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ULTRAKILL Advanced Movements Guide
Por Ixhawn y 1 colaboradores
Animated tutorials for performing advanced movements in ULTRAKILL.
Slam Bounce
Slam bouncing allows you to jump slightly higher than a normal jump. Useful for quickly getting onto higher platforms that would otherwise be just out of reach for normal jumps.

  • Normal jumping.

  • Slam bouncing (jump, slam, jump again).
Shotgun Boost (Pump Charge)
The pump charge shotgun overloads when pumped 4 times (and above), creating an explosion that boosts you at the cost of 50hp.

  • Firing underneath you will boost you vertically upward.

  • Useful for saving yourself from falling to death (i.e. in the Cybergrind).

  • Firing behind you will boost you forward with some height.

  • Alternatively, dash and immediately fire to bypass the need to turn around.
Shotgun Boost (Core Eject)
The core eject shotgun fires a projectile that explodes upon contact or when shot at, which can be used as a method of boosting at the cost of 35hp.

  • Core eject at the ground below you for a vertical boost.

  • Core eject at the ground below you while sliding for a horizontal boost.
Shotgun Boost (Jamblast)
Similarly to overpumping, a Jamblast requires you to dash right before detonating the overpump. If performed correctly, you will a boost with slightly less speed than a overpump, but at the cost of 33 health, letting you do this up to 3 times without needing to heal.

  • Look in the direction you want to go dash and detonate the overpump at the end of the dash.

  • Note that this only works horizontally as V1 cannot dash on the vertical axis.
Shotgun Boost (Deblast)
A Deblast is performed by dashing through a core snipe explosion. This will grant you more momentum than a core snipe with a reduced cost of 23 health.

  • Shoot a core in front of you and detonate it by shooting it with any hitscan (besides the Malicious Railcannon) and dash during the hitstop.

  • Like the Jamblast, this can only grant horizontal momentum.

  • Dash and drop the core, move backwards and shoot it, and dash through it.
Railcannon Boost (Malicious Shot)
Similar to the core eject shotgun, the explosion from the malicious railcannon can also be used as a method of boosting further at the cost of 50hp.

  • Malicious shot at the ground below you for a vertical boost.

  • Malicious shot at the ground below you while sliding for a horizontal boost.
Railcannon Boost (Ultraboost)
Shooting at the projectile of the core eject shotgun with most weapons will detonate it and create an explosion which can be used for boosting.

However, doing so with the malicious railcannon allows you to stack the knockback of both explosions for an even greater boost at the cost of 50hp.

  • Fire the core eject shotgun above you and shoot it with the malicious railcannon for a vertical boost.

  • For a horizontal, fire the core eject shotgun above you and step back a tiny bit.

  • Shoot the core eject projectile when it is infront of you with the malicious railcannon.

  • Drop a core right and the end of a dash, turn around and shoot it with the Mal-Rail.

  • If you're close enough, the blast will only deal 35 damage instead of 50.
Dash Jump
Dash jumping is used to launch yourself forward and is good for quickly building momentum. Note that this consumes two bars of stamina even while only dashing once.

  • Dash once and immediately jump.
Dash Storage (Invulnerability)
Dash storage can be performed by interrupting a dash, like dash jumping or wall jumping during a dash.

Dash sliding also preserves the dash's iframes, granting invulnerability for as long as you remain sliding. Useful for avoiding attacks and blowing up nearby enemies without taking self damage.

  • Dash once and immediately slide.

  • Note that no damage is received from the overloaded pump charge shotgun.
Dash Storage (FDJ)
If you have dash frames stored, when you release a slide, it "activates" the remaining frames, giving you a quick boost of speed akin to that of a dash. If you jump during the "activated" dash frames, you perform a dash jump but at the cost of one stamina.

  • Dashing and sliding to store the dash frames, and then jumping during the activated frames to perform a free dash jump (FDJ).
Slide Jump
Slide jumping alone will allow you to gradually build up to a speed that is faster than simply sliding, but is more useful for maintaining even faster vertical speeds.

  • Tap the slide key followed by the jump key.

  • Repeat this every time you make contact with the floor.

Slide jumping is also useful for preserving high speeds even while changing directions.

  • While in the air, look towards another direction before performing the next slide jump.
Dash Jump + Slide Jump

  • After performing a dash jump, keep chaining slide jumps together for sustained speed.

  • Slide jumping also allows you to maintain high speeds from any other form of vertical boost.
Jump + Slide (Diving)
Pressing Jump and Slide at the same time will cause V1 to do a jumping slide, this is called Diving. This isn't very useful on its own besides having a smaller hitbox, but it can be chained just like slide jumping, and also works together with slam storage, resulting in an Ultradive

  • 3 Dives chained back to back.
Slam Storage
Slam storage is used to store incredible amounts of momentum from slamming which can be converted to extreme horizontal and vertical speeds.

  • Jump towards any wall.

  • While in contact with the wall, perform a slide jump.

If done correctly, instead of slamming into the ground, this will bounce you off the wall and cause you to slowly fall while displaying the slam-falling visual effect on screen.
Slam Storage + Slide + Jump (Ultra Dive)

  • After getting slam storage, hold slide and jump at the same time as soon as you touch the ground for an extreme diagonal launch.
Slam Storage + Jump

  • After getting slam storage, jump as soon as you touch the ground for extreme height.

  • You can also repeatedly super jump by slamming down and jumping as soon as you touch the ground.
Slam Storage + Slide Jump

  • After getting slam storage, keep chaining slide jumps together for sustained speed.
Whiplash + Dash Jump
Whiplashing small enemies pulls them towards you and can be chained with jumps and dash jumping to provide additional in-air maneuverability.

  • Jump after whiplashing a small enemy.

  • Dash jump after whiplashing a small enemy.

Note that the whiplash can only be obtained after completing Level 4-4 in Act 2.
Whip + Slam (Whipslam)
While mid whiplash, you can slam while pulling yourself to the target to do something akin to a slam store. When the grapple ends, it resumes the slam and instantly sends you down as if you were slamming the whole time.

It can have the same movement interactions as a regular slam or slam store, such as an ultradive.

  • Whipslam into a jump.

  • Whipslam into a slide jump.
Rocket Boosting
The harmless blast can boost V1's velocity. Although it had poor vertical mobility, the blast's horizontal boost is much stronger and can instantly accelerate the speed of a slide jump to that akin of dash jump.

  • Stationary rocket blast.

  • Rocket boosted slide jump
61 comentarios
creepycreeperd3 7 SEP 2024 a las 12:47 p. m. 
creepycreeperd3 7 SEP 2024 a las 12:45 p. m. 
You can activate it by firing the rocket launcher underneath you while holding down Ctrl+W to go normal slide speed but you can go in any direction.
creepycreeperd3 7 SEP 2024 a las 12:42 p. m. 
What about the maneuverable slide?
gorm  [autor] 21 NOV 2023 a las 10:28 p. m. 
for dash storage, you still keep the dash frames but lose the invincibility so you can still do tech such as an fdj, additionally, interrupting a dash such as dash jumping will store dash frames as well and allow you to “activate” them by sliding and unsliding
Big Bad Wolf Dad 19 NOV 2023 a las 10:49 a. m. 
Update to DashStorage? It seems to only be for about a second or so after implementing the slide after dashing.
VERY_FLOOFY 6 OCT 2023 a las 9:32 a. m. 
you also have a solid half second time fame to jump after doing the slam storage
VERY_FLOOFY 6 OCT 2023 a las 9:28 a. m. 
about the ultradive, you wanna hit jump slightly before sliding, in similar timing to proj boosting the shotgun shot
NoggleFoggle 1 OCT 2023 a las 3:08 p. m. 
tip: launch marksman coins under you while mid air then switch to rocket and shoot le coind, rinse+repeat, infinite vertical/ diagonal mobility
Ixhawn  [autor] 25 SEP 2023 a las 7:15 p. m. 
Added you :steamhappy:
gorm  [autor] 25 SEP 2023 a las 5:20 a. m. 
hello, just wanted to let you know that there are a couple other bits of movement tech or setups that might be useful to add, they're cd boosts, jamblasting, freesliding, ssj and fdj for names. its a bit of a handful so i wont really put a full description but if you're interested in updating the guide feel free to find out about them or message me at your own leisure, thanks :)