No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

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Articles (37)
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
SAT8 from girl'sfrontline,which is every cute as a T-doll. What you can get from this mod? You can find the cute SAT8-kid in the dark place easily{It will help you find many midkit you missed due to the darkness} And it is joyful to see such a cute one in ...
致死量治疗性药物---{基因针疫苗的模组} vaccine-memes mod
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
音效替换 夜光皮肤 恶臭不堪 EG: Change the skin to make your vaccine night lighting change the sound and icon to make it funny ============================================= be care for your game Volume if you wearing a earphone =========================================...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Another day,another skin What we have in the mod? 1、neo-type m16 skin 2、new icon in your bag enjoy ovo...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
There is a cool model in the workshop,here But it is lake of the icon and sound,so i made this A new icon in your bag for c96 A new sound for c96's gunfire A new hud when you ...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Another day,another skin What we got here? 1、new nightlight skin 2、memes 3、new icon and new hud 4、new sound for gunfire...
Rock's skin for M870
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Well, another day,another skin. ovo What do we got here? 1、a new nightlight skin for your m870 2、new sound for its gunfire 3、new icon and new hud too I know it is not Halloween, but the skin for m870 in the G-F's Halloween is hot【check out on your own,pal】...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
CN: 这里是为FAL设计的军方风格皮肤哦,相比原版将木托部分全部金属化,警戒线标志位于散热孔部分和弹夹部分,也作为夜光的部分醒目 在枪托部分有抓痕{夜光}提示着你,你是在这个残酷的世界生存,不要被抓了哦 EG: This is a new skin for your fal,it is on the original model,which is very cool The theme is based on a kind of Military's like,replace the wooden par...
Glock17-girl with anthemy
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Another day,another skin what do we got here? 1、new skin for glock17 2、new sound for gunfire form CSGO 3、new hud and new icon 4、we change the mag too enjoy...
HALF BOX 半条命主题医疗急救箱
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Welcome to use the Black mesa Heal station Box We have fuse the H.E.V charger with F.E.M.A -First aid system This HEAL Station also has one black mesa map on it So,why not just join our research team We need you to be the one of free man Enjoy ============...
Rock's pills pack 1.0
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
What had i done with pills? It has all turned into the Potato! And person who smile on it Sounds N I C E enjoy @V@...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
I didnt make the model The model is from : I just make a skin for it,because i found one of skin pack in L4D2 workshop,then i designed my own skin 一款基于社区五星模型加兰德替换sks模组的皮肤模组,模组的原地址...
Lava covered AXE! 熔岩战斧!
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Yes this is another weapon with light for it is really dark in the game 一款帮助你在黑暗中看到你的斧头的模组啦,现在你拥有了不会熄灭的永恒怒火,去移除那些丧尸吧 感谢来自好兄弟羊驼的动力{nepnepnep} 6.19-最终版达成,粒子效果已更新 Thanks 無心くん for the particles work....
M1911-breaker of the staring sky-星空击破者-夜光皮肤
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
ENG: As my early mod,this mod does not so delicate,but i'll still working on this. 1、night light skin for m1911 2、new sound from cod for 1911 3、new icon and hud 4、a cute lovely T-doll 7u7 5、new-Effect of print-steam has been added,try it out under light! 6...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Another day,another skin what we got here? 1、new skin for m9 2、memes 3、new sound from other games enjoy...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Another day,another skin What do we got here? 1、lovely skin for mp5a4 2、new sound for gunfire and more 3、new hud and new icon in your bag enjoy ovo...
RED-ROSE A skin for winchester1892
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
F:What is inside the mod? Q:a new designed skin a new gunshot sound a new icon in your bag nightlighting @生病暂时退坑,以你的原steam名为灵感来源进行的设计,高光贴图部分也有细节修改, 以此祝愿你早日康复,感谢你提出的模组设计和建议{一部分已经采用并作为群里面的文件} ======================================后记==========================...
Rock's ammo-box pack【少女前线 弹药组】
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
CN: 少女前线主题的弹药组,根据早期少前游玩而进行创作 退坑前我的库存人均70起步,大部分90,收集率90%+ ====================== 我的早期的模组,划分为石头而不是现在石伞的模组 尘封,不会进行更新了 ==================== EG: Ammo box at T-doll's frontline theme Have fun ==================== This mod is No-longer update...
Rock's bandage skin pack
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
ENG: This is a skin pack for your bandage in nmrih, It have 31 different skin, and can show in the same table,and they are all nightlight,helping you find them in the dark The v-model had 16 different skin,and they are kind of 7u7 stuff,and now most of the...
Rock's SKAO85-skin:Just have fun
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Enjoy your new toys Remake the skin remake the sound SSG08 for SAKO hud doesn't change from now...
Summer skin for sw686-Deadly melon
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Oh shit the summer is hot even with raining days now,dam So why don't take a bit on those delicious melons? Of course we will sent Zombies some,but with 357 ammo .7u7 There 's more in v-model than w_model A new sound for gunfire here too...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
In the first age,in the first battle,when the shadow was longed,he had stand up...... {Now playing BGM: Big Fucking Gun} Change the original sound with Super-shotgun's Nightlight skin gold part Enjoy ======================NO LONGER UPDATE==================...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
This is a gift. YAP nep nep nep nep nep nep nep nep nep nep nep ...
TK'S TNT MODEL---Megumin
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
慧慧【爆破魔法师】模型 模型制作:砂糖大佬,绫玖 贴图,夜光:多多良岩伞 名副其实 生草注意 EG: BOOOOOOOM! DON'T USE IT IN THE ROOM!...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
The waifu type skin for mac-10. A skin that make your game funnier NEW SOUND ADDED Smooth dynamic texture, Available on both w_model and v_model NEW_ICON and NEW_HUD 少前主题的mac_10皮肤,支持内容如下} 1、流畅的动态纹理 2、新的背包图标与击杀图标 3、夜光的部分纹理可以帮助你更容易在黑暗中发现她 4、三星人形也要练owo,我是指挥之鉴...
Touhou Flandre Grenade Skin
Créé par mushin
Picture Source: 修改替换,音频、粒子、纹理文件 感谢 ROCK-Confuser 大佬制作改进夜光动态纹理和音频 ...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
ordered 定制产物-若是需要其他颜色请留言...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Like you can see from pic,Your fire will now added with some BIO-damage to zombie Green fire replace Night light texture and new bumpmap Animated for firstperson view New icon 我太懒得去介绍啦 >v< 感谢无心的粒子效果制作!...
A-skin for m500a-Type Asiimov
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
EG: For people who don't like anime or just want his game cooler,you can now use the csgo like skin for your m500a now A sound change also include CN: 为那些不怎么对动漫感兴趣或想要帅气皮肤的人准备,你现在可以使用二西莫夫来移除丧尸了,修改了音效哦 ENJOY...
Tk's skin for xm1014(superx3)-誓言
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Cn version: 灰色的樱花飘落着,不知道树下的那个她,到底是否真实? 灰色的樱花飘落着,不知道树下的曾经,是否存在过? 灰色的樱花飘落着,不知道前方的路,是否崎岖? 想着粉色的樱花,至少如今 我们已不需要虚无的誓言,而是选择了自己的道路 EG version: This is a skin for a- Model from:
CSGO-M4A1 for M16 carryhandle
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Rember there is a mod that changed your m161Acarryhandle to M4A1 from CSGO right? Now a better mod for m4a1 here for you Now all skin from CSGO for M4A1 is here too. 52 skin in this mod 现在,所有CSGO为M4A1的皮肤都加进来了哦 原理:RNG随机显示 52份皮肤 It has both w and v model now...
Rock's new skin for M500A
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
After half a year of schoolwork,i'd return hell with this new designed skin for m500a hope you guys like it CSGO skins desn't fit for M500A,i'd make it on my own,not just copy Enjoy...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
EG: A coop mod to combine both models and skins from csgo to change the JAE700 with AWP Rng has been used to make 55 skins all getable in the game Also,125 stickers are here same as skin with RNG CN: 一份合作模组,将你的JAE700更换为CSGO的AWP狙击步枪。 使用了RNG技术使得所有CSGO皮肤和社区皮肤...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
We managed replant AK47 from CS:GO to nmrih too,and just like M4A1 it has 40 skins to showing up with RNG. Before you use this mod,notice: 1、Nightlight are only on w_model,so do stickers 2、Skins change each round you play 3、Aim doesn't work as well as we w...
CSGO-R8 for SWrelover
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Replant R8 from CS:GO to nmrih All skins has been added Hud,icon,sound changed NO-night-light Models by:Tsukasa Sato Skin and other work by:CombineRock Notice:R8-6/8 7U7...
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
Change the mac10 with CSGO version and add its all skins{27skins now}to make it better looking Models work by {砂糖大佬} Tsukasa Sato Skins and sound work by {石头鸽} CombineRock Notice: Knowing bugs: 1,This mac-10 haven't CSGO's animation. 2,Aim haven't been cha...
CSGO-Mp5sd for mp5 a4
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
We managed replant the MP5SD from and added RNG all skin even some skin from workshop to nmrih. Model:Tsukasa Sato moonlight(for the stickers model SKIN and Stickers:Combine Vgui from an old Nmrih workshop work Enjoy Notice:stickers are able to cancle same...
TOUHOU zippo
Créé par Tatara-岩伞
This skin is for touhou funs,and it's just a skin Now c_model HAS BEEN REMAKE MODEL from: 飘上月球,乒乓之烟...