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278 vurderinger
[VJ] Mass Effect - Geth Forces NPCs
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Innholdstype: Tillegg
Tilleggstype: NPCer
Tilleggsetiketter: Moro, Rollespill
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147.799 MB
14. aug. 2020 kl. 8.43
4. aug. 2021 kl. 16.22
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[VJ] Mass Effect - Geth Forces NPCs

I 1 samling av [N7]
Mass Effect RP
157 gjenstander
This custom NPCs from Mass Effect
-Geth Trooper
-Geth Pyro
-Geth Hunter
-Geth Sniper
-Geth Juggernaut
-Geth Shock Trooper
-Geth Prime
-Geth Armature
-Geth Collosus
-Geth Drone(added 05.08.2021)
-Geth Overlord(added 05.08.2021)

Это НПС из Mass Effect
Аддон включает:
-Гета Солдата
-Гета Огнемётчика
-Гета Охотника
-Гета Штурмовика
-Гета Джаггернаута
-Гета Снайпера
-Шагающий Танк
-Гет Дрон(Добавлен 05.08.2021)
-Гет Оверлорд(Добавлен 05.08.2021)
Аддон создан для использования на сервере Mass Effect: Foundation
Наш Дискорд:
Addon made for use on our Mass Effect RP Server
Our Discord:
60 kommentarer
Guesseur09125 31. jan. kl. 10.49 
how can i change output damage and health
Guesseur09125 31. jan. kl. 9.35 
In which folder he is i can't find him to change the health and output damage
[N7]  [skaper] 28. okt. 2024 kl. 8.02 
If you specify the authors of the original - no problem
John N7 28. okt. 2024 kl. 7.44 
Would you be fine if I made an edit of these to work with another server?
Minos Prime 6. jan. 2024 kl. 19.51 
[N7]  [skaper] 6. jan. 2024 kl. 19.50 
they are balanced for our old server, not for the single
Minos Prime 6. jan. 2024 kl. 19.47 
i mean this is a good mod just the geth are way too overpowered
Shake 'n Bake 25. des. 2023 kl. 18.01 
Eh, don't matter. It's just three units, the rest work fine. Top quality NPC pack in otherwise. Again, thanks for adding this to the workshop. :)
[N7]  [skaper] 25. des. 2023 kl. 14.26 
Shake 'n Bake 25. des. 2023 kl. 12.57 
I don't know why but some of the Geth units crash my game. If no one else has brought this up, or very few, maybe it's an issue on my end.