2236 A.D.
Yeterli oy yok
"..." or " "?
zoekincaid tarafından

There will be a part where you can say dots or spaces and nothing else. This is the game's one and only puzzle. Here's how you get past it, one very small hint at a time. I feel smarter when I get a nudge instead of the answer, but the answer is at the very end if you want that.

Hint 0:
Just try! (Save first!) Notice that you get a number right before you get back into the action. This number is the biggest hint.

Hint 1:
All blanks are 0 (intro), all dots are 15 (end). Combinations are between those two numbers. There is a common pattern here. ... No it's not a one-time pad, thank goodness. But the game did show you what it was in the previous slide.

Hint 2:
You're entering binary! Spaces = 0, Dots = 1, so you can make any number you want from 0 to 15.

Hint 3:
Do you know what part you're in?

Hint 4:
You're in Part 13.

Hint 5:
You want to go to the next part, Part 14.

Hint 6:
What is binary for 14?

Hint 7 (answer):
14 = 1110. Dots, dots, dots, spaces.

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