Train Simulator Classic 2024

Train Simulator Classic 2024

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Box File (Incorrect screenshot)
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4 oct. 2020 à 4h24
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Box File (Incorrect screenshot)

A small "box file" style layout, with a small station for 1 coach, 2 sidings, a loop, a loco shed and 5 track yard to store trains in a free roam. It is set somewhere in a large town in the Western Region of British Railways. The route only requires Riviera in the Fifties to operate, and most markers have been left as "siding 1" or "platform 1" to let you choose what it is called. The largest loco would be a Hymek or 4300 Mogul, however anything could run on it with minor alterations! This is my first ever route, and only took a couple of hours to make, so route building is not very difficult on such a small scale!