Due Process

Due Process

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Joining Teams + Practicing (How 2 Get Good!) [NEW VERSION SOON]
Do you need help getting better at Due Process? Or are you trying to join a team? Well this simple guide will show you how!
how 2 get good in 3 steps
Want to become better and join a team in Due Process?

  1. Practice. You need to be able to stay at the same pace if not ahead of your teammates, and this just comes with game time. Remember that it just takes time to grow!
  2. Join a team. Plenty of teams are recruiting in the DPL Discord as well as their own Discord servers, don't be afraid to reach and ask for a tryout! The worst thing that will happen is they are full or say tryouts aren't open.
  3. Consistency. Having consistency in your practice schedule helps you grow in a more linear pattern. Usually, we psychologically learn in plateaus, meaning we grow, and then we hit a flatline before we can grow again. It's simply a psychological function. And no, I'm not sorry for that pun.

Hopefully this simple guide helped you and remember to always keep pushing! Have a great day :)

Originally posted by Addax:
Boondog Riley 29 Mar, 2023 @ 10:57pm 
They should make the game have players idk
Drewsko 26 Feb, 2021 @ 10:06pm 
took me 50 hours to feel confident in the game. Practice and patience is the key the happiness.
Icrank90s 25 Dec, 2020 @ 3:39am 
they need a mode were you can just play with randoms
nedskw 22 Dec, 2020 @ 3:44pm 
hi addax
cigarillo cyrus 21 Dec, 2020 @ 11:59am 
don't take advice from this guy he likes anime
Corrupted 28 Sep, 2020 @ 9:51am 
good guide. would give head