Marshal's Wrangling Hat
Can be found at Downtown Jericho City, Gideon's Plaza from a scavenger that is inside a shop.

Power Mullet
Can be purchased from Vend-A-Tron at the VBS Krakow.

Retro Baseball Cap
Can be purchased from Vend-A-Tron at the VBS Krakow.

Can be purchased from Penny or Jennifer at Port Nixon.

Stranger's Facemask
Can be found during the second part of the quest "The Witness" as part of the quest reward.

Stylin' Shades
Can be purchased from Vend-A-Tron at the VBS Krakow.

The Biggest Bang
can be found at the VBS Krakow. After you complete the quest The Outsider Proto will contact you to visit him at the Drive-In. Watch movies with him, and he will eventually give you The Biggest Bang.

Vintage Trucker Hat
Can be purchased from Vend-A-Tron at the VBS Krakow.
Implants A to D
Adrenal Harvester
Type: Booster
Effect: Killing an enemy grants stamina.
1. Downtown Jericho, Riverside Street - Port Nixon Exit.

Adrenaline Shunt
Type: Injectable
Effect: Injectable that uses 1 Battery to enhance the senses, making enemies seem to move more slowly for a short time.
1. Complete the objective to retrieve the RepellerCoil in The Witness side-quest.

Aggression Amplifier
Type: Booster
Effect: Performing a finishing sequence restores health.
1. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Capitol Square.
2. Cathedral of the Spark, Hall of Prayers.
3. Downtown Jericho - Third Visit, Metro Station.

Ancillary Core Mk.I
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases Core Power + 5.
1. Sever the head of a Scavenger.

Ancillary Core Mk.IV
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases Core Power + 12.
1. Sever the tail of a Sentry Bot.
2. Cathedral of the Spark, Oratorium.

Antidote Injection
Type: Injectable
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to remove Poison debuff and increase Poison defence for a long time.
1. Port Nixon, Terminal Z - Outer Court.

Antitoxic Array
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces buildup of Poison and duration of Poison effects.
1. Seaside Court, Molly's Shop.
2. Underground, Drainage Hall.

Auto-Healing Dynamo
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases energy gain and gain small amount of health when a Battery is filled.
1. Underground - Second Visit, Eli's Path.
2. Underground, Warren's Hideout.
3. Cathedral of the Spark, Ritual Cleansing.

Automatic Inject-Charger
Type: Booster
Effect: Automatically consumes a battery to pre-charge an injectible before the battery runs out.
1. Detention Centre, Security Hallway.

Battery Adrenalizer
Type: Booster
Effect: When Battery is filled, stamina regen is increased for a short time.
1. Downtown Jericho, Canal Back Alleys
2. Sever the head of a Spark Aspirant.
3. Port Nixon, Paper Street.
4. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Gideon Plaza.

Battery Auto-Healer
Type: Booster
Effect: When a battery is filled, gain a small amount of health.
1. Sever the head of a A.I.D. Scientist.
2. Underground, Gideon Plaza Basement.
3. Cathedral of the Spark, Observation Outpost.
4. Cathedral of the Spark, Reactor Chamber.

Cellular Regenerator
Type: Injectable
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to regenerate health over 20 seconds.
1. Downtown Jericho, Welder’s Block.

Critical Dynamo
Type: Booster
Effect: When health is low, energy gain is increased.
1. Port Nixon, Penny/Jenny's Shop.

Critical Muscular Shunt
Type: Booster
Effect: When health is low, regenerate health and damage is increased.
1. The Great Wall, The Peak.

Critical Organ Enhancer
Type: Booster
Effect: While health is low, stamina regeneration and energy gain are increased.
1. Cloud 9 Bar, Highball/Lowball's Shop.

Critical Oxygenator
Type: Booster
Effect: When health is low, stamina regen is increased.
1. CREO Institute of Technology - Second Visit, defeat the Brother Eli (second Encounter) boss.

Critical Power Enhancer
Type: Booster
Effect: When health is low, damage is increased.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Mustang Hills.

Decharge Regenerator
Type: Booster
Effect: When the energy bar drains, gain health regen.
1. Port Nixon, Nanite Echo after the Brother Eli boss fight.
2. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Nanite Echo after the Delver boss fight.

Deflection Auto-Defender
Type: Booster
Effect: When an attack is directionally blocked, gain a small amount of health and increased defence for a short time.
1. Gateway Bravo, Dr Sornensson's Shop.

Deflection Auto-Healer
Type: Booster
Effect: A successful directional block will restore a small amount of health.
1. Sever the head of a Lynx Rig.

Deflection Damage Enhancer
Type: Booster
Effect: A successful directional block will increase damage for a short time.
1. Sever the head of one of the A.I.D. Soldiers with Nightfall gear at the roadblock close to Seaside Court on All Saint's Boulevard.
2. Underground, Drainage Hall.
3. Cathedral of the Spark, Reactor Chamber.

Deflection Energy Converter
Type: Booster
Effect: A successful directional block will generate additional energy.
1. Port Nixon, Ship Graveyard.

Deflection Hardener
Type: Booster
Effect: A successful directional block will increase defence for a short time.
1. Ruined Downtown Jericho, defeat the Delver Echo: Gamma boss.

Deflection Supercharger
Type: Booster
Effect: A successful directional block will give additional energy gain and increase damage for a short time.
1. Underground, Gideon Plaza Basement.
2. Ruined Downtown Jericho, Corrupted Back Alleys.
3. Cathedral of the Spark, Oratorium.

Directed Material Extractor
Type: Booster
Effect The amount of gear crafting material gained when dismembering enemies with directional block followups is doubled.
1. Can be acquired by performing a finishing blow of the head of a Hammer Pirate at the VBS Crakow.

Directional Block Analyzer
Type: Booster
Effect: Displays directions of incoming attacks for directional blocks.
1. Detention Centre, Security Hallway.
2. Ruined Downtown Jericho, JCPD Main Entrance.

Dropped Tech Scrap Generator
Type: Booster
Effect Strengthens the heal over time buff granted when close to the pile of Tech Scrap dropped upon death.

Drone Cyclo-Intensifier
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases damage of channeled Drone modules the longer the effect is continuously used.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Boar Wilds Repeller Area.

Drone Kill Battery Converter
Type: Booster
Effect: Killing an enemy with your Drone grants energy.
1. Cathedral of the Spark, Rex's Shop after freeing him during Liberation.

Drone Proximity Adapter
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases Drone damage when it is close to its target.
1. Seaside Court, Rex's Shop.

Dynamic Redirector
Type: Booster
Effect: Being struck by enemies grants energy.
1. Seaside Court, Molly's Shop.
Implants E to N
Elemental Intensifier
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases all elemental damage (weapons and Drones), but reduces physical damage.
1. Gideon's Rock, Cloud Canyon.

Emergency Reserve Injection
Type: Booster
Effect: If an enemy would deal letha damage, health is restored at the cost of one Battery.
1. Underground Exploration (Optional), Warren's Hideout.
2. Cathedral of the Spark, Outer Catwalks.
3. Underground - Second Visit, Eli's Path.
4. The Great Wall, Inner Wall.

Energetic Impact Intensifier
Type: Booster
Effect: When three or more batteries are filled, impact is increased.
1. Cathedral of the Spark, Outer Roofs.

Energetic Speed Intensifier
Type: Booster
Effect: When three or more batteries are filled, attack speed is increased.
1. Can be found at Underground by defeating Delver Echo Alpha.

Energized Material Converter
Type: Booster
Effect Decreases energy gain but double crafting material gained through executions.

Energized Overflow Compensator
Type: Booster
Effect Generated energy will be converted directly to health in case all batteries are full.

Energy Dynamo
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases energy gained through attacks.
1. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Gideon Plaza.

Entropic Dissolver
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases Poison and Nano damage dealt and increases intensity of triggered effects.
1. The Great Wall, Building Site.

Improved Transistors
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces the rate at which energy bar drains.
1. Downtown Jericho, Welder’s Block.
2. Downtown Jericho, Welder’s Block Rooftop.
3. Port Nixon, Flooded Grounds.
4. Port Nixon, Lower Flooded Grounds.

Kinetic Drone Supercharger
Type: Booster
Effect: Performing a finishing sequence increases the damage of your next Drone attack.
1. Cathedral of the Spark, Rex's Shop after freeing him during Liberation.

Kinetic Inject-Charger
Type: Booster
Effect: Performing a finishing sequence adds 1 pre-charge to your current injectible.
1. Gideon's Rock, Mustang Hills - Main Park Entrance.

Kineto-Channel Dynamo
Type: Booster
Effect: Heavily increases energy gain, but decreases defense.
1. Underground, Metro Station.

Kineto-Plasmic Shunt
Type: Booster
Effect: After 5 successive hits in quick succession, gain some health.
1. Ruined Downtown Jericho, Canal Back Alleys.

Leg Pneumatics Adapter
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces stamina cost of performing evasive manoeuvres.
1. Downtown Jericho - Third Visit, Eastside Underpass
2. Underground, Gideon Plaza Basement.
3. Ruined Downtown Jericho, Corrupted Back Alleys.
4. Cathedral of the Spark, Oratorium.
5. Cathedral of the Spark, Cathedral of the Spark.

Lithium Polymer Cells
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces rate at which energy bar drains and increases duration that a battery will persist before decaying.
1. Underground, Drainage Hall.
2. Cathedral of the Spark, Oratorium.
3. The Great Wall, Building Site.

Type: Booster
Effect: Increases damage dealt to organic humanoids.
1. Downtown Jericho, All Saints Boulevard.
2. Sever the head of a Spark Defender.
3. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Metea Forest.
4. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Cougar Trail.
5. A.I.D. Command, A.I.D. Entry Control Gateway.

Medi-Force Converter
Type: Injectible
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to convert damage dealt to health for a short time.
1. Downtown Jericho - Third Visit, A.I.D. Road Fortifications.

Medi-Voltaic Injection
Type: Injectible
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to restore health.
1. Detention Centre, Unlocked by default.

Metallic Hardener
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases all physical damage (weapon and Drone), but reduces elemental damage.
1. The Great Wall, Inner Wall.

Muscular Enhancement
Type: Injection
Effect: Uses 1 battery to increase damage for a short time.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, CREO Institute of Technology (Entry).

Nanite Shatterer
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases damage to Nanite enemies.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Metea Forest.

Nano Absorber
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces the buildup rate of Nano effects.
1. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Sanitation Alley.
2. A.I.D. Command, Family Waiting Area.
3. Ruined Downtown Jericho, JCPD Main Entrance.
4. Ruined Downtown Jericho, JCPD Back Alleys.
5. Cathedral of the Spark, Hall of Prayers.

Nano Absorber EX
Type: Booster
Effect: Heavily reduces buildup rate of Nano effects.
1. Underground, complete the Below Jericho and choose to keep the Implant.
2. The Great Wall, Inner Wall.

Nano-Purge Injection
Type: Injectable
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to remove Nano debuff and increase Nano defence for a long time.

1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, CREO Art Foundation Gallery - Repeller Area.
Implants O to V
Omni-Cell Battery Converter
Type: Injectables
Effect Injectable that uses 1 battery to grant drone ammunition.

Omni-Cell Clip
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases max carried Omni-Cells.
1. Downtown Jericho, Canal Back Alleys.

Omni-Health Observer
Type: Booster
Effect: Shows health and stability bar of targeted enemy.
1. Detention Centre, Unlocked by default.

Pain Enhancer
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases damage received by 100%.
1. Underground,Warren's Hideout.

Physical Aggression Redirector
Type: Booster
Effect: Makes sure attacks always hit targeted body part. Damage is reduced by 75% for attacks that hit a different body part.
1. Downtown Jericho, Canal Back Alleys.

Physical Aggression Stabilizer
Type: Booster
Effect If an enemy attack hits you while you are attacking, tap the block button to nullify damage without entering block stance. Doing so will consume stamina.

Piezo-Induction Igniter
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases electric and fire damage dealt to enemies and increases intensity of triggered electric and burning effects.
Locations: Can be found behind a nanite wall in the power plant - Hall of Prayers

Reclamation Buddy
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases amount of Tech Scrap gained by killing enemies.
1. Sever the head of a Spark Engineer.
2. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Metea Forest.
3. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Metea Forest.
4. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Mustang Hills.
5. A.I.D. Command, A.I.D. Command.

Reclamation Buddy EX
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases amount of Tech Scrap gained by killing enemies by 40%.
1. Cathedral of the Spark, Cathedral of the Spark.

Rig Capacitor
Type: Booster
Effect: Prevents decay of 1 Battery.
1. Downtown Jericho, Riverside Street.

Rig Capacitor XL
Type: Booster
Effect: Prevents decay of 2 Batteries.
1. Downtown Jericho, Gideon Plaza.
2. Downtown Jericho - Third Visit, Gateway Bravo (Entry).
3. A.I.D. Command, Restricted Sector.
4. Cathedral of the Spark, Inner Sanctum.

Rig Capacitor XXL
Type: Booster
Effect: Prevents decay of 3 Batteries.
1. The Great Wall, Inner Wall.

Robotic Disrupter
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases Damage dealt to robotic enemies.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Metea Forest.

Super-Oxygenating Injection
Type: Injectible
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to grant a burst of stamina and increase stamina regen for a short time.
1. Gideon's Rock - Continued, Mustang Hills - Main Park Entrance.

Sustaining Array
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases duration Battery will persist before decaying.
1. Port Nixon, Paper Street.
2. Port Nixon, Lower Flooded Grounds.
3. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Gideon Plaza.

Tactile Amplifier
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases attack speed and energy gain (One-handed, Spear, Double-Duty, Twin-Rigged).
1. CREO Institute of Technology - Third Visit, defeat the H.A.R.O.L.D. boss.

Techscrap Force Converter
Type: Booster
Effect Increases damage depending on how often a level up could be performed with currently carried techscrap.

Tissue Hardening Injection
Type: Injectible
Effect: Uses 1 Battery to increase defence for a short time.
1. Port Nixon, Port Nixon Throughway (Magnetic Lock).

Toxic Filter
Type: Booster
Effect: Reduces buildup rate of Poison effects.
1. Downtown Jericho, JCPD Back Alleys.
2. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Welder's Block.
3. Gideon's Rock - Continued, CREO Art Foundation Gallery - Repeller Area.
4. A.I.D. Command, Oaktree Scavenger Hideout.

Unyielding Stabilizers
Type: Booster
Effect: Increases defense and stability whilst charging a charged attack.
1. Downtown Jericho - Second Visit, Central Plaza.

Vital Speed Intensifier
Type: Booster
Effect: When health is full, attack speed is increased.
1. Gateway Bravo, Dr Sorensson's Shop.
2. Cathedral of the Spark, Observation Outpost.
Drone Modules
A.I.D 'Empire' Sniper Rifle
Use: Fires a single enhanced slug, dealing severe damage to unprotected body parts.
Found: Can be cut from A.I.D Soldier enemies in Jericho City and A.I.D. Command.

CREO Industrial Magnet
Use: Pulls a target towards the combat drone.
Found: Can be purchased from Rex's Shop at Seaside Court for 10,000 Tech Scrap.

EMP-44 ‘Starfish’
Use:This modified EMP device attaches to enemies and magnetic locks and can be detonated secondarily by firing it again while it is attached.
Found: Defeat Little Johnny in Port Nixon.

GAIA Laser
Use: Produces a focused beam of heat energy, dealing damage and setting enemies aflame. Consumes Omni-Cells whilst channeled.
Found: Can be severed from the GAIA Statue enemies (Head) in Gideon's Peak.

Use: Launches a grenade that explodes with concussive force on impact.
Found: Can be purchased from Rex's Shop at Seaside Court.
Can also be obtained from Security Bot enemies from A.I.D Command and onwards.

JAG Bio-Sensor
Use: This prototypical sensory array is built specifically to locate users of JAGUAR Gear (Hunters in Gideon's Rock).
Found: Complete the Private Practice side-quest for the Shady Doctor in Sanitation Alley, Downtown Jericho.

JAG-1000 ‘Carnivore’ Shotgun
Use: This new generation of JAG weaponry uses top notch technology, firing high-impact shotgun shells that deliver extreme kinetic force to nearby targets.
Found: Defeat Captain Cervantes in Gideon's Rock by severing his left leg.

LootScan.exe Radar
Use: Scan for nearby loot.
Found: DLC.

Klokonov R-47 AutoRifle
Use: Fires a 3-round-burst of bullets.
Found: Can be cut from ranged Scavenger enemies in Jericho City.

Molotov Cocktail
Use: Launches a burning bottle of fuel that explodes into a burst of flame on impact.
Found: Can be purchased from Rex's Shop at Seaside Court. Can also be obtained as rewards from the April's Fool and Liberation side-quests.

Parrobotic Drone
Use: Makes alot of noise.
Found: Destroy the drone on CAIN boss arm (DLC).

Proximity Mine
Use: Places a friendly Spider Mine that detonates after a brief delay if an enemy enters the trigger radius. Deals high damage.
Found: Can be cut from SPARK Engineer enemies by severing their left leg.

R-1 ‘Diode’ Laspistol
Use: Fires a fast beam of focused energy.
Found: Defeat Warden Garcia at the end of the Detention Centre area.

S&R Drone
Use: Teleports you back to safety (after death).
Found: Defeat Warden Garcia at the end of the Detention Centre area.

SPARK ‘Enlightener’ Electro-Beam
Use: Produces a focused beam of electricity, dealing damage and stunning enemies. Consumes Omni-Cells whilst channeled.
Found: Can be severed from the SPARK Galvanizer enemies (weapon arm) from the Cathedral of the Spark and onwards.

SPARK Engineer’s Turret
Use: Places a turret that automatically fires at enemies within range.
Foun: Can be severed from the SPARK Engineer enemies (body) from the Port Nixon and onwards.

SSM ‘Vanguard’ Missile
Use: Launches a homing missile that explodes in a wide area with devastating force. A very rare weapon in Jericho City, it would be wise to save 'Vanguard' missiles until they are absolutely needed.
Found: Before defeating the Boss: Delver in Gideon's Rock, speak with Hawke and agree to split the payment for slaying it. After defeating the Boss: Delver, you'll find Hawke at Seaside Court. Speak with him and hand over 5,000 Tech Scrap. In exchange, he'll give you the Drone Module.
You can purchase additional ammo from Rex's shop at Gateway Bravo, once you have completed the April's Fool and Liberation side-quests.

VULC-88 ‘Panthera’ Rotary Gun
Use: Fires a continuous volley of bullets.
Found: During the Boss Ezra Shields fight's second phase, destroy the mech's turret.

W-101 Spray Can
Use: This drone module enables your combat drone to spray graffiti pictograms on all surfaces, leaving messages for other survivors in Jericho City.
Found: Found in Downtown Jericho on the way to Seaside Court.

W-102 Banner
Use: Creates a banner at your location as a challenge to other thrill-seeking survivors in Jericho City. The more hidden and hard-to-reach your banner is, the better your rewards will be!
Found: Found in Downtown Jericho on the way to Seaside Court.
Side Quests 1/3
Behind Bars
NPC Name: Benjamin Burke.
Starting location: Detention Center on Cellblock B.
Reward: Empty INF-Labs Chassis, Large Cache of Advanced Tech.
How to unlock: After you equip the Exo-Rig, open his celldoor. Talk to him and he will tell you he will meet you at Gateway Bravo. He will also give a keycard to open the locker near medbay.
When you meet him at Gateway Bravo he wil give another reward when you talk to him.

The Witness
NPC Name: Stranger, Warren
Starting location:
Reward: Adrenaline Shunt Implant, Pain Enhancer Implant, Warren's Well-Used Cutter, Stranger's Facemask, Firebug Throttle and Warren's Redemption / Warren's Redemption V2.0.
How to unlock: At you first visit at Downtown Jericho City you will meet the stranger. After you defeat Brother Eli for the first time, he will contact you and ask you to meet him at his hideout located below the bridge at Downtown Jericho City. It's a drone locked door heading to the Underground area. Talk to him there and give him a full set of A.I.D. Nightfall Set or A.I.D. Eclipse armor.
The next time you meet him will be at A.I.D. Command. He will ask for a keycard which you can loot from A.I.D. Officers on the lower levels of the Hospital.
After you defeat Brother Eli Revived and head to Cloud 9 and after leaving through the front entrance the Stranger will contact you again. This time he will ask you for 1x Repeller Coil and ask you to meet him at metro station at Underground. Head back to the Main Lobby of the Detention Center. Here you will find Fletch and some prisoners. Go to the upper level and activate the switch. Head back down and you'll find 1x Repeller Coil. Note: the Repeller Coil is not available after the Matriarch Celeste boss fight.
After deafeating H.A.R.O.L.D. Boss, meet Stranger at the metro station, give the Repeller Coil to him. NOTE: It is important to give him the Repeller Coil before asking him for a reward or it won't count towards competition.
Ask for a reward, he will summarize what you've done for him. Tell him to take the train. If you have completed all the stages (Give him A.I.D. Nightfall Set or A.I.D. Eclipse Set, find the keycard and open the generals room and provide him with Repeller Coil) you will get Warren's Redemption V2.0. If you failed in any of the categories, you'll get Warren's Redemption instead. You will also get Adrenaline Shunt in both cases.

A Simple Favor
NPC Name: Molly Fox.
Starting location: Seaside Court.
Reward: None.
How to unlock: Talk to Molly Fox and ask her about her problems. Tell her you will help.
Head to Port Nixon. When you go up the stairs at Paper Street (the alley outside Paper Storage) you can double back and walk along the ledge to reach a ramp and a small hidden area. Go up the ramp and you'll meet with Finn.
Talk to Finn and you'll have 2 options. You can either pay her debt (2,000 Tech Scrap) or fight him.
Go back to the Seaside Court and talk to Molly Fox to finish the quest.

April's Fool
NPC Name: Rex
Starting location: Seaside Court.
Reward: If you tell the truth to Rex, he will be locked in a prison in the Cathedral of the Spark. Talking to him will start the quest Liberation. So it's best to tell the truth.
How to unlock: Take the Plastic Rose located behind Rex at the Seaside Court. This will enable a new dialog option. Ask her about the story of her Ex-Girlfriend and tell him you'll help.
After you defeat Little Johnny at Port Nixon, use the EMP-44 'Starfish' to open a magnetic lock in the small area before the boss area. Here you'll find audiolog April's Fate.
Go back to the Seaside Court and talk to Rex. If you tell him the truth, he will leave the Seaside Court and the quest will be complete. You will also find audiolog breakup call in front of his shop.

Hearing Aid
NPC Name: Mr. Scrappy
Starting location: Seaside Court
Reward: Full audiolog serie "Pod Shot Returns", 50.000 Tech Scrap
How to unlock: Talk to Mr. Scrappy at Seaside Court. He will ask you to bring you audiologs. Every 10 audiologs you collect he will reward you with 1 of the Pod Shot Returns audiolog and some Tech Scrap. Max at 50.

NPC Name: Penny.
Starting location: Port Nixon.
Reward: Penelope's Key, Prime Meat, Jenny's Keycard.
How to unlock: Open the jammed door located in the alternate route through the canals in Port Nixon. You'll find Penny. Talk to her and she will give you the quest and request you to obtain 1x Spare Parts.
Search for any drone enemy (Electro Drone or Explosive Drone) and destroy it. This will give you 1x Spare Parts.
Go back to Penny and give her the 1x Spare Parts. She will ask you to go inside a small room where you can find your reward.
After you go inside the door will close and a giant grinder will come at you from the wall. Run in the opposite direction and break the box to reach the alley.
Go back inside and defeat Penny (make sure to cut (or shoot) off her right arm for a special weapon), open the door on the left part of the building to find Jennifer. Ask her for a reward, and she will give you Jenny's Keycard. You can also find 1x Prime Meat inside the room.

King Of The Looters
NPC Name: Downtown Jericho City.
Starting location: None.
Reward: 2x Large Pile of Metal Scrap.
How to unlock: One you acquire the EMP-44 'Starfish', go back to Downtown Jericho City and head to the Canal Back Alleys.
Go up the stairs to the right of the street and you will see a magnetic lock inside building. Destroy it and you'll find audiolog The Looter 1-2 and Residential Keycard.
Go outside the building and head to the back of the alley where you will find a door. Open the door using the Residential Keycard.
Once inside you'll find audiolog The Looter 2-2 and 2x Large Pile of Metal Scrap.

Private Practice
NPC Name: Shady Doctor.
Starting location: Downtown Jericho City.
Reward: JAG Bio-Sensor.
How to unlock: Head left from the control door located at All Saints BLVD at Downtown Jericho City. You'll find Shady Doctor to your left. Talk to him and offer him assistance to retrieve the fallen drone.
Continue going until you reach Central Plaza. Here you'll find 1x Boosted Drone and a door that you can open leading back to All Saints BLVD.
Give the Boosted Drone to the Shady Doctor and he will reward you with JAG Bio-Sensor.
Side Quests 2/3
Fool's Errand
NPC Name: Dan Kadenokouji.
Starting location: Cloud 9 Bar.
Reward: Large Cache of Advanced Tech.
How to unlock: Talk to Dan Kadenokouji at the Cloud 9 Bar. He will tell you that he is a contractor of the A.I.D. and that they requested him to provide with children. Tell him that you will find out what happened and the quest will begin.
Since inside the A.I.D. Command, go to the Liang Wei Hospital – Lobby and search for audiolog The Awful Truth.
Go back to Dan Kadenokouji and you can decide to tell him the truth or lie to him.

Carnal Pleasures
NPC Name: Yoko Kadenokouji.
Starting location: Cloud 9 Bar.
Reward: 5x Large Pile of Metal Scrap.
How to unlock: Talk to Yoko Kadenokouji after giving her the Sparkletini. She will ask you for Prime Meat.
Get the Prime Meat at Port Nixon from Penny or Jennifer
Deviler the Prime Meat to Yoko Kadenokouji to obtain the reward.

Tag Attack
NPC Name: Mr. Scrappy / DJ Talla
Starting location: Seaside Court (Cloud 9 Bar).
Reward: Weapon: MG Strigil.
How to unlock: Talk to Mr. Scrappy at Seaside Court to require the password "Keymaker". Then talk to DJ Talla to get the quest.
After that spray the tag needed (Leaf) in the following areas: Downtown Jericho City, Port Nixon, Underground, Guideon's Rock, A.I.D. Command and Cathedral of the Spark. Only need 1 spray for each zone.

Golden Opportunity
NPC Name: Highball.
Starting location: Cloud 9 Bar.
Reward: Codename: Gotterdammerung.
How to unlock: Talk to Highball at the Cloud 9 Bar. He will ask you to obtain all the pieces of the GAIA Set for him.
Head to Guideon's Rock and obtain the schematics for all the parts from Shielded Gaia. Craft all the parts of the set and head back to the Cloud 9 Bar
Talk to Highball and sell him all the parts of the GAIA Set using the shop options, once done, he'll give you the Codename: Gotterdammerung. The next time you visit Cloud 9 Bar, Highball will be replaced for Lowball.

The Puppet Master
NPC Name: Roach
Starting location: Gideon's Rock.
Reward: JAG-27 'Rainfall'.
How to unlock: Talk to Roach at Gideon's Rock overlook. You'll need to collect three audiologs that incriminate Cervantes
Cervante's Secret 1-3: Can be found at Mustang Hills in the lowest part of the middle area
Cervante's Secret 2-3: Can be found in the Central Crossing area near the Cougar Trail
Cervante's Secret 3-3: Can be obtained by defeating Captain Cervantes
Once you are in possession of all the audiologs go back to Roach. Tell him the truth and he will give you JAG-27 'Rainfall'.

Garden Variety
NPC Name: GardenCraft VT-16.
Starting location: Gideon's Rock.
Reward: SERU Biomaster.
How to unlock: Talk to GardenCraft VT-16 at Gideon's Rock. Tell him that you will help him plant the seeds. You'll need to find 5x Lost Seed that are scatered around Gideon's Rock.
One can be found near GardenCraft VT-16
One can be found at the Cougar Trailhead, inside a cave near the entrance
One can be found at the Cougar Trailhead, in the area that has 2x One-handed Hunters and 1x Shielded Gaia dropped on the ground.
One can be found at the Mustang Hills, after the repeller area. Turn right and you'll reach the rooftop of Gideon's Overlook. Explore the area to the left to find it.
One can be found at Boar Wild Trailhead next to the extendable bridge heading to Mustang Hills.
Once you have all the seeds, plant them in the pots located at the CREO Garden where you find GardenCraft VT-16. You'll obtain 2x Pile of Metal Scrap, 2x Small Pile of Metal Scrap and 1x Large Pile of Metal Scrap for planting the seeds. After all the seed are planted, talk to GardenCraft VT-16, and he will reward you with SERU Biomaster.

Time is of the Essence
NPC Name: Dr. Sorensson.
Starting location: Gateway Bravo.
Reward: 8.500 Tech Scrap.
How to unlock: This is a Timed Quest. If you fail to complete the quest before defeating Major General Ezra Shields, you'll fail.
Talk to Dr. Sorensson at Gateway Bravo. Ask her about her problems and offer your help to acquire the quest.
Head to A.I.D. Command. Keep going until you find the Family Waiting Area. There is a building on the right part. Go inside and destroy the boxes to find RadiCure-40 Medication.
Go back to Gateway Bravo and talk to Dr. Sorensson to finish the quest.
Asking how much the cure is worth to her will disable the store for the current playthrough.

There and Back Again
NPC Name: Bugface.
Starting location: A.I.D. Command.
Reward: Codename: Elise.
How to unlock:
After you find the Force Hook, go back to the medbay located at the Oaktree Apartments. You'll find Bugface there. Talk to him, and he will ask you to retrieve a Force Hook for him.
Give him your Force Hook (You will be able to obtain it again by going to the same place where you find it the first time) and the quest will be complete. You can also talk to him afterwards and ask for your hook back, which will he respond saying you have 3 choices: fighting him, getting another one or dealing with it. If you choose the first option and kill him you can get your hook back without having to grab another one.
Side Quests 3/3
Below Jericho
NPC Name: Professor Okunjo Saint-Croix.
Starting location: Underground.
Reward: Corroded Butterfly or Nano Absorber EX, 20,000 Scrap.
How to unlock: Talk to Professor Okunjo Saint-Croix at the Underground after you defeat Major General Ezra Shields. He will ask you to defeat Infected Scientist and obtain Anti-Nano Prototype 1-3, Anti-Nano Prototype 2-3 and Anti-Nano Prototype 3-3.
All three of the Nano-Infected Scientists are located int he Underground area. We'll need to have defeated Boss: Brother Eli (Second Encounter) to receive the Lifter Hook so that we can fully explore the Underground area.
Enter via Warren's Hideout below Riverside Street in Downtown Jericho. From here, use the zip-line to reach the platform above. Kill the Spark Defenders here for the Warren's Hideout Keycard. We can now hunt them all down. They can be found in the following locations:
The first Scientist is located on the metal circular platform beside where we find Warren's Keycard.
From the first Nano-Infected Scientist platform, use the zipline to reach the area below. Use the Keycard on the door here to find the Nano-Infected Scientist inside.
The third Nano-Infected Scientist can be found behind the locked gate in Warren's Hideout.
Once you have all the items, go back and talk to Okunjo Saint-Croix. He will give you Broken Implant. Drop to the lower area and pass through the Scanner Gate to obtain Nano Absorber EX. Talk to Okunjo Saint-Croix, he will ask you to give him the implant. If you agree, you'll obtain Corroded Butterfly.
Kill him or refuse to give him Nano Absorber EX instead. However you can get the Nano Absorber EX later ingame on The Great Wall inside a chest near the Exo-Line leading to the rooftop of Athenas building.

Gone Missing
NPC Name: Officer Klein.
Starting location: Cloud 9 Bar.
Reward: 2x Small Pile of Metal Scrap, S&R Kingfisher or S&R Falcon.
How to unlock: After defeating Erza Shield, head to the Cloud 9 Bar. You'll now be able to meet Officer Klein. Talk to her and she will provide you the quest.
Head to the Central Plaza at Downtown Jericho City. When you approach the wall, a fight against Delver Echo Gamma will begin. After you defeat the boss, NPCs Jose and Majana will appear.
Talk to Jose, and he will tell you that Officer Klein abandoned them when Delver Echo Gamma appeared. You can ask for a reward(2x Small Pile of Metal Scrap).
Head back to Cloud 9 Bar and tell Officer Klein you know her dirty secret and ask for reward, she will give you S&R Kingfisher. Or if you only tell her the old couple are saved, which rewards you S&R Falcon.

The Incredible Iron Maus
NPC Name: Kyle Baxter.
Starting location: Cloud 9 Bar (after the nano surge).
Reward: Justice of the Iron Maus, Full IRONMAUS Set.
How to unlock: After the death of Major General Ezra Shields and the nano surge, find Kyle Baxter at Cloud 9 Bar, he'll talk you to meet him at Cathedral of the Spark.
After draining the coolant liquid of floor 2 at Cathedral of the Spark, you can find a sideway of the new shortcut to Medbay, which leads to a small room with Kyle Baxter inside, wearing IRONMAUS Set and Justice of the Iron Maus gloves.
Tell him to go out. At some point, you'll find an enemy body with Iron Maus' mark aside, while also hear him talk about going back to the small room.
Meet him at the small room again, you can:
Tell him to go out the second time. He'll die and his body can be found at the uppermost level of the Inner Sanctum of Cathedral of the Spark. The Justice of the Iron Maus gloves will be lying next to him.
Tell him to leave Cathedral of the Spark, he'll then show up in the Iron Maus comic shop at Port Nixon, giving you his IRONMAUS armor and Justice of the Iron Maus gloves (second option being the better reward).

Challenge of the Spark
NPC Name: Brother Kwizman.
Starting location: Cathedral of the Spark.
Reward: Brother Truman's Faith,10,000 Scrap.
How to unlock: Talk to Brother Kwizman at the Cathedral of the Spark. He will provide you with the quest. Tell him to ask you the questions and answer the following:
What the almighty Spark looks like: "An angelic lightning bolt".
Which acolyte was boiled to death by an unholy interloper: "Little Johnny".
The Spark will strike: "The world will change!".

NPC Name: Rex.
Starting location: Cathedral of the Spark.
Reward: 3x Tungsten Alloy Mk. IX, 5x Molotov Cocktail, 7x Grenade.
How to unlock: Must complete April's Fool first and tell Rex where April's gone.
Once lower coolant level of Floor 2 at Cathedral of the Spark, exit Oratorium to the second level of the Reactor Chamber; here, walk a few meters on the bridge and look to the right to see a blocked door. Jump to the platform and open it to reach the observation outpost. use the exo-line on the right to access the east side of the building. You can find Rex locked in a cage.
Before the exo-line toward Inner Sanctum, there's another exo-line that leads to Ritual Cleansing zone, where you can find April on the upper platform.
Talk to April, ask her name, then mention the memento(Plastic Rose). She'll give you the cell key. Release Rex from the cage and tell him about the situation.
The lovers will travel to Gateway Bravo.
Rex will sell SSM 'Vanguard' Missile, Drone Kill Battery Converter and Kinetic Drone Supercharger. (At Gateway Bravo or right after releasing from the cage).

NPC Name: Audiolog "Nano Echoes 1-7".
Starting location: Gideon's Rock (after defeating H.A.R.O.L.D.) .
Reward: Mimetic Quickblade.
How to unlock: After defeating H.A.R.O.L.D. Boss, head towards the entrance of Gideon's Rock.
You'll find audiolog Nano Echoes 1-7 near the entrance.
Turn Left and use the Exo-Line to go up to find the second audiolog Nano Echoes 2-7
Go to the area where the 2x Shielded Gaia are located and you'll find audiolog Nano Echoes 3-7
Keep going until you reach the open area that leads to where the Shielded Gaia are made. Here you'll find Nano Echoes 4-7
Check near the waterfall leading to the Gaia statues maintenance area, and there you'll find audiolog Nano Echoes 5-7
Finally, head to the entrance of Mustang Hills and you'll find Nano Echoes 6-7.
At this point a Technogenesis enemy will appear. Defeat him to obtain Mimetic Quickblade and audiolog Nano Echoes 7-7. You can also obtain Nano-Barbed Impaler, Crystalline Hookblade or Pillar of Oblivion by cutting its arms(according to its current weapon type/moveset), Rig Capacitor XXL by cutting its chest. Only Mimetic Quickblade is unique for this quest.

Boxed In
NPC Name: Vending Machine.
Starting location: Downtown Jericho City(After Eli got the Spark).
Reward: Merchant services.
How to unlock: Just use your charged attack to free it from the nanite.
Side Quests (Kraken DLC)
Breaking the Norm
NPC Name: Norm Turner.
Starting location: VBS Krakow.
Reward: Backyard Key, Sausage Fest!, Stylin' Shades.
How to unlock: Talk to Norm Turner when you reach VBS Krakow. Ask him about BBQ to receive the quest.
Talk to Skip Hansoon (He can be found inside the Garage across the street of the Convenience Store). He will die and you'll get the Fuse Box Key.
Use the Fuse Box Key to reboot the VEND-A-TRON 94 vending machine, purchase the Penny's Vegan Frankfurters from it.
Return to Norm Turner and give him the hot dogs, he'll then say he's lost his memory about the invasion, then ask you to find him some evidence.
Complete The Outsider quest by giving Proto the Proto's Power Core (Charged) and reward with the Black Box, and you can find the Captain's Luggage from a corpse on an escape boat at the edge of the ship near the Meeting Point.
Give Norm both things, he'll extract an audiolog from each of it. Then he'll ask you to find the final clue.
After the Drive-In fight scenario, search for a small tunnel near the emergency failsafe console, take the magnetic lift, you can find the Strange Memory Chip in the HusBot repository.
Bring Strange Memory Chip to Norm, recover all his memories, he'll reward you the Backyard Key, a key item to acquire the special boss weapon, then slides down to the little island.
Meet him on the island, he'll give you the Sausage Fest! Graffiti Tag and Stylin' Shades glasses head gear, then ride the motorboat and leave.
How to fail for weapon reward
If you fail to reveal Norm's true nature before the CAIN boss fight and choose to set CAIN free after the fight, Norm will turn hostile. Cut off his left/right arm and you'll get the Fisherman's Fiend weapon. Or you can just kill him while he's in human form to get the weapon AND the Backyard Key, which is the only way to collect all weapons of this DLC in one playthrough.
However you can't get the Sausage Fest! & Stylin' Shades reward.

The Outsider
NPC Name: Proto.
Starting location: VBS Krakow.
Reward: Black Box, The Biggest Bang.
How to unlock: Talk to Proto (You can find him below the garage located in front of the Convenience Store). It'll give you Proto's Power Core and ask you to charge it.
Take Proto's Power Core to the maintenance area outside the Drive In. Here you will able to charge it and obtain Proto's Power Core (Charged).
Bring the charged power core to Proto (He can be found at his hideout located on one of the corners outside the Drive-In, beside the tunnel where CAIN traps you), it'll reward you the Black Box as a key item in Breaking The Norm quest.
After you activate the emergency failsafe, Proto will contact you through the radio, invite you to watch a movie or perform a endless fight in the Drive-In area. Watch the movie with Proto for a while and it'll reward you The Biggest Bang head gear.
A Little Banged Up
Survived the plane crash in NG+.

Bad Dog
Defeated H.A.R.O.L.D.

Can't Trust Banks
Carry 100,000 Techscrap.

Clean Cut
Cut an enemy's limb with the follow-up to a backstab kick.

Corrupted Beauty
Defeated Goddess Helena.

Killed all enemies operating sniper turrets. These are non-respawning enemies, usually on rooftops, sniping you from above. There are 5 of them. 3 in Jericho Downtown, 2 are guarding the entrance to the Cathedral of the Spark.

Court Martial
Defeated Major General Ezra Shields.

Dead Again
Defeated Brother Eli twice.

Defense in Depth
Upgrade all gear pieces in a set to maximum level.

Denying Prophecy
Defeated Archangel Eli.

Don't I Know You...?
Helped Benjamin Burke.

Following In Their Footsteps
Collect 10 Strange Visions.

Full Arsenal
Collect 50 weapons.

Killed all enemies operating sniper turrets.

Gotta Craft 'em All
Craft 20 Gear Sets.

Kill an enemy with a headshot (using the drone).

Hello Darkness My Old Friend
Be transformed by Athena into a dark avenger, ready to reshape the world. 1 of the 2 endings of the game.

High Performance
Receive a special reward from a boss.

Home Invasion
Defeated Delver.

It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!
Equip the IRONMAUS set and the Justice of the Iron Maus weapon. After the death of Major General Ezra Shields and the nano surge, find Kyle Baxter at Cloud 9 Bar, he'll talk you to meet him at
Cathedral of the Spark. Finish his questline in the right way (look at Sidequests part of this guide).

It's a Trap
Disable an A.I.D. checkpoint scanner gate without triggering its alarm. Can be done after defeating Little Johnny.

Defeated Warden Garcia.

Met Guttenberg after defeating the Delver. Head to the Cryo Institute of Technology. The doors in the main hall will open now, you'll travel down the elevator and meet Guttenberg.

Marked For Success
Upgrade a weapon to maximum level.

Mommy Dearest
Defeated Matriarch Celeste.

Offensive Defense
Perform 30 directional blocks

Defeated Little Johnny.

Own Medicine
Kill a Delver Echo with the Helix of the Delver or Helix of the Delver V2.0.

Powered Up
Reach Core Power 50.

Be purified by Athena, cleansed of all imperfections. 1 of the 2 endings of the game.

Remote Surgery
Cut off each limb of a humanoid enemy using your drone.

Reverse Engineering
Kill a Gideon's Rock statue with its own weapon

Rigged And Ready
Acquired an Exo-Rig.

Risk Tolerant
Kill a boss while carrying 30,000 Tech Scrap.

Use the EMP-44 'Starfish' on an enemy.

Sleeping With The Fishes
Drown an enemy in deep water.

Sorry, Didn't See You There
Kill a cloaked Hunter.

Stimulating The Local Economy
Spend 50,000 tech scrap at vendors.

Studied The Blade
Defeated Captain Cervantes.

Suited and Booted
Equip a full gear set.

Swiss Army Drone
Acquire all combat drone modules.

Three Birds With One Stone
Kill 3 enemies at once using the homing missile.

Defeat all Delver Echoes.

True Survivor
Met Warren. Finish 'The Witness' side mission.

Unforeseeable Consequences
Discovered the Utopia rocket crash site.

What A Catchy Song
Activated the Ops Center in the CREO Institute of Technology after defeating Matriarch Celeste.

Where It All Began
Revisited the Detention Center. After defeating Matriarch Celeste and entering the underground, process through the area until you reach the door for the Detention Centre. Enter the door and the achievement will unlock.
Achievements "The Kraken" DLC
Box Office Smash
- Entertained Proto by completing 25 enemy waves in the drive-in cinema.

Going Postal
- Destroyed all Mailboxes.

- Completed Norm's Sidequest.

Juiced Up
- Completed Proto's Sidequest.

Loot, Pillage & Craft
- Crafted all gear sets of the Kraken DLC.

Plank of Wood
- Pushed the pirate attacker from the plank.

Shrimp Cocktail
- Killed 30 robotic crabs (any type).

Squid Pro Quo
- Defeated CAIN - Core Protector.

The Easy Way Out
- Used the plank to jump off the ship.

Turbo Booster
- Completed plan B in the drive-in cinema. This is story related and unmissable. Just do what Sidney tells you to do (operate consoles, and finally giving the car a hefty kick).
Some extra advice
- Exploration. Always explore older areas after unlocking ways to open doors or being able to travel in different ways. Try to look in every corner, but also look up and down alot. Some items are hidden below you where you need to jump off platforms and such. Also some items/secrets are hiding inside destroyable objects or destoyable walls.

- Before a bossfight always back up your savegames. So you can restore them in case you fail on doing the hardcore kill. A great tool for backing up and restoring savegames is Gamesave Manager. You can get it from here:

- Always try do do finishing moves on enemies. This way you collect (broken) gear pieces that you can use inside your crafting station. You either get a gear schematic (first time you aquire the gear) or componants to craft/upgrade gear. So keep collecting, because you will need it!

- Farm and store scrap (at Medbay) as much as you can. If you die all scrap stored will remain in medbay for you to use. You need scrap to craft/upgrade gear and weapons, but also to to level up your power core level.

- Always level up your Power Core level. Implats, but also gear require "Core Power". Best advice is to farm scrap and upgrade your core fast. If you want to use a full set of max level implants, you may need a core power of 300+. So keep that in mind and grind.
There are enough youtube videos on how to farm alot of scrap.

- And most of all... try to enjoy the game!

I hope this guide may have helped. Please upvote if you like it, or leave a comment if you have feedback on how to improve this guide.
Solaire of Astora  [author] 14 Sep, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
You are welcome!
Dylki 14 Sep, 2024 @ 4:06pm 
Amazing guide, thanks for your hard work! :steamthumbsup:
RunForRest 15 Mar, 2024 @ 7:27pm 
Didnt get a chance to get the weapon from Garcia, although i already tried a second time... kinda sux
cowboygeorgy 26 Oct, 2021 @ 9:04am 
Well you see I don`t really think that The Surge 2 is all THAT bad but I was butthurt by the fact that I asked Witness what he was going to do later the option to give the coil just disappeared - unacceptable. Also I`m in touch with the developers and they told me that they are a very small company and that all the remarks are welcomed.
All in all I think Surge concept has a lot of potential but the developers must be very careful about rushing the game because people would not trust enough to buy the game right away and would wait for the sale. Also I may delete my previous comment after my butt would have healed.
Solaire of Astora  [author] 22 Oct, 2021 @ 4:45pm 
@Cowboy Yeah the second game has it flaws compared to the first, but also has alot of new and cool stuff in the game itself. Questlines I agree 1 wrong mouseclick and you lost hours of hard work. My advice make alot of savegame backups for this game as mentioned in this guide. For me the first game story wise etc. definitly was the best in the series. Also alot spookier feel to it.
cowboygeorgy 22 Oct, 2021 @ 12:41pm 
Good job at spending much time on this big review to this very bad game. NOTE in The Witness side quest it is enough to ask the strange any other question for the option to give the coil completely disappear meaning tens of play hours go down the drain. (So much for the bad quest writing on behalf of The Deck 13.):steamthumbsdown::steamthumbsdown::steamthumbsdown:
Solaire of Astora  [author] 2 Nov, 2020 @ 6:25pm 
I need help with locations of the following Implants I got throughout the game:

Dropped Tech Scrap Generator

Energized Material Converter

Energized Overflow Compensator

Omni-Cell Battery Converter

Physical Aggression Stabilizer

Techscrap Force Converter